MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 417 Lin You broke out!

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The real body of the crime, the black and white light and shadow are embodied, and the white lightning is raging.

The light and shadow rise, and it is also mixed with dark particles.

Immediately afterwards, the light and shadow seemed to devour something and became stronger.

Lin You's eyes changed slightly, the special effect of the super magic dragon knight had erupted, but this time, the opponent was not hurt in the slightest.

It means that the light and shadow swallowed up just now, the forced destruction effect inspired by the super magic dragon knight!

That's all, after swallowing up the outbreak, Lin You could feel that the aura of guilt had clearly risen.

If Sin really is a monster, then the increase in breath will increase the probability of attack power...and the magnitude will increase!

Waiting for it to be swallowed, very surprised!

But what's even more shocking is that the "super source power" that the crime has until now seems to be still rich!

The result after the Fang Ye war!

The true strength of the crime was even more shocking than expected.

On the other side, Li Zihanji, has been right Angus Warring States.

The second of the puppet state, but still retains its fighting habits.

The same goes for the cards in the deck.

But the good news is that Er has obviously experienced the battle, and the card resources he has used are perfect.

In this case, the combat power is still the same, completely threatening Li Zihanji.

If it was delayed, it would be difficult, and he even spared no effort to support Lin You.

But due to Xu Crazy Moon's consumption, Li Zihan was the only one who could provide some support.

With partial support, it is obviously difficult to get involved in the battle between Lin Youxuzhen.

The real auxiliary battle is only Ye Qingyi.

At this moment, Ye Qingyi Field, along with the sudden appearance of dark red lightning, this natural sacred tree, which did not appear, was also summoned.

As soon as the Sacred Natural Tree appeared, he opened a pair of old eyes, his eyes glowing with the perception of life.

Special effects to inspire!

Ye Qingyi's goddess of nature, the breath of life suddenly expanded.

Afterwards, another magic card was flipped over.

The powerful magical light symbolized its level of seven stars, and rain suddenly fell on the head of the goddess of nature.

Those rains also contain a strong breath of life.

There is another card that increases vitality, bathing in the rain of life, and the vitality of the goddess of nature seems to be so strong that it cannot be added!

In terms of vitality, it is comparable to the total of ten dark red star monsters!

Waiting for the strong vitality to even attract Sinzhen's attention, but after glancing at the goddess of nature, he quickly retracted it.

Lin You also looked at the goddess of nature in surprise, sighing with emotion: "Ye Qingyi, the goddess of nature, I am afraid that anyone who looks at it will have the desire to kill, even if Fang Ye's Xinyuxia deals with it, it will use up the power of the super source. It was barely resolved.”


Xinyuxia can hit a serious punch five times at most, and each punch can kill two dark red star monsters in seconds. Calculate the consumption, and take the goddess of nature, it is really drained!

"It's still over."

Ye Qingyi's cold eyes flashed a smile, and explained: "The battle strength of the goddess of nature is also proportional to the vitality, so in the battle, I think I can help."

"That's it."

Lin Youyou thought of the awakening combat skills that this goddess of nature burst out. That kind of abnormal power is really solid.

And after the goddess of nature received layer upon layer of gains, it went up evenly!

Awakening-like combat skills, so it is quite rare.

After all, in most cases, awakening combat skills want to increase the strength, and basically rely on the increase of the awakening degree.

The increase in the attack power band is relatively limited.

However, the goddess of nature can use the expansion of life breath to explode stronger awakening combat skills, so it is no wonder that the power is shocking.

At this moment, along with the rising of breath, the goddess of nature clasped her hands and chanted the words of nature.


The huge amount of trees suddenly attacked Sinzhen.

These giant trees, in terms of power, are obviously much stronger than Li Zihan's double dragons and Yue Yongmingdou's double spear monsters.

When these offensives fell on the real body, they still seemed to be isolated, and no energy ripples were formed.


The chestnut **** flew and sensed something.

Lin Youdun's magic power was possessed, and he looked at Sin Zhen.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Qingyi noticed something and immediately asked curiously, "Lin You, have you found anything?"


Lin You nodded, and then explained: "That guy seems to have those jet-black particles that are similar to super source power wandering around, and only those particles absorb the offensive, and only force-destructive directed attacks can directly break through those particles. Particles, can cause damage, but even so, there is a way to recover quickly."

Ye Qingyi was surprised: "Are you wandering? The power of super source should be very precious energy. Even if the power of super source in the body is huge, it doesn't have to be useless, right? Many attacks, dodged, It should be difficult."

"Yes, it's a strange place."

Lin You frowned: "But then again, after absorbing those offensives, the super-source power wandering around, and seeing any signs of consumption, continue to replenish? Also..."

Still thinking, field, super magic dragon knight, some eager to try.

Going to take a closer look.

Lin You thought for a moment, nodded slightly, and agreed.

