MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 474 Kanon and Yuna's Affair

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The realm of harmony and unity of opposites, outside the domain.

In this outer plane, where almost every inch of space is covered with impenetrable transmission channels, which can lead to every corner of the endless world, Annan, the creator of the world, brought his only eldest son, the Lord of Storms, back to the world. Into the independent small universe created by oneself.

In a small universe with a dark background.

The stars are shining, the Milky Way is flowing, and hundreds of billions of stars are dotted among them, or they are flourishing, or they are collapsing and dying... The light they emit dyes the originally dark and dead small universe. In addition to the light that belongs to life, there is also the color of destruction.

This is not the first time the Lord of Storms has come here.

Seeing the small universe created by Annan again, my heart still trembles.

If ordinary creatures appear here, they can only feel the vastness and mystery of the small universe.

But in the eyes of gods like Lord of Storms who can see everything, every star in this universe is operating according to unique rules, containing information that only gods can distinguish.

"I was disheartened. After giving up the giant **** system, I spent endless time creating this small universe."

"Here, every star represents a world."

"It is still part of the multiverse, but at the same time, it is also a reflection of the multiverse, which can reflect the operating order of the multiverse."

Annan smiled, and said to the Lord of Storms in a teaching tone: "Stromousz, your heart has calmed down now. Now, try to see clearly and gain insight into the future direction of the multiverse."

The Lord of the Storm showed doubts on his face, and said, "Father God, what should I do specifically?"

He can indeed see a lot of information, but these messages are messy and meaningless, as if they are happening in countless worlds, even with powerful divine power, it is difficult to sort out his thoughts at once.

Annan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, just focus on watching, and that's fine."

"I will help you."

Why does this creator value the Lord of Storms the most? Is it simply because of emotional preference?

No, it was more than that, it was only the faintest factor.

The most essential reason is that among the many descendants of Annan, only the Lord of Storms has truly inherited Annan's blood, and the blood of the rest of the giant gods is more inclined to their mother god.

The stronger you are, the harder it is to give birth to heirs.

Even if the right to reproduce is used, the only one who is connected with Annan's true blood and has fetters is the Lord of Storms.

The Lord of the Storm is also most like Annan.

From the Lord of Storms, Annan saw his own shadow, whether it is stubbornness, paranoia, or a deep understanding after deep thinking... All these are the reasons why Annan attaches so much importance to the Lord of Storms s reason.

Hearing this, the Lord of Storms exhaled, and his eyes became as quiet as a deep pool of ancient wells, his eyes very much like Annan's.

Annan stretched out a finger and touched the forehead of the Lord of Storms.

In an instant, endless stars appeared in the eyes of the Lord of Storms, some were stationary, some slowly rotated, some passed through the vacuum like meteorites, and some revolved around each other, or collided with each other, or coexisted in the same system. .........

As time goes by.

The mind of the Storm Lord gradually sank into it.

His divine blood pulsates with the stars, and his will dances and dances among the stars in the Milky Way. Through insight and penetration at the subtle level, his vision gradually rises, and with a more macro vision and cognition, he gradually sees the true meaning of the small universe. .

Then, the Lord of Storms was shaken in his heart, and he withdrew from his enlightened state of mind.

"What do you see?"

Annan withdrew his finger and asked.

The Lord of Storms was silent for a while, raised his head, and met the eyes of his father god, then said slowly with a difficult voice: "...I saw endless stars soaked in purple, dying in purple one after another The tide, but there is a dragon going up against the current, turning the situation around, and the purple color disappears wherever it passes......In the end, the stars merged into his figure, and ruled the endless world."

"His appearance is...Garon Aurelion."

Annan does not have time authority.

However, He has an unbelievable predictive method called Cosmic Mapping, which is a skill that Annan learned when he observed the operation of the plane world in the endless years that are difficult to count.

Cosmic mapping is an ultimate means of foreknowledge.

It is not limited to a certain person, a certain battle, a certain race, the direction of a certain world...... It predicts the fate of the entire multiverse.

Annan nodded, then looked at the sea of ​​stars with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, "Now, only you and my father and son know the fate of the multiverse, and it is already unstoppable."


"Is the fate of the multiverse really unchangeable?"

Annan could hear the remaining unwillingness of the Lord of Storms, so he said calmly, "Yes, but you don't have this kind of power."

"So, Father God, what about you? If it's you......"

Before the Lord of the Storm finished speaking, Annan shook his head lightly, and said, "Why do you think I waited until the dark time dragon that killed you left to reshape my divine body?"

