MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 387 so scary

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Complete the hunt and exit the enchanted forest.

Just after exiting, in the square where the Gate of Blood Origin was located, Li Zihan, who happened to come over, saw Lin You teleported out, and his face darkened.

Every time he saw Lin You, he couldn't help but think of the battle experience in the competition.

Especially the Dragon Destruction Swordsman that crushed his dragon monsters.

But now, although the battle is only a few days away, Li Zihan has been strengthened again, and Li Zihan, who has previous combat experience, is confident that if he fights Lin You again, he can win!

Just thinking about how to find the place in front of Lin You, suddenly, he found that the other party was wrapped in a teleportation light and quickly disappeared in place.

Li Zihan was stunned.

what's the situation?

Didn't he just finish a hunt?

Why did you go in again?

Is this to train different monsters?

At this juncture, if you don't concentrate on training that Dragon Destruction Swordsman, you still think about the rain and the dew?


Li Zihan scolded lowly, but soon, he didn't think about it.

He was just looking for a way to vent, and he knew in his heart that everyone had their own strategy and training direction, especially at this stage, everyone's trump card may not be only one.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zihan adjusted his mood.

Anyway, the process of the competition is unknown to the outside world, and in the end, only the list of the top eight is seen, which is enough.

Even if he fails to win the championship, it should have little impact on his popularity.

In contrast, this time the death battle is the key.

If you can perform bravely in the death battle, that is a great achievement, and this achievement will be recorded!

Maybe one day, the outside world will know the inside story of the secret realm, and his experience of this deathmatch will be a powerful capital to promote popularity!

Thinking of this, Li Zihan quickened his pace, thinking about getting into training as soon as possible.

But at this time, a light flashed ahead.

Seeing that light, Li Zihan stopped in surprise. Isn't this the teleportation ball where Lin You was?

He clearly just went in, why did he come out again?

Lin You reappeared, but his face was still a little shocked, a little bit still.

For a while, he didn't even have time to pay attention to Li Zihan who was in front of him.

The two were immersed in their own moods, but soon, Li Zihan reacted, seeing the expression on Lin You's face, and snorted softly: "Didn't you just go in? Why did you come out so quickly, did you find that Can't control the goal, and chose to quit in the middle?"

Saying that, with some joking, "Although quitting will not deduct the number of hunts you have killed, don't you feel a little ashamed?"

Having said that, Li Zihan also knew that with Lin You's strength, it was impossible for such a situation to occur, and being able to return so quickly must have something to do with some powerful magic and trap cards.

It is very likely... it is the forced destruction, exclusion class.

The source of it is mostly to use the number of free cards for participating in the death battle to get it.

The authority of B-level is not low, and it has been able to choose many powerful cards.


Lin You suddenly came back to his senses, looked at Li Zihan who was in front of him, and said with a smile: "Are you here, when did you come, are you here to train monsters? Then hurry up, the blood-derived monsters here are of the same quality. not bad."

Li Zihan was startled for a while, then a little annoyed.

What do you mean, I was talking to you just now, but you didn't hear a word?

Are you mocking yourself?

Li Zihan was about to say something, but Lin You spoke first, "By the way, there is another great benefit here. When the monsters in this training change their targets, as long as they don't take the initiative to retract them, they can be teleported directly to the bottom. One scene, this saves a lot of time and effort, the manual given by the senior has a record, you probably know it, if you don’t know, just when I remind you.”

After saying that, no nonsense, "Then I will continue training."

After manipulating the teleportation ball of light, the light soon enveloped Lin You again.

The third training, so quickly unfolded.


Li Zihan choked on what he wanted to say.

I couldn't help but chew on Lin You's previous words, the trained monsters can teleport directly when the target is replaced.

Doesn't this mean that Lin You is training a single monster?

The speed of training monsters alone and ending the battle is so fast?


Still thinking, the light flickered again.

Lin You's figure appeared again!


Li Zihan was dumbfounded.

Lin You was a little surprised: "Have you not entered yet?"

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Lin Youyu said earnestly, "Brother Li, don't blame me for talking too much, but I still want to persuade you that since you decide to participate in the deathmatch, you must go all out and don't slack off for a minute or a second, otherwise we won't talk about it. The righteousness is also irresponsible for one's own life. It should not be difficult to imagine the danger of the death battle. Therefore, before the death battle comes, we must try our best to become stronger. I won't say much. Brother Li, work harder. ."

After speaking, operate the teleporting light ball again.

With a flash of light, Lin You disappeared again.


Li Zihan continued to be silent, and after a long while, he couldn't help roaring and filial piety: "Why are you jumping in front of me repeatedly!"

At this time, the light flashed again.

Li Zihan's cardiac arrest seemed to have some kind of strange stress response.

But this time, it was no longer Lin You, but Ye Qingyi.

Ye Qingyi, however, ignored Li Zihan and operated the teleportation ball.

Soon, it also disappeared in place.

