MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 245 body

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Long Yang's pupils shrank, and this strange Buddha actually came back to life, no, it was originally a living thing! Just keep it hidden!

Even, Long Yang could feel a prehistoric aura from the strange Buddha.


The strange Buddha smiled strangely, his eyes seemed to be smiling, but it was extremely strange.

Seeing the eyes of the strange Buddha, Long Yang's heartbeat increased sharply, as if being grabbed by an invisible hand.

These eyes are too terrifying, as if they can swallow everything.

"You killed those villagers?"

Long Yang asked, at this moment, he felt as if he had been completely swallowed by the strange Buddha.

A flash of disdain flashed in the eyes of the strange Buddha: "They are the beasts I raised, but since you know, I will send you on your way!"

After the voice fell, the strange Buddha raised his hand and patted Longyang.

Long Yang felt a terrifying air flow coming from the palm of the strange Buddha, enveloping his whole body, and then, pulling a little bit, his body was slowly pulled out.

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Long Yang snorted coldly, his body glowed with golden light, at this moment, he finally fully released his power.

Transparent wings of light appeared, golden armor covered every part of the skin, and the golden and red Panlong spine gave out bursts of soft singing, as if singing from ancient times.

With a wave of his hand, countless tiny black silk threads wrapped around his body were cut off.

Long Yang's body was as fast as a gust of wind, rushing towards the strange Buddha.

There was a flash of surprise in the eyes of the strange Buddha: "Can you block my attack?"

Long Yang's speed was getting faster and faster, and he arrived in front of the strange Buddha almost in the blink of an eye, and stabbed the strange Buddha's cheek with a gun.

The strange Buddha stretched out his arms, blocking Longyang's attack.


The strange Buddha remained motionless, but the ancient temple trembled violently, like an earthquake.


The strange Buddha suddenly spit out the Sanskrit sound, and the nine-character mantra spit out from his mouth, which continued to grow until it covered the entire ancient temple, and finally formed a void, imprisoning Longyang in this void.

"Nine-character mantra? However, you haven't learned the essence at all."

At this time, Long Yang had already guessed about the identity of the Buddha.

The strange Buddha snorted coldly: "How can you understand the Buddha Dharma I have realized?"

"Not so much!"

Long Yang sneered, took a step forward, and went straight to the strange Buddha.

There was a look of mockery in the eyes of the strange Buddha, and a long black stick appeared in his hand, and he threw it towards Longyang. The black stick hit Longyang's head with a whistling sound.


With a loud noise, Long Yang was sent flying more than ten meters away.

Long Yang stood up with his head covered, and the long stick hit Long Yang's forehead, but Long Yang was unscathed, and a piece of the strange Buddha's black stick was dented.

This blow didn't affect Longyang's fighting power at all, he rushed towards the strange Buddha again.

A look of solemnity flashed in the strange Buddha's eyes: "I didn't expect your physical strength to be so strong, but so what? You are not my opponent!"

After speaking, the strange Buddha shot out with a stick.


This stick directly penetrated the void, releasing endless nightmares, countless ghosts rushed out along the tip of the stick, and swept towards Longyang. The eyes of these ghosts were full of hatred and greed, as if they wanted to eat Longyang .


Long Yang yelled angrily, a powerful monster breath emanated, and a phantom of a golden dragon appeared, rushing towards the group of ghosts with its fangs and claws.

The ghost was knocked into the air.

That's not all, the size of this golden dragon phantom also became bigger and bigger, and it turned into three thousand feet long in a blink of an eye. The dragon's tail swept across, and countless ghosts were directly reduced to pieces wherever it passed.

"What is this? How is it possible?"

The strange Buddha turned pale with fright, it was an extremely powerful aura, which made him feel panic, but what made the strange Buddha more terrified was Long Yang's aura, that aura of monsters, which was more ferocious and domineering than him!

The strange Buddha's eyes were shining with golden light, staring at Longyang firmly.

