MTL - Dragon Emperor, Martial God-Chapter 1840 Beat the whip

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Ning Lingyu had lost his mind just now, Ling Yun had already seen it for a long time.

In the realm of comprehension, there is a common name for this situation: the Dao heart is lost.

But Ling Yun did not make a sneak attack, not because he was recovering from the injury, but deliberately.

From the beginning of the battle, every word Ling Yun said, humiliated her and angered her, in order to make her lose her heart. At this moment the goal was achieved. How could she take the initiative to alert her and drag her back?

The more she thinks, the better, and the longer she loses her mind, the better, anyway.

The more you think about it, the more your thoughts, and the weaker the fighting will be, the better it will be for Ling Yun.

"you shut up!"

Of course Ling Yun knew that this sentence was not for him, so obviously, she was for another soul in her mind.

The effect of Daoxin's disobedience immediately manifested itself-she suppressed and loosened the true soul of Ning Lingyu.

A pair of souls, it is normal to trade off each other.

Sister Ning Lingyu must also be desperately resisting her repression and constantly stimulating her.

Then let Lingyu stimulate her as much as possible.

After all, the enemy often starts to disintegrate from the inside. How perfect is the soldier who surrenders without fighting?

"Give me the town!"

Hearing this sentence, Ling Yun knew that the opportunity was coming. If he didn't take action at this time, it would be a delay in the warplane!

Therefore, he did not hesitate and shot instantly!

Invisibility, Tianzutong, Tiangang Fumoquan!

Zhiyang Zhigang!

It was her head that smashed it!

The sword has no eyes, but Ling Yun's fist is definitely already fascinated, and it is sent and received by heart.

In this punch, Ling Yun didn't keep his hand. It was really ruthless. He punched hard with nearly 20,000 kilograms of strength, and hit Ning Lingyu's Tianling cover firmly!

Ling Yun is not worried because he has touched the strength of the other party through the close attack of more than half an hour just now.

"Ning Lingyu" was smashed and flew out a thousand kilometers away. Even if there was an immortal body protection, the whole person was smashed. The consciousness was shocked. The star in front of me flickered and I could not see anything!

During the reverse flight, she was shocked to the extreme, and she opened her eyes desperately, but she saw Ling Yun's fist, which fell from the sky!


"Ning Lingyu"'s Tian Ling Gai took another punch, and his body was smashed into the ground. With a bang, a humanoid pit appeared on the ground, very deep!


The three golden lotus rushed out of the ground from the big pit, no matter where the Lingyun people were, they all exploded!

Ling Yun succeeded in two punches, already knowing that the other party must be desperately desperate, he was not greedy, he decided to close his hand, and the moment he hit the second punch, he already took advantage of the sky!

Nian Lingyu's figure in the pit had disappeared, disappearing without a trace.


Ling Yun sneered, too lazy to find her, because he now has more important things to do.

There is a round mirror in his hand, which is the bright treasure mirror from the hands of the Wanfumen light protector Kun Zhanla.

Ling Yun remembered that when he fought against the Ten Thousand Buddha Gates, Kun Zhanlat held this treasure mirror, and the beam of light he sent hit his four magic weapons everywhere, and almost lost his effectiveness. This is an extremely powerful magic weapon.


Ling Yun runs the Yin and Yang tactics, and infuse the Yin and Yang qi into the treasure mirror!

There was no response from that treasure mirror.

"Lying trough, not easy to use!"

One method can't be changed and another one, only a moment, Ling Yun infused the energy of the five attributes of the golden wood, water, fire and earth.

The treasure mirror remained unresponsive.

"Buddha...Where can I find pure Buddhism waiting for you at this time?"

Ling Yun sighed helplessly, preparing to take back the bright treasure mirror to the Taixu ring, but at this moment, it was a blessing to the soul!

Shenwu Chunyang Xianjue!

Ling Yun did not hesitate, and suddenly started the Shenwu Chunyang Xian tactics, injecting the purest blazing yang into the treasure mirror!


A blazing white beam of light, like a straight lightning, penetrates the dark night sky, and shines brightly like daylight within a kilometer range around it!

"Let me go, baby!"

Ling Yunle was happy, he grabbed the treasure mirror, and took a superb treasure flying sword facing Ning Lingyu in the air!

The beam of light can still be unpleasant.

The white beam of light swept onto the blue flying sword at once, and only heard a sneering sound. The blue flying sword that didn't fall down in the battle with the blue shadow flying sword suddenly stopped and trembling violently in the air. Down, and then fell to the ground.

"Haha, fun!"

Ling Yun found something terrible and was immediately happy: "I take a picture! I take a picture! I take another picture!"

His wrists were shaking one after another, and the white beam of light quickly hit the other three flying swords, all of them shot down from the air!

"So it turns out."

Ling Yun soon knew what was going on. The beam of light from this bright treasure mirror normally has two major functions. One is that it can cut off the magical connection between the magic weapon and the master, so that the master temporarily loses control of the magic weapon.

The other is even more ruthless. When it hits a white beam of light, the spirit inside the magic weapon hit will be hit hard and fall into a sleep state!

Ling Yun immediately displayed the Tianzutong, brushed the brushes, put away all four magic weapon flying swords that fell on the ground, and directly threw them into the Taixu ring.

