MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 206 The center of the earth!

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After an unknown amount of time, Long Yang slowly opened his eyes.

"Where is this?"

Looking up, a dazzling light came, and the person who illuminated it couldn't open his eyes.

It took a long time for Long Yang to see everything around him clearly.

This is a valley, with towering mountains on both sides, the sky is blood red, there are no clouds, there is a depressing breath, not far away is a towering giant tree, rooted in a place that emits terrifying heat. The deep pit, looking down, the deep pit is actually a piece of magma.

The billowing magma is nourishing this giant tree, giving it a steady stream of energy.

"The root of the tree in the beginning is actually here."

"It turns out that this is the place where Immortal Venerable Shenmu was born. That wormhole is actually the trunk of Shenmu. In the beginning, Shenmu grew up from here to the space in the forest."

"Then that space collapsed, and we entered the wormhole, passed through the tree trunk, and arrived here."

"In other words, this is a place deeper than the Atlanta Trench!"

Long Yang thought to himself, a little shocked on his face.

He turned his head to look at the surrounding environment, and saw manic auras everywhere, especially the fire element, filled with the smell of magma and the smell of volcanic ash.

'Here, it is very likely that it only exists in the legendary inner world! ’

'It seems that the legend is true, and there is indeed a world under the soil in the depths of the ocean. ’

Legend has it that after the emergence of life in the world, countless great races and civilizations appeared. These civilizations continued to grow and develop, and finally threatened the existence of the true gods.

However, some extremely powerful civilizations did not die out, but escaped into the space within the center of the earth to multiply, and countless lost civilizations lived in the space within the center of the earth.

‘Could it be that there will be a lost civilization here? ’

'Let's find Sledgehammer and Zhang Mone first. ’

Long Yang calmed down slowly. At this time, Shanhaijing had returned to his arms, but Longyang was unable to connect with Shanhaijing for the time being, but he could faintly feel that Shanhaijing was undergoing the next evolution.

'This mountain and sea mirror makes me feel more and more wonderful, and it contains a big secret, which seems to be related to the entire plane, and must not be known. ’

Long Yang carefully placed the mountain and sea mirror and went to explore the valley.

The three of them all came through the divine tree at the beginning of time. Presumably, Wang Dazhui and Zhang Mo should not be far from Longyang.

In the valleys, here in the mountains,

The magma is boiling, and the temperature is terrifyingly high. Even Long Yang would not dare to set foot there easily. After all, this inner world is mysterious and unpredictable, and I don’t know what kind of strange existence it has.

"Hey, what is this?"

As he was walking, Long Yang suddenly stopped, and in front of him, several broken stone tablets were lying on the ground.

The surface of these stone tablets is full of pits and cracks. Obviously, it has a long history, but it does not hide the vicissitudes of life on it.

And on the top of the stone tablet, there are a few quaint characters: 'The Stone Wall of the Beginning'.

These four characters are sharp, as if they were chopped out with a knife and axe.

Long Yang stretched out his hand to lift the stele, looked at it carefully for a while, and then touched the traces left on it, his eyes lit up suddenly.

'In the beginning, it was a force born out of chaos after Pangu opened up the world. Although this thing is only a fragmented stone wall, it may also be of great use. ’

Long Yang secretly guessed in his heart.

Although these words have long since become blurred, and the power above is very little, Long Yang is still careful to take this thing into his pocket.

Continuing to walk deep into the valley, huge stone walls were cut off by an unknown weapon and fell to the ground, and there were broken walls everywhere.

‘Is there a monk here? ’

Long Yang looked at the gap, which was obviously caused by a sharp magic weapon. It seemed that there were either human cultivators or demon cultivators in this place.

At this time, Long Yang heard a burst of beast roars, and he accelerated his speed and walked towards the depths.

A huge crater came into view, blazing flames rose into the sky, and the erupting lava formed a fiery snake next to the volcano, winding up.

These magma spewed out from the inside of the mountain, and how much vegetation was burned along the way.

Longyang stood outside the crater and carefully observed the volcano. This volcano should have been formed due to the strong element of fire.

Moreover, a strange breath came from the magma, and what was underneath it was unknown.

However, in the vicinity of the crater, apart from him, no other figures could be seen. Wang Dazhui and Zhang Mo were not here.

Although his physical defense surpassed that of most monks, he still felt a burning pain in this crater, as if he was in purgatory, and a heat wave hit his face.


Rao is Long Yang, and he couldn't help taking a breath, and his skin became red.

Just when Long Yang was about to turn around and leave, suddenly, Long Yang felt a familiar wave.

This is a very strange aura, completely different from any wave of fluctuations that he has come into contact with before.

It's a pure, suffocating scent.

Long Yang's eyes stared at the crater.

"This kind of fluctuation... is the breath of gods and demons!"

"How can the breath of gods and demons appear here?"

"Did the gods and demons fall here?"

Longyang's heart beat sharply.


At this moment, a scorching wind rushed towards the face, and a huge attraction swept in instantly, pulling Long Yang into the crater.

This attraction is so powerful that it is almost irresistible!

No matter who it is, as long as it enters this crater, it seems that there will be misfortune.


