MTL - Dragon Martial Emperor-v12 Chapter 1660 Leaving the star river

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In the first three days of the Rain Temple, Long Yu and the Holy Emperor joined hands to kill the four alien gods such as the Shen Aqua.

Then they began to join hands to open the time and space ramp, and always lead to the Nether Star River. This is no longer a problem for Long Yu. After the power density reaches 20 times, the biggest change is to be able to create a separate time and space.

Before this, it is impossible for practitioners to create time and space martyrdom alone, and must rely on teaming with other gods to open up.

Long Yu and the Holy Emperor teamed up together to open up time and space. It also takes a short time, but they have the exact space-time coordinates of the Nether Star River. It is not difficult to construct time and space, but it requires a lot of power.

Around the Temple of the Rain, Long Yu sent a lot of nine secluded hunters, hidden in the dark, if anyone came close from the periphery, he can know the fastest.

Of course, relying on the nine secluded hunters to explore, it is not 100% guaranteed, so the dragon must be fast.

Fortunately, the rain temple is relatively remote. On weekdays, the four races of the Shenshui are also very strict. It is extremely difficult to get to this star field except for the related individuals. Some people will come to the rain at this time. The possibility of the temple is not high.

At most, members of these four races found that they could not be contacted by several gods who came to this place. It would be a bit strange, but this time just before and after the rain temple was opened, even if they were the ten gods. If you are alive, you may lose contact with the outside world.

All in all, there are still three days left, even if the four races, such as the God Aquar, notice that something is wrong, it is hard to come over, not to mention the dragon.

He is afraid that the four races will join hands, but now it is impossible for the other party to know that some people have killed all the gods of the four families who came to the rain temple, so they are impossible to join hands. If any ethnic group comes alone to explore, Dragon Royal can easily kill each other.

When the rain temple is opened, there is still the last day left.

From the majestic temple of Long Yu’s vision, there was a magnificent momentum, so that the void around the four circles was enveloped in that momentum. Some kind of power that did not exist in this starry sky began to move toward the outside world. Emitted.

Long Yu did not care about the change of the rain temple, just a little observation, and then confirmed the entrance to this temple.

This is a magnificent light blue shrine. There are countless water droplets around the temple. It is like an endless raindrop that circulates around the temple. Because of this, this temple is called the "rain temple."

Through the thousands of layers of rain curtains, you can see the entrance to the entire temple. The rain temple in the void has a total of four entrances, in the four directions of the temple, which used to be the gods of the aquarium. The races are occupied separately.

As for now, Long Yu can enter the rain temple from any of the entrances.

He just confirmed the entrance to the Rain Temple, and it is still closed. It will take another day for the entrance to be truly opened.

It was just at this time that Long Yu finally opened up the time and space.

"Let's go, let's go back and bring everyone!"

Long Yu and the Holy Land nodded, and then the two entered the colorful time and space ramp entrance, and the next moment they appeared inside the Void Star River.


In this world, the space-time coordinates of any place are collected by the practitioners at that location.

Therefore, even if people of the aquarium, swords, and other races know that the Void Star River is in this place, they cannot pass through the space-time coordinates, and directly enter the interior of the Void Star River like Long Yu, because they simply cannot know the space-time coordinates inside the Void Star River. .

After all, space-time coordinates are not a series of simple digital symbols, but a kind of imprint. The deepest space-time imprint inscribed in this place cannot be obtained by means of extrapolation. The only way is to come to this place. Then collect the space-time coordinates.

The Dragon Emperor and the Holy Emperor directly appeared in the enchantment of the Nether Star River, and then felt the repressive force from the enchantment of the gods, as if the entire Nether Star River was stared at by a strong presence. However, the other party still did not launch any offensive, and even did not have any action, so that the whole of the Nether Star River is getting more and more bored.

However, at this time, Long Yu and the Holy Emperor returned.

Of course, in addition to cockroaches, not many people know that Long Yu has left the Nether Star River during this time. Everyone is wondering why Long Yu has not appeared to solve the external pressure.

Among some of the dominant corps from the Yaozu, many people have begun to discuss privately, saying that this situation will be more crisis than the previous one. At the crucial moment, Long Yu will not abandon them to escape.

