MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 489 Azeroth, Teyvat, Tyria

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"Chester, my shepherd."

"Now do what you have to do."

"Remember, no matter what ups and downs and setbacks you encounter, I will always watch you and protect you."

Garen said, while his body dissipated like light and shadow, only the lingering sound lingered, ethereal and sacred.

Chester did not stand up, but remained in a kneeling posture until seven days and seven nights later, he slowly stood up, brushed off the folds of his clothes, and his body was glowing with a silver sacred light, step by step out of the dense forest, towards a place full of lost paths. The wide world of lamb.

At the same time, the dragon of eternity and time from different time and space swept across the continent, promoting shepherds one by one.

A simple and honest boy in the countryside.

A young lord exiled to a remote area.

A down-and-out aristocrat living on the streets.


Gallon chose a total of twelve apostles to travel across the continent as his shepherds, performing miracles and spreading faith for him.

While selecting, brainwashing, and promoting the apostles, Garen was also searching for information about this world, mainly about good and evil gods, as well as thaumaturgy gems.

Good Gods and Evil Gods...... In the main timeline, these are the two camps of the gods.

Here, there are two opposing gods. Qianqian

"The Holy Sect of Good and Evil is the mainstream of the world's beliefs, and it is the biggest obstacle for me to spread my beliefs."

"However, the time flow in this world is more than five hundred times that of the main timeline, so you can play with the local Holy See."

"As for the thaumaturgy gems, they are strictly controlled by the Eternal Empire, who are responsible for the production, manufacture, and sale... It is said that they were born from an ancient evil creature."

Amidst the wind and clouds, the giant dragon pondered, considering the next plan.

After the selection of the twelve apostles, Garen has been silently watching their progress in spreading the faith.

Each apostle possesses legendary level strength, and according to the degree of piety of the faith, Garen will increase the power given to them as appropriate.

Because the influence of these powerful people walking on the mainland is not small, the Vatican of Time has begun to take shape. Stories about the Vatican of Time are circulating in the streets and alleys, and corresponding teachings, temples, and clergy have gradually developed.

While watching the progress of the shepherd, Gallon wandered in this time and space, exploring the mountains and rivers while discovering the secrets of this world.

In this way, time passed quietly.

The Holy See of Time is getting bigger and bigger, and there are some contradictions and frictions with the Holy See of Good and Evil.

Feeling the threat from the Holy See of Time, the Holy See of Good and Evil directly declared the Holy See of Time as a cult organization, and arranged for the Knights of Arbitration to search and encircle all members of the Holy See of Time. Since the Holy See of Good and Evil is the state religion of the Eternal Empire, in Under the targeting of the Evil Holy Sect, the Vatican of Time was hit hard for a while.

However, the power level of this world is not high.

Facing the Holy See of Time with twelve legendary pastors, the actions of the Holy Sect of Good and Evil were not all smooth sailing.

In addition, due to the large-scale actions of the Holy See of Good and Evil, many people have become curious about the Holy See of Time. After understanding it, they are attracted by the knowledge and power system possessed by the Holy See of Time, which is completely different from this world. Can't help but join the Holy See of Time.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

At the same time, the Holy Sect of Good and Evil paid more and more attention to the Holy See of Time, and the Pope was going to personally go out to kill the twelve apostles of the Holy See of Time.

With the idea of ​​observing and gaining more faith, Garen decided to wait until the critical moment when his apostle couldn't hold on before making a move.

But before the Pope of the Holy Church of Good and Evil actually made his move, an interesting thing happened.

Eternal Empire, Imperial Capital Belt.

Ten years later, at the age of twenty-five, Chester, who has become handsome, sunny and mature, seemed to blend in with the crowd on the street, without emitting a trace of strangeness, nor attracting attention, just like the most ordinary of a pedestrian.

Chester stared ahead.

Before the imperial court.

In front of the countless gathered people of the empire, a herald read out the decree from Emperor Yin Zeluo, the Emperor of the Eternal Empire.

"I declare that in order to select the next emperor of the Eternal Empire, I will follow the ancient emperor's prophecy and start the emperor's trial."

"All children of the nobles of the Eternal Empire are eligible to participate in the Emperor's Trial."

