MTL - Dressed As a Grass-Chapter 63

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When everyone heard Zhai Wangyou's words, they immediately became uneasy, and their eyes fell on Sect Master Lu.

Sect Master Lu is a late Nascent Soul, if he becomes an enemy, they will become the disadvantaged side in a blink of an eye.

Lu Qianlu looked at his master, with a hint of prayer in his low voice: "Master."

Sect Master Lu's eyes were blank, and even his apprentices didn't believe him. It seemed that his usual religion taught them to be wise and safe, and it had a counterproductive effect.

Even if you can't tell right from wrong, you should know which side has a better chance of winning.

In the hall, everyone united the front.

Zhai Wangyou's voice was indifferent: "In this case, all the disciples whose cultivation base is below the Jindan stage will return to the room."

Everyone looked at each other and knew that it was not the time to be brave, and there were only less than ten people left in an instant.

Zhou Zhouzi glanced at Xizhou, and suddenly felt that he underestimated his little friend, and it was already the golden stage.

Sect Master Wang looked at the only six people left in front of him. Fa Xiang and Sect Master Lu were both in the late Yuanying period, while Lu Qianlu and Zhou Zhouzi were in the Jindan period, and then there was Zhai in the early stage of distraction Wangyou, and an unknown evening boat.

The odds of winning are small, so we need to fight again.

"Since you saw the old man killed the county court, do you know why I killed him?"

Everyone is silent, why kill? Isn't it for Dan?

This old devil really can do it, he is his own son.

In order to show his firm stance to everyone, Sect Master Lu scolded: "You are just crazy, no matter what the reason is, you can't kill this killer. Tiger poison doesn't eat children, you don't even want to inherit from your descendants. already."

Even if Wang Juntian was castrated, there is still a son, now it is good, this old thief died of his own heir, I am afraid it is not old and confused.

Sect Master Wang laughed loudly: "When I live with the sky, what kind of inheritance do I need from descendants? I alone will be for generations, Sect Master Lu, it's too late for you to regret it now."

The temptation of immortality is huge, so there is no need to be unworthy.

Live with the sky?

The heart of the adult is shocked, how is it possible!

Sect Master Lu's eyes flashed, and he asked, "Don't be bluffing, do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

Longevity with Heaven…

Sect Master Wang chuckled: "If I have no evidence, will I even kill my son?"

No one can resist the temptation, if there is, the temptation is not big enough.

He knew this very well, so when Sect Master Lu was shaken, he added another piece of firewood: "I have no intention to be invincible with you, why do you fight with your life, why don't you shake hands and make peace? , Wouldn’t it be a pleasure to live together with the heavens together?”

"Master!" Lu Qianlu stared at Sect Master Lu, and when he saw the sword in his hand, he hurriedly shouted.

Sect Master Lu is silently calculating, he can contain the Dharma sign, who is also in the late Nascent Soul, his apprentice Lu Qianlu can contain Zhou Zhouzi, and Sect Master Wang has to deal with Zhai Wangyou and another name Tian Swordsman disciple.

The sword in his hand hung down again, and even the Dharma was hesitant.


A burst of laughter sounded, and everyone looked at the person who made the sound.

Xi Zhou raised his lips and smiled, his eyes swept over Sect Master Lu and Dharma Xiang: "If you change your mind, go there as soon as possible, so as not to make people laugh at the capriciousness, or let us see how Sect Master Wang is doing I value you, and I have a way of immortality, but I don't bring my own son, but the two of you, so righteousness is really admirable."

Two idiots who are ignorant of profit, don't think that this old devil will bring others without even bringing his son?

She didn't believe it.

Sect Master Lu and Fa Xiang were stunned when they heard the words, yes, they almost didn't turn around.

Even if Wang Junting is castrated, the father and son can live together forever.

This old devil doesn't even let his own sons go, can he let them go?

Seeing that the two who were about to switch sides were drawn back by a few words, Sect Master Wang tried to fight again: "I was injured by Zhai Wangyou, and I need my son's inner alchemy for healing. , it is a last resort.”

The voice fell, and before everyone could react, a long sword had already stabbed in the past.

Xi Zhou shouted 'Ok' in her heart, she is still reliable, and if you have anything to do with this old devil, it will be over.

She flew forward with a golden sword in her hand, side by side with Zhai Wangyou, and her cultivation in the Nascent Soul period was no longer hidden.

Sect Master Lu looked at it, good guy, they have three Nascent Soul Stages here, plus Zhai Wangyou this distraction stage, what are you afraid of the old devil, he and Lu Qianlu are right Glancing at each other, the two masters and apprentices also walked hand in hand.

Fa Xiang and Zhou Zhouzi also rushed up at the same time.

Six people stand apart in a hexagonal row, surrounding Sect Master Wang in the middle.

Sect Master Wang runs the spiritual power in his body, discusses swordsmanship, his fists are no match for the four hands, and if he fights his spiritual power, one Zhai Wangyou can drag him down, and Zhai Wangyou still has energy The purple gold hood that instantly restores spiritual power has no chance of winning.

The only plan for now is to attack its weaknesses and make a comeback in the future.

