MTL - Dragon Martial Emperor-v12 Chapter 1674 Bottleneck breakthrough

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Long Yu did not expect that Akarius actually had this ability to get out of the time-flow slowdown area of ​​his nine-secret ball.

However, he also reacted quickly.

"Block him!"

Almost no hesitation, Ye Ziwei directly chased up to Akaliusi, although Akathus broke away from the time-flow slowdown area, but it was still affected by the dragon's stenciled pattern, which was only ten times The density of power is directly suppressed by a power density of five times.

A mad thunder flashed out, completely shrouded the Akathus, and then the thunder of lightning thundered in the nearby starry sky.

This is Ye Ziwei's trick of magical power. Behind her, a huge Thunder giant figure slowly emerges, and there is an inexhaustible thunderstorm in the entire void, as if forming a Thunder giant, the name is called Aka The new genus of the genus of the genus of the genus has been completely grasped.

"Thunder is in control!"

Ye Ziwei’s this magical magical power finally showed its power. At this time, the silky new-class **** Akhakus, which was captured by the Thunder giants, was stunned by the Thunder and immersed in a fantasy. I can't extricate myself.

And this is not the best.

As long as Akarius can't wake up from this illusion within three breathing hours, then it will be imprisoned forever, and then his body will be controlled by Ye Ziwei.

Because of this, this trick is called "Thunder control", this is a trick to control the opponent, let the opponent become a horror means of his own, but this trick has a limitation, that is, at the same time, Ye Ziwei can only Take control of an opponent.

If she later wants to use the Thunder to control other opponents, then she must give up control of Akas, which is equivalent to enslaving an opponent at the same time.

However, this is a good tool for Ye Ziwei.

After Akashus was under her control, she stayed in the void and sent the primary source lock to Ye Ziwei.

"The evil of the wolf green frost, if it kills it, it is too cheap. In the future, we will definitely encounter some dangerous situations, let it explore the road ahead. If there is any danger, then it will die." died."

Among the eyes of Ye Ziwei, there is a cold color, and she has no sympathy for the aliens, because she has seen too many people and demons who died in the hands of aliens.

There is no reason to talk between race and race.

She was holding the blood-red iron lock source, and then she watched the battle of the dragon.

Almost no effort was spent too much, and Long Yu’s smoldering ghosts slammed out, and the time was slowed down in the slow-moving area of ​​the nine-secret ball. The dark flames killed all the other eleven silk gods present.

Although there are a few relying on the magical powers and only two kinds of gods, they resisted the breathing time of the dragon, but after all, they still escaped the end of the four-phase killing.

The whole **** of the silk family was completely killed by the dragon, and it was only a small matter for him.

Without the sitting of the gods, the ethnic group of the Silks will soon disappear completely from the wilderness of the wilderness. The scorpion feathers that have just started the war will not let go of the territory of the sect, but other aliens around it. I am afraid that I will soon find clues, give up the restraint of the 蛟 feathers, and turn to attack the territory of the silks.

If Long Yu and the women are in the same way as in the Temple of the Rain, until the next year, when they come out, I am afraid that the silks in the nearby territories have all disappeared, and they are replaced by 蛟 feathers or other races.

The marginal race of a star field, without a particularly powerful kind of **** sitting, is easy to end like this, of course, it is still rare in general, after all, there are too few resources in the edge of the star field, those powerful gods I am too lazy to come here.

As for the resources of the temple, the more the area is near the center of the star, the more the number.

There are not many temples scattered around the edge of the star field, not to mention that they are only opened for at least a few decades. Those powerful gods are too lazy to get involved.

"The next step should be a long time for cultivation... Since the nine secluded **** have no effect on these corpses, they will be used to make dark creatures. The dragon scorpion's nine secluded military orders have not been used for a long time. If you make a dark creature, you can use it as a meat shield at a critical moment in the future."

Long Yu thought in his heart, and then he collected the bodies of the ten silk gods into the inner space of the Longyan ancient pagoda, and began to refine it into a dark creature. The process of refining the gods must be quite complicated and time consuming. However, Long Yu went on to practice and comprehend in the Temple of Qingyun. These times are not spent.

