MTL - Dressed As a Body Double Slag a and His Aunt-Chapter 36

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Early the next morning, after breakfast, Shu Jin and Shen Yilan got into the car and went to the largest jade market in Q City.

City Q is a neighboring city of City W, and the two cities have always had friendly exchanges. As the jewelry capital of the country, many raw materials in W City come from Q City.

Q City brings together rough stone merchants from all over the world. There are also rough stone wholesalers from all over the world, as well as the country's top luxury jade auction market.

According to Chen Yichuan's introduction, his cousin, surnamed Yu, is the general manager of 'Dongning Jade Market', one of the three major jade markets in Q City.

Shu Jin and Shen Yilan are also planning to split up today.

Shen Yilan came to find a suitable jade supplier for the domestic development of EA Design. Because of Chen Yichuan's "aunt", her first inspection site was Dongning.

This is also the reason why Chen Yichuan is so active in climbing relationships.

Shu Jin is different, she was brought by Teacher Shen to open her eyes.

Unlike Shu Jin when she was in college, she also went to the jade market before, but what she heard and saw was still too 'pediatric' compared to what she saw before.

A jade market that can't even be seen at a glance. The layout is somewhat like an ordinary vegetable market, and the decoration is also very simple, like a huge warehouse, with skylights on the ceiling to ensure sufficient and bright light.

There are densely packed stalls in the huge market, there are about a thousand of them, and many people are picking and choosing in front of the stalls. The entire jade stall is piled up with a dazzling array of jade, whether it is rough stones, or ornaments, or decorations, it is impossible to see at a glance.

Chen Yichuan followed Shu Jin as an explanation: "These merchants generally have registered booths and qualifications in our market, and the prices of the commodities they sell vary. In this business, people who don't understand will only be slaughtered if they come here. .”

Shu Jin nodded.

She understands the rules of the jade shop. But she has never experienced it herself.

"Come with me, the goods left by Dongning are here."

Chen Yichuan took her to a warehouse outside the market, and asked him as he walked, "Is Miss Shu interested in gambling with stones?"

Shu Jin nodded: "I have heard of it... but I have never gambled."

"It's better not to touch that thing."

Chen Yichuan explained to her—

Every quarter, the jade market will purchase goods from all over the country and even around the world. A group of professional rough stone appraisers will carefully screen out the best materials and keep them for sale to big customers. The more general materials will also be sold in bulk to other customers.

In the end, most of the things that fell into the hands of the stone gamblers were waste that could only open a window.

What does it mean to open a window?

Professionals smooth the side that appears to have water head value, allowing the quality of the stone to be seen. Then with the help of the Stone Gambler, 'Wow this window looks great, there must be something in this one! ’ psychology, sell it at a high price.

Chen Yichuan smiled: "Professional window openers make so much money every year." He gave Shu Jin a five.

But Shu Jin didn't ask what the unit of "five" is.

In the jade industry, the water is deep, she knows.

She didn't even think about betting on stones. There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and jade merchants also want to make money, and the probability of success in such things as betting on a rise is only one in a thousand.

Chen Yichuan swiped his aunt's pass and took Shu Jin into the warehouse.

Someone saw him coming and greeted him: "Young Master Chen, why are you free today?"

Chen Yichuan smiled: "I helped Dongning find a big client and brought her to see the stone."

When the staff saw Shu Jin, they couldn't believe it the first time.

Are 'big customers' so young?

But the people brought by Chen Yichuan himself couldn't tolerate their disbelief.

Chen Yichuan brought Shu Jin to a pile of stones.

An 'S' zone is marked next to the stone. There are multiple areas such as 'A', 'B' and 'C' next to it, Shu Jin thinks this is probably graded.

"Here are the documents." Chen Yichuan took out a stack of documents from his briefcase and handed them to Shu Jin.

Although Shu Jin was puzzled, she still reached out to take it.

"Aunt Shen told me that if you want to participate in the EA design competition in the future, you must start with the research of stones. I asked my aunt to help collect and organize these materials. Maybe you can use them."

