MTL - Dragon Martial Emperor-v12 Chapter 1691 Optimus counterattack

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Long Yu smashed so many alien gods, and set off an uproar in the entire wild star field.

However, no aliens know who is secretly starting, because the aliens in the entire wild star field have been poisoned.

As the other aliens in the Wild Star field struggled to investigate the details, Long Yu had already cultivated with everyone in the area where the time flow rate slowed down.

Quite faith, red fire, sunset dance, Shu Shu, Feng Xin and Gu Yixian are also among the temples in the court, and they have realized the secrets of cultivation that suits them.

Now I have cultivated together with everyone.

A fifteen-fold power density allows them to practice for a month, which is equivalent to more than a year of cultivation by other practitioners.

There are still a few months left until the Qinghui Temple is opened. If they are converted, they will continue to practice in the Qinghui Temple, which is equivalent to seven or eight years of cultivation.

Such a long period of cultivation can at least give them a level of combat power.

The density of power can at least be improved several times. As for the six new geniuses, they will be promoted faster. After all, the practice of cultivating secrets is faster at the beginning.

Long Yu’s own cultivation has slowed down. After all, he has cultivated to the fourth round of the celestial solitude. Even though he has the fifteenth level of shadow attributes, he can improve his cultivation speed, but after all, he cannot Reached the previous speed.

Counting, even if the Qinghui Temple is opened, Long Yu will increase the power density by a factor of two.

However, this is already very good, enough to make Long Yu's strength even higher, and the alien gods who deal with sixty times the power density will become more relaxed.


Three days before the opening of the Qinghui Temple.

Long Yu finally took the crowd out of the customs. This time, the Qinghui Temple, he himself has to step into it and try to improve his own strength.

On the other hand, he also brought in five other people, namely, peach, dragonfly, red dragonfly, moon song and holy emperor. As for Ye Ziwei, it is impossible to go to the temple during the process of continuous cultivation and acceleration.

Although Long Yu left, the time-flow slowdown area she was in will soon dissipate, but this will not interrupt her cultivation, and the acceleration of cultivation will remain, so Long Yu will be so relaxed. go away.

Before the Dragon King, he smothered it in the entire wild star field, and increased the effect of the time-flow slowdown area by fifteen times, just the other four people's power density reached 30 times.

Only by achieving thirty times the density of power can you step into the Qinghui Temple.

It can be seen that in this temple, it is likely to have something more precious than other temples. A total of six places are in place, and Long Yu intends to take it all away!

The other two races are the Umbrella and the Optimus, each with one or two sixty times the density of power.

The opening of the Qinghui Temple is considered to be a major event in the three major races, so the Umbrella and the Qingtian are also prepared.

They send two kinds of gods, one of which is the strongest god, with a power density of sixty-two times!

The other is also a strong presence of fifty-seven times the power density. After all, whether a large race can become stronger is largely determined by the strongest.

The good opportunity of the Qinghui Temple is naturally not the same as that of other ordinary aliens. Unless there are some geniuses, it is possible to let the strongest gods give up their position.

This situation is excellent for Long Yu!

Because as long as these four alien gods are killed, there will be nothing to resist his existence in the Umbrella and the Optimus.

And because these four alien gods are already the strongest existence, they have not brought other gods to come, just because they are near the Qinghui Temple, waiting for the opening of the temple.

This is also an excellent mobile phone for Long Yu!

"You drag the two ends of the umbrella family. I will kill the two heads of the Optimus.... After coming out of the Qinghui Temple, we will be able to have all the cultivation resources of these three aliens."

What Long Yu wants to do is of course the most powerful **** of the Optimist and Umbrellas, and then, like the ruling ice fire, the umbrella and the Optimus are occupied together.

In this way, everyone in the Nether Star River will be able to upgrade faster.

When the dragons were hidden in the void and came to the vicinity of the Qinghui Temple, they saw the four powerful gods of the Qingtian and the Umbrellas, each divided into two camps, in a temple with a soft blue glow. The nearby void looks like a confrontation, but it is actually a leisurely and calm look.

Obviously, for the Qinghui Temple, the four-headed gods are very familiar.

They have come from before.

However, this is not a problem for Long Yu, because even if the other party has entered the Qinghui Temple, the strength is stronger than the ordinary class, but how to say it is similar to the strongest **** of the Ice Fire.

