MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 438 much attention

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August 30.

Jiangcheng Association, in the Gate of Blood Origin.


A broken sound sounded, and the violent golden rain fell from the sky, which meant the fall of a Venus blood-source monster.

After ten days, the super magic dragon knight once again completed the feat of the dark red star against the Venus!

Of course, for the super magic dragon knight, this battle is much easier than the previous battle against Harleland.

But it wasn't because this Venus monster was inferior to Harirand in terms of combat power, but because it was at an equal level.

With a similar intensity, the changes in the battle are obvious.

The strength of the super magic dragon knight who has reached the duel level exceeds Lin You's expectations.

Strength comes from many sources.

First, awaken development skills.

After reaching the duel level, there are five kinds of awakening development skills that the super magic dragon knight can comprehend.

Compared with the usual situation, there are one or two more.

More importantly, the power is particularly amazing.

The most powerful move among them even had a power close to three million points!

This kind of power can already pose a great threat to the dark red star monster!

It's hard to imagine that this is just an awakening development technique.

And the more powerful awakening combat skills, in this period of battle, also realized the awakening!

During these ten days, aside from the battle with the blood monsters, Lin You specially borrowed the simulated battle field.

In the battlefield, the combat power of Venus can be simulated.

To use it, there is no need for additional merit, a-permission, and this facility can be used for free.

In such a short period of time, the super magic dragon knight can complete the awakening of combat skills, and his talent can be seen.

As for the power of this combat skill, Lin You has experienced it before, and can only describe it in two words - terrible!

Aside from awakening development skills and awakening combat skills, there is one more thing, which is also extremely amazing.

Just after the super magic dragon knight sat firmly at the duel level and summoned him again, Lin You discovered that his inherent superpower had also increased.

From the initial 150 points to 300 points.

Just doubled.

This was a real surprise.

Although Lin You knew that the super-source power of the super-magic dragon knight already had room to be strengthened, he originally thought that the strengthening would have a lot to do with him.

Unexpectedly, the increase in the degree of awakening is enough to drive the strengthening of super-source power.

The extent of strengthening is not too small!

Lin You looked forward to the moment when the super magic dragon knight was promoted to the ace rank.

If it really grows to the ace level, maybe even non-top Venus monsters will be terrified in front of him!

At this moment, the super magic dragon knight was still absorbing the golden blood rain, Lin You's eyes suddenly moved.

Dueling number, a message from Heiyuan came.

After glancing at the content, Lin You was stunned, and then his expression was a little embarrassed.

I almost forgot one thing, the teacher sent a challenge to Senior Hu for himself, saying that he wanted to test to see how far he could fight with a two-star master like Tutor Hu.

"I want to fight Senior Hu..."

Lin You thought about this matter. If it was before the awakening of the super magic dragon knight, he thought that it might take a lot of effort to win without the help of the little guy's super power.

But after awakening, if you come to fight again, if you say something disrespectful, I am afraid that you will bully Senior Hu...

Even if awakening is not considered, Lin You, who spent a lot of money to purchase during this period of time, and quietly added a certain card in the deck, has seen another leap in combat power.

"However, since we have launched a challenge, it would be unreasonable not to go. The old man's face is not easy to put on the teacher. Besides, I have never fought with Senior Hu. Maybe the two-star master, Senior, is also extraordinary and refined. If you really underestimated him, you might have to suffer even more."

Lin You thought for a while, waiting for the continuous rain of golden blood.

After the absorption is complete and can be digested internally, go back to Jiangcheng High School.

Anyway, the duel will be at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, so get there early!

After the blood rain fell for a while, it gradually stopped, and when the initial absorption was completed, Lin You withdrew from the Gate of Blood Origin.

Just after quitting, Lin You specially greeted Long Yu, and then left the Jiangcheng Association directly.

Although the Jiangcheng Association tends to the suburbs, it is still in Jiangcheng, so it didn't take long for Lin You to quietly return to Jiangcheng High School.

"What is this doing?"

After walking to the teaching area, Lin You suddenly discovered that there were magic posters pasted on many buildings.

The content on the poster is extremely eye-catching.

It was the framed screen of Lin You vs. Hu Xinyang, with the specific time of the duel attached.

What's embarrassing is that special effects were specially added to the two on the poster, both of which were a burst of blazing flames, as if each other wanted to devour each other.

But this is still not the most outrageous.

The most outrageous thing is that there are actually two booster bars under the poster.

This support bar represents the number of people who are optimistic about the victory of the two.

Through the power bar, it can be clearly seen that the power bar is in a state of equal, and even Lin You slightly overwhelmed Hu Xinyang.

"They're all quite optimistic about me."

Seeing the power bar clearly, Lin You couldn't help laughing.

In fact, he knows that his number of assistance can lead, purely because there is no cost to vote.

There is no reward or penalty for the winner of a right or wrong guess.

If this matchup was arranged by that kid Guo Rui and secretly set up a handicap, probably few people would support him.

Even if you support it, you can at most express your heart.

After staring at the poster for a while, Lin You quietly transmitted a magical power, and participated in the voting for the support, and the object of the support was himself.

Of course I have to be my most solid backing, nothing wrong!

After getting the help, Lin You quickly left the teaching area, taking advantage of the lack of people, so as not to cause another stir in the school.

As everyone knows, the sensation that should be caused has already been caused a few days ago.