"The first person to complete all the emperor's trials will become the next emperor of the Eternal Empire in accordance with the laws of the ancient emperor."

As soon as the decree came out, the surroundings became deadly and quiet, and needles could be heard.

After people came to their senses, the entire imperial capital was in an uproar.

The news spread quickly, and all the people in the Eternal Empire knew about the royal decree concerning the next emperor. The nobles were overwhelmed and scrambled to find the locations of the six emperor trials.

Especially some powerful nobles are simply ecstatic.

Because they already have some secret information about the emperor's trial, and they have all kinds of resources, they can mobilize a lot of manpower and material resources, and they have a high probability of passing the imperial trial and becoming the next emperor of the empire.

Garen saw this in his eyes.

Because he also stayed in this time and space for ten years, Garen already had a relatively deep understanding of the Eternal Empire.

He knew why the king of the Eternal Empire chose his successor from the nobles.

Because, this Emperor Yin Zeluo had no heirs in his life.

No matter it is powerful thaumaturgy or all kinds of folk remedies, they can't solve the fertility problem of Emperor Yin Zeluo. He is sixty-two years old this year, but he still has no heirs, no heirs who can inherit the eternal empire.

Therefore, the forces of various small countries that have been suppressed and exploited by the Eternal Empire have begun to move around, and the imperial family is also intriguing for the successor, making the rule of the Eternal Empire somewhat unstable.

Under such circumstances, Emperor Yin Zeluo recalled the prophecy left by the first emperor of the Eternal Empire.

The ancient emperor's prophecy: When the emperor's bloodline is in danger of being cut off, the contemporary emperor follows my prophecy, starts the emperor's trial, and selects the king of destiny from the imperial nobles. In this way, the eternal empire can be guaranteed to never fall.

As for the Emperor's Trial, it is a secret realm known only to the imperial family. If you want to pass the Imperial Trial, you need to find it first.

"Six Emperor Trial Sites...... Hey, it seems to be the six secret realms I have been to."

After learning the specific news, Garen thought to himself.

While playing in this world, he discovered interesting secret realms, which are full of various dangerous mechanisms, traps and monsters, which may not be able to come out if the legend goes in, but to Garen, it's just a little interesting gadget.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

There are a total of six such secret realms.

After Garen accidentally found one of them, he found the other five out of curiosity, and cleared all of them. He knew the traps inside like the back of his hand.

"It turned out to be called the Emperor's Trial."

Garen confirmed that the six secret realms he had cleared were the Emperor's Trials.

"That way, things get interesting."

that night.

The twelve shepherds of the dragon of eternity and time listened to the teachings of their own gods while praying as usual.

The location of the six trials of the emperor, as well as the distribution of various organs and strategies in the trial of the emperor, have all been poured into the minds of these shepherds.

Several shepherds who were qualified to participate in the emperor's trial left the field one after another, and went straight to the location of the emperor's trial with a clear goal.

Because of the strategy given by Garen, the emperor's trial is quite difficult for legendary creatures. There is no danger at all in front of Garen's shepherds.

When many nobles were still happy that they had finally found the first emperor's trial, they heard a piece of news that caught them off guard.

A young aristocrat named Chester, in just one month, collected the clearance tokens for the six trials of the emperor.

Before that, Chester was still a little-known nobleman, and few people had heard of his name.

Pastors hide their true identities when spreading their faith.

"A small noble in a remote city has obtained the inheritance qualification of the Eternal Empire."

"Tsk, the great nobles of this empire are probably going crazy."

While opening up the Godhead Ranch and spreading the faith, Garen is also happy to appreciate all kinds of interesting events and reactions.

"In addition, this ancient emperor's prophecy does not seem to be wrong."

"Chester became the emperor as my shepherd, and the Eternal Empire will naturally belong to me. With my protection, if there are no accidents, this empire will be immortal."

Garen thought silently.

Next, before Chester entered the imperial capital and formally succeeded him as the emperor, assassinations against Chester continued, coming in waves from all directions.

It is a pity that no matter how clever the assassin was, he would never have guessed that the true identity of this little nobleman turned out to be one of the twelve heretical shepherds wanted by the Holy Sect of Good and Evil. Therefore, all the assassinations were terminated by various emergencies. Failed.

The great nobles united and hoped that Emperor Yin Zeluo would take back the order.

