MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 423 Deathmatch is over

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Fear, shock, disbelief!

All kinds of emotions are mixed together, constantly rushing in Gu Yuan's mind.

That's Mo Luo!

The bloodline of the lord of the realm of the dignified Ten Thousand Demons Temple!

In terms of strength, among the participants in this dark source realm, it is second only to Sin Zhen.

This kind of existence, in the face of any human world fighter, not to mention that it can be crushed, and it is not a problem to fight evenly.

But it is such a character, but in a short period of time, suddenly died under his own eyes.

And the monster that took Mo Luo's life is now staring at him again.

Gu Yuan suddenly woke up, waved his hands and said: "Wait, don't do it first, I have information about the truth here, you may not know who the crime is, but I tell you, his strength is extremely terrifying, far from Far above all of us, but such people also have weaknesses, if you can..."

"No need."

Lin You interrupted Gu Yuan, who was talking so fast, and suddenly showed a kind smile, "Tell you the good news, the sin in your mouth is true, and you walked peacefully."

Gu Yuan was stunned, his scalp went numb for a while, and the surrounding world seemed to be quiet, only the sound of his heart beating intensified, and it sounded like rolling thunder.

Bang, puff!

Immediately afterwards, the war guns bombarded the soul barrier one after another, piercing it.

At the last moment, Gu Yuan didn't even have the slightest heart to resist, and his fighting spirit was completely wiped out.

Soon, the gun slid across his body, and Gu Yuan's dull eyes completely lost its luster.

The head bowed down, and the breath of life passed away.

The super-magic dragon knight looked stern, pulled out his spear, shook his hand sideways, and shattered the dark blood stained.

"Isn't there either..."

Lin You was slightly regretful that neither Mo Luo nor Gu Yuan had been able to burst out the energy that the little guy could absorb after his death.

But this result is reasonable.

After all, the two of them, let alone the "power of super source", are truly as sinful, they don't have such a thing at all.

Sin is also obviously the only one among these sub-source duelists in the dark source realm.

But speaking of it, the Human Realm is the same thing. If it weren't for the variable Lin You, Fang Ye would be the only one who controls the power of Chaoyuan.

Others, before entering the war, didn't even know what the super source power was.

At the Glory stage, it is even more incredible to have control over a massive amount of super-source power.

The only good thing is that, aside from the power of super source, Sin Zhen has no extra card means.

Of course, if it weren't for the combination of the little guy and the super magic dragon knight, where would Sin Zhen need extra cards, the super power of attack and defense would be his unmatched combat capital.

Fang Ye's defeat is the most intuitive manifestation.

Not to mention that after the war, this guy seems to have a way to achieve the special ability of self-recovery and even evolution by absorbing the energy of others.

In the face of such an existence, without the support of Ye Qingyi and others, Lin You alone might have less than a 30% chance of winning.

But no matter what, the final winner is Lin You.

Not only that, but after this battle, the little guy has drawn a lot of super-source power from it.

This means that Lin You's strength has quietly made a huge leap.

If the current Lin You and Xunzhen were to fight again, the one with less than 30% chance of winning would have to be replaced by Xunzhen, and the chance of winning would be even lower.

At this moment, after confirming that there is no energy that can be absorbed, Lin You does not stay.

Time is running out, and we have to find the remaining sub-source duelists as soon as possible.

At this stage, even if there are leftovers, there will be at most one or two people, right?

Thinking of this, I glanced at the detection beads, but did not see any marks.

Just as Lin You was about to leave, suddenly, deep in the forest, there was a violent tremor.

An incomparably huge death energy rose into the sky, and Lin You's eyes changed slightly when he noticed that death energy, "This breath... it's that giant python!"

Why did this giant python become active again? Could it be that...

Lin You quickly thought of something, his mind moved, and he immediately turned around, driving the super-magic dragon knight to the source of the breath.

Before that, there were no regular areas.

In the perception, when the last two auras belonging to the secondary duelists disappeared, the air seemed to be stagnant.

Silence, deathly silence!

Neither Zhang Ze nor Nikolofia had time to digest this matter.

When the incident happened suddenly, Nikolofia was still thinking about when Sin Zhen would act, killing a few duelists in the Human World first, so as to kill Zhang Ze's majesty.

Zhang Ze is also worried about this. He has confidence in Fang Ye and the others, but even if he doesn't want to admit it, he knows that the most powerful individual is the crime.

