MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 199 last orc

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The Chaos Earthshatter is known for its huge size, violent personality, bravery, and unity and cooperation.

As long as the Lion King refused to surrender, his men fought desperately.

One of the lions injured by Long Yang in front of Qiankun Gate was a prince.

Seeing that his son's palm was broken, the lion king was angry from the bottom of his heart, and his wickedness turned to courage, and vowed to fight Long Yang to the death.

Just now, I originally wanted to use the wolf clan power of Xiaoyue Sirius to help myself avenge Xuehen, but now that Xiaoyue Sirius was killed and the wolves were subdued and dispersed, I had no choice but to take revenge on my own.

Fortunately, they were originally dull, and the blocked consciousness has not been fully recovered, far from the wisdom of Howling Moon Sirius.

While Long Yang was thinking about what to do with them, a lion with the largest size rushed towards him fiercely.

"Touch! Touch!"

I saw this lion approaching Longyang, standing on its hind legs, with its front legs stretched out, two palms the size of the ancient tree canopy, one after the other, slapped straight on Longyang's body.

Long Yang's Coiled Dragon-backed Soldier's Soul attacked, smashing the two lion claws with a whistling sound.

After two loud bangs.

The two front palms of the Chaos Earth Splitting Lion were smashed by the dragon's spine.


He screamed in pain.

But he was even more angry, opened his **** mouth and bit Long Yang.


The Panlongji Soldier Soul attacked again, smashed into its mouth, smashed it into the air, knocked down several towering giant trees behind it, and smashed the towering giant trees.

The Chaos Earth Splitter got up from the ground and continued to attack Longyang.


The two of them attacked more and more fiercely, but Long Yang was unable to take down the Chaos Earth Splitter, instead, he was scratched in several places by the claws of the Chaos Earth Splitter.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this time, another lion came to participate in the battle, and the two lions started the mode of attacking Longyang from left to right.

Long Yang waved the dragon's ridge, bowed left and right, and instantly fought with the two demon lions.

He found that these demon lions are not only powerful, but also have flexible attack capabilities.

Suddenly a demon lion attacked from behind, and Long Yang was distracted, and was kicked in the back by it.

Long Yang staggered and almost fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

He endured the pain, and hurriedly turned around and shot, just right in the eyes of the demon lion, the black beads burst, blood splashed everywhere, and the broken eyeballs were mixed in the blood and flowed down from both cheeks.


The wounded Chaos Earth Splitter continued to scream,

The other Chaos Cracked Lion saw that his companion was injured, and was so anxious that his mind was disturbed.

Longyang flew out of the Dragon's Back and took the opportunity to attack.

A shot pierced the abdomen of the Chaos Earth Splitting Lion, and the Chaos Earth Splitting Lion let out a miserable cry, collapsed to the ground, dying, and had lost its ability to fight.

The rest of the demon lions are fighting on their own.

At this time, the chaotic earth-shattering lion's injuries were too severe, and there was no way to fight again.

At this time, Long Yang had come to its side, ready to kill it.

Although this Chaos Earth Shattering Lion was severely injured, its strength was unfathomable and not comparable to ordinary monsters.

Seeing Longyang approaching, it bit its tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood. One turned over, jumped up, hit Longyang's abdomen with its tail, and bit Longyang's arm with one bite. Longyang was in pain. Yell.


One of Long Yang's arms was almost bitten off by the Chaos Earth Splitting Lion.


Long Yang screamed in pain, and shot the Chaos Earth Splitter in the chest with a backhand shot, and the Chaos Earth Splitter was shaken and flew out.

It rolled in the air a few times and fell into a tree by the side of the road.


The injured Chaos Earth Splitter was stuck between the branches of the tree, unable to go up or down. It was panting heavily, while rubbing its injured forehead with its paws, it looked at Long Yang angrily. The deputy wanted desperately, but at this time he could only howl helplessly.

At this time, the lion king followed the sound and rushed over, and forcefully put it down from the branch.

The lion king stepped forward again and tapped acupoints for his injured eye, and it stopped screaming, but one eye was blind, and it could no longer be cured, becoming a one-eyed dragon.

Long Yang was also quickly healing over there.


The Chaos Earth Splitting Lion King saw that the lions were frustrated again and again.

In the distance, dozens of lions came running towards here.

At this time, the lion king turned into a lion-faced beast, holding a gun in his right hand and a shield in his left hand, and killed him towards Longyang.

While attacking, he blocked Long Yang's attack.

I saw it flew a shot, pulled out a beautiful spear flower, and shot it in the head of Long Yang.