Once Long Yu was able to kill the strongest gods of the Ice Fire, and now he can deal with these two guys. After all, Long Yu has made great progress. Compared with the strongest **** of the Ice Fire, he has now improved his strength. One cut is enough to completely suppress the strongest **** of the ice fire family at that time!

Just as the other four heads of God are unprepared, the open space is launched, and a strong space barrier appears around the four heads of God, closing them all and cannot escape.

If you want to escape from the field of emptiness, even if it is a sixty-fold power density of the alien gods, you need at least a fragrant time, but also an undisturbed time.

Now, Long Yu will not give them any chance to escape.


When the field of the open space was released, Long Yu Dang did not give the other party a slight reaction time even if he chose to do it.

Several nine secluded **** appeared in the field, and countless dark entangled beams entangled the four alien gods in the space.

The effect of the slowing of the time flow rate is shrouded in the entire space of the open space, so that the four alien gods are all in a state of slow movement.

Immediately afterwards, Long Yu flew alone to the two gods of the Optimus, and the rest of the people flew to the two-headed gods of the umbrella family, dragging them with the help of the nine-secret ball.

Everything is in the plan of Long Yu.

The Optimus is a very large alien in the shape of a flesh. The whole is like a hill in the void, exuding a magnificent momentum.

When they felt the emergence of the field of the emptiness, the powerful gods of the two celestial celestial bodies each gave out a burst of killing. They were keenly aware of the hostility from the surrounding emptiness, but found that when they had not fully reacted At that time, the opponent's offensive has arrived.

The time flow of the nine secluded **** slowed down, making their movements extremely slow, and the flow of power in the body was greatly hindered. Even normal battles became a luxury.

However, the strongest celestial celestial body responded in an instant, and before the arrival of the dragon defensive, the whole body was covered with a layer of broken rock.

This layer of broken rock formations has separated the whole body from the influence of the nine-secret ball, and is no longer affected by the slowing of the time flow. This method is very high even among the high-level alien gods. rare.

However, for Long Yu, this is not too difficult.

"Can't be dragged for too long, otherwise I am afraid that there will be a change."

Long Yu is very clear about this, so he did not intend to test the other side as soon as he came up, but directly sent out the killing tricks, smashing the ghosts, killing the four phases, and mercilessly moving toward the other side.

Dark flames, death, constantly moving toward the other side, trying to invade, but separated by the fractured rock formations of the other side, for a time, nothing was created.

"Nine secluded dragons!"

Long Yu did not hesitate to mobilize this magical magical power, suddenly behind the dragon and the virtual shadow emerged, a dark flame blasted, this strong attack means, at this moment, it is more useful than the shackles and the four-phase killing some.

The other side's broken rock formations began to become more and more fragmented at a time, and there is a tendency to collapse!

"The other side's broken rock layer is purely a physical defense. Whether it is a stagnation or a four-phase killing, the most is the killing of the spiritual soul. In this case, the nine stagnation is more effective. some."

Long Yu is very clear why the current nine dragons can produce results, because this magical power is originally known for its powerful attack, but unfortunately there has been no chance to use it before, after all, the other party is too easy to dodge.

But now, it was discovered by him.

The strongest **** of the Optimus was extremely confident in its fragmented rock formations, and did not escape, resulting in a slight collapse of the broken rock formation.

Once it begins to break up, the fractured rock formations outside the body of the other body can no longer be maintained.

The power of the sputum spurs began to invade, and the death temper of the four-phase murder also began to invade into the other's body. Similarly, the effect of the stenciled effect took effect from the beginning, weakening the opponent's tenfold power density. And Long Yu itself opened the eight-pole blood, and increased his power density to nearly 50 times the morning reading.

In addition to the fifteenth level of the character attribute god, the dragon's current power density is equivalent to more than 50 times the **** of the class, and his various means are stronger than the ordinary class, even if it is sixty times The aliens of power density are not at all fearful.

However, at this time, the accident was steep.

However, from the strongest celestial gods on the other side, there was a strange pattern of ecstasy in the blink of an eye. These lines flashed with the spirit of the power of the gods.

Then these lines even connected the strongest celestial gods, as well as the distant peaches, red dragonflies, holy emperors, monks and moon songs.

"This is... some kind of ancient gods!"

When I saw it, I was shocked!

Read The Duke's Passion