MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 5205 face yourself!

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Long Shisan was dignified and extremely cautious. He stepped up the Nilong stick layer by layer, and used the fighting holy method to the extreme. Facing the offensive and defensive momentum of the world's violent apes, he couldn't slack off in the slightest.

"Use stillness to stop, use movement to stop stillness... When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is tired, we attack...Use your own strengths to attack the opponent's weaknesses..."

Long Shisan kept Jiang Chen's words in mind, and did not dare to ignore them in the slightest. He gradually retreated to advance, and dealt with the violent apes of heaven and earth.

The situation is becoming more and more severe, and no one dares to easily assert who will have the last laugh.

Heaven and Earth Violent Ape was not to be outdone, and at this time began to change from defense to offense. Although his defense power was extremely amazing, his attack and killing momentum was not something anyone could resist.

The change of Long Shisan also formed an extremely difficult battle with the violent ape of heaven and earth. Long Shisan knew people's hearts well. Facing the violent ape of heaven and earth who started to bombard him wildly, he became calmer instead. Compared with the previous one's attack, he is now more calm.

The Heaven and Earth Violent Ape's successive punches have already crushed Long Shisan for dozens of miles, but Long Shisan is still as steady as an old dog, taking every step.

Si is a swordsman, if he is too rigid, he will be easily broken, and so is man.

Jiang Chen's words made Long Shisan extremely useful. He wanted to turn his own strength into motivation, and make his methods more flexible. Instead of competing with the strong, he had to wait until the opponent gradually fell into fatigue. , and then develop a fatal blow.

The strength of Heaven and Earth Violent Ape has been recognized by everyone. His power is so strong that even Jiang Chen nodded silently. Long Shisan has already won against this guy who can guarantee his current invincibility. The offensive and defensive movements are both exquisite and exquisite. The stone berry endowed the Heaven and Earth Violent Ape with an extremely terrifying defensive power, and his offensive is derived from the inheritance of the Heaven and Earth Violent Ape, which can be seen from the peerless beast.

"Heaven and earth gods, give me strength! Roar—"

Heaven and Earth Violent Ape crazily devoured the origin qi of heaven and earth, and at this time, his aura continued to climb, rushing to the top.

Heaven and Earth Violent Ape's giant fist, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, brought a pale golden light, and landed again and again. Long Shisan fought and retreated, blocking it with both arms, and had completely lost its original sharpness.

Taking defense as offense, although Long Shisan was at a disadvantage, he still did not give up. He was constantly looking for the loopholes of the Heaven and Earth Violent Ape. The crazy confrontation between the two has passed. The energy of the stone berry is his fundamental source, like steel, it is in line with the heaven and the earth, and its defense is unparalleled, making the heaven and earth violent ape invincible.

Now that the latter has started to fight back, Long Shisan's crisis is getting worse step by step, but the battle between the two is still very fierce, but Long Shisan is taking every step, making Yuan Ling and Mu Yibai on the side worry. Surprised.

The Nilong stick shot out a series of flames, hitting Tiandi Baoyuan's body, the latter became more and more excited, and the fight with Long Shisan never stopped, you come and go, the blood on the body is splashed out, making people's blood rush .

But looking at Tiandi Baoyuan, there was no injury at all, at least on the surface, his hair and skin were completely undamaged.

This kind of battle made both of them highly concentrated, without the slightest stagnation. Anyone who lost his mind at all would be completely defeated by the other party.

The light golden heavy punches dealt fatal blows to Long Shisan one after another. Long Shisan clenched his teeth and struggled to move forward. However, this kind of oppression also made his belief more firm. He fought to the death and never backed down.

"Battle Heaven Faxiang!"

Long Shisan used the Heavenly War Aspect to deal with the Heaven and Earth Violent Ape, and managed to hold on to the situation, but the balance of victory still did not come in his direction.

"Small skills, in the face of absolute strength, any struggle is futile. Quack quack."

The Heaven and Earth Violent Ape rushes left and right, like a broken bamboo, indeed with his strength, Long Shisan can only be exhausted to deal with it, even Zhan Tian Fa Xiang can't save the situation.

"Empty and Sky Dharma!"

Long Shisan used all means, his strength continued to rise, his fighting spirit became more and more powerful, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became. Although no one can guarantee that the opponent will be able to persevere in the confrontation between life and death, but as long as he has a breath, Long Shisan Three never flinch.

"Your strength is good. If you are both nebula-level sixth-layer heavens, maybe I really can't underestimate you. But your strength is weaker than mine, and you want to change your life against the sky. It's wishful thinking. Hahaha, swallow you , maybe I will be able to reach the Nebula-level seventh heaven, your talent, your fighting spirit, I like it very much."

Tiandi Baoyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Long Shisan firmly, with a feeling of sympathy for each other.

But today, the two have to decide the outcome. It's life and death, and no one can change it.

"Then you may be disappointed. I, Long Shisan, have never lost in my life."

Long Shisan grinned grimly, and said firmly, wiping away the blood that kept flowing from the corner of his mouth.

His body was already covered with scars and blood, but his unyielding spirit was admirable.

Regardless of his injuries, Long Shisan continued to charge. After being defeated again and again, he had to show his true fighting spirit.

"A boiled duck has a hard mouth. I'll see how long you can harden it."

Heaven and Earth Violent Ape is full of confidence, and the aura on his body also soars. The battle between two people is frightening and shocking.

"I don't believe it, I can't break through your defense!"

In Long Shisan's heart, he was still extremely persistent. Although he did not continue to fight to the end with the violent ape, if he could break through the defense of the violent ape, he would be able to defeat the self-confidence that the violent ape was proud of. Sometimes it may be that the army is defeated like a mountain.

Only by winning the Heaven and Earth Violent Ape in the absolute field can Long Shisan's real confidence double. Only by destroying this beast can he reach unprecedented heights.

Long Shisan used the battle to support the battle in exchange for the opportunity to know himself and the enemy with Tiandi Baoyuan. He believed that this guy must not be invulnerable and must have weaknesses.

"Brother Thirteen's injury is getting worse and worse. If this continues, he won't be able to hold on."

Yuan Ling was very nervous. Everyone could see that Long Shisan was able to persevere until now because of his passion and unparalleled belief. He wanted to become the king of beasts, and he wanted to become the unparalleled monkey king in the world. , He wants to trample the violent ape of heaven and earth under his feet. This is his inner pride and self-confidence. If he does not achieve his goal, he will never give up.

However, people have limits. If Long Shisan exceeds the limit, he may not be able to bear it. Death is not impossible.

"Brother, Brother Thirteen... is he really alright?"

Mu Yibai looked at Jiang Chen, only Jiang Chen could preside over the overall situation for them. In such a situation, Long Shisan would definitely be close to death.

Jiang Chen shook his head with firm eyes, he doesn't need anyone, what he is facing now is not the violent ape of heaven and earth, but himself.

Read The Mage of Eternity