MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 400 death mountain

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"Lord Nicolofia!"

The moment that weird-looking guy was knocked flying, those who followed him to the scene all had a flash of disbelief in their eyes.

That's Lord Nicolofia!

One of the three Dark King Envoys of the Dark Source Kingdom!

In any dark source realm, it is difficult to find the existence of an opponent!

But just now, he was blown away by the guy who was suspected to be named Yubel?

Still shaking, suddenly, a coolness rose in my heart.

It was when they observed Yubel secretly that they noticed that the other party suddenly looked over. The look in his eyes was like looking down at an ant, but it made them not angry, only infinitely frightened.

It seems that if you continue to stay here, you may be killed at any time!

And Yubel was indeed a little unbearable, and had the intention of turning his face immediately.

But the next moment, a figure flashed over, accompanied by some ethereal laughter, "It's no wonder that the human world can stand still today, so there are still superpowers like you, I want to use your strength to put aside those six The supreme duel king is no longer invincible, right?"

What flickered was the weird person just now, called Nicolofia.

Surprisingly, he didn't see any scars on his body, as if the incident of being blasted tens of thousands of meters had never happened.

Lin You and the others looked sluggish.

But it wasn't because Nikolofia was blown away, more... it came from Yubel!

She... oh no, maybe he, just started talking?

It's still human language!

Although in the secret realm, those chaotic beasts, including the current sub-source duelists, are said to be able to communicate with humans.

But isn't this senior Zhang Ze's dueling monster!

Moreover, the chaos monster communicates with humans, and it is not the human world language, but another language.

It's just that when they communicate with each other, a strange transformation can be formed, which makes the communication possible, but it is different from the current situation!

And listening to Yubel's words just now, inexplicably can hear some ambiguity.

Why 'My Zhang Ze'?

In short, the sudden scene, few people have time to digest.


Lin You quickly reacted to another key point.


The one who was blasted out just now... is the Nicolofia that the teacher and the others met? !

It is said that with just one clone, the power of monsters surpassing the Venus Secret Realm broke out, easily crushing many mentors including Zheng Xian, making them immobile.

Is this the same person who met the teacher and the others now?

Mostly yes!

Since the Duelists Association has sent people like Senior Zhang Ze to lead the team for this deathmatch, there is no reason for the leader to be an idler on the Chaos Demon Realm.

Nicolofia's status in Chaos Demon Realm is bound to be extremely high!

It is no wonder that there is such terrifying strength, but even so, in front of Zhang Ze, it seems to be suppressed!

Is this the strength of the chief swordsman?

At this moment, Lin You felt a little emotional, a little fascinated, and also felt happy.

Look, they are all leaders, and the leaders of my Human World are stronger than your Chaos Demon Realm!

So what if I beat you in front of these super geniuses like you Chaos Demon Realm?

The senior's action this time can be regarded as a way of regaining face for the teacher and the others. If the teacher knows, he may not say anything on the face, and he will probably feel relieved.

The senior has the upper hand in the battle of the strongest, so it is my turn to stir up the situation in the next death battle!

Thinking of this, Lin You's eyes began to swept across the sub-source duelists one by one.

In the end, locked on one person, frowning slightly.

This guy... seems unusual.

While the other secondary source duelists were somewhat panicked and frightened, this person remained motionless and closed his eyes, as if everything that happened around him had nothing to do with it.

There are also two lightning-shaped scars on the left side of his face.

One black and one white, faintly beating, especially eye-catching.

But more importantly, the little guy captured a particularly heavy feeling from the two scars.

Marking it for the time being, Lin You looked back.

At this time, Nikolofia said in a faint voice: "Since everyone has already arrived, according to the agreement reached between Human World and Dark Source Kingdom, I think we can start the introduction of tomorrow's death battle, Your Excellency thinks how?"

Zhang Ze said carelessly: "That just saves me from having to talk about it, I'll bother you, Niko... Lafiya?"

As soon as the words fell, the expressions of several secondary source duelists changed.

This human, on purpose?

I clearly heard them calling the name of Lord Nicolofia just now. With his strength, maybe he didn't hear it clearly?

Got it, maybe can't remember?

Remember that talking like this is simply a provocation to adults!

Several people were annoyed.

On this side of the Human World, everyone was overjoyed.

Zhang Ze was intentional, and they had no doubts about this.

It seems okay to call the wrong name, but it is already provocative and offensive to a supreme power.

I came up with this method to provoke, the seniors are really talented!

