MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 491 On this day, the elves once again recalled the fear of being dominated.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

One of the outer planes, the Olympian Woodlands, the Unrestrained Wilderness, the Avant Land, which is the seat of the Elven Kingdom.

Wilderness is a patchwork of climates and environments, with majestic trees of all kinds, maples, birches, oaks...these tall deciduous plants rush straight The sky is criss-crossed with understory trees and shrubs, and the ground below the canopy has undulating terrain dotted with moss and ferns.

As the name suggests, it has a wild and unrestrained natural beauty.

In the plane guide, there is a description of this plane.

It is a plane of warmth and peace.

It has a rich and colorful natural environment.

It is the domain of the fey.

Wilderness is more than just a vast forest, the forest is just one of its layers.

Like most of the Outer Planes, Unleashed has three planes, and is best known for the first plane, with the other two being lesser known.

The first level, the green forest clearing, is located in a huge forest world covered by countless towering and majestic trees.

The kingdom of Apandh is located in the green glade.

The second level, the Endless Sea, is the end point of the Sea God River that traverses the upper plane, and the entire world is nothing but endless ocean.

The **** of sea elves used to live in the realm of the endless sea, a kingdom of God that belonged to him, and later moved into the kingdom of Avand.

The third layer, the silver sand land, is a boundless desert composed of countless white fine sandstones. It is empty and desolate, and very few creatures live here.

Obviously, the outer plane of Unrestrained Wilderness is the main position of the elven pantheon.

After the war of glory, the elven gods, who had returned from a big defeat, called on the elves from all the plane worlds to enter the unrestrained wilderness, and the elves and gods lived together in the Aband kingdom to recuperate.

However, Wilderness is not just a world of elves.

Some flower spirits, palm tree spirits, tree demons, firefly spirits and other fairies who love the forest environment, as well as dragons such as green dragons, blue dragons, brass dragons, red copper dragons, amethyst dragons, Pengyu angels, Jia Angel Le and other envoys can also be found in the unrestrained wilderness, especially in the green forest clearing.

In the glade, it was night.

A white moon, living in the milky white galaxy, swayed the brilliance with the stars all over the sky, projecting the bright light through the gaps in the canopy of numerous luxuriant trees, and projecting it into the dense forest world below, and under the trees, with The night wind blows, the branches and leaves dance, and the beautiful and huge fireflies fly among the branches and leaves of the oak and basswood, bathed in the milky white moonlight, dreamy and beautiful.


An unnaturally strong wind breeds.

A strong and mature green dragon took a deep breath, sucked the huge flying fireflies into his mouth, then crunched and chewed, feeling the splash of juice in his mouth, and narrowed his eyes in enjoyment.

at the same time.

Some goblins surrounding the green dragon, even standing on its back, on its dragon horns, were singing, dancing, and having fun playing games. They were a little scared, and shouted at the green dragon angrily: "Wow, don't be afraid!" Eat fireflies, fireflies are green shooting stars in the forest, you fool, you are violating the teachings of the goblin dragon god."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The green dragon came back to his senses, and said with a gloomy face: "Sorry, my evil dragon nature is agitated, and I subconsciously hurt my firefly partner."

Talking and talking, in the contradiction between nature and belief, the green dragon showed a depressed and unhappy look.

At this time, tree demons, flower spirits and other goblins danced and sang around the green dragon in groups, comforting its mind, and told the green dragon that it was not the green dragon's fault, as long as it obeyed the spirit of the goblin dragon. Doctrine, continue to be devout, the goblin dragon **** will forgive its mistakes.

The green dragon became happy, resisting his instinct of wanting to eat these goblins, playing games with them happily.

This scene came into Garen's field of vision.

In the rippling green forest, Garen had already quietly descended, and covered his body and breath, first observed the situation in the green forest clearing.

Sure enough, some of the dragon clan in the green forest glade fell into the arms of the goblin dragon **** and became the guardians of the goblin.

"... Guardian of the goblins."

Bathed in milky white moonlight, the giant dragon overlooking the green world from a high altitude has a calm expression and awe-inspiring eyes.

In the eyes of a true dragon like Garen with a sense of honor and dignity, the so-called guardians sound like goblin partners, but they are no different from their pet beasts. As far as the dragon is concerned, it has given up its dignity as a real dragon, and even allowed a group of goblins to play on its body, and even accepted their reprimand.

Garen did not blame these true dragons who had lost their dignity and glory.

Because he knows that in the outer plane, under the hostility of countless intelligent creature races, it is really difficult for ordinary true dragons who are stuck in the quagmire to stick to their hearts when facing the divine power and dragon power of a dragon god. Being taken advantage of, distorting cognition, and becoming the opponent's believer.

After a few days of observation in the green forest and clearing, Garen had tracked down and locked the trace of the Fairy Dragon God through these dragons who believed in the Fairy Dragon God, and determined her position.

In this way, there is no need to cover up his figure and breath anymore.

The reason why Garen acted secretly was not because he was afraid of the elves and gods living in the green forest and clearing, but because he didn't want to scare the snakes and make the elves and dragon gods leave on alert.

at the same time.

