MTL - Dragon Emperor, Martial God-Chapter 1834 Came a fiercer

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After Chiyunzi left the lake, he flew at a rapid speed, and he quickly returned to the Kunlun Sword School. He did not use Li Jiangang to open him, and appeared directly in the mountain protection array.

He is the forerunner of the Kunlun Sword School. If he can’t even enter his own mountain guards, it’s a joke.

"Master, are you back?"

"Haha, Senior Chi Yunzi came back so soon, it's really amazing!"

"Senior Chi Yunzi really deserves Jin Dan Realm!"

"That's of course. Senior Chi Yunzi is Jindan Realm Sword Cultivator, killing a female demon head who is at the top of Qi Qi, you don't even need a sword!"

"That witch head must have been destroyed by the form and spirit!"

"Hey, how did Senior Chiyunzi's shoulder bleed?"

"Yeah, Senior Chi Yunzi seems to be injured..."

"Master Zu, you...really hurt?!"

Finally, Li Jiangang made a confirmation, because Chi Yunzi stood directly in front of him. He stared at his eyes for a long time, and said in disbelief.

The audience instantly became silent.

I was afraid that the air would suddenly be quiet.

"Go away for me!" Chi Yunzi grabbed the killing hub in Li Jiangang's hands and kicked him aside.

What kind of state is Chiyunzi Jindan Jianxiu? The people around him were touted at first, but later shocked his injury, which had no effect on him, and ignored them all.

Holding a simple sword, he once again strengthened the mountain protection array, and at the same time, Shen Sheng said: "You have listened to me, now the demon girl has broken through the foundation and reached the peak state of the open light realm!"


After listening, everyone suddenly took a breath!

Even in such a short period of time!

Was it so simple to build the foundation? Don't need to take any Kitquitan to find a place to retreat for a few months? No need to find someone to protect the law? Was it still possible to directly break through the foundation of the foundation while being an enemy of the Golden Pill Realm?

So why doesn't any one of us here reach the enlightenment?

Everyone felt that their brains weren't enough, and it was totally unbelievable.

"With her current combat strength, not only can I not kill her, but she will be killed if she is careless."

Chi Yunzi is an extremely pragmatic person, and he doesn’t even think about face in his mind: "So I decided that I am in control of this large mountain protection team. We will defend the large team and try our best to let the demon girl retreat. ."


Hearing Chi Yunzi say things so clearly, everyone calmed down.

Chi Yunzi doesn't care what these people think, anyway, these people are protected by him, and no one here can come in handy.

"Two fairy masters."

Wang Kunlun immediately floated to him and said: "The fairy master does not dare to be, please ask the seniors despite the orders."

At the moment of the enemy, Wang Kunlun also can't care what he is the identity of Kunlun Fairy Master. Anyway, in front of Chi Yunzi, he is nothing.

"The real purpose of the demon girl is not the eleven factions of the Five Sects of Kunlun Mountain. What she is doing now is simply a joke. She slaughtered the various sects in this way in order to force the people in Kunlun out, or to say , To enter Kunlun for herself!"


When Wang Kunlun and Zhao Kunlun heard it, they were dumbfounded and broke into Kunlun? What hasn't happened in hundreds of years, how can they be met?

"So I hope the two of you, don't be lucky, you must find a way to send this news back to Kunlun as soon as possible. This matter is important!"

When Wang Kunlun and Zhao Kunlun heard it, they immediately looked at each other, and then focused on the head at the same time: "Then we will go now!"

"and many more!"

As soon as the two were about to leave, they were stopped by Chi Yunzi again. He raised his hand and pointed to the southeast direction: "I have already said the strength of the demon girl. Presumably, the two of you have a heart in mind. It’s a hundred miles away in that direction to stabilize the realm, so after you go out, it’s best to go in the opposite direction. When she comes here to attack the mountain gate, you will use the strongest escape method to disappear, and then return to Kunlun’s portal. "

"Thank you senior for pointing!"

The two of them were afraid for a while, and then they knew that Chi Yunzi could reach Jindan with sword repair, which really made sense.

"and also!"

Chi Yunzi used the technique of sound transmission this time: "According to my estimation, the female devil is very likely to be a reincarnation of the fairy. I also invite the two people to listen to this sentence with the people above Kunlun in any case. They value this matter!"

Upon hearing this, Wang and Zhao looked at each other in horror, silent for a long time.

"Senior takes care! Farewell!"

The two bowed to Chi Yunzi extremely solemnly, and joined together to leave, heading northwest.

After watching the two leave, Chi Yunzi sat down cross-legged, running Jindan to stop the shoulder injury, and took another healing potion, and continued to strengthen the large array, waiting for the arrival of Ning Lingyu.

Chiyunzi is a Jindan realm, and a sword repair, relying on the flying sword to kill people, so his mind is extremely arrogant, at least to ensure that his own flying sword runs smoothly within 100 kilometers, and it is sent and received from the heart.

Therefore, even if he came back here, Ning Lingyu in the distance, every move, was under his eyelids.

Until now, Chi Yunzi could not tell whether he was sad or happy.

Sadly, as a sword cultivator, breaking through the Jindan realm, the first battle was defeated by a girl who practiced the realm of Qi. I am afraid that everyone will laugh when you go out.

Fortunately, the demon girl, just after breaking through the two realms, took advantage of his spare sword to attack, easily broke his defense, but did not directly take his life, he is still alive.

Is it the rest of the life?

Jinxiu Realm Jianxiu, in the hands of a young girl at the peak of the Opening Realm, survived by the other person's thoughts and thoughts.

