MTL - Dragon Martial Emperor-v12 Chapter 1715 Open day (the finale)

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From the nine secluded monuments, a burst of power emerged.

After feeling the more and more intense spirit of the surrounding, the "Dragon Dragon God" in the nine prison monument finally decided to show up.

As for why I have to wait until this time to show up, Long Yu will soon know.

Because when this giant black dragon flew out of the nine secluded monuments, and with the nine secluded monuments flying into the void, there were eighty-eight gods banned in the distance, coming from the void in all directions. Born in the middle, it instantly fell to the dragon of the giant dark dragon!

"Eight eighteen gods banned light! If he appeared in advance, I am afraid it is difficult to resist, but now there are nearly 10,000 gods in the field!"

Long Yu’s eyes widened.

However, seeing the innumerable spirits of the various means, it was easy to resist the light of the eighty-eight gods, and then the giant dark dragon, looked back and looked around, because it has been following Long Yu, Therefore, the dragon **** knows the whole thing clearly.

"Only the rest waits..."

It seems to come from the dark dragon between the nine secluded, a pair of dragon eyes, as if creating the source of everything, the reflection of the tens of thousands of gods in the field.

These gods are more powerful than each other in the most powerful class.

Even the strongest gods like Silver Tree, Dragon King, and Golden God do not have any comparability in front of any gods, because the gap is too big. When the power reaches 100 times the density of power, it will The combination of the power of time, the gods who can use the power of time, alone can deal with thousands of gods.

Therefore, from the recovery of the gods, the things in the field have little to do with Long Yu and others.

Whether it is the sacred market or the light of the ban, it is only the things that these gods have to deal with.

"Finally, it was reached."

Long Yu was completely relieved, and if he could not stop the spread of the Shenxu, then he had no choice.

If there are things that even the gods have not done...

"Do not let go, don't give up. From now on, let us know and let all the gods who have reached the conditions can try to become a true god. It is not enough to rely on 10,000 gods."

The **** of the dragon **** was instantly conveyed to the mind of Long Yu, giving him a glimpse of his heart.

Ten thousand gods, not enough?

"The dragon **** is the strongest being to control the light of the gods and the ban, but now he is in a dormant state. Otherwise, the universe has long been completely emptied. Want to destroy the dragon gods completely, light With 10,000 gods, it is not enough."

The dragon **** continues to pass on the mind, extremely solemn.

"Original, the nine secluded monuments can only be used by the dragons. The nine secluded dragons are the last dragons that inherit my will. Unfortunately, this son does not listen to persuasion, forcibly tries to break through becoming a god, and is finally banned by the dragon gods. The light kills."

"So, from the future universe, I have chosen a person with a good heart and will come to this era and provoke a heavy responsibility. Starting from the nine secrets, all the way, Long Yu, you have not let me down."

The **** of the dragon **** passed to the hearts of many gods around.

This remark made Feng Yu and others suddenly shocked.

The future universe, the person with good heart and will, is this the dragon?

"Is it the world I live in, the world of technology, the future universe? The dragon **** can actually pull me out of the future universe, this is a powerful means!"

Long Yu was shocked.

In the field, except for the Holy Emperor, even the red dragonfly does not know the true origin of the dragon, but the same, I don’t know, I just know that I’m listening to a certain will, and I’ve carved a nine in the dragon’s chest. Long Yin only, but I don't know that Long Yu was selected from the future universe.

"The future universe... Long Yu, no wonder you are so powerful, it is from the future."

I am quite convinced: "I still let Laozi groan."

"I don't know myself."

Dragon Royal can only laugh a bit.

This thing, until now, before he said it, he never knew that his original world turned out to be the future universe.

"But the future universe, and our current time and space, are separated by a strong existence. I also tried my best to pick you up, and now I can't even look at the look of the future universe... but It doesn't matter. As long as the future universe exists, it proves that we can kill the dragon gods and save the whole universe."

The dragon **** continued to say.

God thought spread, countless gods have understood what is going on, and at the same time expressed their disappointment to the nine secluded dragons, even at the crucial moment, they almost went so far, which led to the overall failure of the entire recovery plan.

If the Dragon God also picked a candidate from the future universe, I am afraid that the Shenxu will eventually turn the entire universe into nothingness.

Even so, the Lennon Devil is not immune to it, but it was originally a guy who determined to die, and whether it exists or not has nothing to do with it...


Suddenly, all the gods in the field moved in the heart, and even after seeing the Scorpio, countless gods banned the light again, and came to the gods in the field!

As long as you continue to feel the existence of the gods, the light of the ban will not stop, and will continue to be bombarded, unless the core of the entire ruins is destroyed.

"God screen!"

A purple light **** raised his hand, and a purple light curtain suddenly appeared, squatting among the gods and many gods, and then flowing in infinite time, filled with the purple light curtain, resisting most of the gods. Forbidden light.

"At the fastest speed, let all the gods try to change the gods. Now is the best time to destroy the core of the gods!"

The **** of the purple light family, God's thoughts spread around the four, even with the power of time, all the way to the entire universe of the remaining twenty-six stars, so that all the gods have heard this cry.

Including Long Yu, I know that it is almost time now.

When countless gods have recovered and they are beginning to fight against the light of God's ban, it is the best time to break through the spirit, and if there is no breakthrough, there is no chance. If the gods attack the core of the gods, then Everyone will be nothing.

"In this case, I have improved."

The dragon's dead power has already been upgraded to a power density of ninety times, the same as his own strength density, and then he has stagnated and has not continued to improve. The fear is to incur the light of God.

There is no scruples now, continue to improve!

However, there is still a tenfold power density. If you want to improve it, it is not something that can be done in a flash. It will definitely take a lot of time, including other similar gods who are close to the gods.

When Long Yu began to try to break through, the dragon **** led the 10,000 gods and finally officially began to act.

"The current Shenxu market is vast enough to be unimaginable. If the core of the Shenshen is still there, I am afraid that it will take infinite time to arrive. Plus, we must attack the core of the Shenxu... We must at least have a thousand gods. Going forward for a team, and there must be sacrifice."

"Yes, there must be the power of the gods to resist the gods, create conditions for the advancement of other gods, die one, and make up one. Only in this way can we go deep into the market and reach the core of the gods."

"Once the core of the Shenxu is broken, the Dragon Man Devil will surely wake up... At that time, it is the stage of the new gods. When we attack the core of the Shenxu, we must have died almost. ”

This is an extremely fierce battle.

Long Yu knows that in the Samsung domain, there are not a few new gods, and even some of the stars have become completely dead. Don't say that the new gods are, there are few gods.

But only one of the stars can be highly anticipated.

That is the light family!

Millions of light-class gods, including more than one million peak-like gods, are all possible to become gods. If this one million gods appear, then the overall strength will be strong.

"I don't know what kind of existence of the Dragon Devil, what kind of combat power, but a million gods united, should be able to defeat it, even if these millions of gods are new gods..."

Long Yu thought in the heart, and then he looked at the dragon **** to lead the gods, divided into ten teams, and stepped into the Shenxu market!

With the devil's shot, the Shenxu market near the stellar field began to recede, but it was only temporary. Two gods were willing to sacrifice. Like the **** of the outside protoss, they turned into a light curtain to resist In front of the Shenxu, it is to prevent the Shenxu from spreading.

After all, if the Shenshen continues to spread, it is very likely that some of the descendants who may become gods will be completely killed. It is necessary to know that these younger generations are the ultimate force against the dragon gods, and no force can disappear.

"Sacrifice... even the gods have made sacrifices."

The outer protoss are also.

Now these two alien gods are also, even if Long Yu does not know their names, it is turned into a light curtain, and stopped in front of the Shenxu.

And the 10,000-headed **** that recovered from it is going deep into the Shenxu market!

No one knows how they are doing.

Only Long Yu, actually kept in touch with the Nine Prisons, because this is his small world, he can feel his own small world, and the small world is in the nine prisons, so Long Yu and You Long God can still be connected.

Even in the Shenxu market, the idea of ​​his connection with the Holy Emperor could not last, but there is a dragon god, and his power can still guarantee to keep in touch with Long Yu.

One head and one **** died in succession.

Long Yu did not know how long it had been in the Shenxu market, and how far they had moved forward, but it took only a month before the outside world, and the death and injury in the Shenxu market was extremely serious.

It’s the squad where the dragon **** is, and has already sacrificed one hundred gods!

“Time flow slows down...start!”

Long Yu built a time-flow slowdown area, and then cultivated its own dead power with the fastest speed. At the same time, there are also the silver trees of the natural family, the gods of the gods, the six-winged, the mechanical, the sword. The strongest gods are cultivating their own power.

The opportunity to step into the gods is now.

In the Shenxu market, the gods attacked, and almost no outside world would appear in the light of the ban. Long Yu and some Terran gods communicated with each other and learned that in the distant Guangzu territory, there have been many light-like peaks. Become a god.

Even so, there is no light of God's ban, to attack these new gods.

