MTL - Dressed As a Grass-Chapter 35

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Seeing her like this, Xi Zhou felt sore and aching in her heart. She sat down by the bed and pulled Zhai Wangyou into her arms: "What is in your heart, eldest sister?"

Zhai Wangyou's eyes became faintly clear, he cuddled in her arms obediently, and said softly, "Only Xinghui's mother."

There seems to be a trace of grievance in the tone, which makes people sound inexplicably soft-hearted.

Xi Zhou is dumbfounded, isn't Xing Hui's mother the big sister?

"So, you only have yourself in your heart?"

Zhai Wangyou closed her eyes, but her eyelids felt heavy. Before fainting, she raised her finger to the flowerpot on the bedside table and said softly, "I have this grass in my heart."

Xi Zhou looked up at the dreaming grass in the flowerpot, is there this grass?

She clenched her hands slightly, like a pot of warm water being poured into her heart.

It was a little hot, her back was stained with a thin layer of sweat, and her whole body was warm.

She looked at Zhai Wangyou, quickly lay down, and covered with a quilt.

When I was concentrating on a dream, my eyes flashed eagerly, and there was a dream grass in my heart...

She wondered if it meant what she understood.


In the light white mist, Zhai Wangyou is sitting on the bed, like the moon falling into the night, cold and mysterious, tempting = people = dye = fingers.

"You call me Senior Sister? Isn't that Elder Wangyou?"

Xi Zhou was stagnant, unable to speak for a long time, how to answer at this time.

Seeing her contemplative silence, Zhai Wangyou said lightly: "What? It's just a slip of the tongue when you want to say it? It's just an accident that you appeared in my dream?"

Xi Zhou's heart beat wildly, she raised her head and glanced at Zhai Wangyou, still silent.

It seems that no one can explain it. After all, there seems to be no one else who can bring Senior Sister back from the secret realm to Beishan Peak, and even fall into a dream.

"Which one is you, and who is your last name?" Zhai Wangyou looked at her, his eyes suddenly dazed.

The fatigue after being seriously injured has pushed her to the limit.

Xi Zhou took a breath: "It's all me, my name is Xi Zhou."

Xizhou? Didn't you say 'star' last time?

Zhai Wangyou frowned lightly, unable to compete with weakness, and lay down slowly: "Where have you been in the past three years, why didn't you come to see me, and why didn't you recognize each other?"

Xi Zhou suddenly felt suffocated, and said in a sullen voice, "You already have a Taoist companion and have a child, and it is inappropriate for me to appear by your side again."

"There are no Taoists."

"Huh?" Xi Zhou was stunned, why did the eldest sister keep denying it, isn't it voluntary?

"There is no Taoist companion, Xinghui ... is a child of the dream grass." Zhai Wangyou closed his eyes, his voice was weak.

Xi Zhou blinked, her eyes full of doubts, how could she not understand?

What is 'Xinghui is the child of the dream grass'?

"That grass will give birth to children?!" Liar, Xi Zhou was shocked.

Zhai Wangyou glanced at her coldly, then withdrew his gaze and closed his eyes shallowly.

Xizhou took a few steps forward, and felt that her guess was out of line.

Grass? she?

"You mean, Xinghui is my child?"

Zhai Wangyou frowned slightly, closed his eyes and said "um".

Xi Zhou was completely stunned for a while, she must have been fooling her, no, she is not that kind of boring person, but...

It's too outrageous, why doesn't she know that she still has this function?

She swallowed her saliva and took two steps back quietly: "Elder Sister, that, if, I mean if, what if you remember correctly? Maybe you are still with someone else...that's all right, I don't have any doubts."

The last words were automatically changed under Zhai Wangyou's cold gaze.

Zhai Wangyou took a deep breath and said coldly, "Get out."

She really shouldn't have any expectations for this grass that shouldn't exist...

Seeing her, Xi Zhou seemed to be extremely angry, her mouth opened, and she simply came out of a dream. The amount of information just now was too much, and she was a little confused.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the person beside him coughed, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, his face was as pale as paper, and he was still in a coma.

Xi Zhou frowned, worried and messed up.

She took a few breaths and closed her eyes, no matter what, it was not as important as saving Senior Sister first.

In the white mist again, Zhai Wangyou only glanced at her lightly, then closed his eyes, and hung up on his face that he didn't care.

Xi Zhou was in a mess and didn't know what to do.

Is Xiao Xinghui her daughter? Yeah? huh... huh?

Elder Sister Yi will not lie about this kind of thing at all, and it is not necessary, so is it true?

Come on!

Is it possible that I still have this function after becoming a dream grass? That doesn't mean that as long as you are in a dream with the big sister...

Hi, should I take some contraceptive measures...

But how?

She didn't even know how Big Sister got pregnant.

The dream was quiet for a long time.

Zhai Wangyou's heart is slightly astringent, don't you believe it? So are you still gone?

She opened her eyes and saw a contemplative man, still standing in place.

The corners of her lips moved slightly, and the three words she just said were repeated again: "Go out."