"Let's go, let's go into the temple, everyone is working hard, and strive to understand the secrets of cultivation and all kinds of means! If you don't understand the secret of cultivation, then the power of the temple should enable you to get other aspects of improvement, all Come on."

After the dragon was finished, everyone stepped into the Temple of Qingyun.

The Holy Emperor, the Moon Song and the Skull, the three women chose the white light temple to step in. The red dragon chose the green life temple to step in. Like Tao and Dragon, they chose the Shadow Temple to step in. Ye Ziwei, after a little thought about it, followed the red dragonfly and stepped into the green temple of life.

Hung Hom and Ye Ziwei are two women, each with their own attributes of blood and thunder.

Hung Hom is arguably more suitable to go to the Temple of Light, but she has some connection with the nature of life, so she chose the Temple of Life. As for Ye Ziwei, it is the same choice. After thinking about it, I feel in the Temple of Life. The means that may be obtained should improve their ability to survive and choose to step into it.

Everyone has chosen the temple that suits them.

This Qingyun Temple should have been created by the existence of six ancient gods. It is not known where the six ancient gods are now, and why should they deliberately create such a temple, so that many gods can be promoted in the public?

All the secrets, Long Yu is still not explored.

But he feels that as long as he has experienced several tests in the temple, he should know more about it and become closer to the truth.


One of the Qingyun Temples, among the black shadow temples, Long Yu and Zhi Tao just stepped into it, they lost each other and could not know each other's existence.

However, Long Yu tried it and found that there was still a conscious connection between himself and the Holy Emperor. This connection must be basically inseparable except for some extremely special circumstances, which made Long Yu loose. Tone.

After entering the temple, this conscious connection is not small, allowing them to understand the situation faced by both sides. If it is an emergency situation, it may be able to help.

The light and gods that the emperor himself realized, in the Temple of Light, soon found her own feelings.

"I should be able to understand the deeper secrets of cultivation here and improve the quality of the cultivation secrets!"

The idea of ​​the Holy Emperor was conveyed to the mind of Long Yu.

"Come on. I will continue to move forward. I will mainly look at whether I can make my last two supernatural powers become magical powers, and try to break through the bottleneck of the nine-secret ball."

Long Yu also conveyed the idea to go out.

After he entered the temple, he felt a force of drive over himself, let him move forward toward the depths of the temple, and soon came to a dark area in the Temple of Shadows.

In the Temple of Shadows, this is a dark, no light.

But now the area that Long Yu has come to is even darker, as if it is caught in a black hole, there is no such thing!

"This feeling... This kind of power... acts on the ball of Jiuyou. Isn't this eighth supernatural power going to change?"

Long Yu felt that the fruit of the nine-secret ball in his own small world, after he entered this dark area, seemed to be surrounded by some magical power, but this power was mysterious but it made people feel terrible. It is the breath of the shadow attribute god, and it seems to be mixed with some special power.

This special power seems to be the power of time.

This makes Long Yu feel a little excited inside. If the bottleneck of the nine-secret ball is broken, the improvement he brings is too big, because this is one of his strongest means and affects him. Cultivation speed!

Soon, he felt that his nine-pronged ball magical power was undergoing a slow metamorphosis. This process was almost impossible to feel, but Long Yu clearly realized that it was in the process of constant transformation.

However, the speed of its transformation is too slow, so slow that Long Yu feels a little panic.

Even when the nine-secret ball began to change, the conscious connection between him and the emperor gradually dissipated. Soon he could not feel the consciousness of the emperor, and he felt a sense of uneasiness.

"Time, the most important thing is time. If the bottleneck of the nine-secret ball breaks through, it will take too long to change."

Long Yu thought in his heart, and after a sigh of relief, he began to close his eyes and cultivate.

The metamorphosis of the nine-secret ball is a natural absorption of the mysterious power in the dark area nearby. This does not affect Long Yu’s own cultivation of the heavens and secluded, and soon he discovered that if he now chooses to apply the shadow attribute to the gods If the degree of fit increases to the thirteenth level, the transformation of his nine-secret ball seems to be much faster.

"If that's the case, then upgrade it! As for the degree of divine fit of the other seven attributes, the impact of first weakening the level is not great..."

Long Yu decided to make a decision.

Originally in the temple, the time flow rate is not constant, but extremely strange, so saving time is the most important thing for Long Yu.