It can be seen that the current light of the banned gods has been completely concentrated on the nearly 10,000 revived gods!

It is precisely because of this that it is necessary to formulate a recovery plan. Otherwise, even if they are fighting, even if they are gods, they will not be able to withstand the steady light of the ban, and it is even more impossible for other gods to have the opportunity to step into the gods.


In the entire universe, the number of new gods is increasing, and all of them are rushing toward the comet of Long Yu in the case of mastering the power of time.

The gods around Long Yu are getting more and more, because these gods know that now, and those who are connected with the resurrection of the gods, there is only one dragon.

More and more new light gods have come to the Dragon.

Many Laoguang people apologize to Long Yu, they do not know that there is such a resurgence plan. Before that, their overall life of the Guangzuo was too leisurely. In the past hundreds of millions of years, they have already Existence is forgotten.

However, after the gods of the dragon **** spread throughout the universe, the light family understood the current situation.

Therefore, for Long Yu, they were full of apologies, and actually drove him away...

However, Long Yu did not care about this.

What's more, now that there are so many light gods, he can't care about this.

"Everyone, are all ready to deal with the Dragon Devil. Until now, I still don't know what kind of existence is... and it seems that even the Dragon God does not know."

Long Yu and the Dragon God exchanged a message, only to know that the Dragon God actually only accepts the task halfway.

In ancient times, the Dragons were the Lord of the Spirit and dominated the world.

Later, the dragon **** demon was born, and the power of the world was destroyed, and the whole universe was collapsed. When the dragon **** was born, the dragon was still the hegemon of the gods, but this was useless because the dragon gods had taken the whole The gods of the universe have been completely suppressed, the gods have begun to spread, and countless gods have built temples, sleeping to ensure that they are not killed by the light of God.

The Dragon God has never seen the true face of the Dragon Man.

He only knows that later, with great ability, he took the initiative to get close to the dragon **** demon, and actually dragged the dragon **** into the dormant state. From then on, he gave the gods a series of such a long time and was able to start the recovery plan.

The recovery plan of the Dragon God is already the last generation.

If this generation of recovery plans cannot be successful, then the destruction of the entire universe is the exact thing.

The previous recovery plan was carried out several times, but every time it was implemented, it was not completely successful. It was blocked by the minions of the dragon gods, and the core of the gods could not be destroyed.

When the minions of the dragon gods are all destroyed, the gods have spread more than half of the universe, and even the dragon gods are almost left, and they are already dead in the gods, the light of the gods, or the minions of the dragon gods. in.

The nine secluded dragons are the last dragons.

It also inherits the existence of the nine secluded monuments.

The dragon **** was seriously injured. He could only hide his tracks in the nine prisons. Once he appeared, he would be obliterated by the light of God. He knew that he was the last chance, so he protected himself very well, but unfortunately The Emperor did not realize the plan he left, forcibly trying to break through and was killed.

Fortunately, now that Long Yu is finally comprehending, it is a pity that in the end there are only 10,000 gods left. So with such a god, I am afraid that even the core of the gods cannot be destroyed.

But no matter what, you must try it, otherwise the universe will only turn into a result of nothingness.

"Come on, seniors."

All gods and new gods are counting on the dragon gods. They can destroy the core of the gods. When the last recovery plan was implemented, all the minions of the dragon gods were wiped out. If nothing unexpected, they should be able to It is right to destroy the core of the Shenxu.

After the appearance of the gods, near the area where Long Yu was located, it became a holy place of cultivation.

Because the power of the gods to control the time, can slow down the time of this area even 10,000 times, the past day, it is like practicing for three hundred years!

Moreover, with the help of the one-on-one help of the gods, the gods can quickly find the secrets of cultivation that suits them, thus constantly cultivating, increasing the density of power, and finally comprehending the divine power and moving toward the gods.

Many people around Long Yu have entered these time-slow areas for cultivation.

Of course, the Dragon King himself is also the same. After three months of their departure, the Dragon King broke through and became a true god!

"God... This is the god, this feeling, compared with the gods, is much more powerful."

Long Yu clenched his fist.

He can feel that all kinds of forces are moving in their own bodies, the power of time is flowing all over the body, and their life has been raised to infinity. As long as they are not killed, they can live forever, millions of years, thousands of years!

Moreover, Long Yu seems to feel that there is a special power in the body that is ready to move.

That was what he had learned in the Shenxu market. It was the power of the gods. At this time, he and Ye Ziwei looked at each other. She obviously realized a little of this power, but this power cannot be They use it.

The Dragon Gods have entered the Shenxu for three months and have lost more than 300 gods.