Shu Jin probably flipped through a few pages, and after browsing a few times, she found that it was all about teaching her how to identify the types of jade, as well as various analysis materials about leather shells, water species, and so on.

"Is it okay to give these... to me?"

Chen Yichuan smiled: "Don't worry, these are just rough skins. It's no problem to cope with the competition, but it's far from enough to make money from this industry."

"Thank you." Shu Jin sincerely thanked.

"You're welcome, we are courteous to Ms. Shu, and Aunt Shen has to ask Ms. Shu to give her more pillow time."

In fact, the three jade markets in Q City are all similar, and in terms of partners, it depends on which boss has the most connections.

Shu Jin waited with a smile, but didn't say yes.

What pillow wind is blowing? ! Based on the simple roommate relationship where she and Shen Yilan slept in the same bed and did nothing? !

"You study here first, and if you have any questions, you can call me."

Chen Yichuan obviously had other things to do.


Shu Jin didn't keep him either, and squatted down by herself, looking at the documents and the stone in front of her. She majored in jewelry appraisal and design in university, and she has a certain foundation in these things, so it is not difficult to understand them.

Until an hour passed, Shu Jin was still holding a stone in the warehouse and analyzing it with relish, but at this moment, Shen Yilan had finished talking and came to pick her up.

The general manager surnamed Yu followed behind her, with a smile on his face, step by step.

Seeing Shu Jin, she smiled and said, "Does Miss Shu have a favorite stone? As a gift, I can give you one."

Shu Jin froze for a moment, then quickly waved her hands: "No need for Manager Yu, I just came here to open my eyes."

When Shen Yilan heard the words, he also said no.

Just ask Shu Jin: "How do you see it?"

"Manager Yu has helped me a lot with the information that he asked to sort out for me. Now I can at least see which kind of stone shells are easy to find." Shu Jin said seriously.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the leather shells in the S area are almost the same, and the stone shells in the A level are almost interesting. The BC class is even worse.

Shen Yilan: "Then test your achievements."

Shu Jin:?

Just look at Shen Yilan bent down, seemingly casually picked up two palm-sized stones in the S area: "Choose one, pick one."

Shu Jin froze for a moment, then held the two stones in her hands to observe.

After watching for a while, she had to bite the bullet and say, "Mr. Shen, I'm not so talented that I can choose which one is better after just watching for an hour..."

Although she didn't want to show her timidity, Shu Jin felt that Shen Yilan was making things difficult for her.

Even Manager Yu chimed in: "The stone shells that can be classified in the S area are not bad, let alone Ms. Shu, I may not be able to choose a better one even if I look at it myself."

Shen Yilan said: "It's okay, choose by intuition."

Shu Jin saw that her words did not seem to be fake: "Then I chose randomly?"


In the end, Shu Jin pointed casually and chose the one on the right.

Afterwards, Shen Yilan looked at Manager Yu: "These two are cut for me, and the bill will be sent to me."

"It turns out that Mr. Shen wants to take a gamble." Manager Yu nodded with a smile: "Mr. Shen has a good eye, and these two pieces should be in stock, but the quality still has to be seen."

After speaking, Manager Yu went to find the stone cutter with the stone in his arms.

Seeing her leave, Shu Jin asked in a low voice, "Buy both?"

Shen Yilan nodded: "See if your intuition is right."

Are all rich women so capricious? Shu Jin slandered inwardly, and then asked her: "Cooperation, are you done talking?"

Shen Yilan nodded: "Dongning is not bad, let someone come and have a look at it then."

"Actually, you have already chosen Dongning, right?" Shu Jin guessed.

"How to say?"

"Do you really have a personal relationship with Chen Yichuan's mother?"

Shen Yilan shook his head: "It's considered an acquaintance."

"So sure enough, when you met Chen Yichuan, did you plan to cooperate with Dongning?"