In such a death battle, the deterrent power of such existence is self-evident.

Because of this, the death battle has progressed so far, and no duelists in the human world were killed, which greatly exceeded Zhang Ze's expectations.

But he also understands that such a favorable situation cannot be maintained forever, and what should come will come eventually.

However, the Chaos Demon Realm Fang was suddenly wiped out.

How can Zhang Ze stay out of the circle?

Nicolofia's head exploded, and her thoughts were completely broken.

The silence lasted for a while, and Zhang Ze was the first to react.

He suppressed the excitement and surprise in his heart, took out an apple with great determination, walked up to Nicolofia and took a bite, he smiled and said, "Well, it's sweet enough, Brother Ni, I'm sure I won't come for one. What a festive day, wouldn’t it be fun to eat some good apples to celebrate?”


Nikolofia was speechless, but when he heard Zhang Ze's voice, his subconscious resistance and agitation brought him back to his senses.

After clarifying the status quo, a strong sense of unreality filled my mind.

Ridiculous, this is ridiculous!

These sub-source duelists who played in the dark source realm this time are all well-deserved geniuses in this class.

It has such an invincible existence as guilt.

With his strength, let alone the Glory level, even if the vast majority of master level duelists face him, there is only one way to die!

Under the crushing of such absolute strength, there is no possibility of defeat in the Dark Source Realm.

But now, the facts told him that all secondary duelists, including Sinzhen, had been killed.

Dark Origin Realm... defeated!

Not only was he defeated, but he was also defeated with no face at all. No duelist in the human world was killed!

This is a complete victory!

The fantasy-like reality constantly stimulated Nicolofia's brain and heart.

Next to You Qi, Zhang Ze's laughter and some irritating words kept coming.


Finally, Nikolofia was furious, a monstrous aura pervaded her body, and the dark smoke spread.

Looking at Death Mountain from afar, there is a strong killing intent.

He now has a strong urge to break the agreement, rush to Death Mountain, and directly slaughter all the duelists in the Human World there.

But just as this breath emerged, a demon-like figure rushed out like lightning.

With lightning speed, he grabbed Nicolofia's throat, and the whole arm was filled with dazzling gold.

The golden energy spread out in an instant, and came into contact with the massive black mist.

The two came into contact, but it was as if the snow had hit the charcoal fire, and the black mist began to melt away quickly.

Nicolofia only regained her composure, but said angrily, "Zhang Ze, do you want to ignore the original agreement?"

Yubel's eyes were cold, but before he had time to attack, Zhang Ze stopped him and said cheerfully: "Why, isn't it because Brother Ni is a little excited and wants to help Brother Ni to calm down?"

Fucking shit!

Nikolofia's teeth were almost crushed, but at this time, Zhang Ze was helpless.

Despite the source agreement, Zhang Ze couldn't really do anything to him.

But now the whole army is wiped out by Sinzhen and them, Zhang Ze doesn't need to do anything at all, they have already won the human world completely.

On the contrary, it is yourself, relying on the other party's refusal to tear up the agreement, what's the point of making a fuss?

Besides, Nicolofia doesn't think he can beat Zhang Ze when it comes to talking.

At this moment, I had to restrain my breath.

Zhang Ze glanced at Yubel, who snorted coldly and let go of Nikolofia reluctantly.

Nikolofia's face was extremely ugly, and the dark smoke quickly emerged again.

This time, he was enveloped by himself.

Zhang Ze said quickly: "Brother Ni, we're leaving now? Don't sit around and look at the surroundings? Deathmatch Mystery Realm, this place is just what you want to visit, is it difficult? It's such a pity to leave in such a hurry. what!"

Nicolofia did not speak, and the black smoke still worked.

Soon, as the smoke dissipated, it completely disappeared in place.

Zhang Ze didn't bother to pay attention to it anymore, and his breath was instantly released.

Putting down his breath, the undead giant python living in the forest of death suddenly shuddered and started to act in a hurry.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ze's voice swayed out, directly covering the entire Death Mountain, "Go find the undead python, the huge breath inspired by the death forest is."

The death fight is over, and the most important thing now is to bring back Lin You and the others.

Although the death battle has been won and no one has been killed for the time being, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will be seriously injured or even dying.

If there is another death after the war, it is something that Zhang Ze absolutely cannot accept.

in the forest of death.

With the speed of the super magic dragon knight, it didn't take long for Lin You to arrive near the undead python.

