MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 427 dinner

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Fall in love with, the duel monster of the global card

Tianhua District.

Du Xiaofei's house.

On the sofa, Du Xiaofei and Liu Jun were watching TV.

On TV, news about the World Duel City Competition is still reported from time to time.

Although it has been over for a while, the popularity is still not bad, and there is a lot of value for tracking reports.

Especially in this competition, the duel process is not clear under the premise.

Many duelists were interviewed.

Those duelists who have played against the duelists in the top eight list have become the sweet pastry of interviews.

From this, a lot of news has been unearthed, but unfortunately, to this day, those reporters with supernatural powers have still not been able to contact the most valuable people for interviews.

For example, the champion Fang Ye, and the highly topical Lin You, Li Zihan, Ye Qingyi and others.

The information obtained from the players who have played against them is that several of them are extremely powerful, and they basically won every previous duel with a crushing attitude.

This also made the public understand that Lin You and the others obviously had a gap with other players in terms of strength.

Can't help arousing the curiosity of the public, how strong are they, and how are they dueling?

What kind of deck is it driving, and what power does the ace in the deck have?

Curiosity is heavy, but helpless, more than half a month has passed, but still can not be satisfied.

At this moment, looking at the picture on the TV, Liu Jun said weakly, "I'm so hungry, Du Xiaofei, hasn't the takeaway you ordered been delivered yet?"

Du Xiaofei also said sullenly: "Am I hungrier than you? I glanced at it a few times, and the delivery is almost overtime. I guess it has something to do with Niaodu being too busy during this time. After so long, there are still many people who haven't left. Woolen cloth."

Hearing him talking about this, Liu Jun suddenly burst into tears and said: "I don't know what happened to Lin You. The message sent to him by the duel number has not been replied yet. It's been so long since the competition ended, and no one has shown up, but it's the high school. By the way, come to me every three to five."

"The college is looking for you?"

Du Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "I remember, you are still on leave with the college, do you want to arrest you back?"

"Get a fart."

Liu Jun said speechlessly: "I didn't urge me to go back at all, but urged me to contact Lin You quickly, and I wanted to get the battle report about his first-hand competition from me."

Du Xiaofei said in amazement: "Your high school asked you to do this? It seems that it is not only the reporters from Niaodu, but Jiangcheng, you are also very anxious now. Contact everyone who can be contacted."

"It's no nonsense."

Liu Jun glanced at Du Xiaofei, and put on a natural look, "Don't look at it, where is Lin You from? It's strange that there is such a victory in the competition this time, and it won't cause a local sensation. Crazy, I haven't been discussing this day and night until now."

As he spoke, he said helplessly, "Lin You, the righteous master, is very good. Until now, there is no figure or a letter of approval. I don't know where he went."

Du Xiaofei thought about it and guessed: "It may be related to the Duelist Association. This time he got such good results, and at this age, even the Duelist Association, he has to be tempted, right?"


Liu Jun froze for a while. Although he was not a genius, he also knew how harsh the conditions for recruiting members of the Duelist Headquarters.

It is said that at the very least, they must be masters to be eligible to apply for joining.

But this is not necessarily absolute. If it is for some absolute genius, it is reasonable for the headquarters to agree to join the club.

Thinking of this, Liu Jun nodded slightly, "Maybe this is really the case."

As he said that, he was very excited, and said with some envy, "Lin You is only under 20 years old, so is he going to join the Duelists Association? What a god."

"It's really incredible."

Du Xiaofei also sighed with emotion, it is hard to imagine that such a person would appear by his side.

Ding Dong.

Just as I was thinking, someone suddenly rang the doorbell.

“The takeaway has finally arrived!”

Liu Jun cheered and rushed to open the door, which interrupted Du Xiaofei's thoughts.

He was also very hungry and was waiting for takeaway.

Soon, Liu Jun opened the door, but as soon as he opened the door, he was stunned.

The next moment, he widened his eyes and shouted, "Lin You?!"

"Lin You?"

Hearing Liu Jun's words, Du Xiaofei was shocked and walked towards the door quickly.

Sure enough, Lin You was standing outside.


Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Lin You couldn't help but smiled and said hello, then joked: "Niu son, Du Xiaofei, the two of you have been enjoying a good life recently. You both look a little rounder. I'm afraid it's the delicacies of mountains and seas to eat every day. ?"

"Lin You, it's really you!"

Liu Jun didn't seem to digest the situation in front of him, and said again with a shocked expression.

"Who else can I be?"

Lin You said with a strange look: "Niu son, you are eating too well, and you are overnourished, but you are fainting?"

"No, Lin You, where have you been these days?"

Liu Jun finally came back to his senses and quickly asked: "A lot of people are looking for you these days, especially in Jiangcheng, many people are trying to find a way to contact you, but they can't get in touch. It's like evaporating from the world."

Du Xiaofei was also extremely curious: "Yes, Lin You, does this have something to do with the Duelist Association? Well, don't blame us for asking too much, it's just pure curiosity, but if it's inconvenient for you to say it, don't say it. "

Liu Jun also thought of this, and couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, yes, Lin You, if it involves any secrets, then don't tell us, anyway, it's not very useful for us to know."

Having said that, my heart is still scratching my head.

No way, this World Duel City Competition is really eye-catching, but the process of the competition is not completely clear. The contestants have disappeared for a long time for unknown reasons. How can people not be curious?

"The situation is a bit special."

Lin You did not directly mention the matter of the deathmatch, but made a slight modification: "After the competition, the association arranged a trial for us. Through this trial, we will further test and improve our strength."

Liu Jun suddenly said: "So it is, no wonder you suddenly disappeared for so long, the trial arranged by the association must be secretive, and sure enough, the association has taken a fancy to you good seedlings through this competition, so I think Gain a deeper understanding of you and help you grow faster."

Saying that, he said with great excitement: "Lin You, you are so old, you can do some earth-shattering things every once in a while, at this pace, in another two years, you may be able to occupy a place in the duelists always. ."

"Cough cough."

Du Xiaofei couldn't help coughing twice, why did Liu Jun keep talking more and more?

Lin You is amazing, amazing and true.

But in just two years, it is too exaggerated to want to occupy a place in the duelist.

In that kind of place, a duelist worthy of this kind of evaluation, let alone legend, must at least be a three-star master, right?

No matter how talented Lin You is, he will not be able to reach that level within two years. It is a miracle that he can break through to the master level.

You know, he's only under 20 now... Of course, in a few days, he'll be 20.

But even so, two years later, he was only 22 years old.

A 22-year-old master duelist, this sounds scary!

Looking at the entire dueling world, there are probably very few people who can become masters at this age?

Exactly how many, Du Xiaofei doesn't know, but at least as far as he knows, among some famous powerhouses, very few people have become masters at this age.

But if Lin You had this talent, Du Xiaofei would take it seriously!

Because of this, now Du Xiaofei looks at Lin You with more respect.

This is definitely a future legend!

How lucky I am to know each other at this age!

At this moment, Lin You smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you can occupy a place in the general meeting. The most important thing is to improve your strength. Niu son, you have to work harder."

The smile on his face has quietly restrained a lot, and there is some solemnity in his voice, "This is an era that needs to be climbed. Maybe a short period of relaxation will make you fall into the abyss."

Liu Jun was stunned for a moment, but quickly said with a smile: "That's right, with you as an example, if we are too bad, I'm afraid it won't be enough to deduct 6 for you, we have to fight, we must fight, this time I go back, I have I have a hunch that I'm going to be reborn."

"You seem to have some inexplicable confidence."

Du Xiaofei couldn't help but complain, with Lin You as an ordinary person, his self-confidence shouldn't be beaten to the end?

No matter how hard he tried to stand by his side, he would lose his color in secret, and that kind of despair would be difficult to contain.

However, when he thought about Liu Jun's level, Du Xiaofei was relieved.

Sometimes the gap is so big that there is no end to it at all, it means that there is no gap.

Because it's not on the same track at all!

Liu Jun ignored Du Xiaofei's complaints and hurriedly said, "By the way, Lin You, your trial should be over, right? Are there any further arrangements?"