"You're quite clever." The corner of Shen Yilan's mouth twitched, "I heard from Manager Yu that there is a jade auction in the city center today, do you want to go and see it?"

Shu Jin tilted her head, "Okay."

"When your stone is opened, we will go there. Go and see if your intuition is right."


There are quite a few people in the stone cutting area.

But those who can be in this warehouse are basically Dongning's big customers, and they are also famous figures in various cities. If you glance at them casually, they are all dressed in extraordinary clothes.

Shu Jin didn't pay too much attention to other things, but focused on her own stone.

The goods are definitely there.

But whether something good can come out depends on luck.

The stonecutter took one look at the two stones and said, "Should I cut it or grind it?"

Shu Jin looked back at Shen Yilan.

Shen Yilan: "Cut, just cut once."


Shen Yilan and Shu Jin's looks are not low, standing together constitutes a unique scenery in this warehouse. The already eye-catching pair of AOs, plus Dongning's general manager was beside them, made many people curious about their origins.

Of course, some people pay attention to the stones they cut.

Those who can come here are not the kind of guys who gamble on stones, except for the big businessmen who come to buy goods, they are people who have a lot of research on jade.

"Manager Yu, are there any good products?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Manager Yu smiled, "You'll only know if it's good or not. I'm just bringing clients here to have a look. They're just playing for fun."

"Oh - so."

During the chat, the stone cutter over there had already finished cutting a piece.

That piece was not chosen by Shu Jin, but the result of cutting it out was not bad, the water color was plump and even, the jade quality was very moist, and the color was considered translucent, above average value.

"Boss Shen didn't lose the first dollar. It's a bet." Manager Yu said with a smile.

Shen Yilan nodded, and said to Shu Jin, "It's your place."

Shu Jin held her breath and watched as the stone was put on the machine, the cutting piece fell slowly, and sparks flew everywhere.

"It's risen—it's a big rise!" The master shouted first, then quickly stopped the machine, washed away the residue with water, and took the stone down.

The translucent ice color is clear and translucent, so clean and pure that it is almost colorless. When it is illuminated, it can be seen that there is a trace of green in it.

The sharp-eyed person saw the palm-sized stone, and his heart was shocked——

Glass species!

This is soaring!

"Big rise!" Shu Jin was also very happy. She took the stone directly from the master, brought it to Shen Yilan, offered the treasure and said, "Look! My bet has gone up!"

The distance between the two of them was too close, and she could clearly see her crooked eyebrows and deep dimples. so cute.

Not only that, Shen Yilan suddenly thought of what Jason said yesterday.

— Miss Shu is cute, but she doesn't look like your daughter at all. She is an adult, a 24-year-old adult.

Yes, an adult with a sweet smile, but that nice body is too hot.

Before he had time to carefully recall the spring scenery he saw last night, Shen Yilan had already forbidden himself to think too much.

She turned her head away a little uncomfortably, trying to be as calm as possible.

"What are you thinking about?" Shu Jin noticed her trance, tilted her head, and looked at her curiously.

Shen Yilan: ...

"It's nothing, the bet is up, it's not bad."

Sure enough, the protagonist's aura exists.

Shu Jin's 'intuition' represents 'best'.

"Miss Shu is amazing." Manager Yu also boasted.

Shu Jin shook her head: "Dongning's stone is the best, and the stone was chosen by Mr. Shen. It should be Mr. Shen who is good."

Manager Yu was secretly startled—

Seeing Shu Jin's appearance, she thought she was a simple person, but she didn't expect that his eloquence was good, every sentence could be praised to Shen Yilan, no wonder she became Shen Yilan's pillow.

"Whether the price rises or not, we have to scratch the surface." Shen Yilan replied.

The stone cutter also nodded: "Do you still want to grind?"

"Grind it. After you finish grinding these two pieces, you take them back, as a subject, make two designs and give them to me."

Shu Jin was taken aback: "Do it for me?" This stone is worth hundreds of thousands, at least?