Nikolofia looked slightly cold, but quickly said: "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself just now, my name is Nikolofia, dare to ask your name?"

"I can't talk about the name."

Zhang Ze smiled and said: "Zhang Ze, a nameless guy, but it's me who should say sorry. This man, his ears are not easy to use when he is old. I have offended you just now. Brother Ni, don't take it to heart."

Nikolofia snorted coldly in her heart, and said as usual: "It's just a small matter, you don't need to take it to heart. Now let's talk about tomorrow's death fight, right?"

"Brother Ni can't wait so much, it seems that he has full confidence in your fighters."

Zhang Ze sighed with emotion, and his eyes swept over those secondary duelists, "Indeed, just looking at the momentum, it is extraordinary, tomorrow's death fight, my boys in the human world will work harder, one careless, Maybe it's all planted here. I'll probably be depressed by then. Depression can be uncomfortable, especially when I have a bad problem. When I'm depressed, I inexplicably like to beat people, but some people can't help beating, beating Beat it up, maybe you won’t have to beat it.”

The complexion of the duelists changed drastically.

This time, Nikolofia's eyes froze, and he said coldly, "Zhang Ze, don't make these meaningless threats, this death fight has been signed by representatives of the Chinese Duelist Association and the Kingdom of Darkness. The following source agreement is notarized, ending the death fight. Before the two sides return to the two realms, if someone makes a move, it will unilaterally tear up the agreement. If you have this idea, just try it out, Lord Dark King will never tolerate it!"

"Just kidding, why do you have to be so serious, Brother Ni is so stern and doesn't understand humor, how can you attract girls?"

Zhang Ze quietly stopped Yubel, who was about to start, and said with a smile: "Since Brother Ni also knows that we have signed the original agreement, why should we look ahead? Besides, is Brother Ni so reluctant to contribute? Come here, Still unwilling to recall all the origins, or can I understand that this is the trust of Brother Ni in me?"

Nikolofia's eyes narrowed, and after a while, she smiled faintly, "This kind of eyesight... It seems that you are stronger than I expected, so, you and I will stop playing these little tricks, step by step. Let's get to the point."

Zhang Ze said casually: "Then Brother Lawney will explain. The secret realm of deathmatch is special, but I have to say that it is still a bit closer to you chaos demon realm."

"It's the dark source realm."

Nicolofia sternly corrected a sentence, but did not tangle on this topic. The title of the human world in the human world cannot be changed by him.

Soon, he stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance, and said: "The starting point of the death battle is there, outside the irregular area, the mountain called 'Death Mountain', full of death energy and undead monsters, those undead monsters, It was born from the death energy of Death Mountain, and lived on the mountain for a long time, so it has nothing to do with my realm, can you admit this, Zhang Ze?"

"Who knows, probably."

Zhang Ze said something flutteringly, and at some point another apple appeared in his hand, and he bit it on his own.

Nikolofia choked for a and then said in a gloomy voice: "In short, everyone who participates in the war tomorrow needs to climb the Death Mountain according to their abilities. After that, they will be in the Death Forest on the mountain. , to start this death battle, there is no chance to stop in the middle, only when the group is destroyed or is destroyed by the group is the end."

Everyone listened carefully. The rules of this deathmatch are actually not complicated.

First of all, they must conquer this so-called death mountain. Not surprisingly, they will encounter certain obstacles in this process.

Therefore, when climbing the death mountain and entering the death forest, there will be more or less attrition.

But this loss may not have time to recover, because it may encounter enemy fighters at any time!

No, maybe not only the fighters, but the Forest of Death itself... Just by hearing the name, you can tell that it is not a friendly place.

This death battle may be more difficult than expected!

Just when the duelists in the human world were feeling the pressure, the duelists from the second source were very excited as the death battle was approaching.

Finally able to start the killing ring!

There is also pressure, but this pressure comes from Zhang Ze!

Zhang Ze, who has shown great combat power, even if the threat just now is unlikely to be realized, it still makes them feel jealous.

"That's the rule."

Nikolofia suddenly sneered: "The to look forward to the arrival of tomorrow, Zhang Ze, I am very curious, I wonder if after tomorrow, will you still be as stable as you are now?"

"Certainly not."

Zhang Ze shook his head and said with a smile: "At that time, I should have laughed brilliantly, but I can't help it, what I like most is the blood of these little beasts in the Chaos Demon Realm. If you say this, will it appear that I am not? Perverted?"

At the end of the sentence, he smiled brightly, showing two rows of white teeth, "It's really exciting!"

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