Li Zihan suddenly became a little mad, and shouted to trigger the teleportation ball.

He felt that he couldn't stay here any longer, and if he stayed any longer, he might be stimulated.

At the same time, he also made up his mind.

I want to hit ten!

Even if you can't hit ten, at least you have to hit five!

The number of consecutive transmissions must not be less than Lin You!

Li Zihan, who was stimulated by Lin You, suddenly had high fighting spirit.


The light flashed again, and Li Zihan appeared from the teleportation ball of light.

This is his third turn back.

And the ace monster he wanted to train was extremely difficult in the third battle, and he almost sent other monsters to assist in the battle.

The reason is that although the teleportation space here can take over the previous monsters, all the beneficial effects on the monsters will dissipate in the second space.

Unless the source of this buff is the monster itself.

This leads to the fact that if you fight continuously, the card resources you have used will not be able to get out of the dormant period at all, so the battle will become more difficult as you go on.

After all, it is the blood-origin monsters of the dark red star level that are going to be fought. These blood-origin monsters have a very high level of awakening and can even explode combat skills.

One-on-one, it is not easy to win, let alone a battle.

In the first two battles, Li Zihan, with the help of the cards at hand, helped his ace, Qingbing Baiyelong, who reached the awakening level, easily won it.

In the third battle, the main card resources were exhausted, and the remaining cards were helpful for the battle, but wanting to end the battle quickly became a nonsense.

On the other hand, the opponent is a dark red star monster whose state is at its peak and can burst into awakening combat skills.

This made the battle extremely difficult.

Before agreeing to participate in the death battle, let alone winning the third battle, the second battle would probably be much more difficult.

Li Zihan's face was slightly ugly, and he thought of Lin You's repeated horizontal jumps just now.

If I remember correctly, he came out three times, and then went in again.

In other words, Lin You has fought at least four consecutive battles!

And the speed of entry and exit is extremely fast.

What the **** is going on with him?

It shouldn't be hunted, it's not the highest-level Dark Red Star blood-origin monster, right?

Li Zihan gritted his teeth slightly, although he was reluctant to admit it, no one would waste this precious hunting opportunity on low-level monsters.

small book booth

Even if the hunt fails, the opportunity will not be lost, so why worry?

At this moment, two rays of light flickered one after another.

The ones who appeared were Lin You and Ye Qingyi.

Seeing Lin You, Ye Qingyi immediately greeted him: "Lin You, you have come to train too? I don't know which monster you will train. Although it's a bit strange, it always feels like it will be a black magician..."

Black Mage?

Hearing this sentence, Li Zihan frowned slightly.

He didn't know anything about this monster.

When fighting against Lin You, Lin You did not summon the black magic guide alone, but only used it as a fusion material.

The Dark that his new trump card?

Could it be a card that was just exchanged from the Duel Shop?

No, if that was the case, how would Ye Qingyi know?

The biggest possibility... Li Zihan suddenly thought of something, and his heart was shocked.


Is that guy still hiding a real trump card when he fights with him?

Li Zihan's mentality suddenly exploded. At this time, Ye Qingyi asked again, "Have you been here for a long time to train?"

Lin You smiled and said casually: "It's not too long, but the number of times is almost exhausted, and the training is now over."

"So fast."

Ye Qingyi opened her mouth slightly, hesitated for a and couldn't help but ask: "Well, is such a high efficiency related to the strange energy before? That energy is really powerful, you can master it now , this is more powerful."

"That's it."

Lin You didn't deny it, although in fact, there was some deviation from what Ye Qingyi understood.

She probably thought it was the chestnut ball or the black magic guide, but in fact, it was the super magic dragon knight.

Moreover, the dominant reason for such efficient monster spawning is not the power of super source.

It is the forced destruction method of the dark red star!

Using the same method, after several hunts, Lin You was able to confirm one thing.

The forcible destruction of the super magic dragon knight is beyond imagination.

It is not an ordinary means of forced destruction of a dark red star at all, it can be compared.

In Lin You's estimation, its power... even reached the level of Xin Yuxia's serious punch!

This level of power is exactly twice that of the usual dark red star's means of forcible destruction!

And the super magic dragon knight can explode twice every minute.

Although it erupted twice, it required a full 6000 mana support.

But for Lin You, who had broken the magic shell, he could achieve an explosion with one-third of the consumption.

This is absolutely a horrible thing.

You know, with Xin Yuxia's ability, Rao broke out five serious punches, and he reached the limit.

If Lin You's magic power reaches the stage of combining spirits and demons, the super-magic dragon knight can even easily eat Fang Ye's Xinyuxia alone!

After all, in terms of attack speed, attack accuracy, and forced destruction of such directional effects, it must be better.

In terms of speed, the Super Magic Dragon Knight is also faster.

Even if it is approached, it is a big deal, and it is also the first to fight with the power of super source!

"It's so scary!"

Lin You couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Read The Duke's Passion