But at this time, they finally have several teams to find the core of the Shenxu, including the Dragon God itself, and also found the core of the Shenxu, and directly attacked the core of the Shenxu. At this time, the Dragon God They will remind Long Yu and others to prepare them for the Dragon God.

Although there are only three months, in this universe, new gods are constantly emerging, especially in the light family. Now there are more than 700,000 headed light gods gathered around the dragon.

These light gods are very much looking forward to the upcoming war.

Because as long as they win this battle, they will be free to enjoy the time of the gods, and no longer be threatened by the light of God's forbidden light, the gods will also retreat, the entire universe will be restored to the most prosperous time.

All ethnic groups share prosperity.

That was the era before the ages of the ancients.

The inspiration of the light family.

Thousands of new gods are gathering more and more around the dragon, even around him, Ye Ziwei, Yi, Hongqi and others have become new gods, because of the help of time They have enough time to cultivate.

As long as there is enough time and enough resources to cultivate, it is not too difficult to be a god.

Of course, the precondition is that the talent is sufficient. Otherwise, even the genre of the gods can't be crossed.


Suddenly, Long Yu received a message of God, the core of the Shenxu, will soon be completely destroyed!

Just when he received this message, the difference became steep.

The ruins of the gods in front of the gods suddenly broke out with the power of horror. The power of nothingness rushed out, as if the ruins of the ruins from the inside were actually pushing the Shenxu to expand to the outside world!

Of course, this expansion is only temporary.

“Retreat, retreat!” Long Yu immediately raised his hand and let all the gods retreat toward the rear. They were already the strongest of the gods. When the power of time circulated, they took everyone back into another star field.

The eruption and spread of the Shenxu directly destroyed the Sanxing domain and destroyed the star field of the races such as the Terran, the Yaozu, the Nature, the God, the Sixth, and the Sixth.

However, the explosion stopped here.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Shenshen market turned out to be like a sea tide, and it quickly retreated. Although the space after the retreat of the Shenxu was devastated, it was no longer occupied by the Shenxu. With the power of the gods, it was completely devastating. The space has been rebuilt and become a bustling place.

"琅琊 Samsung domain... recovered."

The discovery of Long Yu and others surprised the entire space of the Xingxing area, no longer a void, and the Shenxu market has retreated to the outside of the virtual barrier.

Even when he went to the virtual barrier and directly penetrated the imaginary barrier, he found that there was a riddled hole in the opposite side of the virtual barrier, but it was no longer covered by the ruins, and it was the normal space left!

"The gods are broken."

"The gods have retreated."

Many gods have jointly issued a joyous voice. Everyone knows the terribleness of the gods. When these gods rushed to other places from the other stars, they saw the space that was too eroded by the gods to become completely empty. Complete silence, even space and time do not exist.

Such a place is desperate.

But now, although these spaces are broken, they are full of devastation and riddled with holes, but they contain hope.

"Just, the dragons are gods, but they are gone."

The dragon’s heart trembled. He only felt that at the moment when the core of the Shenxu was broken, all the surrounding gods were swallowed up by nothingness and completely disappeared into the world. Only the powerful gods such as the Dragon God gathered. In the end, all the powers kept the nine secluded monuments and sent them to the dragon.

"Only the rest, nine prison monuments!"

Long Yu discovered that in the nine secluded monuments, there is still the seventh layer of the core space. In the core space of the seventh layer, there is actually a consciousness that has been banned for a long time.

Nine secluded dragons.

"Let me go out!"

The consciousness of Jiulong Longdi discovered the spout of Long Yu and immediately roared out.

In addition to the consciousness of the nine secluded dragons, there seems to be a lot of dragons and souls in the core space of the seventh floor.

"These are the remnants of the dragons that the dragon gods have kept... These dragon remnants, it seems to be useless."

When the dragon swayed his head and shook his head, he would no longer pay attention to it. As for the release of the Nine Dragon Emperor, it is naturally impossible. If it weren’t for the nine secluded dragons, the situation would not be as bad as it is now.

If the revitalization plan was implemented at the time of the nine princes, then there were at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of gods at that time.

In this way, the difficulty of dealing with the Dragon Warcraft is much smaller.

But now, they only have some new gods to deal with the last dragon gods...

The key is that now the dragons are not even known to the dragon gods.

A group of densely lit light gods, all of them are shining, indicating that they are also in a state of doubt, do not know what to do next.

"These light families... Although they have a long life, it seems that their brains are not so good... No, they don’t have to think about their brains. It’s just a life composed of light..."