Lin You thought for a while and said, "The association is gone, but this time back to Jiangcheng, I will probably try to apply for an early graduation."

"Graduate early?!"

Liu Jun and the two were surprised and said in unison.

Soon, Liu Jun said in amazement: "Lin You, I remember that the application for early graduation in Jiangcheng University can only be initiated after two years of schooling. You are almost one year old."

"So try it out."

Lin Youdan said: "Rules are dead, people are alive, I will explain my situation to the university, whether I can graduate early, let's see later."

"Yeah, you, Lin You, are not ordinary people."

Liu Jun nodded, thinking it made sense, but turned to curiosity and said, "Then you are in a hurry to graduate now. Could it be that the general manager has really thrown an olive branch to you?"

Hearing him mention this, Du Xiaofei also stared at Lin You curiously.

Is it so fast?

"What do you think?"

Lin You couldn't help laughing and said, "There is basically no duelists below the master level at the general meeting. Even the master level has to pass the assessment set by the general meeting. The pass rate does not seem to be optimistic."

But after speaking, he suddenly said again: "But if it's me... It seems that it is not impossible to join the club by breaking the rules."


Liu Jun vomited blood in their hearts, and looked at each other silently, both seeing the thoughts in each other's eyes.

Are you going to try to kill this guy in front of Versailles?

The next moment, Lin You said again: "But as far as the current situation is concerned, I'm not in a hurry. You can name any association as you like. As long as the dueling merits can be accumulated normally, then everything is easy to say."

Although he already has a huge amount of dueling merit, no matter how much merit is consumed, there will be a moment when it will be exhausted.

Moreover, to meet Lin You's cultivation needs, the consumption is huge, which is far beyond ordinary people.

Under such a premise, how could he sit and eat?


Du Xiaofei sighed, "The gap between people is too big. We may still be delighted to earn some dueling points. What you are after is the level of dueling merit."

"Sooner or later."

Lin You chuckled and said, "I'll just take one step first. You two will continue to move forward. Maybe in another three or five years, you'll see my shadow now."


Du Xiaofei and the two looked at each other again, would you like to flatter him?

But soon, I realized a sad fact.

Even the current Lin You had reached the Glory rank, and he was able to take down the top eight in this World Duel City Competition.

Give them three or five years, is it really possible to have such strength?'s impossible!

Suddenly feel very tired.

After a moment of silence, Liu Jun quickly recovered and said again, "Lin You, when are we going back to Jiangcheng?"

At the university, although because of Lin You's sake, he did not urge him to return to school, but he couldn't stay outside for too long, and his cultivation was in vain!

In Du Xiaofei's house, the cultivation environment is naturally not comparable to that of his own college.

Lin You thought about it for a while, and then said, "Just tomorrow and the next two days, when the air ticket is convenient, whenever."

"Then tomorrow."

Liu Jun immediately made a decision, "The ticket for tomorrow night can be bought now."


Lin You had no objection, and he was basically fine in Bird Capital.

Hearing that they had arranged their departure schedule, Du Xiaofei immediately said, "If you guys are leaving tomorrow, why don't you celebrate tonight? Lin You is back, it's not appropriate to just eat takeout."

Hearing this, Liu Jun looked at him sternly, "Du Xiaofei, what do you mean, co-author Lin You can't come back, I'm a guest here, so it's very suitable for takeout?"

"That's not it."

Du Xiaofei, however, did not have the slightest psychological burden, and scolded: "How can there be a guest who eats and drinks my house all day long, and the arrangement is not bad, but also picks and chooses, and if I don't know, I think you are my father. Woolen cloth!"

"Is not it?"

When Liu Jun asked back, Du Xiaofei immediately scolded, "Fuck you."

The two were laughing, but Lin You said, "If you want to celebrate, it might be late. Forget about eating. I'll have a dinner later."


The confrontation between Liu Jun and the two dissipated in an instant, and they all looked curiously.

At the dinner party in Bird Capital, is it the big man with the association?

Or, is it another talented person who met in the competition?

Curiosity returned to curiosity, but the two didn't ask much, just arranged some activities in the evening.

If you don't eat, then arrange some entertainment activities and have a good time.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Bird Capital is one of the top dueling restaurants.

