MTL - Dressed As Scum A Marked the Crazy Beauty Boss-Chapter 25

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Cheng Jiqing looked at Bai Xin in shock, looked at the front row, and signaled to Bai Xin that someone was still there.

Even as long as the driver raises his eyes, he can see them in the mirror.

Bai Xin leaned on the chair, leaning slightly towards Cheng Jiqing, half-closed his eyes, this angle was more like stalking Cheng Jiqing.

Her skin seemed to be full of blood, and even her light-colored lips were more gorgeous than before.

In Cheng Jiqing's eyes, there was an inexplicable sense of seduction... Her gaze rested on her lips for a moment, and her throat rolled down.

Cheng Jiqing felt that what he touched was not Bai Xin's skin, but a deadly poison.

With just a light touch, the poison can penetrate into her blood and limbs through the pores, making her heart beat like a drum and her mind go numb.

No self-control.

The omega's glands were hot and soft, and she could feel the bumps like mosquito buns.

That is the unique reaction that AO will have when he is sensitive.

In the cramped car, the stuffy air was not enough for the four of them to breathe. Cheng Jiqing felt that her chest was uncomfortably stuffy, and when she glanced at Bai Xin again, the stuffiness became even worse, so that she took a deep breath and let it out slowly—after repeating this , she found herself breathing fast.

In this environment, when the driver and Qin Yufu were both around, her self-control was easily broken by Bai Xin.

Bai Xin has no intention of letting go.

It's just that she felt that Bai Xin was holding her hand, and her index finger was pressing on her finger, moving slightly on her neck, like a persuasive mentor, teaching her what to do next.


Cheng Jiqing clicked it out of nowhere.

She saw Bai Xin's red lips slightly parted, and her eyelashes quivering slightly.

She felt sweat on her palms and fingers, and she had the illusion of touching a spring.

Bai Xin was not the only one who sweated, Cheng Jiqing also evaporated a lot of salt, she was dying of thirst, no better than Bai Xin.


Qin Yufu's question came from the front row—

"Excuse me, how long will it be?"

Cheng Jiqing was shocked, as if awakened from a dream, she walked away from Bai Xin's neck, then turned her head vigilantly and swept forward.

But she couldn't pull it away, she used very little strength, so Bai Xin easily pulled her hand back.

In the next second, the pain of being bitten on the back of her hand almost made her cry out in pain.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Bai Xin - Bai Xin's cheeks were rosy, but her eyes were dark and oppressive.

Bai Xin is not happy.

When she realized that Bai Xin was biting her, the driver in the front seat replied at the same time: "Ten minutes."

"Okay, thank you." Qin Yufu said.

The moment she finished speaking, Qin Yufu suddenly turned her head to look—

Cheng Jiqing took a light breath.

Fortunately, Qin Yufu just glanced at it out of the corner of the eye, probably unconsciously. Although Cheng Jiqing's right hand was 'inconvenient', his left hand was resting peacefully. Maybe that's why Qin Yufu didn't notice anything.

With just one glance, he turned back again.

The car is driving at high speed.

Cheng Jiqing's heartbeat was also ridiculously fast, and she actually had a feeling of "stealing someone" and being about to be found out, as well as a sense of shame, shame and excitement.

The driver knew the rules and never looked back.

Cheng Jiqing slowed down for another two seconds, and then she regained consciousness a little from the tension, but it was also at this time that Bai Xin opened his mouth and let her go.

Cheng Jiqing regained the freedom of his hand, stared at her, and asked her silently: "Are you a dog? Why bite me?"

Under the influence of alcohol, Bai Xin's body was not feeling well, her beautiful and delicate brows were wrinkled, and she just looked at Cheng Jiqing with dissatisfied eyes, as if drawn.

But this kind of Baixin seems to be wearing a weak coat on the cold outside.

Cheng Jiqing: "..."

Cheng Jiqing didn't know what went wrong, and after a few hours of seeing each other, Bai Xin began to change his face again. But as long as she feels uncomfortable, no matter how cold she was just now, it will soften her heart now.

Even if she knew, Bai Xin might not mean to be wronged.

Cheng Jiqing felt that he had a tendency to be abused.

After being left out in the cold, she still couldn't bear to make people uncomfortable.

She grabbed Bai Xin's hand angrily, put it on the chair, and just held it like that. This time, she used a little more force to restrain Bai Xin and herself.

Although I don't know where Bai Xin got so much courage just now, was he overwhelmed by the body's reaction, or she didn't know this person, and she always acted so amazingly?

What she knew in her heart was that when she touched the omega glands, she almost lost her mind.

He was almost taken away by Bai Xin—do you want to take a bite?

At that time, she also had such an idea very crazy.

Therefore, she is holding Bai Xin's strength at this moment to remind Bai Xin and herself.

There are people in the car.

Can only hold hands.

Fortunately, Bai Xin didn't move any more, only the hot and sticky palms remained.

In less than ten minutes, the car parked outside a villa area.

Cheng Jiqing also let go of his hands at the right time, and in an instant, the cold air blew away all the high heat in his palms.

Bai Xin also retracted his hand, but curled up his fingers, feeling a sense of emptiness.