"Okay!" Shu Jin took a deep breath and said with a smile, "What kind of jewelry does Teacher Shen want?"

"Free play."


"According to what you two said, are you going to make this stone into an ornament?" Suddenly, a man in a suit walked out beside him. He looked to be in his thirties and his hair was neatly combed.

"What's the matter with you?" Shu Jin was puzzled, she didn't know this person.

"I took a look. The size of this stone is very suitable for small ornaments. If the two ladies are willing, I hope you can sell this stone to me. I will offer half a million."

Five hundred thousand... Shu Jin looked at Shen Yilan.

Shen Yilan glanced at him and replied, "Not for sale."

The man in the suit had a good attitude, "A palm-sized rough stone in the S area is only worth 200,000 yuan. Selling it to me for 500,000 yuan is a good deal for the two of you. What's more, this stone is only cut once. It’s just a mouthful. If there is a big crack in the stone, it’s not even worth half a million.”

When Shu Jin heard this, he hesitated.

Although she really wanted to concoct these two stones, the man in the suit had a point...

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Shen Yilan politely refuse: "The stone betting is just for fun, if you talk about money in everything, everything will become ugly."

There is a saying that money cannot buy happiness.

Didn't you see it? Shu Jin's eyes crooked when she knew that she was overwhelmed with gambling.

The man in the suit was taken aback, trying to be happy?

She spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy two stones, just for fun?

The man in the suit understood now that the other party just didn't want to sell it to him. I've seen ones that refuse to sell, and ones that are rich, but I've never seen ones that can pretend like this.

"If you don't sell it, don't sell it. I will tell my boss what you want." After finishing speaking, the man in the suit walked to the other side without waiting for them to speak.

About a few meters away, after seeing him join several people, he said something respectfully.

The man A who was probably his boss standing among them cast a look in this direction, as if he remembered the faces of Shu Jin and Shen Yilan.

"Try to be happy?"

"Whether it's for fun, or to take it back as a family heirloom, who knows." His voice was full of laughter, but full of sarcasm.

Shu Jin frowned directly.

Shen Yilan ignored the other party at all.

Manager Yu's face also turned ugly, and he explained to the two of them, "That is Mr. Zhang. His family is in the jade supply and sales business, and there is a company in the industry. A professional jade supplier should come to see the goods today. , Sometimes people will be sent to the warehouse, and when they meet those who gamble, they will bid for others to sell to them. Today should be the reason for the auction, so the young master of the family came here in person."

To put it nicely, they are upstarts. Although he is an upstart, he is indeed rich.

Manager Yu recognized this Young Master Zhang, but it was a pity that this Young Master did not recognize her.

It's quite difficult, because she can't afford to offend both parties.

One side is the partner, and the other side is the future partner.

But fortunately, neither Shen Yilan nor Shu Jin planned to argue with him.

"Mr. Shen, in this case, the stone will be handed over to our master to grind it for you. Let's go to the auction first?" Manager Yu hurriedly said, "The auction is upstairs in our Dongning."

Today's auction is jointly organized by the three major jade stones in Q City, so it can be regarded as a grand auction. This time it happened to be held in Dongning.

Manager Yu has also been very busy recently, and finally arranged all the matters of the auction, but a big customer came and had to come to the warehouse to entertain Shen Yilan and Shu Jin.


This auction is also the reason why Shen Yilan brought Shu Jin here specially.

"Xiao Chuan said that he has already reserved the seat for the two of you, and we will go there. The elevator is here, please follow me." Manager Yu hopes to send this one away as soon as possible, so that the young master Zhang can't think about running away. Come here, if there is a conflict, this matter will be troublesome.


Seeing Manager Yu leading the two away, Young Master Zhang's eyes became more and more unsteady: "They went to the elevator? Are they also here to participate in the auction?"

"should be."

"That's just right." Young Master Zhang twitched the corners of his mouth, "Let's go up too, see what she wants to take pictures, and let's have fun. Whatever she wants, we will rush to take pictures!"

His family lacks everything, except money!

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