MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 244 Weird!

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The houses and buildings in the village are all made of stone, and they look very solid, but now they are all in dilapidated condition. The walls and windows are covered with insects and snakes. Black poisonous snakes are spitting and whining. The sound is creepy.

The village was very empty, only a few houses remained, and the rest were all burned down, leaving only devastation.

Xiaocui led Tianqing and Longyangjin to climb up all the way. The mountain temple is located at the highest point of the village, condescending, as if overlooking everything in the village.

All the way up, climbed the gray steps, and came to the front of the mountain temple.

This is an ancient temple, which looks very simple but majestic. The plaque at the door is engraved with four big characters "Extremely Evil and Innocent!"

Long Yang frowned slightly. Why is there a plaque on a temple engraved with the words "Extremely Evil and Innocent"?

"The smell of blood inside is very strong."

During the day, Qing leaned close to Longyang unconsciously, and a vague fragrance lingered in Longyang's nose.

"Well, the stuff inside is very strong, and it seems to have integrated with this ancient temple."

Long Yang said lightly.

"You wait outside, I'll go in and take a look!"

Long Yang said coldly.

"Young master!"

Xiaocui said with some hesitation.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I can definitely get rid of them."

After Long Yang finished speaking, he walked towards the gate, Xiaocui looked at her straight back, and felt a warm current in her heart.

She didn't know why she had an inexplicable affection for Long Yang, but she knew that she should be in love with her.

But his own strength is not good, so he can only wait outside, and entering may become a drag on Longyang.

"I'll go with you."

Tian Qing said suddenly.

It would not be in her interest if Long Yang died here.

"My strength is not weaker than yours. If it weren't for your weird formation, I wouldn't lose to you."

Sunny said lightly during the day.

Long Yang glanced at Bai Tianqing lightly, the things inside seemed to have a lot to do with the village, he didn't know his strength, and he really had no bottom in his heart, so he nodded.

"Come if you want."

Long Yang said coldly, and walked into the ancient temple first.

Bai Tianqing was a little dissatisfied, but there was nothing she could do. She turned her head and said to Xiao Cui, "Xiao Cui, this ancient temple is too dangerous, we can just go in, and you can go and see if there are any survivors, and look for your father's whereabouts." Bar."

Xiaocui nodded, "Well, I'm going to save people, and I'll leave this to you."


Tianqing took a deep breath and walked into the ancient temple.

In the ancient temple,

The scene inside is very spectacular. On the square, there are iron pillars, and there are many skulls on them. There are strange flames burning in the eye sockets of the skeletons, which makes people shudder.

The floor is also made of blue bricks, with strange patterns engraved on it, and there is a black light emitting from it.

Long Yang walked on the green bricks, his steps were heavy, each step seemed to be stepping on someone else's body, which made people feel very depressed.

Beside him, Bai Tianqing was also very fast, following behind Long Yang in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, do you feel that this temple is a bit evil?"

Tian Qing asked in a low voice.

"What do you say?"

Long Yang turned white and took a look at Bai Tianqing, isn't this nonsense?

"Then what are your plans?"

Tian Qing continued to ask.

"Planning? No."

Long Yang continued to walk into the temple.

"You man is really unreliable!"

Seeing that Long Yang was too lazy to take care of herself, Bai Tianqing gave Long Yang a bitter look and said.

Suddenly a gust of cold wind hit, Tianqing was startled, looked back, but did not find anything there.

But she always felt that she was being stared at by something evil, so she quickly followed Long Yang's footsteps and walked inside.

Just when the two entered the inner courtyard, the eyes of the skeletons in the outer courtyard suddenly showed green light, and they all looked in the direction of the two of them. The four characters keep flashing!

Entering the inner courtyard, the smell of blood became heavier, Tianqing felt his scalp tingling, the smell of blood was too strong, and the further he went inside, the darker it was, the gloomy atmosphere made people want to run away.


Bai Tianqing suddenly screamed, startling Long Yang.

Long Yang frowned and looked towards Bai Tianqing, "What's the name of the ghost?"

"I saw a ghost!"

Bai Tianqing pointed not far away, and said in a trembling voice.

Although she is not weak, she has never seen such a terrifying scene, and her heart is beating.

"Where is the ghost?"

Long Yang said disdainfully, but she still followed Bai Tianqing's gaze and saw a woman's skeleton sitting in the haystack not far away, with a pair of blood-red eyes staring at Bai Tianqing and Long Yang. .

Bai Tianqing and Long Yang looked at each other, both a little puzzled, not knowing who this woman was.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass on the temple!"

The woman's skeleton body suddenly stood up and yelled at the two of them. Her voice sounded shrill and gloomy, making one's hair stand on end.

