MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 477 The 1st King of Heroes - Garon Aurelion

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Controlling the Dragon of Time 477 The First King of Heroes—Garon Aurelion

The first floor of Hero Realm, Sky Garden, Hall of Heroes.

As always, Cod, the **** of strength and courage, held a carnival banquet in the name of battle with a group of heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor. Some demigod-level heroic spirits who are more famous in the Sky Garden competed with each other here, or directly Wrestle with the gods of strength and courage.

Of course, the premise of confronting a **** is that the **** of strength and courage deliberately restrains himself.

Although heroic spirits are powerful and not ordinary creatures, the gap between them and the gods is still difficult to overcome. Only when all the heroic spirits are combined with life energy under the gathering of the hero crown can a heroic king capable of rivaling the mighty divine power be born. .

In the past, the **** of strength and courage, who is warlike and advocating strength, is happy to have a battle carnival with the heroic spirits.

But now she is a little absent-minded.

The God of Strength and Courage created thousands of incarnations, and at the same time competed with all the demigod-level heroic spirits present, but none of the incarnations showed the pleasure of enjoying the battle, but looked depressed, which is not the same as the normal situation of this god. do not match.

"Hey, if I can get the crown of heroes, I will be truly recognized by the heroic spirits."

"It's not like it is now. Although they are happy to gather at me for a never-ending battle, none of them are willing to believe in me."

Kord still couldn't forget the crown of heroes.

But the Crown of Heroes has already come under the control of the Dragon God Department, and this **** also knows that he may not be destined for the Crown of Heroes.

The **** of strength and courage was in a waning mood, and ended the battle carnival early. He entered the Temple of Heroes alone, and then sat on the throne that should belong to the king of Heroes, closed his eyes, and radiated his divine thoughts.

The thoughts of the gods are analyzing the rules of the hero domain, trying to find new ways to control the heroic spirits.

Since occupying the Hall of Valor, the God of Strength and Courage has not rarely analyzed similar rules.

Unfortunately, no matter how much time passes, the **** of strength and courage has never found anything.


Layers of ripples and waves appeared in the space of Sky Garden.

A large-scale gate of the plane slowly opened like a whirlpool in the sky.

Such movements are not concealed, so naturally they cannot hide the attention of the heroic spirits and gods here.

Under the gaze of the heroic spirits and the gods, two figures covering the sky and the sun appeared first, and the shadow cast by the wings of the dragon on the surface of the earth surrounded the Temple of the Heroic Spirits, which stood in the center of the mountains and stood on the top of the highest mountain. Inside.

The God of Strength and Courage focused his eyes and withdrew from the state of full concentration.

"Garon Aurelion and Bahamut!"

"Why did the dragon gods come to the hero field again? Could it be that they are going to fight here again?"

The hearts of the gods in the field of heroes trembled.

To be honest, their hearts have been shadowed by the dragon gods.

In the Battle of Fireland, the Hero Realm was about to follow in the footsteps of the Forest of Glory and was on the verge of being broken, which made the gods here terrified. In the end, they were the closest to Tie Jialong's strength, and they could clearly see it.

After the two most eye-catching dragons appeared, the gate of the plane was not closed.

More real dragons jumped out of it.

Almost all dragons are above the ancient dragon age group, at least they all have legendary strength, and the number seems to be endless.

A group of dragons hovered in the sky garden, and the flapping sound of the dragon wings was one after another, as if a gust of wind was sweeping, and the thick dragon power also overlapped together, making it almost difficult for the nearby creatures to breathe, and they were greatly oppressed.


The silver dragon turned its head and lowered its eyes.

Among the majestic and majestic mountains and dense forests, Garen's gaze pinpointed the location of the Hall of Valor.

"My people, first choose the place you want to live here, and wait for the new Kingdom of God to be completed, and then follow me to settle in the Kingdom of God."


After receiving the order from the dragon oracle, the dragons scattered away, causing commotion in the sky garden that had just calmed down.

These dragons are not ordinary real dragons, but the real dragon apostles carefully selected by the Dragon God and included in the Kingdom of God. There is no real dragon below the legend. Although Sky Garden is an outer plane, the legend Creatures, especially Legendary True Dragons are not weak here either.

The local residents of Sky Park were not happy with the action just now.

Heroic Spirit is the real master here.

And there is almost endless life energy, the heroic spirit is not afraid of death, as long as the will to fight is not extinguished, it is almost immortal life.

