MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 480 The 2nd 'Garon' born from faith

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Controlling the Dragon of Time 480, the second 'Garon' born from faith

As time goes by, Anivia's feathers are mutating, and the range of motion is getting bigger and bigger.

Under Garen's gaze, first streaks of frost spread in a circular shape, like a shock wave, centered on the ice crystal feathers, spreading towards the surroundings in waves, but stopped a few feet away, and then turned back. Shrinking, the backflow rushes toward the ice crystal plume.

Just like that over and over again.

After each pass, the ice crystal feather becomes smaller.

Eventually, the ice crystal feathers have completely disappeared, forming an egg cocoon-like structure.

At the moment when the egg cocoon structure was formed, under Garen's amazed eyes, there was a vigorous vitality growing in the center of the egg cocoon and growing rapidly.

The ice crystal egg cocoon shook and trembled.

Kacha Kacha....... As the amplitude gradually became more intense, cracks appeared on the surface of the ice crystal, and spread out like lightning.


Looking at the scene in front of him, the giant dragon stretched out its hooked toe and scratched the dragon scale on its chin, thoughtfully.

In fact, Garen knew what was about to happen when he saw the ice crystal feather transform into an egg cocoon structure, and the vitality was bred from it. However, Garen was surprised that the ice crystal feather brought from another time and space could actually There is this abnormal change.


The sound as crisp as ice cracking sounded, echoing in the Hall of Valor.

A small and exquisite head was exposed from the gap in the surface of the egg cocoon structure.

It looks like the head of a bird carved from ice and jade, all made of ice crystals, not flesh and blood, with a cluster of beautiful and slender feathers on the top of its head, which looks dreamy and beautiful under the reflection of the light refracted by the ice crystals around it.

Kacha Kacha.......Egg cocoon structure, the actual eggshell completely shattered.

The creatures inside were revealed in full.

Gorgeous and slender tail feathers, a body made of ice crystals, beautiful floodlights, and wings exuding chills... It is the miniature version of the ice crystal phoenix, Anivia.


The little ice crystal phoenix tilted its head. Under the shadow, it raised its head and looked at the majestic silver dragon.

The next second, it shrank its head as if it was frightened.

Garen stared quietly, and could see the bewilderment and bewilderment in its eyes, like a newborn baby animal, with blank thinking and memory.

However, this state did not last long.

The body froze like a withered sculpture for a moment, and the daze in the eyes of the little ice crystal phoenix was almost instantly dispelled, as if receiving a majestic message, the eyes flickered, and soon filled with the calmness and reason that belonged to ancient wisdom.

Garen was familiar with this scene.

The process of the young dragon accepting the inheritance of the dragon is almost like this.

"Anivia, is this one of your avatars?"

The giant dragon lowered its eyes and looked at the little ice crystal phoenix, which was not as big as one of its own claws.

"Ah, Garen."

After being taken aback for a moment, Ice Crystal Phoenix came back to his senses, and there was a hint of surprise in his words.

But soon, the little guy burst into tears.

"Woo, this is not my avatar, I was killed."

"I died so badly. I didn't eat my body. Fortunately, you have a pure ice feather that can bring me back to nirvana. Otherwise, I would really die."

The little Anivia looked hopeless, collapsed on the ground, flapping her wings feebly, and said.

Anivia possesses the power of Nirvana.

Even if there is only one feather left, she can use it to be resurrected, but... this kind of resurrection is not a resurrection in the traditional sense, to be more precise, it is a newborn ice crystal phoenix who inherited The memories and thoughts belonging to Anivia are different flowers blooming on a branch.

The former Anivia, who swore to Kanon, has died.

This one was a newborn with her memory.

Garen also had a certain understanding of Anivia, and had spent a period of time as brothers and sisters. When he heard the news of her death, he couldn't help but feel a little heavy in his heart.

The newborn Anivia didn't care about these things.

"There is a time alliance contract between us, but why didn't I feel your call for help?"

Garen asked.

The little ice crystal phoenix blinked, and then its feathers almost stood up, as if they were blown, and said angrily: "I, I was attacked by surprise!"

"The nasty Naga Kaporos sneaked up on me when I wasn't prepared."

"Naga Kaporos......"

Garen was startled.

"Isn't this sea beast already dead?"

Anivia shook her head and said, "We also thought it was dead, but I was killed by Naga Kaporos' surprise attack, and it seems to be different."

Apparently, the guy wasn't dead and made a comeback.