Xi Zhou came back to his senses, and did not go out like before, but walked to the bedside.

Zhai Wangyou twitched the corners of his mouth, smiling with self-deprecation and sadness: "Xinghui is my child, and it has nothing to do with you."

Xi Zhou took two deep breaths and began to take off her shoes and go to bed.

"If you say the child is mine, I will believe it, but the most important thing right now is to help you recover first, and the rest will be discussed later."

So when Xizhou leaned = body = kissed, she turned her head away.

Xi Zhou moved and avoided her.

Zhai Wangyou said, "I'm not used to it."

Not used to it?

Xi Zhou was stunned for a moment, and slowly realized something.

She suddenly raised her hand, holding Zhai Wangyou's cheek, and the two looked at each other.

Speaking, she lowered her head.

Lip=tooth=joint, it is the soft=soft after a long absence.

Zhai Wangyou didn't hide this time, her body froze, she felt the temperature from the other side, familiar and confused = people.

It is the body temperature in those dreams, the body temperature of indulgence.

She slowly closed her eyes, her heartbeat lost its rhythm.


Two quarters of an hour later.

"Have you recovered?" Xi Zhou asked in a low voice, is one time enough?

Zhai Wangyou pursed his lips and did not speak, his breathing has not yet stabilized.

The two fell into a long silence for no reason.

"Or go out and see?"

Xi Zhou smiled and understood.

"Senior Sister, you have changed." But there has never been such an initiative before.

The next moment, she was kicked out of bed.


"Shame on you alone."

The moonlight once again enveloped the world, staying, all night, endlessly.

This night, the three sects were brightly lit, which was the opposite of the beautiful moonlight on the North Mountain.

In the early morning, the door was hurriedly knocked.

Zhai Wangyou opened his eyes, facing a pair of smiling and passionate eyes.

"Senior sister, good morning." Xi Zhou smiled brightly, but his face lost some blood.

Zhai Wangyou pursed her lips and lowered her eyes without looking at her: "Go back to the grass."


Time seems to have returned to three years ago, Zhai Wangyou filled the water glass with spiritual power, and the dream grass quickly recovered its vitality.

She silently raised the corner of her lips and walked out.

"Elder Wangyou, Senior Sister Chongwen... Her inner elixir was dissected, the sect master is still in retreat, the young sect master ordered all the disciples to go to the lobby immediately"

The wrist moved, Xi Zhou said she heard it too, she was going back to the outer door to gather with everyone.

Zhai Wangyou nodded indiscernibly, and followed the disciple who came to deliver the letter to the lobby.

In the lobby, Wang Junting saw that everyone was here, hugged Chongwen and comforted: "Don't worry, no matter if you can recover or not, I will grow old with you."

Chongwen sobbed and cried, unable to speak, without Neidan, she would be a waste, how could she accept it.

At this moment, Wang Junting suddenly put down Chongwen, walked to Zhai Wangyou in three or two steps, and knelt down straight: "Wangyou, save her, as long as you are willing to save her, what do you want? Give it all, and the Young Sect Master will also give it to you.”

Xi Zhou in the crowd couldn't help but be worried, asking for help in the public...

It's not asking for help, it's moral kidnapping, if you don't save...

Zhai Wangyou frowned: "It's not that I can't save it, it's that I can't save it."

When Wang Junting heard this, he raised his head suddenly and asked: "You can save her, that's what you were like back then. I worry that you save her, and I will give you my life."

Such a scene was made, as if Zhai Wangyou could not save him, he was a wicked man.

"I can't save it. The most urgent thing is to find the murderer of the pill, otherwise there will be peace in the sect."

Zhai Wangyou ignored him and looked at Chongwen: "Junior Sister Chongwen, can you see who is doing this to you?"

Chongwen cried and shook her head: "I fainted without knowing anything, big sister, save me, save me..."

It is exactly the same as Wang Junting, full of begging Zhai Wangyou for help.

Zhai Wangyou's eyes became cold, and he turned to look at everyone: "What was wrong in the sect last night?"

The crowd was quiet and no one spoke.

Only Zhongwen's heart-wrenching cry echoed in the lobby.

Xi Zhou couldn't help but remembered that a long time ago, when Zhai Wangyou was not an elder, or a senior sister in the mouths of the people, his inner alchemy was broken.

Not a single tear fell in front of others, only calm acceptance, calm death...

"The disciple has something to report." Among the outer disciples, someone stepped forward and stood up.

It was Senior Brother Feng, and when Xi Zhou saw him look over, he immediately felt bad.

Sure enough, Senior Brother Feng opened his mouth and said, "Outer disciple Xizhou has a grudge against Senior Sister Chongwen, and she didn't return overnight last night."

There was a moment of silence.

"It's not her." Zhai Wangyou's tone was light.

"How does Elder Wangyou know it's not her? You always have to check it to find out." Elder Nanshan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up, looking back and forth between Xi Zhou and Zhai Wangyou .

It is interesting to maintain an outer disciple when you open your mouth.


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