However, due to the lucky performance of Chester's son of destiny, Emperor Yin Zeluo's determination was strengthened.

He defied all opinions, adopted the throne of emperor to Chester, and retired by himself.

Since then, the new emperor of the Eternal Empire, Emperor Chester, was born.

The Eternal Empire is the hegemony of this world. In terms of government system and people's livelihood, it has actually been quite perfect. There is nothing to change. The emperor only needs to keep the foundation, and it is enough to keep the Eternal Empire brilliant.

Many people think that Chester became the emperor by luck.

No one thought that Emperor Chester would have any big performance.

But people find themselves dead wrong.

A few days after Emperor Chester took the throne, he began to make drastic reforms against the religious theocracy of the empire, blocked the influence of the Holy Sect of Good and Evil in the empire, and reduced their status. The holy sects competed against each other.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Many nobles looked sideways at him, thinking that Chester was ambitious and wanted to use the power of the emperor to smash the theocracy, and the Holy See of Time was just a **** that was pushed out.

Before that, the power of the Pope of the Holy Patriarch of Good and Evil was not weaker than that of the king of the Eternal Empire.

In this world, theocracy and kingship are equal.

Facing the provocation of Chester, the young emperor, the Holy Sect of Good and Evil counterattacked quite fiercely.

"Emperor Chester is actually one of the twelve priests of the Holy See of Time."

"He became the king of the Eternal Empire and will bring the Eternal Empire into a state of complete doom."

"Holy Ancestor does not recognize the identity of this heretical king."

Uniting many great nobles who were dissatisfied with Chester's succession to the throne of the emperor, as well as some small country forces, the Holy Sect of Good and Evil armed their own believers and people, brazenly set off a rebellion, attacked the imperial capital at night, and wanted to kill Emperor Chester and establish a new one. king.

In a night full of blood and smoke.

The powerful thaumaturges of the Empire are firmly in check.

The glorious figure of the Pope took the opportunity to pass through the chaotic royal court of the imperial capital, and went deep into the palace. Under the watchful eyes of the royal guards, he stopped at a distance of less than 100 meters from Emperor Chester.

Chester looked at the Pope.

Pope Faure, the leader of the Holy Church of Good and Evil, is a quite powerful thaumaturgy.

He has an old face, but he is full of energy and breathes evenly. He is wearing a robe intertwined with black and white. Tiny thaumaturgic gemstones are embedded in the robe like stars. , rippling and forming quite a beautiful scene.

"Chester, the shepherd of the Holy See of Time."

"Do you think that by becoming an emperor, you can shake the theocracy of my Holy Sect of Good and Evil?"

"Ignorant heresy."

The Pope said calmly.

Stretching out his palm, he pointed at Chester from afar.

The light from more than forty thaumaturgy gemstones became dazzling and connected together.

Zilazila... A magic circle formed on the soles of Chester's feet out of thin air.

In an instant, a thunderstorm with destructive power emerged, submerging Chester's body, and at the same time dyed the palace white.

"Your death is just the beginning. I will eradicate the other heretic shepherds one by one, leaving no one behind."

The Pope said calmly, without looking at the results of the thaumaturgy, he turned around and walked away.

However, before he stepped out of the palace.

A heart-stopping aura suddenly emerged, causing the pope's complexion to change slightly, and he turned his head in surprise.

the other side.

Chester, who was supposed to have no bones left, was unscathed at this time.

Not only that, although his appearance has not changed, his demeanor and temperament are completely different.

The child hole of 'Chester' has the color of platinum, time seems to be confused on his body, the past and present are integrated with the future, which makes him have an indescribable sense of majesty and oppression, like a **** descending, powerful and powerful mighty.

Facing such a 'Chester', the Pope had a feeling in his heart that he wanted to worship him.

"You are not Chester, who are you?"

The Pope quickly realized that the thaumaturgic gemstones all over his body were shining brightly at the same time, and he was ready for battle.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Gallon, who was using Chester's body, glanced at the thaumaturgy gem on the Pope's body, and said slowly: "Chester is my shepherd, shepherds faith for me, who do you think I am?"

Pope Tong Kong suddenly tightened.

"Are you the **** of the Holy See of Time and Space?"