In the large and small elf clans, tribes, kingdoms and other areas established in the green forest clearing, countless elves are active at night.

The glorious war of the dragon clan is also called the ruined war by the elves, which means the ruin and decline of the clan. Now, it has been almost two hundred years since the glorious war, but the elves who suffered heavy trauma in the war still have not forgotten the dragon clan. The horror, especially the Lord of the Dragon Court who swept across the battlefield.

The shadow of the Lord of the Dragon Court still hangs over the hearts of many elves.

The elves who have participated in the war and survived all understand the horror of the Lord of Dragon Court.

Even elf children who refuse to fall asleep at night and cry annoyingly, when their parents threaten them with the Dragon Court Lord, they will stop crying instantly and dare not make trouble anymore.

On the edge of a river full of flowers, several traumatized elf veterans gathered around the bonfire, mourning silently for their relatives and friends who died in the war. It is still vivid.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"Stephanie, I heard that you saw the Lord of Dragon Court with your own eyes when you were fighting in the main material world."

Hearing this, a beautiful female elf veteran with a sad expression slowly said: "Yes... I saw with my own eyes that the twin flower envoys serving the goddess of life were easily captured by the other party. , The legion that had the upper hand was defeated in an instant."

The bonfire danced with the wind, and the flames twisted slightly, reflecting in the female elf's eyes.

She recalled the horror scene back then.

The silver dragon traversed the sky, and wherever it passed, the rolling dragon power shattered the consciousness of countless elf colleagues, turning them into shells that had lost their souls, and fell to the ground like harvested ears of wheat.

Thinking of this, a heavy shadow looms over my heart.

The female elf's expression became painful.

She felt that it was difficult to breathe, and she fell to the ground with a thump, her body curled up, breathing heavily, and breaking out in cold sweat.

The elf next to her hurriedly cast a healing spell to relieve the female elf's stress.

"Stephanie, you remember, this is a green glade, the home of our elves."

"Here, you won't be hurt again."

Said an elf veteran.

Healed and comforted by her companions, the female elf's aftermath of the war got better, she opened her eyes, lay flat on the grass filled with flowers, and thought: "Yes, the war is over, I will never see that person again The terrifying Dragon God......"


Her childish hole shrunk to the size of a needle point, reflecting a silver giant dragon that appeared in the sky and covered the sky and the sun.

The dragon's figure flashed away and swept across the sky.

The shadow of the mind that had just shrunk a little suddenly exploded.


The female elf screamed, closed her eyes tightly again, hugged her head tightly, and curled up her body.

At the same time, in various parts of the green forest clearing, many elves stared blankly at the night sky, the figure of the giant dragon that had just disappeared in the mind remained in their minds, their bodies trembled unconsciously, and their hearts fell into a thick shadow.

This night is destined to be restless.

Garen no longer covered his body, the body of the giant dragon tore through the milky white moonlight, and walked through the night sky in the green forest glade, leaving a long silver trail behind.

A different space in the green forest glade, in the Aband kingdom.

The expressions of many elves and gods were slightly shaken, and they stared outside the Kingdom of God, looking at the silver dragon with a vast aura.

"Garon Aurelion, what is he doing in the Wilderness?"

"The dragon clan is now facing the blockade of the gods, do you want to vent their anger on us?"

For a moment, thinking of the tragic situation in which almost all the members of the giant gods fell and the giants were exterminated, and comparing the current strength of the dragon gods, all the gods of the elves felt dignified.

After the giant extermination war ended, the elves and gods were terrified, and even a little fortunate, because their losses in the war were nothing compared to the giants.

"This kind of atmosphere is full of danger and oppression... He is already a mid-level divine power."

"In less than two hundred years, he broke through to a medium-level divine power. What a terrifying growth rate."

"Even in the outer plane, fighting between the deity, I have no certainty of defeating him."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Soronor, the God of Bow and Arrow, looked at the giant dragon with its wings stretching across the sky with a heavy expression.

Garen's prestige was forged step by step starting from stepping on the saint of Soronor.

Originally, Soronor still hoped that she would get rid of her shame in the future, but now she felt that she had no chance.

You must know that during the War of Glory, Garen was only a demigod. After the war, he initially obtained a **** clone with weaker divine power. The main body is still a demigod. Garen himself is also the mainstay of one of the gods, and will become stronger and stronger in the future, and has not reached the upper limit.

Because the Lord of the Dragon Court appeared in the green glade.

The elves, who had been at peace for a long time, were in panic.

"Don't panic."

At this time, the divine thoughts of the main **** Corellon passed into the minds of every elf and god.

Corellon's godhead level is as high as nineteen. Although it is not as good as the top main gods such as Annan or Io, it is still among the best among the main gods of all gods. Now it has dropped to eighteen, but it is still not to be underestimated.

As soon as the lord elf spoke, the tense gods slowly relaxed.

"Lord God, do you know why he came here?"

There are gods asking.

"This is an internal struggle between the dragon gods, don't interfere, just wait and see what happens."