Long Yu shook his head. Anyway, these light people have simple minds. Although they are numerous, they are within the controllable range. They are not afraid of chaos when they arrive. Now, all the new gods are headed by Dragon King.

Because everyone is calling him up.

And it is because he has revived the gods and repelled the gods.

He also has nine secluded monuments, which is the sacred dragon god, the endorsement of the old gods.

In any case, if there is a decisive decision in the field, there will be one left.

"Predecessors, spiritual connections, then everyone spreads out, looks for, has any suspicious existence, and everyone goes there."

Long Yu said to the god-like old man of heaven and earth.

This old man is now also a god, and his spiritual connection is more sophisticated, even if he is connected to millions of creatures at the same time, there is no problem.

After everyone was linked by his spirit, they dispersed.

After the retreat of the gods, the world is too broad. Even if the power of the gods is constantly flowing, it is very difficult to explore.

But soon, the gods found that they did not need to take the initiative to find.

Because they quickly felt it clearly, in the far-reaching place behind the Shenxu market, there is a very strong atmosphere, which is constantly becoming stronger, stronger, stronger, and seems to be waking up from sleep!

"That is the Dragon Man Devil?"

Long Yu is shocked by himself, and there are already light gods who are heading straight in that direction.

The power of time, no matter how slow, can let them rush to the destination in an instant, but in general, in fact, in the way to the sleeping dragon **** demon, there are always dragons The devil's minions are waking up.

"Six-armed and six-winged human race!"

Through the spiritual link, Long Yu saw the minions of the dragon gods that appeared. It turned out to be the six-armed and six-winged humans that he had seen in the temple. It was dark and had the strength to completely surpass the new gods!

"How can the power of the gods be improved... We have no clue, damn, these dragons and gods are awakened, we are not opponents at all!"

Long Yu felt that there were three new gods of the Guangzu, siege of a six-armed and six-winged dragon **** devil, and was actually crushed by the dragon **** devil, and the body composed entirely of light was completely transformed. The finest photon particles are then annihilated in the deepest darkness.

At least seven new high-spirited gods of the light family can deal with a dragon **** devil!

And this is only the minion of the Dragon Devil.

It is hard to imagine how terrible the dragon gods themselves are.

"I am afraid this way..."

Long Yu bite his teeth and the situation is very wrong.

The minions of the dragon gods must have died before, but as long as the dragon gods wake up, these minions can appear indefinitely. The dragon gods... have the ability to create these minions!

Every previous recovery operation was carried out without the dragon **** devil.

But now, the core of the Shenxu is destroyed, and the Dragon Devil is completely awake, and there is no luck.

"In those days, the dragons flourished, and countless powerful and powerful gods could not deal with the dragon gods... Now, we only have a small number of new gods, how can we defeat the demon god?"

Long Yu clenched his teeth.

Do not say anything else, the light is the dragon god, and the old gods who just went to destroy the core of the gods, each head's strength is at least equal to the dragon's devil's level.

In other words, it is at least seven times stronger than these new gods, and even the strength of the Dragon God is the most powerful. I am afraid that alone can deal with the minions of several dragon gods.

It can be imagined that when the dragon gods first appeared, the gods in those heydays were stronger, and the total number of gods must exceed one million in the current district.

“It’s too simple to think about the problem... but it seems to be another way to think about it!”

"At the beginning, who made the dragon gods fall into a dormant dormancy? What is the method used... maybe, you can start with this article..."

Long Yu stood beside the nine prison monument and fell into meditation.

On the front line, the dragon's devil's minions continue to appear, one end, two heads... and finally there are hundreds of heads.

However, in the case of the light of the gods like the waves, these dragons and gods are still easily killed, but the light gods also lost a lot, and even more deaths than the dragon gods.

The Dragon Devil has just awakened, and it seems that it is impossible to create the dragon **** devil in large scale.

However, at this time, a pair of huge incomparable dark pupils appeared on the whole sky!

"I...wake up, wake up!"

"I am, the dragon **** demon!"

"The whole world will be destroyed by me, even if it is a god, it will tremble with me!"

Three thoughts in succession have spread throughout the minds of all people, and all the creatures in the universe have received these three messages.

Some of the weaker creatures were even killed by these three gods, and there was no resistance or resistance!

Accompanied by these three thoughts, it is a breath of power that is completely unstoppable. It is transmitted from the giant dark pupils of the pair of celestial scorpions. Under this power, some light new people are fighting against the dragon gods. Jin Shenling, directly to death, to the complete emptiness.