But Long Yang's body is as hard as a rock, and no matter how strong the suction is, it cannot be shaken.


At this moment, the volcano trembled suddenly, and the endless lava spewed out, pouring down like a rain of fire, instantly swallowing Long Yang in it.


Long Yang spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body quickly fell down.

'no! Definitely not to be sucked in! ’

As a dragon horse, Longyang is born with a very keen sense of danger. He knows that once he enters the magma deep in the heart of the earth, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

The magma in the center of the earth is different from ordinary magma. It has the purest and hottest spark in the entire planet. Even the body of an immortal cannot resist it.

Long Yang's body lit up with golden holy light, and his transparent wings instantly appeared behind him, flying rapidly, trying to escape the pull of the creatures in the depths of the magma.

But the magma flow was too fast, and Longyang couldn't get rid of it at all.


Longyang roared in the sky, his body changed drastically, turning into a golden dragon and horse with a length of 100 zhang, and the bright light of thunder and lightning shone on his head.

This time, he directly exerted all his strength, his muscles were smashed, his muscles and bones chirped, his dragon horns bent, and his tail twitched, setting off a monstrous turmoil.

But all of this is of no use at all. The terrifying suction force is not something that mortals can break free from, even the gods, or even the real Daluo Jinxian, may not be able to resist.

The closer Long Yang's body was to the darkness, the more severe the burning pain. The hair on Long Yang's body began to burn, and his skin was scorched.


Long Yang slammed into the magma, and the terrifying temperature almost made him faint.


Long Yang spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, this tear-like pain almost made him fall into a coma, but he held on and struggled.

Long Yang looked up at the dark and deep magma with difficulty, and saw a fist-sized bead suspended in the void.

This bead is crystal clear throughout and exudes a light blue halo. This light blue halo covers the entire volcano, making the entire volcano look as magnificent as a jellyfish.

"This is…"

Long Yang was surprised, this bead exudes terrifying power of gods and demons, which is shocking.

This rosary bead is surrounded by incomparably rich spiritual consciousness. These spiritual consciousnesses gather together to form a chain of spiritual thoughts, which seals the entire volcano and has never been discovered. But now, after it senses Longyang, He actually took the initiative to exude a breath and pulled Long Yang in.


Long Yang waved his right arm and grabbed the beads, ready to take them away.

Just as Longyang's right arm touched the bead, the bead suddenly shook, and thousands of divine patterns erupted in an instant, turning into a divine pattern cage, trapping Longyang in an instant.

These divine patterns are intertwined to form a cage, in which Longyang is sealed.


The cage of the gods, exuding unparalleled divine might, suppressed Long Yang's body, as if he wanted to kill Long Yang.

"What a powerful spirit!"

"This bead may be condensed from the essence of gods and demons thousands of years ago? It is the treasure of fallen gods and demons!"

Long Yang's heart sank, and he felt that a vast will came and wanted to obliterate him.


Long Yang snorted coldly, and a mighty aura burst out in an instant, and these Divine Rune cages shattered.


The Divine Rune collapsed, the entire mysterious space shook slightly, and a terrifying force was crushed from all directions.

This power has ninety-nine paths, each of which is comparable to the attack of an immortal powerhouse!


Long Yang opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood again. His body was on the verge of collapse.

Fortunately, Long Yang has practiced the Xingyao Concentration Art, otherwise, he will be blown away with this blow!

However, as the terrifying pressure fell on him, his body finally couldn't bear it.


Long Yang's body was hit by the force and flew out, and on the body, countless scales burst.


Long Yang roared, golden light all over his body skyrocketed, he grabbed the bead in his hand, and tried his best to crush it!

The temperature of the magma has reached tens of millions of degrees, and Long Yang's body has collapsed, revealing white bones.

This bead is the only hope for Longyang to survive. Only by swallowing the spiritual sense and power inside can Longyang escape.


Hundreds of millions of golden glows bloomed from Long Yang's body, and that destructive power poured into Long Yang's body crazily, but Long Yang did not dare to stop running the exercises, and let the terrifying force wash away and temper his body. .

Long Yang can clearly feel that his physique is improving wildly, and the strength of the original fairy in the late stage is continuously enhanced.


Long Yang roared again and again, and his body continued to expand.

But his eyes were still bone-chilling.


I don't know how long it took, Long Yang's body finally stopped swelling, Long Yang opened his eyes, his eyes were red, and his body was covered with a layer of scarlet armor.

Long Yang's body surface is even more covered with scars.

But the spiritual thoughts in the beads became more and more manic.

A wave of terrifying fluctuations came, and the entire volcano was swaying.

The hot magma was churning and boiling.

Inside the volcano, ferocious flame snakes swim, densely packed, entwining towards Longyang, trying to drown Longyang.

Longyang gritted his teeth and insisted, and the sea of ​​​​qi expanded wildly, turning the power of the terrifying magma in the center of the earth into aura, filling the sea of ​​​​intake.

His strength is also increasing crazily.

"hold head high-"

Suddenly, a giant python burst out of the magma, opened its **** mouth, and bit Longyang, the dragon horns on Longyang's head exuded a golden light.