There are not many people who think like this. After all, the strength of Long Yu has now surpassed all the gods and strong people in the Terran and the Yaozu. With such strength, it is entirely possible to go elsewhere to redevelop.

But more people choose to believe in Long Yu, and believe that Long Yu can not abandon them when they are in danger.

It turns out that it is impossible for Long Yu to let them down.

After the return of Long Yu and the Holy Emperor, they told their decisions and plans to others, and then quickly spread throughout the Nether Star River.

The decision to abandon the Void Galaxy is a bit shocking to everyone.

But now the powerful repressive power of the outside world really makes them have no way, so that all the people are stunned all the time, so that even the people’s minds are not gone. Now, Long Yu said that he wants to leave here, they are naturally willing to follow Long Yu. .

Most people have only two questions. The first one is where they are going to find a similar development site after leaving the Void Star River.

The Void Star River not only has the protection of the enchantment of the gods, but also is close to the territory of the Terran enchantress. Sometimes it is no problem to go back and visit relatives and friends in the territory of the Terran.

If they leave the Void Star River, can they not even return to the Terran Yaozu territory?

There is another question that comes from the threat to the outside world. They don't know why the Nether Star River will encounter these recent attacks, so they don't know what kind of targets these strikes are targeting.

If it is for the Dragon King or the Void Star River, then they will naturally be no danger after they leave, and the Dragon King can also hide.

But what if it is for the Terran and the Yaozu, if they leave, the threats instead put the target in the Terran and the Yaozu territory?

Regarding this question, Long Yu just gave a simple answer, and then asked him to explain what he said.

First of all, regarding the question of where to go, Long Yu has not thought about it now, but this world is vast. With the strength of Long Yu, it is still possible to find a stable development territory in most places, but it is not so easy, but It is no problem to say that creating a good cultivation environment for everyone.

Secondly, with regard to the goal, Long Yu has finally made it clear that these recent crises are all directed at him personally, not for the entire Terran and Yaozu, but now that Long Yu has left the Nether Star River, the oppressive force still hangs over the Nether Star River, obviously The Void Star River is no longer a safe place.

Long Yu knows what kind of existence he is provoked.

If the other side wants to deal with the Nether Star River, the enchantment of the gods can never stop the other party. The only thing he fears is that after the other party can't catch him, he will go to the Terran and the Yaozu and take the two races out. Of course, this possibility is very small.

Because, when Long Yu is gone, it is obviously an attitude: even if you go to the Terran and the Yaozu, I will not return from the cast!

In fact, even if Long Yu came back, it would be useless.

"My cultivation potential is good. I went to the throne in the ancient moon of the eclipse, and I got the golden flame power... I am a much smaller one, and I am much more threatened than the weak one that is now in front of the aliens. ”

Long Yu’s heart is very clear about this.

If he has not appeared, the other party is likely to avoid the strength of his rise, so he dare not start with the Terran and the Yaozu.

But if he appears in front of the other party, there is only one dead end.

Of course, Long Yu does not know what purpose the other party has to find himself, and why he wants to kill himself. It is more likely that the other party may be trying to prevent his rise and then have a race to follow them in the comet. Competing for cultivation resources.

But he doesn’t know how to do it...

Under the mobilization of the Dragon Emperor and the Holy Emperor, as well as the sacred, red scorpion, and moon songs, other people quickly accepted the idea of ​​Long Yu, and they entered the small of many powerful gods. In the world, then prepare to leave this starry sky.

Many people are still very reluctant, because in the territory of the Terran and the Yaozu, there are also their relatives and friends. If they leave, no one will know when they will be able to come back.

Many people have already guessed that following the departure of Long Yu, it is very likely that they will continue to be wandering outside, but they do not regret it.

Because everyone has already felt it, the dragon’s cultivation talent is really horrible. Now it is able to kill the alien gods who are close to forty times the power density. If you give him a certain time, can’t you be this? The strongest among the stars?

What's more, during the period of following the Dragon Emperor, all of them were better than the previous ones, and they even got the followers of the Beasts. The personal combat effectiveness of them was very obvious.

Everyone finally decided to leave the Void Star River.

The stagnation of this piece of the Galaxy is finally over.

Long Yu and everyone, will usher in the next new moment!

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