As a result, the eyes of many heroic spirits ignited fierce fighting intent, eager to try, and put into action, wanting to fight passionately with the dragons who landed here—the heroic spirits in the hero realm are all battle fanatics.

Looking at this scene, Garen narrowed his eyes slightly, and took out the crown of heroes.

Then, the crown that seemed to be woven with thorns and flowers was worn on the top of the head by the silver dragon, and the details of the edges were adjusted appropriately, and the size of the outline... just fit the three pairs of dragons that fell on Garen There was no sense of dissonance between the horns, as if it was a crown tailor-made for Garen.

It has been several years since the end of the Fireland campaign.

Although Garen hasn't been able to fully control the crown of heroes, he can't do the same operation as that day, condensing the powerful divine power of the King of Heroes, but he still has a certain degree of control over the crown of heroes. It is not ineffective to hope that one's will will be imprinted on the crown of heroes.

"All heroic spirits, seeing this king, why don't you......"

Before Garen could finish his words to satisfy his vanity, he saw a group of heroic spirits kneeling down on one knee like wheat ears blown by the wind, and lowered their heads.


These heroic spirits reacted too quickly.

"See the King of Heroic Spirits!"

The heroic spirits shouted, their words filled with fanaticism, as if they finally saw the loyal and good generals of the king they followed.

The heroic spirits in the hero realm were all heroes from various worlds in their previous lives, including humans, orcs, strange monsters, elves, and even dragons and giants.

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However, since they have become heroic spirits, they will lose most of their past memories and emotions, mainly retaining their fighting skills and their infinite loyalty to the hero realm.

If the King of Heroes appears, then these Heroes will be the most fanatical followers.

In Garen's view, collecting countless heroes, removing their emotions and leaving only combat skills, is a very uneconomical thing.

Because heroes are not only reflected in combat, decision-making power, command power, appeal... These will all be taken into consideration.

However, Garen also understood why the Hero Realm had to remove the memories and emotions of the hero's soul.

The reason is also very simple.

How could a hero exist in his own world and become a puppet in the hero realm with peace of mind, voluntarily bound in this outer plane?

Only in this way will it not arouse their resistance.

Scanning the heroic spirits, Garen issued an order, saying: "The real dragon has been allowed to enter the hero's domain, and I have obtained the permission of the king. All the heroic spirits must not offend the real dragon."


The heroic spirits spoke sonorously, and they were firm to the king's order.

At the same time, among the hundreds of millions of heroic spirits in the sky garden, Garen noticed a somewhat familiar demigod heroic spirit.

Garen was slightly taken aback when he saw the face of this heroic spirit.


The Fire Emperor of the Alphatia Empire, and the king Alphax who indirectly led to the collapse of the Alphatia Empire, appeared in front of Garen's eyes in the heroic realm in the form of a heroic spirit kneeling before him.

Gallon was quite surprised to see Alfax.

There are many outer planes, as well as powerful planes such as the abyss, hell, and heaven. The hero realm cannot guarantee that the souls of all heroes can be absorbed here. The hero souls here are actually only a small part.

Heroic spirits are immortal, and the number can be accumulated infinitely.

If all the heroes in the endless world would become heroic spirits after death, then the hero field would have a chance to surpass heaven and abyss after a period of time.

Even if it is a part, the Hero Realm is an outer plane with great potential.

It is indeed weak now, but similar to the Dragon Clan, it can become stronger over time.

"come here."

Garen looked across the space and landed on Alfax Heroic Spirit, and said.

The strength level of Alfax's heroic spirit is also outstanding among all heroic spirits, ranking among the best, with a creature level of forty-seven, and it is located around the Temple of Heroes, with a group of demigods.

Hearing Garen's call, the Alfax Heroic Spirit manifested a burning pagoda, then turned into a line of fire, swept across the sky, and soon arrived in front of Garen.

Heroic spirits have special abilities.

The power they have varies, but they are all related to their own treasures.

The so-called Noble Phantasm is the memory and emotion of the hero's soul when it enters the hero's domain, and it carries a unique power. It can be said that the Noble Phantasm of every heroic spirit is different.

The fire tower of the Heroic Spirit of Alfax is its Noble Phantasm.

Noble Phantasms are the carrier of heroic spirits' memories and emotions, their strength, and their shackles.

"May I have your name?"

Garen asked.

He didn't know if the current Alfax had a name.