Long Yang let out a long moan: "Break the sky with a finger!"

He plunged straight into the Lion King's chest, and did not avoid the Lion King's spear.

Seeing a golden spear, the golden light is dazzling, and in the sound of the wind, an unstoppable force shot over.

The Lion King was so frightened that he quickly retracted his gun, holding the shield with both hands to block the roaring spear of Long Yang.


There was a loud bang, and sparks flew everywhere.

Panlongji slammed into the shield fiercely, smashing several cracks out of the shield of the black iron and knocking it to the ground.


The Chaos Earth-Shattering Lion was hit by the heavy blow of the Coiled Dragon's Back, and the tiger's mouth cracked open.

At this time, when they heard that the lion king was injured, the rest of the demon lions also arrived and started besieging Long Yang.


Long Yang shot another one.

He was kicked out by another lion behind him and landed on another big tree, smashing the big tree to pieces, and rolling on the ground several times before he stabilized his body. Coughing, bright red blood poured out of the corners of the mouth.

There were several figures behind him, a total of five lions, all of them very powerful.

Several lions began their siege of Longyang.


Several forces collided together, sparks scattered.


Long Yang was knocked back several steps, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

His body shook involuntarily.


Several lions chased after the victory.

A punch hit Long Yang on the shoulder, and he fell to the ground again.


Long Yang's body hit the ground heavily, smashing a piece of bluestone into a pothole.

Go see him fall.

I saw the dragon roaring in the air, and behind Long Longyang was the phantom of a golden dragon. The dragon scales were shining with golden light, the dragon claws were flying, and the top of the head was the newly born dragon horn.


Chaos Earth Splitter was stunned.

Long Yang turned out to be a real dragon.

Listen to Long Yang shouting: "Dragon Horn Wave!"

Suddenly, a huge amount of energy emanated from the dragon's horns, and they attacked the lions one after another.




The lions were overturned to the ground, bumping against each other, trampling each other.

The screams could be heard for more than ten miles.

At this time, the lions have completely lost their ability to resist.

Long Yang came over, pulled the Lion King up, and swung his sword to kill him.

The Lion King closed his eyes and waited to die, but he never bowed his head and begged for mercy.

Long Yang sighed and said in his heart, "Although it is a monster, it is much better than ordinary human beings who are greedy for life and fear of death.

Another thought, in this battle, too many monsters died in the forest, which will have a great impact on the ecological balance. Moreover, killing innocent people can not convince people. Force can only make people temporarily fear, and virtue can convince people for a long time. .

"Forget it, it's better to leave them alone and let them leave the Shenmu Linhai."

Long Yang said to Xiao Bishui who came over.

Xiao Bishui was once again impressed by his heart and courage. How could a teenager do this?

Longyang sits firmly on the back of the carving, and the carving stands on an ancient tree and a flower. The leaves are like flowers, and a beautiful flower is blooming, as huge as the moon.

Long Yang's golden hair fluttered gently in the breeze, and his red cloak, as light as a feather, was also moved by the wind like a boy from the Moon Palace, like a **** descending, mysterious and beautiful. The crowd stared at him blankly.

Girls have complex expressions in their eyes, admiration, respect, and more like liking.

Long Yang looked at the Chaos Earth Splitting Lion and said loudly, "Since you are not willing to obey me, then I will give you freedom!"

After listening to the Lion King, he opened his eyes and bowed to Long Yang gratefully.

The other lions also thanked Longyang and cheered loudly.

Long Yang asked them to be silent, and then continued: "But Shenmu Linhai, you can't stay anymore, please leave immediately."

Then he looked at the Tianji Valley Master and said, "Valley Master, send someone to send them out, open the Shenmu Gate, and let them leave."

The master of Tianji Valley agreed: "It's the master."

Then he called his son over with him.

"Ow! Ow!"


The Chaos Earthshatter lion roared in the sky.

"Why let us go?"

"We've lived here for generations, where can we go out of here?"

"We're not leaving!"

"Yes, don't go!"

The lions were talking loudly.

Long Yang leaned on the dragon's spine in his hands, the snake soul wrapped around the spear, and the red snake letter swallowed and glared at the lions.

Long Yang said: "I am the Lord of the Divine Wood, and now I will give you three choices."

The Lion King asked hesitantly, "What choice?"

Longyang said in the style of a king who reigns over the world: First, stay and submit to me. "

The Lion King asked, "The second one?"

"You leave the gods and forests."

"The third?"