"This is the power of the gods... Although the core of the gods has been destroyed, but the dragon gods still have the power of the gods, they can easily deal with the gods! Even..."

In the consciousness of the Dragon Emperor, I saw in the endless space and time, in the farthest place where the Guangzu gods traveled, there was the existence of a dragon head.

This existence, it looks like a dragon's first person, but the whole body is dark, it doesn't look really cut, and all the light shines on it, it will be absorbed by it. Only the pair of pupils can be seen as the giants reflected on the sky. pupil.

That is... the guy called the Dragon Man Devil?

"The light of God's ban!"

In the observation of Long Yu, the existence of the dragon's first person suddenly burst into the light of the forbidden light, and then there are dozens of new light gods in the vicinity who were completely killed, without any slight resistance!

"The light of God's ban, whether it is the light of God's ban or the market of God, there is no room for resistance at all! Positive confrontation is definitely not an opponent... It is impossible for a million new gods to defeat this guy!"

Long Yu immediately understood this, and then through the spiritual link as soon as possible, to inform all the light of the gods to retreat.

However, these light gods are all dead brains!

Seeing that the dragon gods killed dozens of light gods, the rest of the light gods were angry, and they launched an offensive against the dragon gods, the power of time, the power of the five elements, the power of various attributes... ...

They are released to the dragon **** demon!

The light of the sacred light and the power of the gods are constantly blooming from the dragon and the devil of the dragon's first person. In an instant, they kill one after another, the light gods, but these light gods do not know the fear at all. Killed up.


The dragons are full of cold sweats, and the gods of these light families are too straightforward, right?

However, it is also true that the number of light people is originally small, and one is dead. The other light people must be filled with indignation. Especially now, the dragon destroyer is the cosmic destroyer. If you don’t kill it, the rest of the light family will not be able to I can't live.

Therefore, these light families simply launched their offensives, and even many gods bombarded them by means of self-destruction.

It is a pity that all means of attack are useless to the Dragon Man Devil. The power of the Shenxu is released, and any force is turned into nothingness in an instant. Even the power of self-destruction can't hurt the Dragon God.

The Dragon Man Devil can freely release a few sacred lights to kill a new **** of the light family.

The two sides are not at one level at all.

"Hahaha, are you scared? If you are afraid, you will surrender. Anyway, I will not let go of any one!"

"In this world, the most important thing for me is gone, then everything else must be buried with it! Anyway, this world does not need me, I don't need this world. Hey, I have slept so long before, and you are cheaper." ”

With these two gods, Long Yu has a growing sense of something wrong.

This dragon god, seems to be a little mentally retarded?

Soon, the look of the Dragon Man Demon God finally appeared, appeared in front of everyone, Long Yu saw it, suddenly bowed, this guy... Although the dragon is the first person, but the dragon head is clearly a young dragon !

And that person is just a child's body.


"Human dragon fit?"

Long Yu has not seen such a creature. Even some aliens have no such existence as the dragon head. It can only be said that this guy may be a descendant of the Terran and the Dragon. Looking at his eyes from the front, it seems that it is not so evil. It is just a kind of resentment against the world.

"Right, what he said is the most important thing for him... What is it?"

Long Yu associates, there was a existence, even trying to make this guy fall asleep, think of this guy is a young age, then, maybe there is a way to get rid of this guy!


The dragon god, the son of the dragon head, is a young existence.

Although the strength is extremely strong, and even the power of the gods, such as the power of insight, but in the end it is still a child, the heart is not mature, because of this, there will be the idea of ​​destroying the world.

And this idea, Long Yu guess, comes from the death of his parents.

"Father is a dragon? Is a mother a person? Or vice versa? But no matter what, trying to convince this guy, whether it is to let him sleep, or to persuade him to give up, may only be able to act from this aspect..."

Among the few gods revealed by the other party, Long Yu guessed some information about the dragon god.

Anyway, relying on frontal combat is impossible, then you can only rely on guessing things, put together a fight, but now if the dragon directly goes up, it must be directly killed by the guy, at least have to get a similar kind of that guy come out.

"The nine secluded monuments, the amount, there are many remnants of the dragon..."

Long Yu glanced at the nine prison monuments, then looked at Ye Ziwei next to him, a plan gradually formed...

The dragon gods are dying and suddenly discover that the group of light gods have turned back, which makes him smirk: "How to run, don't run, continue to fight!"

But then, he saw a spirit, and he appeared in front of him.

This spirit, it looks like a human being, but it gives the Dragon Man a kind feeling. The taste of the mixed races of the Terran and the Dragons makes him finally wonder: "Who are you?"

"I am your kind."