"Couldn't Father God be an opponent?"

The Storm Lord looked shocked.

In the eyes of his son, Annan is the strongest existence above God and below God.

"Don't be surprised by this, I have never been invincible."

Annan said frankly.

After a pause, Annan continued to the Lord of Storms: "My child, I know that your inner obsession is still there, but it doesn't matter, stay here with me and watch the changes in the multiverse, you will really understand sooner or later."

If it was the previous Storm Lord, he would refuse.

But now, although he still has a little unwillingness, he also recognizes the reality. After the death of the giant **** system, he has no interest in the outside world.

"Father God, I understand."

The Lord of the Storm nodded, and together with Annan, he cast his eyes on the endless stars.


In the Battle of Fireland, the giants and gods were almost completely wiped out, which laid an irreversible foundation for the final victory of the Dragon Clan.

After the Battle of Fireland, the dragon gods including Garen did not sit idle.

Because although the war of gods among the gods is over, the war between races is still going on, and it is quite fierce.

The dragon gods attacked in real form first, sweeping the outer planes one by one, and killed the more famous giants in the giant clan, as well as the potential giants who were more famous in wars like heroic units.

Then, large-scale incarnations began to descend on the main material plane.

The incarnation of the dragon **** ended, but there were no giant gods to resist, and the result was doomed.

The world of the main material plane is endless, but giants exist, and the world with a certain scale is limited. The dragon army led by the incarnation of the dragon **** is slowly sweeping and destroying in an unstoppable manner.

Just such a situation.

The gods of Heavenly Mountain suddenly held a meeting of the gods, inviting all the gods of Heavenly Mountain, and some gods from other upper planes were also invited.

Among the dragon gods, Metal Dragon God and Garon were invited.

As for the God Canon...... The scale of the Battle of Fireland was so large that it attracted the attention of the gods. Long Benzun's relationship has been seen through.

This is something that the dragon gods expected, not so unexpected.

In addition, the war is now in its final stage, and the fallen **** Garon has not yet been resurrected. Therefore, Garon himself was invited by the gods of Tiantang Mountain to participate in the meeting of the gods together with the metal dragon god.

When he received the message from the gods, Garen was imprinting his will imprints on the crown of heroes in the Eternal Hall of the Dragon Court.

Inside the dragon's nest.

With a crown of thorns and flowers on its head, the silver dragon perched on top of the stacked treasures, its eyes slightly closed.

There was a faint luster around the crown of heroes, trembling slightly, and the power of time with Garon's spiritual will was continuously pouring into it.

The crown of heroes is Annan's apology to all dragon gods.

Due to Garen's crucial role, the Crown of Heroes was actually handed over to Garen after a consensus, and it is now in the stage of refining and taming it.

After receiving the god's message, the silver dragon opened its eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Garen saw the tip of a small, exquisite, smooth and round tail covered with fine diamond-like red dragon scales dangling in front of his eyes.

Yuna was idle and bored, she stretched out the spike of her tail to scratch Garen's visor, and wanted to stab Garen's nostrils.

Grabbing the tail of the powerful dragon girl, the silver dragon popped out the hooked toe, rubbed lightly, and passed the tiny gap between Yuna's scales, feeling the touch of subtle friction.

the other side.

The power dragon girl tensed her back like an electric shock, and stretched her tail straight.

In battle, the real dragon's tail is a fierce killer that cannot be ignored, but among the real dragon companions, the dragon's tail is a more interesting part, and it is particularly sensitive when it is relaxed and soft.

"Ah, don't touch here."

Yuna let out a soft cry, and twisted her tail vigorously, trying to break free from the dragon's claws.

Garen snorted, and said, "I did something bad while I was concentrating, and I was caught in the first place. This is your punishment."

After recovering, Yuna bared her teeth and flung herself at Garen again, wanting to avenge her shame.

After playing around for a while, the two real dragons who were already old couples calmed down.

"Are you going to Paradise Mountain?"

"I'm going too. I've never been to Paradise Mountain."

When she heard the news that Garen was going to Heaven Mountain, Yuna said with great interest.

The silver dragon smiled and said, "No problem."

Using time teleportation, using Lunia's heaven as the coordinate, Garen disappeared in the Dragon Court with the powerful dragon girl.

The first floor of Paradise Mountain, Lunia Paradise, Silver Paradise.

The vast and sparkling silver sea is like the endless liquid silver merged into a vast ocean. Every wave that comes with the wind is shining with silver light, which is unique and magnificent.