"This is the breath of the dragon!"

The strange Buddha's eyes are full of murderous aura, and the dragon is the only nemesis of their clan and the biggest obstacle to their awakening.


The strange Buddha is no longer calm, and he slashes the wraith stick in his hand, and a long river of resentment appears, rushing towards Longyang. The river of resentment is the aura he has extracted from countless unjustly dead souls after years of practice. formed river.


Long Yang shouted angrily, clenched his right fist, and a golden flame burst out from the fist, directly impacting on the river of wraiths.


The two diametrically opposed forces collided together, burst out with a roar, and then quickly annihilated.

The strange Buddha's face became extremely ugly. He didn't expect that the boy's fist was so powerful that he destroyed the river of resentful spirits in one blow.

The strange Buddha roared, and the wraith stick in his hand hit Longyang again.

This time, Long Yang couldn't dodge in time, the armor on his body was directly pierced, and blood spattered everywhere.

Long Yang was startled, the aura in his body was not flowing smoothly, and his movements were a step slower.


The strange Buddha shouted, and continued to hit Longyang with the wraith stick in his hand.

At this moment, a ball of green light suddenly appeared in front of Long Yang, blocked the strange Buddha's stick, and then turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

Long Yang heaved a sigh of relief, looked around, and found that Bai Tianqing mustered up his courage, stabbed at the strange Buddha with a green long sword in his hand, and with one move, the green sword light shot directly at the center of the strange Buddha's eyebrows , A thumb-thick scar appeared between the eyebrows of the strange Buddha, and blood flowed out. The strange Buddha wailed in pain and was directly blown away.

Bai Tianqing was panting heavily, but the sword in her hand lost its light. It was a one-time magic weapon, and it contained the spiritual power that the giant city lord had poured into her in advance.

"Hmph, in the end, it's still up to Miss Ben to make a move."

Tian Qing said proudly.

Long Yang couldn't laugh or cry, this young lady is really arrogant.

But before he could speak, a sudden change occurred on the strange Buddha's body, and the black stick suddenly turned into a stream of black air, entering his body.

And in the outer courtyard of the ancient temple, those huge stone pillars began to vibrate, and the white skulls on them flew towards the strange Buddha crazily, and merged with the strange Buddha.

The aura of the strange Buddha soared again, which surprised Long Yang.

The strange Buddha's face became ferocious, and the black energy on his body became more and more dense. He raised his head to the sky and roared, a terrifying coercion was released, covering the bodies of Longyang and Baitianqing.

The aura of the strange Buddha was getting stronger and stronger, Long Yang only felt that his body was about to explode, Tian Qing also felt the great danger, and hurriedly took out a pill and took it.

After taking the pill, her pale face just recovered a little color.

"You are just a bunch of ants, how dare you fight against me!"

The voice of the strange Buddha is full of infinite majesty, like a king who reigns over the world.

Bai Tianqing's pretty face was pale, but she didn't show any sign of shrinking back.

Bai Tianqing flipped his hand, and a disk appeared. The whole body of the disk was black.

But at this time, the aura of the strange Buddha has been completely stabilized.

"Hahahaha, ants, you are all going to die. Today, I will devour you all, and then refine your corpses into puppets, which will become weapons in my hands and resources for my cultivation, so that my realm will improve by leaps and bounds!"

The strange Buddha laughed wildly.

"Don't even think about it!"

Tian Qing let out an angry roar, her hands formed seals, and the disc in her hand emitted a dazzling white light. In the white light, there was an endless power of thunder and lightning, and there seemed to be a strange law mixed in the thunder and lightning.


Tianqing threw the disk out, and lightning bolts shot out of thin air, and landed on the strange Buddha in an instant, beating the strange Buddha into a panic.

The strange Buddha kept screaming, and there were many scorching marks on his body, but it was not fatal, because his physical strength was much higher than that of ordinary people.