In the green glade, the movements of the goblin dragon **** could not hide from Corellon's eyes.

She is well aware of the nature of the dragon gods, and has already anticipated what will happen today.

at the same time.

Feeling the silent gaze from the elves and gods, Garen soon came to a place full of colorful flowers. Looking around, he looked at a sea of ​​flowers covered with all kinds of flowers. When the breeze blew slowly, the rich and rich fragrance rushed to his face, countless The petals also danced, and the scenery was pleasant.

Many of them are only a few inches tall, slender and beautiful, with wings like butterflies and dragonflies growing on their backs, moving back and forth among the gorgeous sea of ​​flowers.

In the sea of ​​flowers, there is also the breath of a real dragon.

The silver dragon lowered its eyes and looked down.

His eyes swept over all kinds of goblins, and looked at some dragons here.

Fairy Dragon.

What Garen saw was the fairy dragons who regarded themselves as the guardians of the fairy race. Compared with most real dragons, they were smaller, about the size of a pony, and their bodies were covered with blue. The color of purple and red is intertwined, the luster is very bright, like a flower, and the dragon wings on the back are like butterfly wings, very light and thin, with outlines and patterns of different shapes.

The fairies are playing and playing in the gorgeous sea of ​​flowers, and the fairy dragon is nearby as a guard, alert to all troubles.

Garen no longer covered his body, and attracted the attention of the goblins when he arrived.

Raising their heads and looking up at the silver dragon covering the sky and the sun, countless goblins began to panic, shivering and hid in the flower cores, using petals to cover their small bodies.

The fairy dragons looked at Garen with wary eyes.

The moment they felt the vast power of the silver dragon, the hostility they had just raised was suppressed and turned into fear. They stayed where they were, not daring to fly into the sky to confront Garen. The same is true for several demigod-level ancient goblin dragons.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

They recognized Garen.

Garen's reputation spread widely.

"Dragon of Eternity and Time, Garon Aurelion."

"What's your purpose for coming all the way to my territory?"

A three-color streamer rose from the sea of ​​flowers and turned into a Fairy Dragon over 100 meters long. It had a long tail that took up two-thirds of its body length, and its scales were similar in color to ordinary Fairy Dragons. It was looking at Garen.

"My purpose?"

"Nelskiyak, the **** of elves and dragons, the spirit of elves, belongs to the gods of the King of Joy."

"Since you dare to plunder the beliefs of my dragon people, you should think that the dragon gods will not sit idly by."

Garen said calmly.

"Plunder? As a dragon god, it is only natural for me to accept the true dragon belief."

Said the Fairy Dragon God, with a majestic and solemn expression.

at the same time.

An unremarkable white flower trembled slightly.

The closed flower bag was quietly opened, revealing a miniature goblin dragon, about the size of an ordinary goblin, only two or three inches long, and looked like a strange butterfly from a distance.

The mini fairy dragon waved its butterfly-shaped dragon wings, quietly opened the gate of the plane, and wanted to escape.

A deep line of sight fell on the mini fairy dragon, and the surrounding space was instantly imposed with means such as space anchors and dimension locks, making it difficult to leave in a short time.

The mini fairy dragon smiled awkwardly and looked up at the sky.

The silver dragon ignored the huge goblin dragon that was confronting him, UU Reading looked at the mini goblin dragon, smiled slightly, and said in a calm voice: "If you take it for granted, why did you run away quietly?"

Dissipation of the giant goblin Long Peng.

This was just an illusion created by the goblin dragon **** to attract Garen's attention.

The body of the Fairy Dragon God, that is, the ultra-small miniature Fairy Dragon, does not have the majesty shown by the phantom, but like a naughty child, he winked at Garen and said with a smile: "You don't care about me, I will leave as soon as I want." Let's go, as a late Jin dragon god, you talk to me like this? Hmph, you don't have the slightest awe in the face of the ancient dragon god."

After a pause, the Fairy Dragon Myth turned around and said, "And you are approaching aggressively. A dragon **** like me, who has broken away from the dragon **** system, is of course very scared. I definitely want to run away."

Her words were very contradictory.

Not only has the arrogance of a real dragon, but also depreciates himself, avoids fighting, and has a rather frivolous attitude.

During the communication with the Metal Dragon God, Garen learned about the character of the Fairy Dragon God.

It is indeed similar to what Metal Dragon God said.

"Nelskiyak, you are a dragon **** but you joined the demon spirit system, and you are still fighting for the dragon belief."

"As the Dragon of Eternity and Time, I declare that I will bring you back to the Hero Realm for trial and conviction."

The silver giant dragon looked indifferent, did not continue to argue with the goblin dragon god, and spoke slowly with a calm face.

Facing Garen's attitude of questioning the crime, the Fairy Dragon God was not angry, nor did she show that she was afraid of Garen's reaction as she said.

After all, he is an ancient dragon **** with medium and quasi-medium divine power, and his strength level is in the middle and upper reaches of the dragon **** system. The so-called fear in his mouth is just a joke.

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