The heroic spirit looked up at the silver dragon, then knelt in the air again, and said: "The heroic spirit has no name, only the king can bestow a name, this is a supreme honor."

Garen could see that the ambition originally belonged to the emperor, unruly, had disappeared from this heroic spirit.

At the same time, Garen, who already had some control over the Crown of Heroes, understood that if he wanted, he could reverse the treasure and make Alfax an ambitious emperor again.

However, Garen didn't have this idea.

Why do you want to do this?

Heroic spirits like Alfax, once their memories and emotions return, immediately think about how to get rid of the control. This guy is a bold and ambitious emperor who dares to attack and kill powerful divine saints with a mortal body.

There are countless heroic spirits here, and I don't know how many of them are similar.

"As the King of Heroes, I give you your name."

"From now on, your name is Alfax."

Gallon said.

In an instant, the life energy filling every inch of the space became frenzied, continuously gathering towards the heroic spirit of Alfax, rapidly increasing its power, and the biological level rose steadily, and finally stopped at fifty-six.

At the same time, the luster of the crown of heroes dimmed a bit.

"Giving a name can enhance the strength of a heroic spirit, but it will cause wear and tear on the crown of heroes. It cannot be used at will, and it will take time to recover."

Garen is trying out his abilities as the King of Heroes.

Although there are limitations, the improvement brought about by the naming has exceeded Garen's prediction.

Alfax jumped from the middle stage of the demigod level to a god-like power close to the peak of the demigod. This kind of instant improvement is incredible, and it is only the crown of heroes. Only the core holy objects bred can do it.

The current Alfax Heroic Spirit is already the strongest among all Heroic Spirits.

"However, such a big leap in strength is also related to the first naming."

Garen thought silently.

"Thank you my king for giving me the name!"

"Alphax will become the sword of the king, to overcome obstacles for you and destroy your enemies!"

After being named, Alfax Heroic Spirit said in a deep and powerful voice.

"If the Crown of Heroes is obtained before the war begins, the dead true dragon can be reincarnated directly into the Hero Realm to become a Heroic Spirit, and there is no need to restrict memory and emotion."

When a heroic spirit is first reincarnated, it will not have the strength of the previous life.

But the stronger it is, the more potential the soul has to absorb life energy and become stronger step by step as time goes by.

The Alfax Heroic Spirit is like this. After becoming a Heroic Spirit, it was only the lowest-level Heroic Spirit at first, but because the Heroic Spirit does not die, it gained life energy in countless battles, and once again became the leading and top-ranked demigod Heroic Spirit in the field of heroes.

"In this way, we will be able to accumulate an army of immortal true dragon heroes."

"Although a heroic spirit will be greatly weakened once it leaves the hero domain, it is an immortal creature if it stays in the hero domain, so it should not be underestimated."

"And the more heroic spirits there are, the stronger the heroic domain will be. The stronger the heroic domain, the higher the role of immortal heroic spirits here."

Garen's eyes brightened.

If the Hero Realm develops properly, it will undoubtedly become a base camp that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and can be called the base camp of a plane-level kingdom of God.

"Perhaps, I don't need to build a new Kingdom of God here."

Garen narrowed his eyes and focused his mind. He felt that endless life energy seemed to surround him, making him the king.

With a thought, life energy gathers at a high concentration, and under Garon's control, it changes into multiple shapes, and finally flows towards Garon's dragon body like a waterfall, sinking into Garon's body continuously.

A comfortable feeling came.

Garen felt as if he was soaking in a hot spring with a suitable temperature. At the same time, the cells in his body were greedily absorbing life energy, and the real dragon's breath was growing at a slow but unwavering speed.

"Draining the life energy here for a long time, I should be able to break through to a medium-level divine power soon."

After surviving the war with the giants, Garen's current age in the main timeline is 118 years old, which can be regarded as just coming of age.

Although the sum of ages in different timelines would make him almost an ancient dragon, Garen firmly calculated his age according to the years in the main timeline.

At the same time, Garen's biological level was as high as seventy, and when he broke through to eighty, he would be a medium-level divine power.

With the life energy of the hero domain, Garen felt that he could greatly shorten the growth time, and maybe in the adult dragon stage, he would be able to become a mid-level divine power.

Originally, in Garen's vision, he had to be at least at the adult dragon stage, and at the later stage, in order to become a mid-level divine power.

Facts have proved that joining the Dragon God Department has also brought many benefits to Garen, making his unreasonable growth rate even more unimaginable and unbelievable.

