MTL - Dressed As a Grass-Chapter 9

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After all, there is no need for Lu Qianlu to lie about this kind of thing, the demon bell should be real.

Even half of the ten outer disciples of Tianjianzong were shaken, and their footsteps quietly took a few steps back.

Seeing this, Guanlan was in a hurry, and drew out her sword and pointed at the crowd: "Impossible, Senior Sister is not some evil spirit, you are bloody."

But no one paid attention to her, and everyone stared at Zhai Wangyou behind her.

This Wangyou fairy is too calm, everyone thinks so.

Suddenly, the bell in mid-air moved to the left, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but look over.

Zhai Wangyou frowned slightly and looked at Guanlan: "Junior Sister Guanlan, get out of the way."

Guanlan gritted her teeth, stepped aside and stood side by side with Zhai Wangyou.

Everyone can now see why the demon-seeking bell moved.

Because of the flowerpot in Zhai Wangyou's hand, the dreaming grass in the flowerpot is also moving.

Xi Zhou leaned to the right, and the bell moved to the right.

She turned to the left again, and so did the bell.

Good guy, it turned out that the demon was talking about her.

Xi Zhou was so angry that he swayed frantically from side to side, the bell swayed quickly, and the bell rang loudly, stunned everyone.

Everyone was dumbfounded, this grass has become fine? No, have you become a monster?

Seeing that they were about to put away their weapons, Lu Qianlu hurriedly said, "Don't be deceived, this grass must be under her control."

What pet? a grass? When he didn't know.

Everyone looked at the grass in the flowerpot again, and the thoughts in their hearts couldn't help but coincide with Lu Qianlu.

"This is really the spiritual pet of the eldest sister, and she can understand human words."

"That's right, she can still smoke people, and she even smoked the second sister of Guanlan with leaves."

The outer disciples of Tianjianzong opened their mouths to testify.

"It's a bunch of nonsense, how could it not be a demon to restore Jindan, all the fellow Daoists asked us to join her to accept her." Lu Qianlu shouted, interrupting the words of the disciples of Tianjianzong.

The weapons in everyone's hands were raised again, yes, how can the golden pill be restored to its original state? come out…

Elder Qingliu sighed: "Fairy Wangyou, why don't you explain why your golden elixir can be restored, if it is excusable, I will not be embarrassed."

Zhai Wangyou's eyes fell: "I'm not a demon, do you want to do it too?"

It seems that today is not good.

Zhai Wangyou handed the flowerpot in his hand to Guanlan, drew his sword and stood up, without explaining much, how can he prove it?

This thought flashed in her mind, she directly denied it, Jindan repairing can't explain it.

If this grass transforms into shape, in case someone discovers that she can help people recover...

She can't protect...

Battles are ready to go.

"Pop." is the sound of something breaking.

Everyone looked at the broken flowerpot on the ground.

Guanlan was dumbfounded: "I didn't lose it, it jumped off by itself."

On the ground, Xizhou shook the soil on the leaves, wishing she could anger at these stubborn people a few times.

She struggled to stand up straight, and the flexible thin stem seemed to be spring loaded, beating in the direction of the Royal Sword Sect.

Everyone's eyes were chasing the Dreaming Grass all the way, and stopped at Lu Qianlu's feet.

The scene was eerie and quiet for a while.

It seemed that it was not enough, the dreaming grass that had left the soil gathered its leaves and twisted it into a rope and pulled it towards Lu Qianlu's leg.

Everyone: "…"

This grass really sucks!

They are ignorant.

Guanlan laughed even more: "Well, he actually said that you are a demon, and the dreaming grass pumped him hard."

The disciples of Tianjianzong also burst into laughter.

"This bell is so powerful, you can know that the dream grass has become a fine."

"As expected of the monster-hunting bell, I was able to find monsters accurately, but I didn't expect to find my own head again."

Let's see how they still say that the big sister is a demon.

Lu Qianlu blushed with anger, and his ears seemed to be filled with ridicule.

With a sound of "zheng", the Fengzui Dao was blocked by a long sword.

Zhai Wangyou raised his eyebrows, his voice was cold: "Please enlighten me."

The two Jindan stage disciples competed, and their spiritual power and cultivation were comparable.

Everyone subconsciously believes that there will be no winner or loser for a while.

Only Xi Zhou was surprised. She looked at Lu Qianlu, who turned around and wanted to escape, and took a few steps back, something suddenly flashed in her mind.

I feel a little familiar, I seem to have seen this action before.

Because Lu Qianlu's Fengzui knife has a long handle, it is almost the same as a long-/qiang. When he turned and fled back, the blade was dragged underneath.

Huh? Like a long-/gun?

Xi Zhou was shocked, she remembered, isn't this the carbine in some marksmanship?

She looked at Zhai Wangyou, and was chasing Lu Qianlu, not good!

Lu Qianlu's right foot bent and lunged, ready to go, looking at the distance between the two, this knife would definitely stab Zhai Wangyou.

He felt complacent in his heart, this is a move he learned from the carbine in the mouth of the disciples of the mortal world, and he has not missed it yet.

When the time came, he shouted loudly, turned around quickly, and stabbed the phoenix-mouthed knife in a straight line.


Zhai Wangyou blocked the tip of his chest with the blade of his sword, only one inch away.

Just now Zhai Wangyou slowed down half a step, otherwise he might have been stabbed in the center.

Everyone: This grass is actually a savior!

Xi Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately caught up.

She really used all her life's strength to jump over just now, tightly wrapped around the ankle of the big sister, but fortunately caught up.

Before she got off Zhai Wangyou's leg, Lu Qianlu raised a knife and slashed it again.

The two fight again.

Xi Zhou wrapped tightly around Zhai Wangyou's ankle, wanting to cry without tears.

What a thrilling aerial experience.

The modern bungee jumping events are not worth mentioning. Look at her now, without taking any safety measures, and relying on herself to hold tight.

It’s been a while, stop now, Materia Medica is running out of strength.

Q: Will a grass fall to its death?

As if I heard her voice, just when Lu Qianlu and Zhai Wangyou were both at a loss of spiritual power, a majestic spiritual power attacked them directly, and the two could not dodge. hit together.

Elder Yaozong smiled and looked at everyone: "The two little friends don't have to fight again, so as not to miss the entry of the new disciples, I am afraid it is not appropriate to continue today, it is better to let the new disciples tomorrow morning. choice, how?"

He figured out the right time to shoot, a late stage of Jindan with full spiritual power, and two early stages of Jindan with exhausted spiritual power, it was easy.

The two of them would be in a coma for two days at least to wake up.

This not only shocked everyone, but also made the new disciples see that Yaozong was not a vegetarian.

The disciples of the Royal Sword Sect and the Heavenly Sword Sect looked at each other, speechless for a while, because Lu Qianlu and Zhai Wangyou both passed out.

But at this time, no one dared to challenge, after all, the elder Yaozong had the highest cultivation level on the scene, unless a summons was sent to the sect to rescue soldiers.

Elder Yaozong looked at Elder Qingliu in the Deacon Hall.

Elder Qingliu secretly murmured an old fox, nodded in agreement: "You should help the two little friends first to recuperate, and the new disciple will be dealt with tomorrow."

At night, Guanlan fed Zhai Wangyou two recovery pills.

Elder Qingliu said that Senior Sister will wake up after being in a coma for at least two days and needs to rest. She thought about leaving with the disciples.

After everyone left, Dreaming Grass, which had been neglected, let go of Zhai Wangyou's ankle.


The author has something to say:

cough cough…

Stop everyone, we will update after midnight tonight.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes