MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 3 Daredevil Whelpling

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Jia Long moved slowly, approached Bai Longniang, and tried to rub her dragon head, acting cute and coquettish.

He fought for food.

Coquetry and cuteness are all used first.

When he was still a human, this was the case with the cats at Garen's house. No matter how noisy he was, he would look pitiful when he was hungry, and rubbed the back of his hand or the leg of his trousers, and then Garen couldn't resist eating and drinking. 's waiting.

Jia Long hoped that this trick would also work for Bai Longniang.

However, perhaps just like most humans only think other creatures' cubs are cute and their own cubs are ugly, Bai Longniang looked at the silly little dragonfly and responded indifferently.

Its eyes were sharp and cold, and it didn't speak, just stared at Garen silently, which made him shiver all over and didn't dare to come closer.

"The kinship between the like nothing."

Angrily pretending that nothing happened, Garen turned his gaze to the other four dragon eggs that were still intact.

The eggshells were also shaking slightly, with tiny cracks showing and spreading on the surface.

The young dragon inside is moving its body, trying to break out of its shell, but it seems that it will take some time, and I don't know how many dragon brothers and sisters will eventually be born.

Dragons can lay about two to six dragon eggs at a time, and Bai Longniang gave birth to six eggs this time, which is considered to be very good among dragons.

The most common number of dragon eggs should be three or four. About 90% of the dragon eggs of the dragon species are in this range, and the two dragon eggs with similar probability are subtracted. Dragon species like Bai Longniang Only about five percent.

"When other younger siblings are born, it shouldn't be too much for me to grab some eggshells in one go."

Those eggs were only about the size of Garen's chest, and the ones inside were probably normal hatchlings.

Jialong looked down at his apparently strong and taller dragon body, and suddenly swelled up, feeling that he could take out four.

The tongue subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth, and Garen leaned his back against the wall, without looking sideways, while sneaking towards the dragon egg.

Bai Longniang was still watching him, and Jialong had to hide his thoughts.

But he didn't believe that Bai Longniang could stare at him without blinking.

Even if they were discovered, perhaps Bai Longniang would not stop her. After all, it would be fine to steal Hill's eggshell, but because she didn't know where Bai Longniang's bottom line was, Jialong returned the smallest eggshell fragment.

As soon as the idea came out, the ground of the nest covered with hard ice crystals shook slightly.

Jialong turned his head and saw that it was Bai Longniang who moved her body, as if stretching her muscles and bones, as if she was stretching.

It looked at the other dragon eggs that were shaking slightly, and there was no emotion in the pale yellow dragon.

Garen had seen this look more than once.

Even though the wisdom of white dragons is only at the bottom among dragons, and the way of thinking is closer to that of beast hunters, compared to other races, the IQ of white dragons is still not low, but they prefer wild thinking and use instinct instead of thinking.

And Bai Longniang, who is about to come of age, definitely has wisdom beyond ordinary human beings.

It's probably just too lazy to deal with its own cubs.

Next, Bai Longniang stood up slowly, the shadow of her body immediately shrouded Jialong, and the pressure brought by her huge body hit her face.

Let Garen suffocate slightly.

After activating her wings, Bai Longniang walked to the entrance of the nest with her heavy and huge body, looked back, and then turned her head. With a shock of dragon wings, the huge figure disappeared into the snow and ice outside the nest.

Garen slowly moved his footsteps and moved towards the entrance of the lair.

After approaching, he fixed his eyes on the outside of the lair, and the sight in front of him suddenly made Garen take a breath.

Pieces of velvety snowflakes fell from the sky and fell on the ground that was already covered with snow.

The whistling, almost visible cold wind shuttled through the faint crevices of the glacier, and the sound of woo woo resounded in this vast world that seemed to be composed of ice, snow, cold wind, and ice crystals.

In the extreme distance, the winter wolf, which was difficult to see with Jialong's eyesight, squatted forward in the wind and snow, leaving paw prints. Showing a pair of dark and wild eyes, patiently waiting for the approach of the prey......

In this extremely cold world wrapped in silver, there are still a large number of tenacious creatures trying their best to survive.

Intertwined into a beautiful picture of the freedom of all kinds of frost and sky.

These are the scenery that Gallen has never seen before. He said he couldn't understand his mood at the moment, but he was greatly shocked.

Gathering his mind, Garen raised his dragon head and looked at it with extreme eyes.

In the distance is a huge rolling mountain with almost no end in sight. It is as thick as a dragon's ridge. It is covered with old snow, and it seems that it is still reflecting the faint light of crystal clear light.

It stretches for thousands of kilometers from east to south, and is composed of countless mountains and valleys, like a barrier built by nature, separating the Arctic Icefield from the human-owned Principality of Warwick there.

"Extreme arctic ice sheet, cold desert......"

Because of the existence and uniqueness of the inheritance of the dragon, to a certain extent, the dragon is a creature born to know the world.

Garen just glanced out of the steep cliff lair, and the name of the area he was in came to his mind.

Dragons can become one of the top creatures in many planes. In addition to their strong physique, sharp minions, and tyrannical magic abilities, the inheritance of dragons that made them known to the world also occupies a key stroke. UU reading

Bai Longniang's lair was built on the cliff of an iceberg, more than 500 meters above the ground.

After taking a breath of the cold air from a height of 100 meters, Jialong probed his head and glanced down.

Through the dense blizzard, Garen could only see layers of thick white snow, which were silently increasing in height.

It has been snowing all the time recently. The entire Arctic world has been submerged in heavy snow, and the real appearance of the ice field is basically invisible.

He slightly incited the wide dragon wings, and had an intuition in his heart that he might be able to land safely from a height of 500 meters.

Without actually trying to fly out of the lair, Jialong Shishiran returned to the lair.

Without the presence of Bai Longniang to attract attention, Garen's eyes were suddenly attracted by the objects in the deepest part of the lair that were emitting various rays of light.

If you look closely, it is a pile of fine weapons, armor, scrolls, and gems of various colors that glow slightly.

Crystals, agates, emeralds, diamonds... Most of them are ordinary gems, but a lot of them are surging with magic power, most of which are diamonds.

White dragons love to collect diamonds, because the light reflected from the brilliant diamonds can make their lair full of mirror-like ice crystals sparkle.

Garen's platinum dragons were all shining, and they were a little dazzled for a while.

He also inherited the dragons' love and greed for treasures, and, when he was a human in his previous life, Garen's biggest hobby was to watch his savings increase little by little.

The superposition of the wealth-loving attributes of the two worlds erupted with astonishing power at this moment.

Garen subconsciously swallowed his saliva, his brain started to run at a high speed, and he boldly thought about how to turn the gem in front of him into his own.

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