MTL - Dragon Martial Emperor-v2 Chapter 12 Trampling Tan Yue

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Seeing the crowds of many foreign disciples around, Tan Yue’s proud face is even more smug.

She looked at Long Yu at a glance: "Waste, you should have known that you will not be offended by this Miss. Now, do you regret it?"

Long Yu calmly and calmly stood and pointed to Tan Yue's eyes: "Do I need to regret it? You have a waste, why don't you try it yourself and see if this waste can beat you?"

When the words came out, everyone was stunned, and Tan Yue’s face showed a smear of poison.

"This is what you said!"

Tan Yue looked face-to-face and stepped forward toward Long Yu. It seems that he wants to start.

Han Jian stood behind her, and there was no action. Obviously, I believe that with the strength of Tan Yue, it is no problem to defeat Long Yu.

As he looked at it, he was joking on his face and shouted: "Tan Yue Shimei, Fang Cai Tan Jian sent you a warrior, why not use it to see how powerful it is?"

Tan Yuewen screamed coldly: "To deal with this waste, you don't need a warrior!"

Two people, one person and one sentence, so many people around are amazed.

The warrior turned out to be a warrior!

For martial arts, if the cultivation is the foundation, then martial arts and warfare are two important factors that are indispensable for improving combat effectiveness.

Wushu, as long as you step into the martial arts, and condense the mystery in the body, you can cultivate. The more clever martial arts, the more powerful they can play in battle.

The warriors, which are refining by the forging masters, can make the martial arts of the martial arts more powerful. The warrior can be a weapon, it can be an armor, or it can be some special combat equipment. Similarly, the higher the rank of the warrior, the more able to exert the power of martial arts.

In the town of Tianzong, only the promotion of the inner disciples can get the reward of the soldiers, in addition, few people can have the soldiers, I did not expect this Tan Yue actually have one.

At this time, Long Yu was slightly dignified. Of course, he had already heard about the soldiers.

Before Feng Yao returned to the wind home and took away the sword of the long song of the wind, it was a warrior, which could greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the martial arts. The entire wind home, together with less than ten soldiers, can be seen the scarcity of the soldiers.

"However, the warrior is a foreign object after all, and the power of martial arts is fundamental. If Tan Tan has a warrior, I will not lose to her."

Long Yu thought in his heart, calmly watching Tan Yue step by step.

He noticed that Tan Yue's footsteps were mysterious, and there was a certain law in it. He even showed some kind of footwork martial arts.

Tan Yuecai came to the town Tianzong one day, it is impossible to comprehend the martial arts of Tianzong of the town, then this step and martial arts is definitely the martial arts of the Tanjiacheng Tan family.

“Before I heard from the Feng family, there are three martial arts inheritances in the Tanjiacheng Tanjia. One of them is the footwork martial arts, the fascinating step, but the Chinese martial arts. The Tan family is very fast!”

Long Yu is completely vigilant. Although Tan Yue is as important as him, he has cultivated Tan Jiawu skills, and his combat power must not be underestimated!


Tan Yue saw Long Yu's cautious look, disdainful sneer, and then the footsteps were light and moving, stepping on the psychedelic pace, the slim red skirt figure came to the dragon body.

"Crushed empty palm!"

Tan Yue Li sighed, the palm of the hand was fierce, and the palm of his hand was broken, and he took a picture against the dragon's shoulder!

Broken empty palm, is one of Tan's three major inheritance martial arts, is also a Chinese martial arts, powerful.

This kind of attack, even with the power of tens of thousands of pounds, far exceeds the strength of the eight thousand pounds that Tan Yue should have as the martial arts. It can be seen that the effect of a Chinese martial arts on the improvement of martial arts!

In the face of Tan Yue's extremely fast speed, although Long Yu was prepared, she did not expect her speed to be so fast!

Fortunately, he had a lot of combat experience and immediately responded.

"Xuanqi Jinjin, Condensation!"

His body was quickly condensed on his shoulders, ready to resist the palm of Tan.