The spirit speaks.

This spirit is the product that Long Yu finally created to deal with the works of the Dragon Devil!

This is a young man with a similar appearance to Long Yu and Ye Ziwei, but for the time being it is only a spiritual body. This spiritual body is composed of the power of the Shenxu. This is the discovery of Long Yu and Ye Ziwei from the Shenxu market. Part of the power.

Then, it incorporates countless gods and dragons, and then dominates with the subconsciousness created by Long Yu.

After becoming a god, Long Yu has reached the realm of being able to create a birth spirit, so he created a subconscious consciousness similar to his own consciousness, and led many souls and souls that were taken out from the nine prisons.

Therefore, this spirit contains the breath of the dragon, the breath of Ye Ziwei, the breath of the dragon, and the breath of the power of the gods... Because of this, the dragon gods have a familiar intimacy!

"With the same kind? Nonsense, I have never seen my kind, how did you get it out? If it is a mixture of various atmospheres, I can create it myself!"

Although the dragon **** is a child, it is not directly deceived.

"I don't know what you have experienced."

Long Yu controlled the spirit, and did not discuss it with similarity, but then said: "But the world you want to destroy is already gone. All the dragons are extinct, all Terran, They have all been reincarnation for thousands of times."

"I experienced the greatest pain in the world. My father, the blood dragon god, abandoned me. And killed the mother who adopted me to love me. My favorite mother died, died... died, Dead! I hate my father. I want to kill him and the whole world he rules!"

The dragon **** demon said and said, it shows the color of madness.

When the Dragon King saw it, he immediately thought about it. He thought of this guy. Is it because of the cross-breeding and abuse of human dragons, so after you have the power, you want to destroy the whole world?

"Is it because of your appearance, so your father will abandon you? It is too ruthless, such a father, replaced me, I hate it."

The spirit said: "However, the world is no longer ruled by him. Even in this world, there are no dragons. This is a brand new world. No one in this world will discriminate against you. ”

"you're lying."

The dragon **** is cold and cold: "If I don't have such powerful power, anyone will want to kill me."

"Half of the success..."

When Long Yu heard the other person say this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was the heart of a child. First, think of ways to get close to each other, and then stir up the other party's arguments. Then things will be much easier.

Seeing that Long Yu controls the spirit, he talks with the dragon **** demon who kills the gods like a dog. Ye Ziwei, Yan, Hongqi and others are surprised.

When they appeared in the dragon gods and slaughtered the gods, they only had a desperate mood. Only the dragons and ones started from the other side and guessed the other's psychology, and then found a lifeline!

It is a dragon.

This kind of approach, now only one dragon can think of it.

The first is to approach, at least not to make the other party hostile, so the creation of the spirit is the key. The following words are not too strange. As long as the brain turns around, it is still easy to think of such a way of induction. of.

"Since you think so, let's make a bet. You pretend to have no power, walk around the world and see if anyone wants to kill you. If there is, you Continue to die, if not, you will give up, how about?"

Long Yu controls the spirit to say this.

"What are you kidding, the world, hundreds of millions of races, how could no one want to kill me."

The dragon demon **** laughed: "Even if I am not a hybrid of the Terran and the Dragon, I have brought so many deaths and nothingness, the world is alive, I have long regarded me as the enemy, how can I not kill me?"

"Then do you believe what I said, or do you... don't you dare to gamble?"

Long Yu said lightly.

"Bet, bet on gambling, but if someone wants to kill me, I will make all these gods into dry totems and hang them around my waist!"

The Dragon Man does not believe that no one will kill him.

To know that his image was notoriously fierce at the time, both the dragon and the human race, using him as the ugliest existence, wanting to kill him, and other hundreds of millions of races, because he caused the world riots. Think of it as the culprit.

Such legends will eventually be passed down?

He did not know that the world was no longer the world in which he lived.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the world has been dying. It has long lost its vigor and vitality. The surviving creatures, not to mention the dragon gods, even the dragons do not know what it is.

For the dragon gods, those creatures have no impression at all, nor will they have any hostility for no reason.

After the gambling agreement, the Dragon Man Devil did not continue to kill the Guangzu gods.

He walked to the vicinity of the Samsung domain where Long Yu was located!

When the Samsung domain was completely defeated, many gods created a new star field. The races of the Terran, the Yaozu, the natural race, and so on all lived in this star field, not long after.

Except for the gods, they simply don’t know that the opponent they face is the existence of the dragon god.