Although he didn't know whether he was sad or happy, Chi Yunzi still didn't care too much and accepted it in his heart, because he knew too well that realm and strength were two different things.

When the other party is at the top of the ninth level of Qi, he can fight with his red-mang flying sword. After breaking the two realms, how can he not kill him?

That is a flying sword of the Tao level, and it can even be called an immortal sword. Sword repairs against the enemy. Once the defense is broken, your own flying sword can’t kill the opponent, then it’s useless, it can only be the body. The dead end.

Chi Yunzi knows that in fact, he can save his life, not the benevolence of the devil’s head, but whether he is the first time to shoot a sword or when she breaks through the border, she has never hurt her. It is his benevolence that saves his life!

So what should I do next?

The other side broke through the two borders, and his strength had a qualitative leap, but he was also in control of the mountain protection team.

Thinking of this, Chi Yunzi's brain began to hurt again.

But he couldn't allow him to think too long, because Ning Lingyu had left the lake and started to come.

With her arms wide open, Yukong walked slowly, just like a fairy coming out of the moon palace, inspecting the earth.

Stunning appearance! Sui Tuo!

Every step of Ning Lingyu's step can spur heaven and earth aura within a hundred miles of Kunlun Mountain, and madly gather around her body, forming a huge aura vortex, selected by her, tempered, and then used for her own use.

Chi Yunzi looked terrified, and vaguely felt that the girl was building a foundation, and the chosen avenue seemed to be the way to devour!

"Choose such a avenue, if she was really allowed to enter Kunlun, then..."

Chi Yunzi just stopped thinking at once, and it was too scary to dare to think at all.

Ning Lingyu walked faster and faster, and finally stopped playing, and a flicker of her body appeared outside Hushan Formation.

She didn't attack immediately, but smiled softly: "Chi Yunzi, you can't resist me for a long time with this broken cover, it's better to withdraw the formation directly."

Everyone in the formation was stunned, all looked at each other, stunned!

Smile... smile? ! It's unprecedented!

Since Ning Lingyu began slaughtering the five eleven factions of Kunlun Mountain, she always left the impression that she was cold and cold, and she was too lazy to talk nonsense!

But now, not only does it laugh, but it seems that words have changed!

Fairy pose, a smile.

Everything under the foundation realm was dumbfounded for a while, completely forgetting what she had done.

Chi Yunzi also has some embarrassing minds, and he said, "Is it possible to make a person's character become unattractive in this open world?"

It's just that the change is coming too fast, has it become too big?

"Girl, the road between you and me is contradictory, where my responsibilities lie, and this method, forgive me can't open it for you."

Chi Yunzi righteously refused.

He thought for a moment: "The girl is so shocking, so high up, she has to be favored by the heavens, there is no shortage of exercises, no shortage of immortality, why bother me to wait for these hard-working retrograde people? It is better to leave quickly, everyone Is it okay to settle down?"

Hearing this, the people in the formation could hardly resist raising their thumbs. They said that Jindan Realm is indeed Jindan Realm. Look at what others say, how beautiful!

After listening to Ning Lingyu, she couldn't help but sneer and smile, her beauty was like a girl, and she looked at everyone again.

Then it was suddenly shot on the two-inch thick golden mask!


The smashing Hushan is trembling!

At the same time, Slender hand pointed at Chi Yunzi and said softly, "Can't you open it?"

"not open!"

Chi Yunzi shook his head firmly: "The girl was so hard that if you attacked again, I would have to start killing!"

Ning Lingyu pinched his waist with both hands: "Well, what about the killing formation, but it's just sending me more dragon vein aura. You wait, see how I break your large mountain protection formation!"

At this time, many people in the array looked at Chi Yunzi, and some of them couldn't help but say, "Senior, I see this witch... No, the girl's heart has changed, don't we? You can talk to her..."


Before the man finished speaking, Chi Yunzi waved his hand and shot him a hundred meters away.


Chi Yunzi immediately waved the quaint little sword, and the killing array opened instantly. On the eyes of the surrounding dragon veins, those huge golden swords flew from the ground and came into the air, aiming at Ning Lingyu.

Ning Lingyu immediately floated back and mobilized eighty-one golden lotus to protect her body.


Eyebrows fly out of Baimang!

An offensive and defensive battle is on the verge!

At this moment, everyone felt a sudden bloom in front of their eyes. When they fixed their eyes and looked at it again, they found another person in the air.

The coming man was slender, with a messy face, a smile on his lips, and a dimple on his left cheek.

As soon as this man appeared, he was directly blocked between Ning Lingyu and Hushan Formation.

At this moment, only two people knew him.

Li Jiangang and Ning Lingyu.

"Ling Yun!"

Li Jiangang almost knew that Ling Yun was coming as soon as he saw the figure, and he felt a bit of bitterness in his heart immediately, and then suddenly sank.

I should have guessed long ago that Ling Ning was standing behind Ling Yun!

It's ridiculous that he actually thought that this matter must have nothing to do with Ling Yun...

Then he heard Ling Yun talking. UU reading

"Sister, why don't you call me such a fun thing? It's time to fight!"

Ling Yun turned his head, smiled and inquired Ning Lingyu, and then said: "Is it still necessary to attack with such a ruined formation that is not influential?"

"Look at my brother!"

After talking, Ling Yun's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already standing in the mountain array!


Chi Yunzi was so scared that he burned his buttocks and flew straight up!

He never dreamed that before the witch outside had gone, a fiercer came!

And as soon as he came up, he came into formation and copied his old den!

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