MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-~ Thank you readers

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Today it has officially exceeded two million words, and I am very grateful to all the readers who have followed me all the way.

It is your support that motivates the author to write all the way to the present. If you like this book, please do your best to support it.

If there are no accidents, this book can be written at least three million words.

In addition, according to the experience of this book, the new book has been polished for a long time, and it is still a dragon article. You can first guess which dragon the protagonist is.

The author learns from each other's strengths, learns from the lessons of this book, examines the deficiencies, and is slowly saving the manuscript. When this book is finished and the accumulated manuscripts have accumulated enough to release a new book, there will be no interruptions, and it will directly become a tentacle monster!

(From the starting point of this book's first release, the author's income can only be less than a quarter, and there is a half-month channel update delay. Readers who don't mind the trouble, please come to the starting point to read it.)