For a moment, the super magic dragon knight flashed and took the initiative to kill the crime.

While moving, the black dragon gun in his hand has flipped several times rapidly.

"are you crazy?"

Aware of the scene, Li Zihan narrowed his eyes.

Did Lin You forget the field behind his other-dimensional space dragon just now?

Even if the super magic dragon knight's combat power is obviously superior to that of the other-dimensional space dragon, it is also based on strong special effects.

Just like getting close, how can you use your own shortcomings to touch other's strengths?

When Houguang Chao's magic guide dragon knight touched, even Lin You was attacked by it!

Sin Zhen's eyes were blank, the super magic dragon knight's speed was extremely fast, and the moment he was stabbed with the gun, Sin Zhen still stretched out his palm.

At the palm of the hand, black and white swirls appear, and white lightning strikes.

Just in response to the trick of the different-dimensional space dragon, Li Zihan's color changed even more when he saw the scene.

"do a test."

Lin You explained one sentence and said more.


The sound of the sonic boom, the lightning-like strike of the war gun, fell into the palm of the true hand, but froze.

While the black and white vortex was spinning, the Pang Wei energy wrapped in the war gun began to disappear quickly.

Ye Qingyi seemed to understand what Lin You meant, and at this moment she said: "Okay, the power of the super magic dragon knight's shot is actually scary enough, but it still can't break through that move."

Li Zihan was anxious, "Is it time to say it now? Hurry up and let the super magic dragon knight withdraw!"

It can really pose a more threat to sin!

If it is planted like this, how can we fight against sin?

Up to now, Li Zihan also really feels that the crime is really strong, which is beyond imagination.

Crisis awareness of the heart Sheng!

But for a moment, Lin You said something that made his heart skip a beat, "Withdrawn, the super magic dragon knight seems to be absorbed."


Li Zihan restrained himself and cursed, looking at the rapid consumption of energy from the Black Dragon's gun, almost filial piety: "What are you waiting for, hurry up and find a way, is there no means of coercive destruction?"

Judging from the situation just now, only the means of coercive destruction can interrupt the real trick.

Even the means of forced sabotage may not be able to be successfully targeted. Just now, Sin Zhen successfully absorbed the forced sabotage of the super magic dragon knight.

Seeing Lin You speak, Li Zihan became even more anxious.

Ye Qingyi blinked slightly, what to do?

Soon, the black dragon's gun was exhausted.

Seeing that he was completely controlled by the black and white vortex, the war gun suddenly appeared a lot of golden particles.


The black dragon's spear pierced through the black and white vortex of the true hand.

Through the whirlpool, he directly clicked the palm of his hand.

In the palm of the hand, the golden particles annihilated many dark particles at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, in one fell swoop, the true palm of sin was penetrated.

At the tip of the war gun, from the back of his hand, he was approaching his face!

Sin Zhen's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly shook his head. The profile of the black dragon's war gun against which he was attached was sharp and piercing the air, with a wisp of flying black and white blood.


A burst of qi exploded, and Sin Zhen's body was smashed into the air for hundreds of meters. After smashing a giant tree, the momentum was slow, and it flew horizontally through nearly a hundred trees.

Waiting for the movement, some dead monsters in the forest of death were also alerted, and some monsters roared and rushed towards the crime.

Still in the air, it was obliterated by the raging black and white light and shadow, and the flesh and blood flew!

At this moment, Li Zihan didn't have time to pay attention to the crime, and almost all looked at the super magic dragon knight with astonishment.

What happened to that shot just now?

If you read it right, the energy attached to the war gun... is beyond the power of the source!

That's it, the energy is still extremely strong!

Lin You chuckled lightly, "Looking at the power of Chaoyuan, the attack finally worked."

But the heart, thinking about another thing.

Since the power of the super source can cause harm to sin, then with the ability of Fang Ye, it should be able to cause extreme threats.

Why, the current sin is so true, why can it still be in such a state?

hard to say...

For a moment, Lin You's eyes moved slightly, thinking of something.

But soon, his thoughts were broken, and the real figure of sin, at a startling speed, formed two flashes.

In turn, the super magic dragon knight face appeared.

The dark light and shadow behind the curtain appeared, and the palm of the hand was restored again. At this moment, it was tightly clenched into a fist, and it was wrapped in a quantity of dark particles, and it punched!

But for a moment—

Lin Youshen opened a trap card.

Two cylindrical objects in opposite directions appear, and the runes engraved on their faces are activated.

The pitch-black particles wrapped around the True Fist Peak suddenly seemed to be pulled in some way and began to move towards a tube-shaped object under control.

The magic tube quickly absorbed those jet-black particles, but after absorbing them, it did not complete the transfer as quickly as usual.

On the contrary, it trembled violently, as if some beast inside was ramming.

The super-magic dragon knight still seized the opportunity and waved his spear fiercely!

