MTL - Dressed As a Grass-Chapter 25

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"Cough, cough, are you really unconscious?" Qing window bent over and coughed a few times, feeling that her breathing was a little easier before standing up, how could she think the eyes of this grass were real Want to strangle her.

Xi Zhou said solemnly: "What did I do to the senior in my dream? I really don't know, the elder sister just said that I would attack her in my dream, is it possible that I will still do something else."

If you do something else, you will do it naturally, but that is for the big sister. As for this old witch, wait for it to be pinched every day.

Seeing nothing, Qing Chuang snorted coldly: "Go back to the grass."

Her inner alchemy seems to be loose again, but she always feels that something is wrong.

Unfortunately, there are no cultivators in the world of distraction, otherwise it would be better to ask for advice.

However, maybe she will become the first person in the cultivation world...

After the green window was gone, Xizhou turned into a human figure and groped for the purple-gold cover for a long time, but nothing came of it. Could it be that only the old witch can open it?

Will the dream of entering the old witch help him break through?

When Xi Zhou thought about it like this, she couldn't help but feel worried, couldn't just sit back and wait, or would she take the purple gold hood and go together?

The old witch did not know that she could run outside the purple gold hood when she transformed.

The sunset is fading and the evening wind is rising.

Xi Zhou silently transformed into a human figure, held the purple gold hood in his hand and walked out.

As she guessed, this is the residence of the old witch, and no disciples of the deacon hall will come to disturb it.

The night was getting darker, and Xizhou slowly walked towards the gate against the wall.

"Who?" A voice sounded not far away.

Xi Zhou threw the purple gold hood into the bushes, and instantly returned to the grass.

"Why is there no one? Is it a mistake?" The two disciples of the deacon hall came over to take a look, but found nothing.

When they were far away, Xizhou turned into a human figure again, she couldn't help but patted her forehead, why do you need to walk around the wall, what gate to go out?

She couldn't jump out of such a high wall, but as long as she threw the broken bottle out of the wall and returned to the grass by herself, wouldn't she go out?

The only thing to worry about is the other side of the wall.

She took a deep breath, lifted the bottle and threw it hard at the wall, but she didn't hear the sound of landing, but a familiar soft call: "Is that you?"

This cold voice...


Xi Zhou was overjoyed, closed his eyes and returned to the bottle, and opened his eyes again to find himself in Zhai Wangyou's hands.

Senior sister is unusually dressed in black, and her face is half covered, only one pair of eyes is exposed, she is carefully looking at the purple gold hooded grass, as if to confirm whether the dreaming grass is hers or not .

Xi Zhou was busy drooping the leaves.

A cold voice from the green window came from behind: "Fairy Wangyou, stay safe."

She said why there was a change in the purple gold cover, it turned out that the beauty was the thief.

It's a good time, why don't you have a fair reason? In this way, as long as someone is caught, no matter what secret treasure is hers.

"How did she know it was me?" Zhai Wangyou asked in confusion while fleeing up the mountain.

Xi Zhou rolled his eyes in the purple gold hood and ran to the deacon hall to steal a grass, there is no one but you.

The old witch is not a fool, you can guess it without thinking.

Zhai Wangyou's mind was in a turmoil at this time, and her heart was also chaotic. She wanted to talk to Dreaming Grass more, but she didn't know what to say.

Soon, they came to the top of the mountain, Zhai Wangyou hesitated, and raised his foot to touch the barrier.

For a moment, they did not appear in the mortal world, but on the top of the mountain, and they could clearly see the outside through the barrier.

People outside can't see them.

Qing Chuang stood in front of the barrier, her eyes were dark, the purple gold was covered in their hands, and they could enter the top of the mountain with a spiritual tool. It seemed that it was impossible to rely on her alone.

Soon, the medicine master who received the news arrived

On the top of the mountain, Zhai Wangyou looked at the dreaming grass in the purple gold hood: "Why don't you show up?"

Xi Zhou was silent, she would be found missing her right hand when she appeared, she refused...

Outside, the green window said to Fa Xiang: "Hurry up and take out your purple gold stove, let's go to the top of the mountain and catch her."

The Zijin Furnace and the Zijin Cover are of the same clan and origin, according to the ancestors, the founder of Yaozong was the father of the first owner of the Deacon Hall, so the relationship between Yaozong and the Deacon Hall has always been good ,

Fa Xiang nodded silently, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them also appeared on the top of the mountain.

Zhai Wangyou knew that it was useless to talk too much, she put the purple gold hood behind her and immediately summoned the long sword.

"Be stubborn, do it."

Qing Window and Fa looked at each other, and the two of them gathered around.

Two late Nascent Souls besieged one late Nascent Soul, the result can be imagined.

Xi Zhou was in a hurry in the purple gold hood, seeing that Zhai Wangyou was invincible and was stabbed by the sword of the law, she hurriedly turned out and blocked the sword that was stabbed at the same time by the blue window.

I saw nothing in front of me, only the green window and the dharma were left on the top of the mountain, and the purple gold hood was nowhere to be seen.

Xi Zhou opened her eyes and found that she was in the room of the senior sister on the Beishan Peak. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She helped Zhai Wangyou to the bed and lay down, but suddenly fell in midair A thing.

Xi Zhou took a breath and looked at himself, with a faint purple light on his body, as if he was about to become a fairy...

She panicked, put her right hand behind her back, blocked Zhai Wangyou's line of sight, and blocked the Zijin hood.

Zhai Wangyou covered his heart, his face was pale and his voice was weak: "Why did we come back suddenly, what happened to you?"

"Oh... I have a breakthrough, I can bring you into my dream, and then get out of here, we'll be fine, let's help you recover now."

Don't delay the big sister.

Xi Zhou tried to fall asleep, but found that she couldn't do it. She raised her left hand, which was half transparent, almost exactly the same as her right hand.

Her eyes were sour, and she covered Zhai Wangyou's eyes with her belt.

"Senior sister, don't open your eyes, this time we will change the way, don't be afraid."


Xi Zhou bowed his head, there seemed to be a sea breeze in his ears, blowing lightly…


The author has something to say:

Continue to:

"Modern Alpha Dressed as Ancient Scumbag"

The original owner not only maliciously destroyed Jiang Fanyin's innocence, but also occupied Jiang Fanyin's remaining dowry.

Later, Jiang Fanyin was rescued by the male protagonist, and with the help of the male protagonist, he took back the dowry and broke the scumbag's legs.

Song Boxue: "..." The legs are a little soft.

She looked up and saw Jiang Fanyin who was **** with five flowers.

This is a plot that has already progressed to the point of destroying people's innocence?

Song Boxue: ! Immediately, immediately, quickly let go.

After letting people go, Song Boxue immediately decided to move, preferably away from Jiang Fanyin.

Run quickly, if you run slowly, your legs will not be protected!

Unexpectedly, the fever period came suddenly…

In a trance, she smelled a faint tea fragrance, fresh and sultry.

Waking up, Song Boxue looked at Jiang Fanyin with red marks on her neck, can she handle this scene! Can I still keep my legs running now?