MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 419 mortal enemy

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The little guy tried his best to open his mouth wide and took a deep breath.

In the black-and-white vortex, few dark particles flew into its mouth.

The little guy smiled happily.

These jet-black particles similar to the power of the super source have the wrong taste!

Although the power of the super source is delicious, it is less delicious than the source of darkness.

Meng Ran took a big mouthful, and while he had reacted to the sin, he continued to suck!

It must be said that in this black and white vortex, the power of super source is small!

It's no wonder that the little guy's super source power is almost exhausted, but it can still run stably.


After taking another gulp, the little guy issued a warning, and the sin realized that it was right!

Lin You acted decisively and quickly retracted the little guy.


At this scene, Li Zihan's faces were full of surprise.

They noticed the light of the recovery, so Zhi Linyou took back the little guy, but what happened to the speed of recovery?

Almost back in seconds!

Siyuan cards, due to the deeper connection with the duelist, are often recovered very quickly in the event of injury.

But no matter how fast it is, for a Glory-level duelist, four or five seconds is enough, right?

At the master level, the three-second recovery time should be enough.

This second time, less fantasy.

But thinking about the ability of chestnut ball to absorb and transmit super source power, it seems to be acceptable.

This monster is so incredible!

The disappearance of the little guy made Sin's eyes wave, as if he had insight into something.

After a while, he frowned slightly.

The recycling of the little guy is not an illusion, but it is recalled in seconds.

And the guy who recalled, stole less energy from it.

One is free and can steal energy.


must be resolved!

At this moment, the black and white vortex is still colliding with the war gun in the hands of the super magic dragon knight, but the energy aura emanating from the vortex is already as obvious as before.

This tends to be the powerful energy of the superpower, the endless use of sin that is naturally possible.

But this time, the super-source power of the super-magic dragon knight's spear has been exhausted!

And this continuous collision is quite beneficial to the super magic dragon knight, so it is impossible to take time to break out the forced destruction effect.

This is within Lin You's expectations.

Although it is a pity, it is also a better solution, aside from the super magic dragon knight, Keren can continue to collide with the black and white vortex created by sin.

Moreover, aside from regrets, Lin You was also pleasantly surprised.

The super magic dragon knight carries such super source power, but still has room to carry it, which is extremely rare!

In such a comparison, the black magician is inexplicably shameful!

After thinking about it, one of the fusion materials of the super magic dragon knight is the black magic guide.

With that strength, the black magic guide can also be exposed to light.

It's a shame, and the super magic swordsman is lost!

It is also a dark red star fusion monster, but not to mention the super source power that exists, even the basic carrying capacity is like a black magic guide as a fusion material!

Regarding this point, Lin You was actually quite curious.

What are the specific carrying rules of super source power?

Although Fang Ye had mentioned a concept before, that is the super source physique, which means that only the top dark red star monsters can awaken the potential of the super source physique.

This is the basic threshold.

With such a standard, the fact that the black magic guide can carry the power of super source is even more strange.

The super magic swordsman is even more wronged!

Eyes, Lin You is also entangled in this, compared to this, it is more important.

On the field, the light of the summon flashed, and the figure of the little guy reappeared.

This time, the little guy's discovery instantly attracted Sin's attention.

Lin You was surprised, but also panicked.

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After confronting for so long, how do you see that Sin Deng maintains the stability of the black and white vortex?

At this time, sin is completely removed!

Maybe it's a means of attack, but with the blessing of super source power, Ye Qingyi's goddess of nature should be enough to deal with it.

Even in the event of an accident, Lin You still has a hole card to deal with.

With the perception of the little guy, you must also worry about getting ready.


As soon as the little guy found out, he immediately told Lin You his state.

The absorbed jet-black particle energy cannot be transformed into the super magic swordsman like the positive super source power.

However, this energy can be digested by itself, and the digestion speed is slow.

With such a kung fu, the little guy felt that he had digested one-fifth of it.

Still digesting, suddenly, the little guy's face was startled.

Surprised, the little guy, just now, the super source plate was touched.

Lin You hurriedly activated the board, and as soon as he entered, he saw that the super-source value related to the little guy fluctuated.

From the previous 340, jumped to 350!

The increase of 10 points of super source power seems to be, but this is only the result of digesting a moment!

If the increase in the subsequent digestion zone is stable, then after all the dark particles are digested this time, the increase in the super source power brought to the little guy will be as high as 50 points!

Lin You was stunned, and his expression changed when he looked at Sin.

This is a cornucopia!

Noticing the expression, Sin's expression returned to Dan Mo.

Looking at the super magic dragon knight in front of you again... Is the power of the super source exhausted?

Blacksmithing also requires its own strength, stealing energy, and the fact that it cannot change its own energy limit.

Even though I thought about it, I sinned and planned to ignore the little guy just like that.

Leng Ding steals energy like this, and the weight is still small, which makes sin feel happy.

Before absorbing Lin You, it is best to smash that little guy first!

At this moment, the black dragon war spear, the golden particles are getting darker and darker.

Noticing this scene, Li Zihan became agitated and shouted: "The goddess of nature can be in a hurry, let the Qingbing Bai Yelong break out the combat skills first, then believe it, that **** black and white vortex can last a lifetime!"

However, Lin You transmitted a voice: "Wait a little longer, it will explode when it will explode."


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zihan gritted his teeth and murmured.

Lin You also said that he silently watched the battle situation, and when the super-magic dragon knight had the gun in his hand, the power of the super source was completely wiped out, and suddenly a voice transmission: "Break out!"

Li Zihan had been holding back for a long time, and at this moment, he reacted quickly, and immediately drove his magic power.