Both Bai Tianqing and Long Yang stepped back at the same time.

Seeing that the two of them didn't reply, the woman became even angrier. She stretched out her two white arms, which quickly grew longer, and attacked them at an astonishingly fast speed.

"Get out of the way!"

Bai Tianqing yelled quickly, she was wearing a string of purple rosary beads on her wrist, at this moment, the string of rosary beads suddenly dispersed and turned into individual rosary beads, forming a huge net, and flew towards the woman.

But with a wave of the woman's bone arm, the countless rosary beads shattered one after another.

Bai Tianqing's face changed, this woman's terrifying strength unexpectedly shattered her rosary beads so easily.

Long Yang was also taken aback, he didn't know the efficacy of this rosary, but he could also see that this woman's strength was astonishing.

Seeing that the rosary was defeated by the opponent during the day, Qing immediately took out the jade flute and played it. The flute made a sharp and piercing sound, circled in the air, and released sound waves.

The sound waves were full of strange fluctuations, like tentacles, continuously rushing towards the opponent's head, the woman's body shook violently, and then, the woman's body began to disappear.

Bai Tianqing was overjoyed, quickly put away the jade flute, and blew **** the place where the woman disappeared, a ball of flame spurted out from Bai Tianqing's mouth, and swept towards the place where the woman disappeared.

As soon as the fireball touched the ground, it exploded instantly, and the whole earth shook violently, as if it was about to collapse.

The gravel was shattered into pieces one after another, and splashed out in all directions.

It's just that the woman's body didn't disappear, but appeared behind Bai Qing in an instant, and a pair of bone sharp claws grabbed Bai Qing violently!

"How did this woman do it? What kind of sorcery is this?"

Long Yang was a little surprised.

Bai Tianqing hurriedly avoided, but the woman kept biting her tightly.

Seeing this, Long Yang finally made a move. The golden spear pierced the night sky and stabbed fiercely at the woman's back!

As soon as Long Yang's spear pierced, there was a burst of force, and the woman's body disappeared.

Long Yang was taken aback, unbelievable, what kind of magic is this? It was able to hide completely.

But the woman's figure did not disappear, but condensed into a cloud of blood mist in mid-air, and rushed towards Longyang.

Long Yang unhurriedly raised his gun to block the opponent's attack, and then slashed at the blood mist with a move of 'Hengjiang Slash'.

'boom! '

This shot cut the blood mist into two halves.

Bai Tianqing watched from the side, and couldn't help but marvel, this move of Hengjiang Slash was indeed extremely powerful.

At this moment, the cloud of blood mist condensed again and attacked Longyang.

Seeing this, Long Yang smiled faintly, shook the spear in his hand, and used another move of "Dian Yunyan".

Clouds of smoke turned into rain, and exploded in the blood mist, bursting with golden light all over the sky.

One-third of the blood mist was blown away, and finally turned into two pieces of **** meat, which fell to the ground, emitting a pungent stench.

The woman let out a shrill scream and disappeared again.

When Bai Tianqing saw such a cruel scene, her stomach was overwhelmed and she almost vomited out.


"Are you OK?"

Long Yang patted Bai Tianqing's back and asked.

Bai Tianqing shook her head, she was indeed frightened.

But soon, she regained her composure.

Bai Tianqing's eyes became resolute, she knew that at this time she must not be afraid, she must fight bravely, she is the daughter of the city lord, she cannot lose face in front of Long Yang.

At this moment, there was a sound of howling ghosts and wolves in the front yard of the temple.

The sound was like the neighing of an evil ghost, and it made people's scalps tingle and their hearts go cold. They didn't know what happened.

Long Yang's face became ugly, it was the sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves, it was the ringing of soul-calling bells from the underworld, and it was only produced by extremely terrifying ghosts.

Without hesitation, Long Yang immediately ran towards the place where the screams were coming from.

Bai Tianqing also hurriedly chased after her.

Soon, Long Yang and Bai Tianqing arrived at the screaming place. There were more than a dozen black-clothed corpses lying here. These corpses were all female corpses. Some corpses didn't even have faces, and they looked very hideous , the body was covered with scars, and the blood on these female corpses was black, like ink, and these female corpses did not rot after they died, and still retained their original appearance, which looked very strange!

Seeing this, Long Yang and Bai Tianqing couldn't help shivering.

After these female corpses died, they did not turn into white bones, but twitched on the ground. It seemed that they were suffering from some kind of pain, and their mouths made a 'clacking' sound, which looked extremely terrifying!

Long Yang involuntarily took a few steps back.

Bai Tianqing didn't want to see this kind of scene, so she turned her face away, but she still felt nauseated, she could clearly feel the resentment on the female corpse, and this resentment made her mind feel very Bad omen.