"In addition, the heroic spirit's belief in the **** Gallon can also help her resurrect, and it can go a step further."

Because of the bountiful harvest, under the nourishment of life energy, Garen flicked his tail comfortably.

"Garon, it seems that you can absorb the life energy of the hero realm."

"Congratulations, I can't even absorb the energy here."

"Haha, I am looking forward to the time when you will become a powerful divine force. I think it won't be long."

The Metal Dragon God just opened up a different space as the framework of the Kingdom of God, and then saw the situation on Garen's side, so he stopped what he was doing and congratulated Garen.

"Can't even you absorb it?"

Garen was a little surprised.

The Metal Dragon God shook his head and said: "To be precise, it can forcibly absorb and absorb life energy, but in the case of resisting and defending in the heroic domain, it is too laborious, and the gains are not directly proportional to the efforts."

"For the gods, the life energy in the hero domain has always been a candied cake that they can't eat."

"In the end, I chose to fight in the hero field to lead to the hero crown. It is an unexpected blessing."

at the same time.

Metal Dragon God looked towards the Temple of Heroes, and said, "You are now the King of Heroes, the Lord of Heroes, and the core of the Temple of Heroes, the hero domain, belongs to you."

"In the temple, you should be able to view every inch of the hero's domain at will, so you can better grasp it."

Garen also looked at the Hall of Valor.

Naturally, Garen saw the God of Strength and Courage in the Hall of Valor.

This **** has a rough appearance, stubble all over his face, a strong body, and extremely strong muscles, especially a pair of arms, where the muscles are layered on top of each other like a rock, and the blue veins on them are wriggling like earthworms.

The God of Strength and Courage also looked at Garen, their eyes met, and they were silent for a while.

After a brief silence, Garen got straight to the point and said bluntly, "God of Strength and Courage, Your Majesty Koud, please leave my temple."

The voice of the giant dragon was calm and polite, but with an unquestionable determination.

Code walked out of the Hall of Heroes, shrouded in radiant divine light, leaped into the sky, and looked at the two dragon gods from afar.

"Your Majesty Gallon, I have lived in the Hall of Valor for hundreds of thousands of years, and I have long regarded this place as my own territory."

"Besides, my Kingdom of God and the Temple of Valor overlap with each other."

The implication is that she doesn't want to leave.

in an instant.

Feeling Kord's hostility, the heroic spirits who had a good relationship with her originally sacrificed their treasures, and became hostile to Kord, with a murderous look.

"The temple is the residence of my king."

"Those who harass the temple, those who are enemies of our king, shall be punished!"

Alfax's heroic spirit scolded in a deep voice, without fear of divine power, and said.

Hearing this, the God of Strength and Courage looked at the heroic spirit of Alfax with complicated emotions.

The God of Strength and Courage and Alfax, the demigod spirits, have fought fierce battles for thousands of years. The God of Strength and Courage still cherishes these spirits. This God does not like to put on airs , willing to make friends with the heroic spirits he admires.

However, when Garen came, these heroic spirits, who were originally considered friends by her, drew their swords at her without any hesitation.

"I don't mind if your Kingdom of God overlaps with the Hall of Valor."

Garen said calmly.

It's Cod who should care.

Just like the Archon God King can target the Kingdom of God that affects Heavenly Mountain, Garen, as the King of Heroic Spirits, can also make the Kingdom of God in the Hero Domain uneasy and turbulent.

It's fine if it's far away, but Kord's Kingdom of God overlaps with the Hall of Valor.

How can the couch let others sleep peacefully?

Both Cod and Gallon understood this.

"Your Majesty Gallon, I don't want to be your enemy. Likewise, I don't want to give up the Hall of Valor and my Kingdom of God so easily."

After handing over the Hall of Heroes, Kord could no longer live in the Kingdom of God safely, which also meant that she had to give up her Kingdom of God.

Metal Dragon God was still here, watching Cod quietly, putting a lot of pressure on her.

However, this did not deter her.

After all, he is the God of Courage, and Code is not cowardly.

"The world honors me as a **** of strength and courage."

"I am the embodiment and representative of power, and I am extremely confident in my own power. In addition, I know that real dragons are also famous for their strength. If you mind, Jia Long, you may wish to come with me to a wrestling between dragons and gods. Neither side will use it." Divine power and divine-like power can only be resisted with physical body."