The war gun, the power of super source emerged again.

Compared to one time, it is noticeably weaker.

However, the super-source power in Sinzhen's hand was completely absorbed by the magic tube, so that in a short period of time, there was no way to mobilize more super-source power.


The war gun swung fiercely, and smashed the crime in the face.

The huge power was poured into it, and the ground under Sinzhen's feet collapsed instantly, and the whole thing was smashed into the ground.

The ground was still violently bursting open, and the surrounding ground that was pulled in an instant also cracked and collapsed in pieces!

That's all, the super magic dragon knight faced the broken ground, and his guns trembled one after another.

Pfft, puff!

Two sonic booms were heard, and two loud explosions were heard underground again.

A special effect that activates again after cooling down!

Two super-strong dark red star forced destruction!


A shattering sound spread, but the expanded magic tube.

The magic tube exploded, and the dark particles inside were also released, but they exploded under control.


In the air, there was a deafening crackling sound.

The air was suddenly distorted, and even some transparent fragments were faintly scattered.

That fragment, if the duel is strong, will recognize... the space fragment!

Although some fragments are scattered, it is innocuous for the stability of the space here.

To a certain extent, the space has been affected, and the power of those dark particles can be imagined.


The guy quickly caught the point and passed it on to Lin You.

Lin Youyou was amazed, what a powerful force!

It's no wonder that even the magic tube engraved with the high star spirit pattern cannot fully explode its effect.

The strength of those super source powers has exceeded its carrying limit.

It is a blessing to be able to absorb it decently.

And its, the focus at the moment is completely.

Yue Yongmingdou, who was fighting against Angus, held back his surprise: "Lin You, have you killed that guy?"

Li Zihan was also shocked, is Lin Youdu strong enough?

I can't imagine how miserable it would be if a series of attacks fell on my own body and my own field.

"Guy... Absolute class!"

Li Zihan held back the thought that appeared in his mind, it was basically a monster, and it was even epic!

Xu crazy eyes, but the fanaticism is even more prosperous.

Lin that his current strength!

At this moment, Ye Qingyi said coldly, "Lin You, should he still be alive?"

As soon as he said this, Yue Yongming's eyes widened, "Is it possible? After enduring such an attack, can you still fight again?"

"Those two guys aren't awake yet, they should be alive when they are alive."

Li Zihan glanced at Warring States II, and said, "But it should be half-dead, right? Lin You, hurry up and solve it completely."

"I hope so."

Lin You was a little helpless: "The guy is naughty and strong, and his breath seems to be returning to his peak."

At this moment, Lin Youke can control the vision, perception, and state of the crime.

After figuring out the real situation of the crime, Lin You really had a headache.

The super-source power of the guy is really rich.

Lin Youyou made a more certain guess.

"Are you back to peak soon?"

Yue Yongming was dumbfounded, are you kidding me? !

Li Zihan also gritted his teeth, is this guy a dead monster?

Just as he was thinking, there was an explosion from the ground, and in a moment, the figure of Sin Zhen rose up.

The black and white light and shadow flow behind him, the breath is released, and it is very strong!

The blood stained on his body was also shattered by it.

His eyes fell on the super magic dragon knight again.

Bang, bang!

After smashing the giant trees summoned by the Goddess of Nature, he looked at Lin You again, Dandan: "Wrong, although the light source of a monster is comparable to that of Fang Ye, its strength as a duelist is comparable to that of Fang Ye. Not to mention, I thought it was a good dish, but now I look at it, but it is one."

Obviously, the continuous outbreak of forced destruction by the super magic dragon knight also attracted the attention of Sin Zhen.

Only the usual dark red star forced destruction, and the power is comparable to the super explosion of Xin Yuxia's serious punch!

And this kind of outbreak, the super magic dragon knight has been carried out four times, plus the power of super source revealed, it is beyond the real expectations of sin.

At this moment, Guizhen, who was floating in the air, suddenly raised his right hand with his eyes flat.

At the palm of the hand, the black and white swirl appeared again.

But this time, after the vortex appeared, it expanded rapidly, more and more.

That's all, the dark particles inside, surging frantically.

A frightened breath penetrated.


For a moment, Chestnut Ball issued an early warning, which felt quite wonderful.

Ye Qingyi also said: "Are you breaking out combat skills now?"

Although not as real as the guy perceives, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but obviously also realized that the crime really broke out, and if he broke out now, he might be able to stop it.

He is quite confident in the combat power of the Goddess of Nature.

"First of all."

Lin You shook his head, his eyes flashed with ruthlessness, "Since the super source power has erupted, then it would be better to solve the problem in the form of super source power, but I would like to see if I can eat the guy raw!"


The guy understood and got ready.

The super-magic dragon knight's super-source power has been completely consumed, and it still has less storage!

The light of the summons surged, the figure of the guy, the scene.

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