"The dragon of eternity and time...... Huh, the gods are only good and evil, pretending to be a ghost!"

With a thought, all the thaumaturgy gems were connected together at the same time, and the cumulative effect of each spell would form the Pope's most powerful thaumaturgy.

But at this moment.


His robes, staff, crown, necklace, boots...all the equipment inlaid with thaumaturgic gemstones were simultaneously shattered, as if cut by something invisible.


The pope, who was naked all over, didn't know why, and was messed up in the wind, dazed and helpless.

As soon as Garen stretched out his hand, the thaumaturgy gemstones were drawn and gathered in front of Garen.

Some of them are like round glass, some are like hearts, and some are like solid flames... Each of them looks different, and in Garon's eyes, they carry the rules that belong to this world.

"I'm curious, can you use thaumaturgy again after losing the gemstone?"

Garen said calmly while playing with a red thaumaturgy gemstone.

Each of these gemstones represents an independent spell. The thaumaturge can use spirit and magic to form a connection with the gemstones, and perform changeable thaumaturgy through the combination of different gemstones. The thaumaturgy becomes stronger step by step. The quality of the product will also be improved step by step, and the two complement each other.

According to Garen's observation, if the gem is lost, the thaumaturge will lose all his abilities.

It's just that there are very few thaumaturges like the Pope who have stepped into the demigod level. Gallon has never encountered it before, so he doesn't know his reaction after losing the gem.

On the other side, Garen's face was reflected in the pope's child's hole, his eyes stained with fear.

He tried to call his own gem.

Garen felt the resistance from the thaumaturgy gem, but he suppressed it easily.

The pope, who had lost the jewel, did not respond for a long time.

Garen shook his head slightly, and thought: "It seems that even the strongest thaumaturgy will become an ordinary person after losing the gem."

Relying on thaumaturgy gems, even the lowest-level thaumaturgy does not need to prepare for casting spells. The effect is amazing, but because it is too dependent, it is almost equivalent to its own destiny. Once the gem is lost, the thaumaturgy has nothing to do. Magical power and powerful spirit, but neither can be exerted.

This kind of spellcasting system is too extreme, and the advantages and disadvantages are polarized, which is very obvious.

"Lost lamb, accept my guidance, and I will give you real, own power."

Facing the bewildered Pope, Garen's voice became more peaceful, and said.

At the same time, in the eyes of the Pope, the entire world has fallen into a strange state of stillness. The flames of war outside the palace, the frozen night wind, the gunpowder smoke and night wind frozen in the air, and the warriors and thaumaturgy who are like sculptures... .........

"Obviously there is no thaumaturgy gem...... This, this is the mighty power of the gods."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The pope was shocked.

Looking at Gallon again, the Pope's faith was shaken.

He prayed every day, eager to hear the holy voice of the gods, but he never got any answer.

The so-called good gods and evil gods seem to be just illusory legends.

In fact, a long time ago, the pope had no real faith. The reason why he attacked the Holy See of Time, and even set off a rebellion, was nothing more than to protect his own rights and status. In the absence of gods, theocracy belonged to the pope.

"Are you really a god?"

The Pope trembled and asked.

Garen smiled and said, "You have seen me with your own eyes, why don't you use your own eyes and heart to look carefully?"

Hearing this, the Pope's expression was a little dazed, and he looked up at Gallon who was standing on the top of the steps.

at the same time.

The whole world in the pope's eyes is changing dramatically.

The 'Chester' in his field of vision was covered with scorching silver light and brilliant power, shattering the dome of the imperial palace and leaping towards the sky. A glimpse of the giant god.

Under the shadow of the giant god, the pope staggered back a few steps and fell to the ground.

When he came back to his senses, 'Chester' was still in human form, the palace was intact, and the figure of the titan no longer existed.

But the scene just now has been imprinted on the pope's mind, and he can't get rid of it.

"I've been confused for too long, seeing God without knowing it."

"God, please forgive my mistakes and allow me to fall into your arms."

The twin gods of good and evil, who have never appeared before, are the gods who show great power in front of their eyes.

The Pope chose the latter.

"Lost lamb, you are on the right path, I forgive you for your previous disrespect, and give you grace for your faith."