The vitality is really tenacious...... Even this time, at least I have confronted Naga Kaporos three times...... Garen thought to himself.

"How is it different?"

Garen asked.

Anivia shook her immature newborn body, and said helplessly, "I was cleaning up a purple monster that swept across Valoran, and then I was attacked by Naga Kaporos, and it seemed to be the leader of the purple monster. .”

Garen remembered the time when he summoned Volibear with the alliance contract.

In a brief conversation, Volibear mentioned that an unknown purple creature appeared in Valoran and caused a little trouble.

Now it seems that it is not just a small trouble.

"Ornn and Volibear probably don't know about my death yet."

"I didn't have time to issue a warning before I died. They don't know that Naga Kaporos is still alive. If they are careless, they will also be attacked."

Anivia's tone became a little anxious.

"They don't have the ability to nirvana, and they are really dead when they die."

Garen let out a breath, looked down at the anxious Anivia, and said, "I understand. Since Naga Kaporos is not dead, I will kill her again."

"Let's go now."

The current Garen is no longer a weak existence who has just become a demigod and needs the protection of a few brothers in the Valoran continent.

Garen, who is only one step away from the mid-level divine power, and fighting the former Naga Kaporos, one-on-one is enough to kill it easily. Even if Naga Kaporos' strength has also increased, Garen will not Don't be afraid to be nervous.

At the same time, feeling the breath of a strange creature, the power dragon girl also woke up slowly and opened her eyes.

Garen passed on the idea, and Yuna instantly understood the situation here.

Because Garen often told Yuna about his adventures in different time and space, she knew who Anivia was.

Yuna looked at Little Phoenix curiously, but said nothing.

"You can't help now, just stay here."

"This is my domain, it's safe."

Garen said to Anivia.

Anivia was sizing up Yuna just now, and when she heard what Garen said, she shifted her gaze to Garen, nodded, and said, "Okay, then I'll stay with you Garen for the time being."

Although very unwilling, Anivia also knew that if she was in the wild Valoran continent in her current state, she would only be treated as prey and would not be able to provide help at all.

"Yuna, I'm going to a different time and space."

With that said, Garen opened the door of time and space.

The long river of time has ripples, splashing waves, and then interweaving and forming according to Garen's will, forming an invisible ring-shaped space-time gate, confusing the past, present, and future, making it difficult to distinguish.

"Heroic Spirit Temple, you will guard it first."

"If something unexpected happens, call me directly with the alliance contract."

Garen and Yuna also signed a time alliance contract early on, allowing them to communicate to a certain extent across time and space.

"You can rest assured that I'm here."

Yuna raised her chin and said proudly, each dragon scale was shining brightly.

In addition to Yuna, there is also a metal dragon **** in the Hero Realm, and Garen is really relieved.

"Be careful, I feel that Naga Kaporos' state is very wrong."

Anivia said, with a hint of worry in her tone.

Garen nodded, then jumped in, stepping into the gate of time and space.

In the waves of the long river of time, the silver dragon disappeared within the sight of one dragon and one phoenix.

Similar to the flow speed of the main timeline, a different time and space that has passed less than a hundred years, Valoran Continent, Furnace Township.

A majestic and majestic furnace fortress, built between volcanic mountains, hot lava flows slowly, flows out from the inside of the fortress, converges and flows to the surface like a river, and collides with the low-temperature cold air, breeding and permeating a large area of ​​steam, Soar up to the sky.

Below the Forge Fortress.

Quite exquisite architectural houses are built along the mountains, with rocks as the main body, and occasionally you can see majestic and majestic tall statues.

A giant bear standing upright, an ice phoenix spreading its wings, a humanoid goat in armor, a silver dragon with calm eyes...... Each statue is lifelike and exquisite Finely cut, the hair and scales glow with a faint glow, with a special charm that makes people can't help but worship.

The clanging sound came from inside the furnace fortress, and it seemed that it would never end.

When the intelligent creatures living here hear this sound, they will often stop, look at the fortress of the furnace with devout eyes, and pray in a low voice, forming threads of faith that are difficult to see with the naked eye.

at the same time.

The sky suddenly darkened.

A giant silver dragon covering the sky and the sun appeared, appearing in the sight of countless believers.

She has a layer of silver scales on her body, three pairs of crown-shaped dragon horns on her head, wide wings, and a majestic figure. Several mysterious rings of black scales are distributed on her body.

"The changes in Luxiang are not small."

Garen, who came down, looked down and glanced around.

At the same time, when they saw Garen appearing, the believers of the Four Pillars Sect fell to their knees, praising the greatness of the dragon of eternity and time.