Not only that, the aura of the strange Buddha is also slowly increasing, his strength is constantly soaring, and in just a few seconds, his aura has reached the realm of the middle stage of the Golden Immortal.

The clothes on the strange Buddha's body had already been reduced to ashes, and there were shocking scars all over his body, some deep and some shallow, which looked particularly ferocious.

"Ah! I will kill you all, then crush your bones inch by inch, **** all your blood dry, and refine you into wraiths!"

The strange Buddha roared in a hoarse voice, and there was a crazy murderous intent in his cloudy eyes.

The strange Buddha stretched out his hand, and the white bones and skulls absorbed in his body were connected together, forming a white head whip, and the resentful souls on it were whining non-stop, which was extremely penetrating.

Bai Tianqing bit her lips tightly, her body trembling slightly.

When had she seen such a scene? The sword in his hand was a little unsteady.

You know, under the protection of Bai Zizai, the giant city lord, Bai Tianqing has hardly fought with anyone, and she has a lot of strength, but she can't use it at this moment.

Long Yang grabbed Bai Tianqing's slender waist, and fell lightly to the ground.

At this time, the sky is clear, and it is already impossible to help him, and may even accidentally hurt him.

"Hide here, leave the rest to me."

"Remember, hold your breath and concentrate, and you must secure the altar. This strange Buddha may also have some methods of attacking with consciousness, so be careful."

Long Yang instructed, got up and faced the strange Buddha.

The strange Buddha held a long whip with white bones in his hand, and he rushed towards Longyang like a ghost. His speed was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Longyang. The sound of the wind slapped Long Yang's body severely.


The long whip hit Long Yang's body, and several deep blood marks appeared on Long Yang's body, and blood droplets sprayed out.

Long Yang snorted, his body took a few steps back, the blood in his body kept churning, and his face turned pale.

The power of resentful spirits contained in this long whip has such a strong corrosive ability that it can affect people's spiritual consciousness.

The entire ancient temple became hazy, with howls and wind blowing everywhere, as if the world was ending.

The strange Buddha sneered, and continued to whip towards Longyang with a white bone and long whip.

Long Yang's face became more and more ugly, and his body kept falling backwards, but the strength of this strange Buddha was too terrifying. When the whip was pulled off, the whole ancient temple trembled, and the strange white skull whip was full of ghosts. Resentment greatly strengthened the strength of the strange Buddha.

Long Yang didn't expect that the monsters entrenched here would be so troublesome.

At this time, the strange Buddha laughed more and more arrogantly, and the black air behind him could be vaguely seen turning into a black giant ape, beating his chest and stamping his feet.

'what happened? This giant ape has the aura of the prehistoric clan? '

'Could it be that this strange Buddha was also transformed by the prehistoric orcs? Awakened because of that strange rune, causing this place to be in trouble? '

Long Yang guessed.

The strange Buddha swung the white bone whip again, and the heads appeared in front of Long Yang in an instant.

Long Yang's transparent wings fluttered behind his back, and a golden light burst out from the golden cloak, which suddenly disappeared, and then immediately appeared in the sky above the strange Buddha.

This speed has reached the limit, and the strange Buddha didn't react for a moment.

The golden Panlongji strikes, several bright meteors fall, and Longyang Slaying Dragon Breaking Spear is still powerful.

However, those meteors hit the strange Buddha's body, but were blocked by the black air on the strange Buddha's body, leaving only a circle of white light, which could not hurt the strange Buddha at all.

However, there was another strange vibration in the whole ancient temple.

Long Yang's pupils suddenly widened.

'Yes, the body of this strange Buddha is not here. '

'Perhaps, which Buddha statue entered the body of the Buddha statue after the death of the giant ape, the wild beast clan, and has only been awakened from a deep sleep. '

Long Yang's eyes turned, his spiritual consciousness covered the ancient temple, and he found ten Buddha statues, each of which was exactly the same.

'Of the ten Buddha statues, which one is the real body? '

Long Yang frowned and thought.