Long Yang added: "Think about it, it doesn't matter if you die, your clan will accompany you to die, this is a matter of clan annihilation, from now on your clan will be completely extinct, and there will be no more chaotic lion clan between heaven and earth. "

The Chaos Earth Splitting Lions looked at each other, speechless.

Long Yang suddenly got up, his face sank, and he said coldly: "In my God's Wood, you are asked to obey me, otherwise you will choose to leave or die."

The Chaos Earthshatter lions wilted like eggplants beaten by frost.

Everyone turned to the Lion King to see what choices he could make.

The Lion King now has a 100,000-point helplessness: he can't beat him, he can't walk, and he's reluctant to die.

Then it looked at the lions under him in dismay, and said aloud: "I die, leave them behind, and follow you."

After the lion king finished speaking, he jumped away like a rocky mountain slammed into it.

"Your Majesty, don't!"

The Chaos Earthshattering lions shouted and chased after it, but it was too late.

At this time, everyone was stunned by his actions of swearing to the death and sacrificing life for justice.

I saw Longyang flying up the mountain from the tree. Extend the dragon. With a light touch on him, it was turned, swirls around in place a few times, and then fell heavily on the ground.

He lay on the ground and looked at Long Yang in surprise, wondering what he meant, why he didn't let him die.

Long Yang jumped to the ground, looked down at it and said, "I am the guardian of the Shenmu Linhai, no matter what, this Shenmu Linhai is the foundation of our creatures. I can only follow the old Shenmu's last wish and continue to protect this place!"

Seeing that the Lion King was silent, he continued to say loudly: "Your will is worthy of my admiration! So your descendants can continue to live here, but you must obey my rules, continue to be the sparring of the cultivators, and at the same time improve yourselves. , is a good opportunity to ascend to the fairyland, everything is good or bad, we must look at the problem from different angles, such an opportunity is beyond the reach of others."

The Chaos Earth Shattering Lions didn't know how to answer, and felt that Long Yang had some truth in their hearts.

Long Yang turned to the Lion King. He sighed and said, "As for you, since you don't want to stay here, you can follow me back to Tianlong Mansion and help me take care of the affairs of the mansion. I don't have to seal your consciousness and let you come and go freely."


The Chaos Earth Shattering Lion King was overjoyed and knelt down suddenly, his huge body hitting the ground with a heavy sound.

"Okay, master, from now on, no matter life or death, I will follow you around."

People often only want respect. You give them enough respect. They would rather give up their freedom than surrender to your feet and be your loyal servants.

Everything is voluntary, and the twisted melon is not sweet. This is the truth.

Convincing people with virtue, Longyang also understood a truth that a leader must understand.

But human beings and beasts are different after all. The monsters raised by Shenmu Linhai are to better serve human beings.

So Long Yang took out the token of Shenmu and turned his fingers, chanted a spell in his mouth, and sealed the divine consciousness of other Chaos Earthshattering lions.

Then let them re-elect a lion king.

As soon as I heard that the Lion King was chosen, the Chaos Earth Splitting Lions were all eager to try it out.

Long Yang smiled and said, "You guys should have a try first."

"Which one of you will come first?"

"I'll come first!"

A brown-black lion sprang out from next to the lion king.

This lion is full of explosive muscles. It is more than two meters tall and forty meters long. It has a majestic and mighty figure with two horns on its head. Brave and strong.

"I come!"

Another thin lion rushed up from behind and fought with it. After a few rounds, it was defeated.

Another Chaos Earth Splitter came up to fight, but was still defeated.

Long Yang looked at this demon lion and said to the other demon lions:

"You all come, go up one by one, don't be afraid, just win or lose, don't hurt your life."


The Chaos Earth Splitting Lions roared like wild beasts, surrounded the brown demon lions one after another, and started a chaotic fight.

The brown Chaos Earthshatter lion slammed a fist on the head of a Chaos Earthshatter lion. The lion was beaten and flew out, hitting the lion behind, and both lions were knocked unconscious.

It turned and flew into the air, and in mid-air, the lion whip threw out, hitting the head of another Chaos Earth Splitter, and the lion's body was almost flattened.

A lion rushed over, turned over by its body, and swept the lion away with its tail, hitting the ground heavily.

It defeated five or six lions in a row, and finally made the lions convince, kneeling in front of it, and surrendering to him.

"Okay, all get up, from now on it will be your new lion king."

The lions stood up one after another to look at the old lion king, but said nothing, the eyes of Chaos lacked aura, and quickly followed the new lion king and returned to the tribal station.

The old lion king had a thousand twists and turns in his heart. Although he was unwilling, he had nothing to do. After all, he was only a beast.

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