The faith established in this time and space at the beginning has not been cut off.

"Fourth brother, are you back?"

Ornn's mature and steady voice, and Volibear's gruff voice, sounded from the furnace fort at the same time, with the joy of reunion.

Coincidentally, Volibear is here with Ornn right now.

Garen nodded and said, "Both brothers, long time no see."

As he said that, the dragon's wings trembled, like a straight silver light passing across the sky, and entered the inside of the furnace fortress in an instant.

In the field of vision, Ornn was holding a forging hammer, beating on an iron felt, and casting a piece of armor-like equipment. The strong Volibear sat beside him with all four limbs together, and was originally watching eagerly.

When he saw Garen coming, Volibear laughed and came up with a big bear hug, still as enthusiastic as ever.

After Volibear let go, he patted Gallon's shoulder hard, with a bang.

"Brother, you make me feel so dangerous."

"But I haven't wasted my time all these years, haha, my followers respect me as the God of Thunder and Storm."

"Come, come, see you again after a long absence, let's go out and play a game first, let me see how good you are now."

When he felt a restrained extreme danger from Garen, the warlike Volibear couldn't wait, rubbed his bear's paws, and said eagerly.

Under normal circumstances, Garen would be happy to exchange ideas with Volibear.

However, the current situation is not suitable.

"Brother, Anivia is dead, do you know?"

Garen said bluntly.

Hearing this, the faces of Ornn and Volibear sank instantly, and around Volibear, lightning storms lingered and bred, with dark clouds and thunder billowing.

"Garon, what's going on?"

Aoun has always been relatively calm, suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

"Naga Kaporos is not dead, and has made a comeback, killing Anivia in a sneak attack."

"Because I have an Ice Feather of Anivia, she resurrected to the different time and space where I am, and told me about it."

Garen wanted to be concise, and briefly explained the origin of the matter.

"Naga Kaporos? This **** **** is still alive."

Volibear was murderous, and the bear's face was clouded, and he said: "Let's go, let's find Naga Kaporos now, and avenge Anivia. Although she can be resurrected, the price of death is for her. Still big."

Garen can know, of course they know the principle of Anivia's resurrection better.

"I can't spare Naga Kaporos!"

Volibear's voice bordered on a growl.

Garen asked, "Do you know where Naga Kaporos is?"

"This... I don't know."

Volibear paused.

"Being able to hide and hibernate for a hundred years without being discovered shows that it hides well. If it hides again, it may be difficult to find."

Garen said slowly.

"Don't worry, the two brothers will tell me the current situation in Valoran."

Volibear suppressed his anger, barely calmed down, and then, together with Ornn, told the story of the continent.

After Garen left, they did not give up their intake of faith, spread the teachings, sheltered intelligent beings, provided shelter, strength, food and so on.

Naturally, in this wild world full of dangers.

The Four Pillar Religion, which is willing to protect the weak and intelligent creatures, is flourishing at an unimaginable speed, and the number of believers is increasing day by day, and because the civilized thinking has not yet sprouted, the degree of belief is often very pious.

Under such circumstances, although there is only about a hundred years, the four pillar gods have all achieved the status of gods.

God of thunder and storms, Volibear.

God of forge and fire, Ornn.

The **** of ice crystals and extreme cold, Anivia.

The **** of eternity and time, Garon.

"By the way, Garen, you're rather strange here."

"After more than seventy years after you left, a new you was born from faith, but it is weaker than the rest of us, and has not yet reached the level of divine power."

"Although we occasionally call ourselves brothers and sisters, we know that it is not you."

"Because it was born in your belief, it is very similar to you, and it seems to regard itself as the real you, so we didn't do anything to it."

"Think about it, how to deal with it."

Another me?

Garen's eyes lit up.

He originally thought that because the time was not too long, his faith in Valoran was not enough to give birth to gods, but he didn't expect that once the faith here sprouted, it would grow wildly, and the atmosphere of faith was very strong. was born.

Whether it is to seize the godhead or turn it into a clone, it is a good choice.

As for how to do it, it depends on the attitude of the Faithful Canon to the Cannon himself.

At the same time, Garen discovered something was wrong.

"Brother, all of you have become weaker gods and have godheads. Is it the same for Anivia?"

Neither Ornn nor Volibear knew how to forge the Kingdom of God, and this time and space was a barbaric era shortly after the birth of the universe. The outer plane known to Gallon hadn't taken shape at all, and the chaos beyond the main material plane was indescribable. There are many primordial wild gods who are stronger than the demigods in the mainland, and they are wandering around, which is very dangerous, so although they are weaker gods, they still stay in Valoran.