Garen smiled, his body flickered in front of the Pope, and he placed his hand on his forehead. The Pope looked pious and excited as if he had received grace.

The pope possessed extraordinary influence and was transformed into his pastor by Gallon.

The process went smoothly without any accidents.

At the same time, just hovering in this airspace, the hidden body of Garen himself had a puzzled expression on the dragon's face.

"Is it true that there are no gods in this time and space, and the twin gods of good and evil are just legends?"

"Otherwise, I would have converted the Pope into my own believer, how could I not be able to resist?"

Garen shook his head and continued to retreat behind the scenes.

With the joining of the pope, the leader of the organization's rebellion, the night attack ended naturally.

One by one the participating nobles were hanged, and some small countries were wiped out.

Because the Pope has become the pastor of the Holy See of Time and Space, coupled with the policy of Chester, the emperor of the empire, the Holy See of Good and Evil has gradually changed its course and become the Holy See of Time and Space.

However, even though the Pope has rebelled, there are still some people who have a firm belief in the Gods of Good and Evil. Yes, mostly young people.

It is a matter of faith, and the Holy See of Time and Space has not shown mercy.

Those who can be converted into believers will be converted, and those who cannot be considered heretics will be burned to death on the stake.

With the passage of time, the Holy See of Time and Space quickly became the new state religion under the cooperation of the Pope and the emperor, and it was far larger than the previous Holy Church of Good and Evil, because the previous Eternal Empire did not support good and evil. What Shengzong develops and grows is just not interfering.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

In addition, Garen himself also performed miracles from time to time to expand his influence.

As a result, in the 30th year of this time and space, temples belonging to Gallon can be seen everywhere, and the number of believers in the Holy See of Time and Space has increased sharply, and Gallon began to feel the obvious gathering of faith.

As for Garen himself, during this time he was mainly located in a temporary dragon's lair in the Fa'o Mountains, living in secluded places.

This mountain range is also the main source of thaumaturgic gemstones.

With the accumulation of time and years, the rocks and soil here will mutate, and then turn into a steady stream of thaumaturgy gemstones, which serve as the source of power for thaumaturges.

Garen spent a lot of time researching thaumaturgy gems.

He discovered that this kind of gemstone is actually the embodiment of rules, allowing the lowest-level thaumaturgy to perform thaumaturgy in the simplest way, and it is like building blocks. If there are enough and suitable gemstones, a small world can even be built .

"A brand new time and space that is completely different from the main timeline, there are indeed many surprises waiting to be discovered."

Garen opened his eyes and grabbed many thaumaturgy gems with a clatter.

The legendary gods of good and evil, as well as the thaumaturgy gem, there are still secrets waiting for Garen to discover, but Garen is not in a hurry, and is going to leave this time and space first to open up a new divine ranch.

In order to discover more functions of thaumaturgy gems, before leaving, Garen ordered Chester and the Pope to popularize the use of thaumaturgical gems in various aspects.

When Garen comes here again after a while, he hopes to see a brand new thaumaturgy empire that can surprise him.

Afterwards, Garen left this time and space, went to new timelines that were more suitable, and continued to develop the Godhead Ranch.

Because of his rich experience, in different time and space, Garen can often find the most suitable way to spread the faith, and in the shortest time, meet the development elements of the Godhead Ranch.

Most of Garen's Godhead Ranch was established in time and space based on branches of the main timeline, but some of them were in different time and space that were completely different from the main timeline.

Azeroth, Teyvat, Tyria, Warhammer Universe.....

These trips in different time and space have made Garen's understanding of different time and space more profound, and he has seen many different time and space that are completely different from the main timeline.

The danger of some different time and space frightened even Garen, so he just stopped for a while and left, not designated as the Godhead Ranch.

However, Garen also wrote down the coordinates of some of the different time and space, and felt that he could travel again after he felt stronger in the future.

Nine years after the main timeline.

Garen ended his journey in different time and space and returned to the hero realm of the main timeline.

Not long after returning to the hero realm, Garen, who was only one step away from the mid-level divine power, began to feel a deep sleepiness when he was absorbing life energy, so he entered the peak of the eternal heroic spirit and fell into a deep sleep. After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all. UU Reading

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website will be closed soon, download the Star Reading app to provide you with the dragon of time control by the great gods of Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming

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