Above the Silver Sea, the figures of two giant dragons appeared.

"Wow, what a beautiful ocean."

"Is this the Silver Sea? I heard about it in the plane guide."

Plane Guide, a type of knowledge inherited from the Dragon, specially introduces the more famous places in different plane worlds. Yinhai is one of the landmarks representing Lunia's paradise.

Bathed in the gentle breeze, Garen looked at the Silver Sea.

The sea water has a metallic texture and luster, but it is also strangely clear to the bottom. The waves roll on the sea surface, the old disappears and the new is born, and the cycle goes back and forth. The fish with the holy light on the surface gather in groups. Swimming peacefully, islands are dotted all over, living on them are holy pegasus, white light angels and other kind-hearted creatures of Heaven Mountain.


The huge body of the powerful dragon girl smashed into the silver sea, splashing countless silver lights, setting off waves hundreds of feet high, chasing the fish with sacred aura inside, playing very happily.

Garen didn't appear as excited as Yuna.

Although it's the first time for the main body to come, but because of the same mind with the **** Gallon, Gallon is no stranger to Lunia Paradise.

Raising his head, Garen looked somewhere above the Silver Sea, his eyes focused on the sky.

Here is the kingdom of God Gallon.

The God Canon fell, but the Kingdom of God is still operating as usual, next to the Kingdom of the Metal Dragon God, and no **** has come to attack the Kingdom of God Canon, and the gods of Tiantian Mountain belong to the lawful camp, and they rarely make strong moves. Take things.

Due to the movement caused by Yuna playing in Yinhai, Yinhai's patrol guards were soon attracted.

This is an Archon Angel.

The leader is a mastiff-headed archon with a powerful demigod aura. His fur is smooth and smooth, and black and white are distinct.

As soon as his gaze met the silver giant dragon hanging in the air, the Archaic envoy was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes were fierce, and Thunder was enraged, saying: "Where did the creature come from, dare to pretend to be the noble and noble Dragon God of Time! "

Even in the outer planes, the gods are the real masters.

In Lunia Paradise, Garen's appearance has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

At the same time, the envoys of the gods were also very clear about the news of the death of the **** Gallon.

As for the fact that the **** Gallon is a clone, Gallon is the main body. Although it has been exposed, it has not been widely spread. Basically, only the gods know about it, and the archon gods don't know about it either.

Regarding this misunderstanding, Garen's approach was very simple.

In the middle of the galloping journey of the archon angels, he stopped time.

Suddenly, a divine envoy named Yakong, the waves and waves of the Silver Sea, and the breeze in the sky all stopped.

"I am the lord of the Dragon Court, step back."

After finishing speaking, Garen withdrew from the Time Stop field.

He didn't stop the thinking of the angels, so they heard Garon's words, and at the same time sensed Garon's power, and recognized Garon's identity.

"I'm sorry, our vision is so shallow that we can't recognize the real body of the saint."

"Thank you very much for the mercy and forgiveness of the Holy One."

In the eyes of the envoys, the Lord of the Dragon Court is still a saint.

However, even for the saints, the Archon God Envoy still showed full humility and

A ray of light intertwined with gold and silver bloomed, took the shape of a dragon, and landed beside Garen in an instant.

"You came."

The metal dragon **** with a size of 100 meters appeared and descended, which was almost the same size as Garen's.

Unless fighting, the gods will not fully unfold their divine bodies, and the same is true for god-like creatures, because every movement of an overly large body will cause damage to the surrounding environment, which is not convenient.

Garen nodded slightly, and at the same time muttered: "My intuition tells me that this meeting of the gods of Heavenly Mountain will not go well."

The metal dragon **** narrowed his eyes slightly, and the dragon's face showed seriousness, and said: "Your intuition is very accurate."

"This meeting is probably held for my Dragon God Department."

Garen said calmly: "Well, although we have already made some guesses, let's go to the council to listen to the thoughts of the gods and see what they want to do."

After going through battles again and again, Garen had already forged a tough state of mind, and in the next meeting, he prepared soldiers to cover up the water.

"Yuna, do you want to go to the meeting of the gods with me?"

Kanon asked Yuna who was still playing in the Silver Sea.

"No, I want to play here."

"Meetings or something, it's so boring."

Yuna's head protruded from the surface of the Silver Sea, spit out a mouthful of water, and said.

Garen nodded and said, "Then don't run around, just stay here in Yinhai."

After finishing speaking, Garen and Metal Dragon God left together and went to another level of Heavenly Mountain.


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