Even for Garen today, this is still a very dangerous era.


After getting the answer, Garen's face became a little solemn.

"You have never died, and you have just become gods. Maybe you don't know that even if the gods fall and die, their consciousness will be preserved in the godhead. They can be resurrected by faith in the future, and the godhead is indestructible."

"But according to Anivia...she died completely."

This means that Anivia's godhead is gone.

If it exists, the godhead will escape according to Anivia's will, and fly to Ornn or Volibear with a high probability.

Although the godhead is not completely indestructible, the chance of success is pitiful.

"Being able to destroy the godhead, the current Naga Kaporos is not easy."

Garen was a little more cautious towards Naga Kaporos.

"Anivia told me that Naga Kaporos seems to be the leader of the purple monster."

"The purple monster in her mouth, you should know, what kind of creature is it?"

The dragon looked serious and asked.

Aoun showed a thoughtful look, and said slowly: "Not long after you left, from the cracks in various places on the surface, ferocious creatures with different races in appearance, but all purple in appearance and color set foot on the land."

"They basically have no intelligence, only devouring instinct, and even dare to attack us and other gods with their weak bodies."

"They were small and insignificant at first, and swarmed like swarms of insects."

"However, we found that some purple monster individuals have a terrible devouring ability, and they never seem to feel hungry. They will not let go of any substance, devouring ice and snow, mountains, land, flesh and blood creatures, wild magic...... ..and rapidly alienate and evolve according to the things they devour.”

After a pause, Aoun said solemnly, "Our demigods of wisdom are aware of the seriousness of the problems and have not allowed them to develop. Once they are discovered, they will be wiped out immediately."

"Because of the timely response, although these purple monsters are annoying, they are not a big deal. Once they show up, they will be wiped out by the nearby demigods."

Through Ornn's narration, Garen had a certain understanding of the so-called purple monster.

Devouring Evolution...... This is without a doubt, a rather terrifying ability.

I just don't know if they have an upper limit. If there is no upper limit, this kind of purple monster will be terrifying.

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Garen had never heard of this creature in his own timeline.

"It should have been wiped out by the original existence."

"Or the upper limit is very low, and because of lack of wisdom, it naturally became extinct."

Due to lack of information, Garen didn't think about it.

"If Naga Kaboros becomes the leader of the purple monster, then if he encounters the purple monster again, he may be able to lure the snake out of the hole."

Anivia died in Naga Kaporos' sudden attack while cleaning up the purple monster.

Leading the snake out of the hole may also be swallowed by the snake directly, which has a certain risk.

"There are many demigods of wisdom, but the first one to kill Anivia shows that even though Naga Kaporos has lost her wisdom, her instinct still remembers the past siege. We are probably it preferred target."

Garen analyzed.

"Very well, I will leave the temple, become active, and destroy the lairs of purple monsters one by one."

"Hmph, I'm waiting for Naga Kaporos to show up!"

"I'm going to kill it myself."

Volibear's voice was like thunder, and he said in a deep voice.

Aoun also nodded, and said: "We will split up, and I will also destroy the purple monster lair that still exists, and lure Naga Kaporos out."

If they act together, Naga Kaporos may continue to lie and dare not act rashly.

Even if the purple monster has no intelligence and acts on instinct like a beast, the instinct of a beast is often more sensitive to crises and more lurking, so it cannot be taken lightly.

Going it alone clearly carries certain risks.

But those present were not afraid of taking risks.

"Two brothers, remember, as soon as it shows up, use the alliance contract to call me immediately."

Garen exhorted.

Although it is a surprise attack, although Anivia is not strong, but after all, she has already achieved a weaker divine power, which can make Anivia unable to react in time, kill her with one blow, and destroy the godhead, which is enough to show that Naga Kaporos is now level of danger.


Armed with armor, Ornn and Volibear left the Forge Fortress to go to the lairs of purple monsters that still exist everywhere.

Garen also left the Forge Fortress, but he didn't go to the purple monster's lair immediately. Instead, he went to the territory where Aoun said, the "God of Eternity and Time".

Naga Kaporos needs to solve it, but this another false **** Garon born from faith also needs to be dealt with.

The two things are not contradictory and can be done at the same time.

In particular, the concept of the Kingdom of God does not exist in this time and space, and it won't take long for Garen to deal with the 'God of Eternity and Time' soon.

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