Qin Yufu turned her head: "Bai Xin, then I'll go first."


Even Cheng Jiqing felt it was perfunctory.

Qin Yufu glanced at her again, her lips moved, and Cheng Jiqing said, "You can find someone to pick you up."

Qin Yufu shook her head: "No, thank you for sending me off."

Maybe it's because she couldn't see any hostility towards Cheng Jiqing on Bai Xin's face, and with what Cheng Jiqing said to her today, her hatred towards Cheng Jiqing also subconsciously faded.

Qin Yufu got out of the car.

Cheng Jiqing walked along the window and looked at the back for two seconds, and Bai Xin's cool voice rang in his ears.

"Don't worry, it's better to follow."

Cheng Jiqing withdrew his eyes and replied, "I'm even more worried about you."

When she said this, she only thought that Bai Xin's estrus might come out at any time, and she didn't pay attention to Bai Xin's tone. She approached slightly and asked, "Are you okay? Go to the hospital or something?"

She asked Bai Xin for his opinion.

Bai Xin's heart was very irritable, seeing Cheng Jiqing's sincerely concerned face, she only felt more irritable. But there was a smile on his face: "Mr. Cheng, do you want to have both sides? What, you want to keep a marked relationship with me after marrying Qin Yufu?"

She didn't give Cheng Jiqing any fig leaf.

Pick the words clearly.


Cheng Jiqing was startled, but after understanding what she meant, his face turned red and then black.

The driver had good eyesight and got out of the car consciously.

"Am I wrong? Or do you want to keep pretending?"

The tone is very angry.

Cheng Jiqing became angry a little: "In your eyes, is this what I am? Bai Xin, feel your conscience and think about whether this sentence makes sense. Who do you think I am?"

Bai Xin said, "Otherwise, what kind of person are you?"

Cheng Jiqing choked up.

She didn't know how to fight back for a while.

Her silence was taken as guilt by Bai Xin, Bai Xin said: "At that time, I asked you what your purpose was, you should tell me, maybe you can even threaten me to agree."

I can't make the mistake of cheating now and then.


Threat with omega identity?


Do you agree with her stepping on two boats?

Cheng Jiqing was really angry, she turned cold and said, "Miss Bai really thinks highly of me."

There was already a tense atmosphere in the car.

Cheng Jiqing sat on the side to distance herself from Bai Xin, but the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, so she opened the door and got out of the car.

The season of August is unbearably hot.

She got out of the car very quickly, but she didn't leave, she just stood at the door of the car - she was afraid that if Bai Xin felt unwell, she would have time to get in.

The sultry summer wind seemed to blow straight into Cheng Jiqing's heart. The car was one meter away from the bushes next to her, and she was standing in the middle of the open space.

The phone vibrated, and she looked down to find that it was a message from Tang Jia.

[If you can't handle it, you can contact me. 】

Cheng Jiqing was furious, and typed: [I can't handle it, you come and pick her up. 】

Tang Jia: [? Tell me about the situation. 】

Cheng Jiqing: [The fight started. 】

Tang Jia: [? 】

Tang Jia: [Then I won't go. 】

Cheng Jiqing: [? 】

Tang Jia: [I can't beat her either. 】


What is it called?

Even in a fight, can she lose to Bai Xin?

Just such an omega who, apart from his stubborn mouth, only has the four characters 'weak and weak' left all over his body?

Cheng Jiqing looked up to the sky and took a deep breath. He didn't bother to say much. Bai Xin and Tang Jia are friends, so they won't let it go.

She sent a positioning: [She is not feeling well, not sure if it is the estrus period or the sequelae, you can pick it up. 】

Just as the news went out, I heard the door on the other side being opened.

Cheng Jiqing didn't turn her head, but her ears couldn't help listening to the footsteps, Bai Xin walked towards her.

She didn't know what expression to make. Bai Xin's words just now really made her uncomfortable.

She couldn't guarantee how clean she was, but she wasn't as dirty as Bai Xin said. After so many contacts, Bai Xin still looked at her like that.

What kind of person is she?

Cheng Jiqing recalled what he said in the car with Bai Xin just now, but he still didn't know how to get back, and felt even more upset.

The back of my hand hurts a bit.

She lowered her head, there were still marks on her skin, and the light was not good enough to see if it was green or not.

Bai Xin's footsteps stopped, and her attention also stopped.

The warm wind blew the intoxicating smell of wine and Bai Xin's faint voice.

"Cheng Jiqing."

Cheng Jiqing was silent, turned slightly sideways, and Bai Xin was standing by the rearview mirror, supporting it with his thin and well-proportioned arms.

She heard Bai Xin ask her: "Then who do you think I am?"

Under the dim street lights, the woman did not hide her uncomfortable expression, and her voice was not as cold as before.

Or maybe so, Cheng Jiqing's mood eased a bit, but his tone did not soften: "Anyway, I don't look the same to you. So what's wrong with me? As for you calling me like this? Or can you explain it clearly?"

Bai Xin was wearing a black dress, revealing a straight collarbone. Because of uneven breathing, the collarbone was very clear under the light and shadow.