After doing this, Ling Yun felt a little relieved, and he immediately stared at Ning Lingyu's natal flying sword!

Xianli refining, this is a flying sword that does not lose to the Dragon Sword!

"I take a picture!"

Ling Yun has a good time, just take a mirror!

It's a pity that before the beam of light has swept through, the Dao Feijian has taken the initiative to break away from the entanglement of the Dragon Sovereign Sword, and turned into a white mang, and walked away.

"Humph, can you escape?"

Ling Yun stepped into the sky and directly displayed Tianyantong!

The stealth technique of "Ning Lingyu" immediately failed, and there were traces under Ling Yun's sky and eyes. She had escaped dozens of miles away, and was moving towards the south at a fast speed!

Ling Yun's mouth smiled slightly, and he was too lazy to catch up. He thought for a while and felt that Ning Lingyu could not escape. He would almost desperately try to come back with him when he came back.

"You can really breathe."

Di Huangshu Shouben's ridiculous voice sounded, and then a huge willow tree measuring one meter in diameter and more than 20 meters high appeared in front of Ling Yun out of thin air.

It is the inheritance of the Ling family, the ghost and willow.

Now this ghost and willow tree is definitely leafy, with thousands of branches. The longer willow branches are more than ten meters long. The whole body is shining with green light. Although it is green, it does not look scary at night, but it is the kind Very green, representing the light of infinite vitality.

"Senior, please help me, lend you nine longer wickers and three thinner branches."

"How long, how thin, boy, please make it clear." Guishen Liu responded with a thought.

Ling Yun rolled his eyes suddenly, he said how long and fine I said, can you understand? But since the ghost and willow asked, he said it directly.

Nine wicker sticks are about ten meters long, three sections of willow branches are about one meter long, and the thickness of the little fingers is the best.

"It can be given to you, but remember to take me with you when you enter the tomb of Qin Shihuang."

Ling Yun: "..."

He certainly knows why the ghost and **** Liu made this request, he was "hungry"!

"Senior, Qin Shihuang's mausoleum, wouldn't we be too much?" Ling Yun carefully consulted.

"Bei Mang Mountain is also OK, where there are countless lone ghosts and wild ghosts, and no one is in charge, enough for me to have a meal." Ghost God Liu immediately said another place.

Ling Yun said, "Then it is so settled!"

"Okay! Take it!"

Brush brush...

Nine pieces of soft wicker, about ten meters long, three sections one meter long, the thickness of the little branch of the little finger, silently detached from the canopy and traversed in front of Ling Yun.

"Thank you senior!"

Ling Yun Shen said: "Tangle!"

I saw that the nine wickers, automatic without wind, instantly twined with each other like nine spirit snakes, and soon they "knitted" into a ten-meter long whip.

At the same time, the three sections of willow, like twisting twists, twisted themselves together and became a section of rattan.

Ling Yun raised his hand, first grabbed a one-meter-long rattan in his hand, and shook it vigorously, feeling very handy.

"From now on, your name is Xianbian."

Then I grabbed the ten-meter long whip, waved it casually, and danced like a flying spirit snake: "You are called Xianxian."

Beat the fairy whip and tie the fairy rope.

"The Willow of Ghosts and Gods has a special restraint on intangible things such as souls, spiritual ideas, consciousness and soul, etc. After growing up, it uses its branches to make weapons, specifically restraining the consciousness, that is, the fairy casts any spell in front of it. Also useless."

"Jiang Ziya heard of it? The Taoist ancestor Jiang Ziya, the weapon in his hand hit the magic wand, the main material is this kind of wood."

Ling Yun remembered very clearly that this was Mo Wudao's kid. When he first saw the ghost and willow, he said something to him, and then the two were very excited. tree.

Now, Ling Yun has long been convinced of this, because this is the emperor's book spirit, the old Shouben told him personally.

Ning Lingyu, in the final analysis, is still a question of soul. To deal with her, this is the best weapon.

If he treated Ling Yun like this, why would he need so much effort to kill the Dragon Emperor's Sword, the Pure Sun Immortal Sword, the Blood Sword, the Golden Dragon Gun or something?

But this is not okay. Ling Yun just didn't want to fight with two punches. What a terrible punch, so domineering fist, if Ling Yu's head was damaged?

How good the weapon is now, it's just wood. You don't have to worry about missing your arms and legs, but also specialize in consciousness and soul. Ling Yun can play as you like.


Ling Yun had just made a new weapon, and heard a loud noise from a very far The ground underneath swayed violently, and the mountain was really shaken!

It turned out that after "Ning Lingyu" escaped in stealth, he fled to the distance along a straight line and hit the invisible boundary of Xiaotiandi.

Then it was bounced back fiercely!

The emperor's pen, the emperor's book, when she was in the robbery, she could already isolate the world and fight against the big thunderbolt. What's more, after snatching so many "gift gifts from heaven", she has grown up to today?

Ling Yun Shen thought a move.

Dragon Emperor's magic sword returned to his heart.

All four magic weapons were recovered.

Shennong Ding, Guangbao Baojing, Huaxue Shendao, all income is Taixu ring.

He smiled in the corner of his mouth, with a whip in his left hand, and danced a bundle of immortal ropes in his right hand like a spirit snake, and he flew towards Ning Lingyu's foot.

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