The giant python was chopped to pieces in an instant.

Long Yang's eyes were cold, his body slowly stood up, his eyes looked at the bead, and there was a hint of firmness in his eyes.

"God and devil, so what?"

"Let me use it!"

Long Yang let out a low moan, and continued to add strength in his hands.


Long Yang only felt that there seemed to be a sound of divine voices in his head, and the next moment, a mysterious memory penetrated into his mind.

"Di Jiang?"

Long Yang was stunned, Di Jiang was a demon emperor in the prehistoric period, and his strength was comparable to that of gods and demons, and he was one of the ancestors of birds.

Moreover, Di Jiang and Zhu Rong, the **** of fire, seem to have some relationship, possessing an extremely terrifying black flame - nothingness swallowing flames!

Could this bead be the inheritance of Di Jiang?

The entire volcano began to vibrate, as if it was furious, billowing lava, surging.

A black giant bird appeared in Longyang's eyes, spread its huge wings, and burned with endless black flames, rushing towards Longyang.

"Is this Di Jiang?"

Long Yang's eyes widened. He didn't expect that what was in this bead was actually Di Jiang's spiritual thoughts!

Among the Primordial Protoss, there are three heads and six wings. This is the most prominent symbol of a race, which represents the power of this race.


Di Jiang's spiritual sense roared, and he opened his mouth to spit out endless flames, burning the heavens.

The flames swept through and enveloped Long Yang, but the bronze scales on Long Yang's body shone with dazzling brilliance, resisting it abruptly.

There was a trace of excitement in Long Yang's eyes.

If he can obtain the inheritance of Emperor Jiang, it will greatly enhance the combat power.


Long Yang roared angrily, holding the dragon's spine in his hand, instantly pierced through the void, and headed straight for the flaming giant bird's divine sense.


Divine Sense was angry and rushed towards Long Yang as well. The Divine Sense of the two collided fiercely.


The violent collision caused the entire magma to churn up.

A circle of ripples spread from the collision, and Long Yang's body directly retreated hundreds of meters before barely stabilizing his figure.

His face was extremely pale.

"Sure enough."

Long Yang took a deep breath. At this moment, he was only left with white bones, and he was supported by the physique of the dragon and the strong willpower.

However, that strange bead gradually dimmed.

Di Jiang's real body has been dead for hundreds of millions of years, and only a trace of spiritual consciousness remains, even thoughts no longer exist, only instinct.

It felt the bloodline of Longyang's divine beast and wanted to seize the house, so it forcibly pulled it in.

Di Jiang roared, and the huge body broke through the layers of magma again, thinking of Longyang flying.

The dragon horn on Long Yang's head glowed with golden light.

The dragon horn stands on the ground, exuding an invincible meaning.

"hold head high!"

In the dragon horn, there seems to be a dragon roar, and the figure of Long Yang disappeared instantly.

next moment.


A crisp voice sounded.

Long Yang's eyebrows cracked a slit, and a purple-gold rune slowly emerged, containing shocking might.

"Bang bang bang..."

One after another muffled thunder sounded, followed by a terrifying majesty that spread over Long Yang.


The surrounding magma trembled.


For a moment, a monstrous pressure came from Longyang's body, Longyang's body shook, and symbols appeared on Longyang's skin.

"hold head high!"

Longyang screamed in the sky.

this moment.

Long Yang only felt that he had become extremely noble.

That aura that looked down on the world and looked down on the heroes was born spontaneously, and every move had an inexplicable rhythm.

The dragon's horn directly penetrated Di Jiang's body of divine sense, and on the dragon's horn, a little star light lit up, covering the entire Di Jiang's divine soul.

"What power is this?"

Di Jiang's voice was a little frightened, but he was still dragged in by Xingguang.


The starlight dissipated and everything returned to calm.


Long Yang gasped heavily, the situation just now was extremely critical, and Long Yang almost fell.

"so close!"

Long Yang murmured.

The strange bead was crushed by Long Yang, and an extremely terrifying force spread out and was swallowed by Long Yang.

Longyang's sea of ​​air continued to increase, and countless cyclones were condensing. Finally, after the sound of Ding's life, Longyang opened his eyes.

The volcanic crater beside Longyang has long since dried up, but the Dijiang Divine Sense was absorbed by Longyang and merged into his own Divine Sense.

His strength finally came to the half-step golden fairyland, and he was only one step away from becoming a Golden Immortal!

"The power of divine sense, Di Jiang is worthy of being a powerhouse at the level of gods and demons. If it hadn't been lost for hundreds of millions of years, I would have died today."

Long Yang chuckled, but the next moment, his expression suddenly sank.


Long Yang raised his head and glanced around.

"Huh? Why does it feel strange?"

"Why did Di Jiang fall here? Could it be that his lifespan has expired?"

"No, it may be fighting people to the death!"

Long Yang frowned slightly.

How terrible would it be to kill Di Jiang?

But the next moment.


Long Yang suddenly felt the rocks under his feet and began to move, followed by bursts of sharp whistling sounds.

"not good!"

Long Yang's heart skipped a beat.

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