The weakest are Lu Qianlu and Zhou Zhouzi.

When everyone else was around, he turned around suddenly and rushed towards Zhou Zhouzi.

Between the lights and flints, Sect Master Wang made a sharp turn, and everyone staggered and didn't have time to block.

"Be careful with your elbows." Xi Zhou whispered.

Seeing that Zhou Zhouzi was about to be stabbed by a sword, Sect Master Wang’s body that was flying in the air suddenly stopped.

He looked back and saw a thick dream grass wrapped around his ankle.

No, it can't be said to be grass anymore, it is completely like a small tree, the dreaming grass tightly wrapped around his ankle, and the other end wrapped around Xizhou's arm, killing him Dead hold.

Sect Master Wang subconsciously waved his sword backwards, wanting to sever the dream grass with one sword.

The wisp of body protection consciousness in my mind suddenly felt a strong crisis, a crisis of life and death.

He stopped suddenly and turned around, and it really was Zhai Wangyou.

In the cold wind, Zhai Wangyou's voice came: "The dreaming grass is received."

Xi Zhou paused and did as she was told. She looked at Zhai Wangyou, who was obviously a little different from usual, and felt panic in her heart.

Eldest sister's eyes are red, not the kind of red when crying, her clear eyes are dyed dark red, as if enchanted.


Zhai Wangyou's eyes were cold and stern, and his expression was indifferent.

There is only one thought in her heart, this time, to protect the dream grass, even if the jade is burnt.

Never let the dreaming grass dissipate, never let Xizhou leave her and her daughter...

Sect Master Wang saw her desperate posture, and knew that she could not escape, so she could only use all her strength to pick it up.

At the same time, she sighed in her heart, I'm afraid she will lose both sides again, this woman is crazy.

I never thought that Zhai Wangyou would be an impulsive and reckless person. How could he risk his life as soon as he made a move?

The two monks in the distraction period fought desperately, the strong spiritual power collided, and the hall shook twice.

Others were shaken back a few steps before they stood firm, only Xizhou still moved forward under the impact of spiritual power, struggling to take Zhai Wangyou, who was unstable, in his arms, carefully guarding on.

"Senior Sister..." She whispered, full of worry.

Zhai Wangyou suppressed the surging in his chest: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Seeing that both of them were injured by each other, when no one could react, Zhou Zhouzi hurriedly said: "Sect Master Lu, Sect Master Fa Xiang, take advantage of this old thief's serious injury and take him down. "

You have to take advantage of his illness to kill him, such a good opportunity, what are you waiting for.

Hearing Zhou Zhouzi's words, Sect Master Lu and Fa looked at each other, and instantly raised their swords forward.

But if they didn't rush to make a move, their feet swayed, and it was difficult for them to stand up.

This time the shaking was not one or two, but one after another, and the amplitude was getting bigger and bigger.

"Quick, withdraw to the outside of the hall." Sect Master Lu shouted and flew out of the hall.

Xi Zhou also hugged Zhai Wangyou tightly, and wanted to get out of the main hall, but found that there seemed to be a barrier outside the main hall and could not rush out.

Just as everyone was terrified and dodged around, the shaking hall suddenly turned into smoke, disappearing cleanly in front of the eyes, and the surrounding scenes also changed.

It is the top of the mortal world! Xi Zhou was stunned, no wonder he always felt that this secret realm was somewhat similar to the top of the mortal world.

It turns out that this entire hall is also an illusion, or a real entrance, which was broken by a shock of spiritual power.

The real secret realm, no, it should be said that the real spiritual tool is on the top of the mortal world.

The Green Frost Sword and the Golden Light Realm also appeared in mid-air, slowly rotating around each other.

In the chaos, Sect Master Wang looked at the bewildered crowd and said loudly: "The Green Frost Sword and the Golden Light Realm have already appeared, and the other two spiritual tools, the Purple Gold Cover and the Purple Gold Furnace, are in Zhai Wangyou. body, hurry up."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and some didn’t know why, what do you mean? What to do? Stealing spirits? How could they be nothing more than scoundrels, and they would only become cannon fodder if they rushed ahead.

Now there are only two other sect masters who have the ability to **** the spiritual tools. Everyone looks at the Sect Master Lu of the Royal Sword Sect and the Sect Master of the Medicine Sect.

Sect Master Wang also looked at them, and continued to bewitched: "The disciples don't know the inside story, don't you know? There are secrets from the three major sects: the four spiritual weapons can be crowned. Don't hurry up and gather all the four spiritual weapons."

Zhai Wangyou has been seriously injured. As long as these two people bite the dog, it is best to have a hard fight and drag on for some time.

At that time, the son's inner alchemy can be completely absorbed, and he will be able to recover at that time, and he will still have the power to fight.

Sect Master Lu and Fa, who had recovered, looked at each other, and the two looked at each other for a moment, with hesitation on each other's faces.

Sect Master Lu pondered in his heart that both of the people in the distraction period had been seriously injured, and at present it is true that only the two of them have the ability to **** the spiritual tool.

No, there is one more!

There is also a female disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect in the Nascent Soul period, Fasimi also thought of this, and they looked at Xizhou together.