And among the many corpses, the female ghost just now was absorbing Yin Qi in the middle, replenishing the lost strength.

Seeing Long Yang and Bai Tianqing chasing after her, the female ghost roared fiercely, and dozens of female ghosts immediately formed a strange formation, floating in the air.

The female ghost waved her hand, and a dozen female ghosts rushed towards Longyang and Tianqing.

Bai Tianqing was shocked when she saw this, but Long Yang didn't panic at all.

He slowly spit out a few words: "Jiuyin's formation, dare to use a big knife in front of Guan Gong."

This formation, Long Yang could tell at a glance, it was just a low-level formation in the map of the Vientiane Subduing Demon Formation.

I saw Long Yang waved the spear in his hand, the light of the gun flickered, instantly transformed into hundreds of anemones, entangled on the light of the spear, like silver snakes dancing wildly, looking extremely gorgeous, but these hundreds of anemones are killing people weapon.

Seeing this, the female ghost's expression changed, and she hurriedly avoided, but the anemone seemed to have eyes, and followed behind the female ghost, chasing after her!

The formation was directly broken by Long Yang's spear light!

Seeing that the anemone was so stubborn, the female ghost couldn't help being angry. She waved her hand and summoned many ghosts. These ghosts all rushed towards the anemone, but they were all crushed by the anemone and disappeared without a trace.

"Huh, I don't know what to do!" The female ghost snorted coldly, and the blood mist in her hand once again condensed into a huge body. With a wave of her hand, the blood mist in her hand turned into a giant ghost again, rushing towards Longyang with teeth and claws .

The ghost was extremely fast, and it rushed to the front in the blink of an eye, but before the ghost touched Long Yang's body, it was chopped into pieces by the spear light, but Long Yang's spear light did not stop, and continued to shoot at the The female ghost rushed over.

The gun in Long Yang's hand is like an indestructible magic weapon, as long as it touches anything, it will be destroyed.

Seeing that her blood couldn't do anything to Long Yang, the female ghost couldn't help being very surprised, but then she took out a black skull. This skull exuded a faint blue light. , this skull also flew to Longyang, ready to fight Longyang desperately!

During the day, Qing watched with horror.

Long Yang had already crushed the skull at this time, and the golden gun light shot straight into the sky, flying towards the female ghost. Seeing this, the female ghost yelled, and a blood-red air jet shot out from the female ghost's hand, colliding with the dragon. Yang's gun lights collided with each other, making a 'bang! ' There was a loud noise, and the air waves billowed, causing Tian Qing and Long Yang to stagger to and fro, almost unable to stand still!

Long Yang smiled coldly, and shot out a thousand zhang spear light, which directly shattered the air current.

The female ghost was shocked, Long Yang's strength had exceeded her imagination.


Long Yang stabbed again.

Seeing the situation, the female ghost summoned countless ghosts again, forming a huge pool of blood and surrounding Long Yang in it.

After Long Yang's gun light hit the blood pool, the blood pool shook violently, the blood boiled continuously, and scalding hot air came out, covering the whole blood pool.

This pool of blood is poured with endless blood. It is an extremely evil and poisonous spell that can erode the practitioner's vitality and true essence, and even corrupt and devour the practitioner's Nascent Soul, and eventually become a shriveled corpse. dead corpse!

In the pool of blood, there was a strong smell of blood, and blood lines squirmed in the pool of blood, as if they were living creatures, making one's hair stand on end.

At this time, a few ghosts emerged from the blood pool, they opened their teeth and claws, and rushed towards Longyang.

Long Yang shot out, and those ghosts were pierced through their heads immediately, and they fell down one after another!

Long Yang killed several ghosts one after another, and finally the blood pond calmed down. There were several human corpses floating above the blood pond. They were all men, and all of them were killed by this female ghost in this way!

Seeing that Long Yang had already killed those ghosts, the female ghost yelled loudly, her body suddenly swelled and turned into a huge **** ghost head, biting Long Yang!

"Hmph! A little trick!"

Long Yang snorted coldly, and with a flick of the spear, the light of the spear turned into a silver lightning, piercing through the **** ghost's head in an instant, and the **** ghost's head burst open immediately, turning into rain of blood.

The female ghost was defeated, and the resentment on the female ghost gradually dissipated, and finally became extremely transparent and disappeared into the pool of blood.

The blood pool burst open suddenly, forming a blood bead, which flew into the temple.

Long Yang hurriedly chased after him and entered the room. In the room, a statue of a strange Buddha was sitting cross-legged in the center, and the blood beads of the female ghost directly entered the stomach of the strange Buddha.

"not good!"

The moment he saw the strange Buddha, Long Yang realized the danger, and then, the whole temple began to vibrate, as if it came alive.

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