The strange Buddha waved his long whip again and lashed towards Longyang. Longyang held the coiled dragon's spine and used the dragon-slaying and spear-breaking technique to fight fiercely with the strange Buddha.

The strange Buddha's attack was fierce, and it was difficult for Long Yang to separate himself. He suddenly saw Tian Qing beside him.

"Miss Bai, I'm entangled with the strange Buddha, you go and destroy the ten Buddha statues."

When Bai Tianqing heard Long Yang's words, she didn't bother to think too much, nodded, and flew in front of the ten Buddha statues, flying her long sword in her hand, destroying them one by one.

Seeing this scene, the strange Buddha was furious, and once again swung the bone whip in his hand towards Bai Qing.

Bai Tianqing turned around, narrowly avoiding the lash of the long whip.

The strange Buddha's arm shook, and the long whip turned into a black mist and shrouded the sky towards the bright day, but Longyang's Panlong Ridge suddenly appeared, smashing the black mist instantly.

"Your opponent is me."

Long Yang said coldly, clapping his hands, the Panlong Ridge instantly swelled up, whipping towards the strange Buddha like a giant dragon. After whipping away, the two were at a stalemate for a while.

The strange Buddha's attack was fierce, while Long Yang's attack was domineering and fierce. For a while, the two were indistinguishable, and there was no winner for a while, which made Bai Tianqing heave a sigh of relief.

"court death!"

The strange Buddha roared, black light emerged from his body, and his figure suddenly grew taller by nearly a hundred meters, and an extremely evil force was released from his body.

"What kind of power is this?"

Long Yang was taken aback, the strange Buddha turned into an extremely huge chimpanzee at this time, Long Yang's gaze seemed to travel through time and space, following the giant gorillas back to the prehistoric era, drinking blood like a feather, and tearing the dragon with his hands.

"This is the power of my ethnic group, you don't understand."

The strange Buddha sneered, and then waved a long bone whip to attack Longyang again. The long whips twisted like snakes, drawing arcs in midair, with ear-piercing piercing sounds , Sweeping over, Long Yang didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, holding the coiled dragon's spine, he swept out with a single spear, the spear light in Long Yang's hand was like a golden dragon raging in the air, cutting off all the whips.

However, the strange Buddha seemed to have expected this result long ago, and the white mist from the strange Buddha's body gushed out again. This time, the bone whip in the strange Buddha's hand turned into ten long whips, each of which was like a dragon. With a fierce spirit, he attacked Longyang.


Long Yang was terrified and retreated hastily.

The strange Buddha once again transformed into countless long whips of white bones, attacking Longyang densely.

Long Yang focused his attention and brought the dragon-slaying spear technique to the extreme. A long spear turned into dozens of spear lights in the void, and shot out one after another, piercing through all the bones and long whips around him.

But the strange Buddha's long bone whips seem to be endless. No matter how Long Yang shoots, those bone long whips can always recover quickly. Moreover, those long whips are actually devouring. On the contrary, the aura in Longyang's body will decrease by one layer, and Longyang's offensive will also become slower.

Long Yang roared, holding the Panlong spine in his hand, frantically mobilizing his aura, and once again used the dragon-slaying and breaking-spear technique.

The long spear in Long Yang's hand spun continuously, forming a circle to protect him inside, and the bone whips were blocked by the circle one after another.

"Accept fate, you are not my opponent!"

The strange Buddha shouted loudly.


The corner of Long Yang's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

At this time, Tianqing finally destroyed all ten giant Buddha statues.

The figure of the strange Buddha froze and seemed to become a little illusory.

Then, a strange smile appeared on the corner of its mouth, "Do you think those giant Buddhas are my body? How childish!"

The black mist surged from the body of the strange Buddha, and it became stronger again, as if it had merged with the entire ancient temple.

Long Yang was startled, his heart sank,

"It turns out that the ancient temple is its real body!"

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