After hearing Zhang Ze's words, I can rest assured that the undead python is not a threat, it is indeed a monster that helps them on their way.

Of course, it's hard to say whether this help is willing or not.

The perception of the undead python seems to be extraordinary. As soon as Lin You arrived in the vicinity, it had already taken the initiative to come over.

Without further ado, he opened his mouth wide.

This scene looked very intimidating, but Lin You was extremely calm.

Anyway, I have tried it, and it is nothing more than a special hitchhiker.

Moreover, after being swallowed by it, the super magic dragon knight from the outside world did not disconnect from him.

The Swordsman of Dragon Destruction has been recalled.

After swallowing Lin You, the undead python did not wait in place, but set off quickly.

Perceiving the high-speed movement in the outside world, Lin You could probably guess that this undead python might sense the breath of others.

This kind of perception, at first glance, seems to be more amazing than the little guy.

After all, the little guy didn't catch the breath of other people at the moment.

But the perception of the undead python is likely to be aimed at the special area of ​​the death forest, which is related to its identity as the master of this place.

The high-speed journey continued for a while, the undead python slowed down, and there was a wave of fluctuations in the body.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Qingyi and the others entered their stomachs one after another.

When everyone saw Lin You, their eyes were more or less filled with joy.

Even if Xu was crazy, there was a slight fluctuation in his eyes.


This is a death battle between the two worlds, and in the end, it was they who represented the human world who won!

It was still an absolute victory, and now, they will bring this victory to victory!

How can such a victory make people feel at ease?

"We won!"

Seeing that the others did not speak out, she also held back for a while, and Yue Yongmingdou finally couldn't help but shout out.

"Isn't this what you expected?"

Li Zihan pretended to be calm and said, "Don't you think there will be suspense in this death battle, and we will lose to those trash in Chaos Demon Realm?"


Yue Yongming was at a loss for words, and was a little speechless.

Glancing at Li Zihan, he couldn't help but complain, this girl's acting skills are so bad, her mouth is crooked with joy!

"I won."

Fortunately, there are still people who give face, Ye Qingyi said with a smile: "In this way, we are fortunate to not be humiliated. It is really thanks to Lin You that we can achieve such a victory."

As he said that, he looked at Lin You with admiration in his cold eyes, "Lin You, you are really strong. My grandfather said that there are heavens and people, but I think there should be no one among your peers. comparable to you."

Lin Youshi smiled and said, "For giving me such a high evaluation, then I have to thank you."

In my heart, I didn't care too much.

The more he understands the current situation and has seen more and more powerhouses, the farther Lin You's eyes look.

But because of these strengths now, they will not be complacent.

There is still a long way to go, and the mountain to climb is still high!

At the very least... When will I be able to beat that guy named Nikolofia, it's still reluctant.

That is to say, everyone didn't know Lin You's thoughts. If they knew, they would be speechless.

How old are you, under 20?

This is all thinking of beating up people like Nikolofia. If the other party finds out, I am afraid that he will vomit blood.

"I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Yue Yongmingdou glanced at the ball of light that Fang Ye and the others belonged to. Since Lin You quickly resolved the trouble, their current state was within the controllable range.

The next step is to be handed over to Senior Zhang Ze, there is nothing they need to worry about.

All that's left is to feel at ease to get the rich rewards of winning the death battle!

The reward, what the specific reward is, is not known for the time being.

But with reference to the exaggerated rewards before the war, it is not difficult to imagine how amazing it would be!

Not only a reward, but also a record of defeating the Chaos Demon Realm on behalf of the Human World is a great honor and achievement!

The undead python continued to shuttle through the forest of death, and soon, it reached the entrance of the forest.

But still did not stop, rushing down the mountain road.

The process of going down the mountain was extremely smooth, and the surrounding dead air did not seem to pose any threat to it.

It's not surprising, after all, in terms of death energy, the undead python itself is the strongest. UU reading www.

Soon, the undead python brought everyone to the front of the irregular area and opened its mouth again.

Everyone was sent out in a hurry.

Zhang Ze was stunned when he saw the crowd.

This is to notice the three light spheres, and to identify them, one of them turned out to be transformed by Fang Ye!

In other words, the one who led the victory in this death battle...may not be Fang Ye!

In the end what happened?

At this moment, Zhang Ze's mind was a little confused.

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Chapter 423 The end of the death battle free read.


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