Bai Xin looked at her every word and heard Cheng Jiqing's attitude, his voice became cold again: "Did you not lie to me, didn't you go to the movies with Qin Yufu, don't you want to marry her? Don't didn't mark me?"

If this is not trying to occupy both ends, what is it?

She spoke the last sentence extremely slowly, staring at Cheng Jiqing's expression with every word.

Today is probably the time that Bai Xin talked to her the most in history.

Cheng Jiqing suddenly felt that it was good for Bai Xin not to speak.

Cheng Jiqing laughed angrily: "...Who said I went to the movies with Qin Yufu? Who wants to marry her? Miss Bai, can you be reasonable?"

Her thoughts turned to Bai Xin's last sentence, and she said: "I was responsible for marking me the first time, but we are all victims, right? And I didn't say I didn't admit it... Besides, you didn't take the initiative to do the rest..."

Cheng Jiqing met Bai Xin's eyes.

She got stuck in her throat for the words after 'Hold me, let me mark'.

Then I realized that unconsciously, the topic seemed to be changed by her.

Bai Xin said: "What am I taking the initiative in? Tell me."

Return Cheng Jiqing's words.

Cheng Jiqing: "..."

If she is upset, everyone will be upset together: "Wouldn't it be you, Miss Bai, who took the initiative to hug me and let me mark you?"

After listening, Bai Xin's astonishing peach blossom eyes slightly narrowed, with a danger in her charm, she sneered, and a dimple hardened by honey appeared on her cheek: "Then why am I like this?"

Cheng Jiqing: "..."

Back to her deep waters again.

Why? Isn't it a matter of the inducer? Leaving this aside, isn't the so-called sequelae of marking because she put someone to sleep on the first night in the villa?

Cheng Jiqing lost his temper.

There could be reasons, but it was the first time she asked Bai Xin for the truth.

"Back then I swore to be responsible, but now I dare not even mention it..." Before he could finish speaking, Bai Xin suddenly lost his footing and staggered down.

She held on to the rearview mirror in time to stand still.

But Cheng Jiqing strode over at the first moment, holding the person by the waist, the person in his arms was unbearably hot.

The fragrance of lily is light and charming, accompanied by the smell of wine, it is very confusing.

Cheng Jiqing lowered her eyes, seeing that people's complexion was getting worse and worse, her anger was mostly extinguished, and she sighed: "I'm uncomfortable and excited... It's okay, I can't quarrel with you, let's get in the car first."

Cheng Jiqing opened the door and helped him into the car.

Cheng Jiqing didn't grab Bai Xin's hand, but put it on his lap, and he was sitting close. There was a commotion just now, but she also suffered an innocent disaster, bearing the name of innocence, she didn't want to bow her head too happily.

Although in front of Bai Xin, she has already actively and passively lowered herself many times.

Cheng Jiqing looked at the front windshield for a few seconds to calm down, and then said, "I didn't say I'm not responsible now. If I wasn't responsible, why did I run after you these few times?"

This is the truth.

In addition to life-saving, there is also an element of responsibility.

Not only was it Bai Xin's first time, but Bai Xin was also her first and only woman with whom she had sex.

Bai Xinyan raised his eyes to look at her. He had almost used up all his strength when he stood there for a while, and he was not in the mood to speak:

"Then how are you going to be responsible?"

Cheng Jiqing asked, "How do you want me to be responsible?"

Bai Xin asked, "Anything is fine?"

"Anything is fine." Cheng Jiqing thought for a while, and added, "But I'm not selling myself."

The atmosphere was not as stiff as before, and the tone was not so serious.

Bai Xin frowned, stared at Cheng Jiqing in silence for two seconds.

So what if she just wants to get married?

Bai Xin didn't say it, she was not in estrus, but the sequelae of this marking were not much better than estrus, but the pheromone would not overflow so easily.

But Cheng Jiqing had the same effect on her.

She suddenly remembered that when Cheng Jiqing rubbed her neck, Cheng Jiqing's body temperature was always cooler than hers, and his fingers were also—

She felt two of her glands throbbing gently.

Bai Xin couldn't help but look at Cheng Jiqing's leg wrapped tightly in jeans, and then moved to his right hand.

Slender and beautiful fingers with flat and smooth nails, the fly in the ointment is that the back of the hand is glowing conspicuously red, and there are several clearly visible bite marks.

Did she bite so hard just now?

Bai Xin pursed her lips. What was she thinking when she just spoke? Bai Xin realized something, but suddenly withdrew the thought, so he didn't think clearly for the time being.

The most important reason is that the trace completely attracted her attention.

She spoke slowly.

"Really responsible?"

"As long as you mention it, I will do whatever I can."

If you say you are responsible, you are responsible.

Bai Xin looked at that hand and said, "Then before I figure out what to do with you, I need to—"

"You comfort me again."


The author has something to say:

Boss Bai's routine is deep~

Later, when he found out that his wife made the mark for the first time, Cheng Jiqing fell into deep thought: How much did I step on my wife?


Cheng Cheng: Forget it, I can't argue.

Mr. Bai: Oh.


Cheng Cheng: I can't handle it if I can't make noise?

Mr. Bai: Huh.

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