The dignified waiters are walking rhythmically and slowly, providing extremely high-quality service to the diners.

People who come to eat at this restaurant seem to have a certain identity.

Or well-known video bloggers, or some medium-to-high-traffic big platform anchors, or even some duelists of the Bird City Association.

Therefore, eating here, the atmosphere is quite elegant and quiet, and the chatter of the diners is not as obvious as the slight collision of the bowls.

At this moment, at the large dining table where some video bloggers and platform anchors who have come together, several people's eyes are quietly casting their eyes on a dining table on the inner side.

Around the dining table, there is a layer of blue barrier, like a piece of transparent glass.

Everyone knows that it is a magic noise barrier specially set up for the noble dining table, which can completely isolate the external sound.

Of course, given the positioning of this restaurant, there will naturally be no loud noise or even some uncivilized behavior. The main purpose of the barrier is to ensure the safety of internal conversations.

After observing for a while, a video blogger lowered his voice, "Isn't that person Yi Zhiqing? The first sister of Pineapple Live."

Next to it, a blogger also said unexpectedly: "She is right. I didn't expect to meet her here. It should also be related to the previous competition."

Hearing the two of them talking, a female anchor of a big platform wondered: "Pineapple live broadcast?"

"It's just a small platform."

Another anchor explained with a smile: "It's not the same size as our cuttlefish, it's said to be a sister, but it's not much different from your real popularity."

"Is that so..."

The female anchor nodded, and then sighed: "But she was able to reserve the VIP table of 'Tian Bird', which requires a lot of ability."

Compared with ordinary dining tables, the VIP table not only has an additional magic noise barrier, but also has an exclusive customized menu.

The dishes on the menu are said to be made with the best ingredients from the secret realm.

Some precious dishes, even for duelists, have a certain boosting effect.

The anchor who spoke first didn't care: "Isn't it just a VIP table? Xiaolan, if you're interested, I'll take you to that table for another day."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were filled with surprise.

The female anchor named Xiaolan covered her mouth and said in surprise, "Brother Xiaofei, can you make an appointment here too? I heard that the location here is not even an ordinary three-star duelist. Do you know a glory-level duelist? ?"


Brother Xiaofei said proudly: "Not only is it a glory class, but also one of the contestants in this competition."


Everyone was shocked, but someone quickly said: "It should be entertainment, right?"

The so-called entertainment nature is actually a contestant who has reached the entry threshold, but does not have much actual competitiveness.


But if this is the case, it must be a glory level!

However, Brother Xiaofei shook his head again, his smile became even more proud, "It's not that simple, not only did I participate in the competition, but I also won two duel medals."

"real or fake?"

Everyone was even more surprised. The ability to get duel medals, one can still be said to be luck, and UU Kanshu can have two, which is already a manifestation of competitiveness.

Maybe it's a Glory two-star duelist!

Brother Xiaofei knows such a ruthless person?

A strange color flashed in Xiao Lan's eyes and said, "Brother Xiao Fei, it turns out that you have such a wide social network that you can even reach contestants of that level."

Don't look at their famous anchors and video bloggers, but their fame is limited to being known by some ordinary people.

But in terms of social status, compared with duelists, they are only comparable to some apprentice duelists.

The so-called big anchors are also fixed at the level of star duelists.

Glory-level duelists are an unattainable existence for ordinary people like them.

Feeling the astonishment of everyone, Brother Xiao Fei only felt more respectful, and then glanced at Yi Zhiqing, "So, to reserve a VIP seat or something, you need to make connections, but also..."

Halfway through the words, he stopped, and then, as if seeing something earth-shattering, his face was full of shock.


Brother Xiaofei couldn't help shouting in a low voice. If it weren't for the special environment, he would have roared violently.

"I'm going, what's wrong with you?"

The people around were also taken aback, this sudden shock, what are you doing?

But he saw Brother Fei shaking his hands, pointing to where Yi Zhiqing was.

Everyone looked suspiciously, the next moment—


Many people couldn't hold back and were stunned.

Some people rubbed their eyes hard, right? That person... Isn't that Lin You?

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Read The Duke's Passion