MTL - Dressed As a Grass-Chapter 14

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Zhai Wangyou lowered his eyes, the autumn leaves withered and the vegetation withered yellow in his sight.

It was late autumn, but she seemed to be in summer, and the air around her was dry and warm.

Seeing her with her eyes lowered, Xi Zhou took a breath and said slowly, "Elder Sister, the most important thing for you to restore your cultivation base, let's go to sleep."

The weak and low voice has no strength, but it is full of bewitchment.

Let's dream...Let's dream...Let's dream...Dream...

There is no shelter around, and the ground is full of dead branches and leaves, how can...

Xi Zhou easily understood what she meant and whispered: "Take the sky as the quilt and the ground as the bed..."

"Inappropriate..." Zhai Wangyou softly refused, as if he could only say these two words, inappropriate.

Xi Zhou smiled silently, of course it was wrong, she couldn't do such a wild thing.

She just joked casually to ease the atmosphere, after all, the big sister looked too tense and nervous.

The air was inexplicably still for a while, and the autumn wind blew away some of the charming atmosphere.

Going further up, it is very likely that they will not find a place to rest, so they can only sleep in the mountains and forests.

How can the two severely injured people survive on the cold autumn night? As a last resort, in order to recover as soon as possible, I am afraid that the sky will really be the bed and the ground will be the bed...

People and horses are all over the foot of the mountain.

You should try going down the mountain to have a look. Even if you encounter someone guarding the exit, it may not be an enemy.

The most important thing is that they have no better choice right now.

She nodded slightly, tried not to lean against the tree, and slowly stood up.

At the foot of the mountain, it is already sunset.

Xi Zhou looked at the rising smoke not far away, and almost burst into tears with excitement: "Elder Sister, there is someone in front of you."

"Hmm..." Zhai Wangyou looked up, his eyes dazed.

"Senior sister?" Xi Zhou quickly supported her, but because she had no strength, she fell down all at once, fortunately, she bent her knees to support her body in time before landing.

She looked at the person who passed out on her lap and couldn't help sighing, the luck of the big sister seemed to be too bad.

However, every time I go out, I get plotted and besieged. The first time seems to be when Elder Beishan disappeared.

This time I came to the Ordinary Realm to find out the whereabouts of the elder Beishan, and I don’t know what happened to the cheap master of the big sister.

"What's the matter with the two girls? Need help?"

A voice sounded from behind, Xizhou looked back and saw that it was an old woman with firewood on her back.

The old woman claimed to be a farmer living at the foot of the mountain.

"There is no medical center nearby, you might as well stay with me for one night."

Xi Zhou was silent for a while, and before she was too embarrassed to ask for a stay, the mother-in-law was considerate to stay, but why did she feel that something was wrong?

The old woman looks like she is around sixty years old. Although her face has wrinkles and looks old, her body is not old.

She glanced at Zhai Wangyou who was unconscious on the bed, and finally couldn't help but nodded and agreed: "Thank you mother-in-law."

Let it be the Dragon Pool and Tiger's Nest, it's important to save the big sister first.

The old woman looked at her clothes: "Is the girl a disciple of Tianjianzong?"

The disciples of Tianjianzong all wear pure white robes, and there are special dark patterns on the hem, so it is not difficult to recognize.

Xi Zhou nodded: "Exactly."

She was stunned as soon as she finished speaking, how does this mother-in-law know about Tianjianzong? Isn't this the mortal world?

She was on guard, she stepped forward and blocked her body in front of the bed: "How does my mother-in-law know that I am wearing the clothes of a disciple of Tianjian Sect."

The old lady looked at her obviously protective gesture towards Zhai Wangyou, her eyes softened a bit: "I have no malicious intentions, you are a demon, and she is the best at slaying demons and eliminating demons. You should be at odds with each other, why do you protect her?"

Although Zhai Wangyou's inner core was broken, he still had some residual spiritual power on his body.

How can an ordinary old woman in the mortal world see this?

Xi Zhou was shocked: "I don't know who my mother-in-law is...?"

Don't be a villain anymore. At this time, one of them is unconscious, and one of them is unsteady, and they only have to wait for death.

The old woman glanced at Zhai Wangyou behind her and sighed: "No matter who I am, your friend's inner alchemy is broken and his body is also severely injured, I can't save people here. , but there is an elixir that can make people sober, do you want her to take it, or say goodbye."

The meaning inside and outside the words is that Zhai Wangyou is dying, so hurry up and finish the last ride.

After finishing speaking, she fumbled out a cyan elixir bottle from her sleeve and handed it to Xizhou.

Xi Zhou looked at the pill bottle in the old woman's hand, hesitated for a moment and took it.

It is not advisable to let outsiders know that she can save the big sister from the dream, and this mother-in-law does not know how sacred it is, so let’s pretend to agree first.

"Thank you mother-in-law, I wonder if you can move, I want to talk to my sister?"

The old lady turned around and walked out, kindly closing the door.

Xi Zhou put the medicine bottle aside, checked the doors and windows again, and locked them all before returning to the bed.

She lay directly next to Zhai Wangyou by the bed, closed her eyes and concentrated, her eyes were white, her body was light, she fell asleep.

"How are you, big sister?"

"How's it going outside?"

The words of the two rang at the same time, and there was worry in each other's eyes.

Xi Zhou first talked about the situation outside: "So we'd better make a quick decision, lest that old lady notice anything."

The identity of the old woman is really suspicious, whether it is an enemy or a friend, it is best to be on guard.

After listening to her words, Zhai Wangyou looked away: "I'm fine, I just don't have the strength."

Same as the previous two times, although there is no strength in the body, but the mind is clear.

But...quick fix...

She pursed her lips and breathed slightly.

Makes you want to reach out, reach out and pluck the crumbling peaches from the branches and take them for yourself.

Xi Zhou looked at the person on the bed, took a deep breath, and kept reminding herself in her mind to make a quick decision, quickly sober up, quickly and quickly, and don’t be dazzled by beauty mind.

"Sister..." She quickly unbuttoned her belt.

Zhai Wangyou slowly closed his eyes, hiding all the emotions in his eyes.

Although she wanted to be faster, at the beginning, Xi Zhou unconsciously moved softly…

The two outside the dream lay together and fell asleep.

The two people in the dream were rain and wind, and they forgot what day it was.

Someone forgot the self-reminder to get a quick fix, getting more and more involved…

Someone finally lost to qin-/lue, couldn't help shaking slightly, lost for a short time...

stretch = stretch = tremble = tremble…

"Hmmm..." in a low voice.

In an instant, the two sleeping on the bed woke up together.

When Zhai Wangyou opened his eyes, he felt that his cultivation was almost restored, and his inner alchemy was intact.

She sat up, touched the dreaming grass that was loosely wrapped around her left wrist, breathing lightly = trembling: "Go back to the grass."

Xi Zhou was still lying on the bed, her face was pale, and she seemed to be even weaker. After hearing what Zhai Wangyou said, she almost returned to the grass without thinking.

Sure enough, it wilted again, and the leaves were also dull, and there was no strength to stand up.

Seeing this, Zhai Wangyou immediately got up and walked to the table to pour a half cup of tea, and filled it with spiritual energy with the light movement of his fingers.

She raised her left wrist, her ears were still a little hot, and her voice was subconsciously soft: "Drink water."


The author has something to say:

Herbal: Materia Medica will work hard to help Master Sister improve her cultivation~

Read The First Vampire