"Of course, I won't bully the small with the big. The wrestling can be carried out in the main material world."

"If I lose, I will give up here, without complaint, and hand over the Kingdom of God."

"If I win, then please choose another place as your residence."

Kord said solemnly.

The silver dragon grinned, grasped the dragon's claws a few times, and said, "Pure wrestling? Yes, I accept your challenge."

Garen with weak divine power was obviously on the weaker side against Codd with medium divine power, but Garen's words seemed to be the pity of the superior for the challenger, full of certainty of victory.

Garen and Koud left the Hero Realm and chose a deserted main material plane continent.

Metal Dragon God also found it interesting, so he came to watch.

Dragons and gods descended, standing on a vast and boundless wilderness.

Code walked towards him, and with every step he took, his body grew taller, until he finally became about the size of a 100-meter dragon, and stopped in front of Garen.

"come on."

Cod stretched out two big hands.

Her palms are broad and thick, shrouded in divine light, and the palm lines are criss-crossed, twists and turns, like mountains that cannot be traced.

The giant dragon man stood up and stretched out a pair of dragon claws. The fine silver dragon scales on them had a metallic texture and luster, and they possessed unimaginable power at first glance.


Using the mainland as a support platform, the **** and the dragon face to face, and the big hand and the dragon's claw collide with each other, pushing forward forcefully.

Those who retreat will be the losers.

The moment he just made contact, there was a dull thunderous sound that was transmitted far away.

At the same time, Cod's arms and legs standing on the ground swelled with blue veins, and the muscles made of steel and iron all over his body tensed up in clusters, bursting out with great force.

The dragon's body is also swollen and bulging, and the outline of muscles can be seen under the layers of dragon scales.

Garen didn't use the power of time, and Code didn't use divine power or authority. The two fought with pure physique.


At the moment when they burst out with all their strength, amidst the terrifying sound, there were abyss-like cracks extending thousands of kilometers under their feet. The whole earth was trembling and fragmented.

The **** of strength and courage shined brightly.

"What a power!"

Her arms creaked, and high-temperature steam rose, while her eyes glowed with enthusiasm and excitement.

Among the same level, Code rarely encountered an existence that could rival him in terms of strength.

Garen also felt the endless power of the opponent, and went all out without reservation.

As a time dragon with a hexagonal development, Garen also had few rivals in terms of strength, so when he confronted Coed, he also rarely became excited.

The heart beat, the blood flowed at a high speed, Garen's forelimbs and hind limbs exerted force at the same time, pressing forward, and at the same time, the dragon's tail touched the ground, and the wings flapped... The whole body was mobilized and transformed into Powerful.

Code's complexion changed slightly, and his body began to slowly lean back.


She stomped her right foot hard to support her body.

Like an earthquake, the surface wailed, cracks abounded, mountains in the distance collapsed one after another, and dense forests sank into bottomless cracks in the ground.

On the other side, the giant dragon flapped its wings, its limbs exerted strength, and its tail was tensed... The whole body was as if a rope was woven together, pressing forward, and behind the dragon, the earth also issued With the sound of overwhelmed collapse, the volcano not far away was torn apart, thick smoke was billowing, and magma rose into the sky like rain.

With its back facing the sky that was dyed red by the flames, the giant dragon moved forward step by step unswervingly.


Code's voice was almost roaring, his skin was broken, and blood shot out like an arrow.

However, this didn't stop her body from moving You won. "

In the end, when the continent was crumbling and about to collapse completely, Code, who had already been pushed out 10,000 meters, looked disappointed and admitted his failure.

Being defeated in terms of strength that he was proud of made Coud's divine light dim.

"Although you won, I also recognize your strength."

In pure arm strength, Garen was on par with Cod.

But he is a genuine dragon, both wings and tail are important points of force, so they combined to win this fight.

And Code's real body is in human form. If he turns into a dragon, it will only affect his performance, and it will be even more difficult to compete with Gallon.

"Alright, Garon Aurelion, I remember you."

"I am the **** of strength and courage, and I don't lack the courage to admit defeat. According to the bet, my kingdom of God is yours."

"In the future, I will still find opportunities to challenge you! I hope you don't refuse."

This all-out wrestling made Garen feel happy, so he said, "Okay, I won't refuse then, but before you challenge, remember to bring enough precious bets, otherwise, I'm not interested in wasting my effort in vain. "

Leaving the continent on the brink of collapse, the dragons and gods returned to the realm of heroes.

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