At the same time, the slightest artistic conception realized in Zhentian Canyon was quietly exhaled by him. When Tan Yue’s palm was printed on his shoulder, the slightest artistic conception also shook the moon.


The dragon's shoulder was taken by Tan Yue, but because of the mysterious inner strength, the injury was not heavy, and the bones were not broken like the previous fight with Wu Qing.

A single blow did not work, Tan Yue would like to pull out and retire, Tan Jiawu skills are all light and flexible, she certainly will not fight hard with Long Yu.

But when she once again showed her fascination, she found that her body seemed to be under pressure from the heavens and the earth, just like the feeling in the town of Tiantian, which made her speed slow down half a beat.

Long Yu opportunity is rare!

He screamed and punched out, rubbing the face of Tan Yue's cheeks, and the strength of eight kilograms brought a boxing wind, and a rough blood mark was drawn on her delicate cheeks.


Tan Yue’s body retire, and after he stood up, he looked up and looked at Long Yu viciously: “You dare to hurt me!”

"You first started to me, recruiting hot, I can't help myself?"

Long Yu said: "In addition, you are not saying that I am a waste, how can it be retired now, it is difficult, you admit that you are more waste than me?"

When the voice fell, everyone around couldn't help but take a breath.

Fang Cailong and Tan Yue confronted each other. If they were lightning-fast, they were not responding to the outside disciples. They saw Tan Yue’s face with blood marks.

Obviously, in the recent confrontation, Tan Yue actually suffered a loss!

Now suffering from the dragon's words, Tan Yue is more like a downwind!

Tan Yue’s face showed chill and killing, staring coldly at Long Yu: “Good luck, but Miss will not give you any chance!”

When the voice fell, Tan Qi’s palm appeared in a seven-inch long dagger, and the silver flashes on the blade, reflecting her sinister and sinister look.

She actually took out the soldiers!

"Isn't it a waste to deal with me, no warriors?"

Long Yu taunted.

"Are you afraid?"

Tan Yue snorted and clasped the seven-inch long silver dagger in his hand. He said with pride: "If you have a warrior, you can use it, but how can you have a waste like this!"

She relied on her brother, Tan Jian, who had long been an inner disciple. She got the war decapitation and prided herself!

"Today, you dare to hurt me, I will break your Dantian, let you know the disappointment of this lady!"

As the voice fell, Tan Yue's footsteps continued to change. The red skirt figure moved around the dragon, but there was a red shadow on the red skirt. It shows how fast Tan Yue is.

"Without practicing martial arts, it is too passive..."

Long Yu thought in his heart, a pair of eyes like a goshawk, and watched all around, ready to react.


Silver flashes, a dagger appears in front of the dragon's eyes, and it's close at hand!

"Ideology, suppression!"

Long Yu released the artistic conception for the first time. The speed of the dagger was one of the stagnations, and then the dragon swayed sideways and punched heavily on the back of the dagger.

Only those who have extremely rich combat experience can make such an accurate punch at this moment!

With a punch of eight thousand pounds of force, the dagger was suddenly slammed into the other direction, but the sharpness of the dagger’s squad also caused Long Yu’s fist to be injured again. .

Long Yu didn't care. He was stunned by Tan Yue's dagger and his body was unstable. He quickly shot.


Under the punch, Tan Yue fell heavily to the ground, holding the wrist of the dagger's warrior and was heavily slammed by the dragon.

"Waste, you are defeated."

Long Yu stepped on the wrist of Tan Yue, and the killing in the eyes flashed past, but it soon converges. Now, it is not the time to kill this Tan Yue!

Tan Yue was slammed on the wrist by Long Yu, and a pair of eyes were like a spurt of fire.

This scene, falling into the eyes of a group of outside disciples, let them open their mouths one by one, stunned, almost can't believe their eyes!

Tan Yue, Tan Tan, who has a warhead and a dagger, and who has cultivated a powerful martial arts, lost her in the hands of what she called "waste"!