Therefore, when the Dragon Devil stepped into this star field, no matter what the creature, he thought that he was just an ordinary alien, but only looked a little more, regardless of the Terran or the Yaozu, the natural family, or the giant whale. , Yun, Liuyi, Mechanical, Sword, Yi, Black Fog...

The creatures of all races have not produced any killings for the dragon gods!

Because now they are not aware of the war situation, but they also know that it is a crucial moment for the survival of the race. It is a normal thing to see some strange aliens.

"Well? Hmm? Well? How is it possible?"

The Dragon Devil walked around the stars and found that no one really wanted to kill him. He could not help but feel amazed.

He can be sure that the power of the gods such as Long Yu does not penetrate into the star field at all. That is to say, it is impossible for Long Yu and others to say or have power to control, but... the creatures in this star field. It does not have any hostility towards him!

He then moved to other stars.

Soon, he came to the Terran domain where the gods of heaven and earth were located. This is a place he cares about. After all, it is a human race, his mother's race, but he found that there is no one in this star field. Hostile to it.

In fact, all the creatures in the star field now know something because of the constant emergence of gods in the various stars, even if it is the original war domain, it is now calm.

No matter what kind of aliens appear, they just look at them casually, and at most they are far away to ensure safety, and they will not be used to make it happen.

No one wants to kill the dragon god.

Because no one knows that he is the **** of destruction.

After all, this is not the age he was in at the time. Everyone knows everything.

And, with hundreds of millions of races, there is only one thing left, and there are still life in the twenty-six stars. Compared with the time when he existed, it is as invisible as a drop of water in the ocean.

"It turns out that there is nothing left."

The Dragon Man God gamble lost.

However, he has the strongest strength, the power of the gods, although he is not willing to die, but he is not willing to watch the world continue this way.

"I lost, but I want to create a new world. You can't stop me."

The Dragon Devil came to the center of the universe.

This is the seat of the original Shenxu core.

"What is he going to do?"

Dragon's face is slightly changed.

"do not know."

No one knows the answer to this question, but since he admits that he has lost, it should not die. Just to change the world completely...

The power of the gods is reproduced in the eyes of all!

However, the power of this market seems to be different from the previous one.

The power of the Shenxu swept through the space, with the spirits that looked like Dragon and Ye Ziwei, spreading toward the surrounding areas. All the forces that were swept, all the powers were used by the power of the gods. Destroy it and completely swallow it.

Everything is turned into nothingness.

Long Yu and others were also swept by the power of the gods, but they did not become nothingness, but... just like being deprived of all the power, including the existence of divine power, are here. I disappeared instantly.

The power of the gods.

Magical power.

The power of the beginning...

These forces have all disappeared from this world!

"Open the sky!"

The dragon **** demon of the dragon's first person raised his hand and suddenly opened up a new world!

The whole universe began to burst from the center, new stars, new light, born from a new world. There is no power of the gods in this world, there is no magic power, no magic power, no gods, The only thing that exists in the end is the law!

"In this world, all living beings must follow the rules, and the law is everything!"

"You, let me make the rules together."

"I want to be the most respectable existence in this new world!"

"God who make rules will not participate in the operation of the world, we can only look outside the world and watch the world develop."

The dragon **** demon, looking into the new world, has an indifferent look in his eyes.

This little child seems to look at it all at once, or feels like it is more fun to create a world of his own... Within this world, he is God, and outside this world, he is also a god.

The outside world, the power of all the gods such as Long Yu, disappeared.

Including the gods, including the mastery of the secrets, the mysterious secrets... All the practitioners have been transformed into ordinary people by the power of the gods. These ordinary people lose their strength, but retain the life they have before and can survive. Go on until you die.

The gods of the light family also lost power, but they have almost eternal life.

Some of the light gods, who are very curious about the new world, have invested in the new world and become a rule by the dragon gods.

Long Yu was invited to become the ruler of the law.

However, he stood on the edge of a new world and looked into the new world for a long time.

"The Big Bang……"

"Galaxy...stars...planes...satellite...the rules of operation are all set by the dragon gods."

"The light gods are too fast, limiting the speed of light to 300,000 kilometers per second..."

"The rules of time can only move forward, not backwards, and cannot slow down..."

"According to this trend, the Milky Way will appear soon."

"The earth will also appear one day."

"Maybe, there will be a guy named Long Yu, who will then be picked back to save the old world..."

"Dragon Devil... Long Shou personal body... Pangu...Open the sky..."

"This kid..."

Long Yu finally looked at the dragon **** demon, the Pangu in the past Huaxia rumors, open the world, is the rumor of the dragon head personally, in the midst of it, everything has already been fixed.

[End of the book]

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