The azure ice and white night dragon roared, and the cold air on the surface of the body suddenly filled with cold air. The cold air, along with the continuous resounding roar, turned into a lifelike ice dragon.

The ice dragon trembled with its giant wings, and slammed into the huge black and white vortex.


The moment the ice dragon touched the vortex, the vortex stagnated slightly.

But then, the ice dragon grabbed its throat like a pair of invisible big hands, and the big hand grabbed it abruptly, forcibly dragging it into the whirlpool.


It was like a huge ice burst, the ice dragon shattered, and the ice cubes flew.

These ice cubes soon burst together.

But at this moment, the figure of the little guy reappeared near the black and white vortex.

In other words, start breathing again!

The black and white vortex was already impacted by the awakening combat skills of Qingbing and Baiyelong, and suddenly the little guy took advantage of the loophole, which caused the super magic dragon knight to consume the power of super source, and it was not affected too much.

Although there is still an invisible suction force acting on the body, it is still enough to inhale the whirlpool.

The little guy's approaching again made Sin's eyes cold.

This time, the action was quick, and the black and white light and shadow behind him appeared.

The black and white vortex consumes most of the energy, and it is not a completely bad thing, at least the sin is under control, and even more

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For the sake of ease, even if you leave the maintenance for a moment, you can still stabilize.

But the moment he started to act on sin, in front of Lin You, a trap card was opened!

A blue ball of light appeared in vain, the ball of light, a lot of ripples and ripples agitated, spreading out layer by layer.

A wave of power was released, hitting Sin.

The power of the ripples immediately attracted the attention of Li Zihan and the others.

We've all seen the power of this card with our own eyes.

Ye Qingyi was very curious.

Fang Ye said that this card can attack the opponent's monster and return the monster in the attacking state of the opponent's field to the deck.

Sin's own trump card is fake, but can he still enter his own card composition?

Then it is completely different from the card!

The point... The culprit, he didn't even see the duel plate!

Like the second source duelist, they also carry a dark duel plate, which looks like it.

But soon, Ye Qingyi saw that Sin's movements were obviously stagnant, and the power of the ripples continued to work.

The effect of this ripple power, sin is so difficult, it is impossible to move towards the little guy at all, and the movements at hand are also stopped.

It did not return to the deck like a real monster, but it seemed to be imprisoned in some way!

The little guy was overjoyed, and Ben was all ready to be recalled, but this time, he was able to smoke again!

The sinful face finally flashed a trace of ferocity.

The surface of the jet-black particles appeared and burst.

When the "power of super source" exploded, the power of the ripples in the body also quickly disintegrated.

Lin You was surprised that this was the first time to use the "power of super source" to solve the trouble, and also told the little guy to absorb less energy.

The more indecisive, the better the situation.

But Lin You, even more decisive voice transmission: "Tsing Yi, break out!"

Ye Qingyi knew why and was stunned for a while, but she quickly regained her senses. The goddess of nature, who had been waiting for a long time with her magic power, was finally released!

A phantom of the plant world appeared behind her, and all kinds of flowers, plants and trees began to grow wildly.

An extremely powerful breath of life erupted.

At the moment when this breath of life appeared, Lin You felt a little emotional.

Terrible indeed!

This kind of power is the strongest single combat skill that I have definitely seen.

Even more rare, this combat skill has little room for growth.

At least for now, I see its limits.

The huge breath of life spread in an instant.

The moment it spread, Lin You took back the little guy so that it wouldn't spread.

Sin was so lucky, and as soon as he got rid of the power of those ripples, he drank another big pot.

And this pot is even more fierce!

Seeing the trick, Lin Youyou smiled, "This guy's "super source power" is rich and scary, but he's also "simple" scary, aside from "super source power", there are other tricks.

Lin You also worried about whether Sin could use cards to avoid Ye Qingyi's powerful blow like Fang Ye did.

But it turns out that the crime is the nouveau riche of "super source power"!

Of course, such "upstarts" are extremely terrifying!

If the chestnut ball is restricted, even if Lin Youxian has many means and joins Ye Qingyi and the others, he may not be able to defeat the opponent.

The performance of the super magic dragon knight is even more remarkable.

At the same time that the special effect threat crimes broke out one after another, they also took on the responsibility of countering the crime's ultimate move.

If, the little guy will have to be a clever woman to cook without rice.

At this moment, the breath of life burst out, and the black and white vortex suddenly trembled violently.

The super magic dragon knight's figure flashed, and he took this opportunity to escape the constraints of the black and white vortex.

As soon as he left, he was decisive.

The black dragon gun in his hand trembled continuously.

Pfft, puff!

Two strange sonic booms were heard one after another, and the super magic dragon knight finally seized the opportunity and broke out again.

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Special effect!

Such a powerful forcible destruction effect will undoubtedly make it worse for the current crime.

In the package of such a strong breath of life, the sinful body exploded two blood holes, and the black particles were still broken, and the injury was quickly repaired.

But in the process of repairing the huge black and white vortex became more and more shaken.

Even during the turmoil, there are signs of shrinkage.

Sin has to draw energy from the vortex of black and white in order to maintain the condition of the body.


In the distance, the figure of the little guy reappeared, continuing to digest the energy in his body.

The numerical limit of super source power is as high as 400 points at this moment!

And at this moment, the breath of sin is a little disordered.

But not because of his dying life, but because of the reappearance of the little guy.

From the very beginning, he was high, and was attacked by all kinds of powerful attacks. He was still frightened, but stared at the little guy.

Those eyes, as if looking at some mortal enemy!

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