When the news of the duel broke out, everyone couldn't believe it, but after seeing the duel poster specially produced by the school, they were instantly excited.

This is a student challenging a mentor!

And the person to challenge is Hu Xinyang.

This one is one of the most famous mentors in Jiangcheng High School!

Once the news spread, the most excited group was not the old students, but a group of freshmen.

Not long ago, Jiangcheng University had just completed a new round of application for the exam.

The overall quality of this year's batch of students applying for the exam may be much higher than in previous years.

Even many newcomers who were expected to apply for the universities in the Imperial Capital and the Demon Capital chose to apply for the universities in Jiangcheng.

To ask why, the answer could not be more obvious—

They are here for Lin You!

Lin You, who came from a high school in Jiangcheng, has caused a storm in the outside world with his various deeds this year.

Many people can't imagine that a freshman can undergo such earth-shaking changes in just one year.

Many people found out that Lin You even attended a semi-professional dueling high school before applying for Jiangcheng High School.

To be able to train such Lin You into the man he is today, what kind of magical power does Jiangcheng High School have?

Many people chose to apply for this college with the idea of ​​finding out.

Even if rationality tells them that Lin You's talent is basically irreproducible, they are still tempted by the shocking facts.

The quality of this year's freshmen made Xia Yan, who has always been serious and unsmiling, almost couldn't help snickering when he was sitting in the office.

For this reason, after learning that Lin You was going to duel with Hu Xinyang in the near future, he made a big fanfare and specially made a large number of promotional posters.

Give a good boost to the hearts of these good seedlings, and let them see that this is the amazing talent that our Jiangcheng University has come out of!

Black Source Laboratory.

As soon as Lin You came in, he saw Hei Yuan leisurely drinking coffee, and couldn't help laughing and teasing, "Teacher, why do you feel that your life is getting better and better?"

Hei Yuan took a sip of coffee slowly, glanced at Lin You, and said leisurely: "There are successors, why don't you make me happy?"


Lin You nodded in agreement, "With such an outstanding apprentice, if it were me, I would probably laugh from ear to ear in my dreams, I understand."

"Little thing, are you still floating?"

Hei Yuan almost choked, even if you are right, but to say it so bluntly, don't you feel narcissistic?

With a slander inwardly, he turned around and said, "You should take it easy, kid. Be careful that you will be beaten up in public by old man Hu tomorrow. You can see the momentum outside, right? If the loss is too ugly, even if the result is predictable by others, In public, those who should be thrown away must be thrown away."

As he spoke, he added: "You don't know how much that group of newborn cubs admire you. Not long after they entered school, they kept muttering that they wanted to see you all day long. There was an ambush around this small courtyard, if I hadn't driven everyone away and they had seen them, you wouldn't have escaped so easily."

"So exaggerated?"

Lin You was slightly startled, but then smiled and said, "But it's good, it seems that you have more face."

"What kind of face is this?"

Hei Yuan suddenly said: "You might as well choose a younger sister who is pleasing to the eye from the group of young people as soon as possible, and bring a piece to see me another day, it will still have some face, as a teacher is not old, if your family is inconvenient, you can find time in the future It's not difficult to bring you a big fat grandson."

Facing the joke in Hei Yuan's words, Lin Youdan said calmly: "You are always troubled, if there is a virtuous wife to help the teacher, then I can still consider it."

"Fuck you, don't talk nonsense."

Hei Yuan immediately cursed with a smile, and then changed the subject, "Come on, how confident are you in this duel? I told you before that the competition on the Divine Beast Island this time may be more intense than you expected. If If you don't have enough strength, it may be difficult to get much money, and if you can't beat old man Hu, it means that you are still a little short of time to participate in this feast."

"How sure?"

Lin You couldn't help laughing, "Teacher, do you want to hear the truth?"

"you still need to ask?"

Hei Yuan was a little speechless, Lin You smiled again, and said, "Frankly speaking, I'm already thinking about how much I should hold back. This duel has caused too much commotion, and I can't embarrass Senior Hu too much, otherwise It's somewhat unkind."


Hei Yuan opened his mouth slightly, hesitant to speak.

What you said is a little crazy, right?

Still considering giving water to old man Hu?

Do you really think that the two stars of the master are eating dry food?

Perhaps compared with the two-star masters of the Jiangcheng Association, it is a little less interesting, but the strength is still nothing to say.

When it comes to you, why does it sound like chopping melons and vegetables?

In Hei Yuan's prediction, based on his understanding of Lin You's talent and the experience of various inhuman events, Hei Yuan believed that he could defeat Hu Xinyang.

But it won't be easy to win.

Not to mention a narrow victory, but at least one has to go through a fierce battle to win the old man Hu.

However, after hearing Lin You's words, Hei Yuan was really shocked.

He knew very well that since Lin You made a judgment at this time, he was not bragging, but he really thought so.

What he said stems from his absolute confidence in his strength!

After digesting for a long time, Hei Yuan reluctantly said: "Boy, don't talk too much, don't regret it when you get beaten."

Lin You thought for a while and said, "It's not necessarily true. If Senior Hu hides a strength that is far superior to that of the regular two-star masters, then I'm probably going to be beaten. Let's see tomorrow."

"Then I really have to take a good look at it as a teacher."

Hei Yuan became more and more curious about what kind of combat power Lin You possessed now.

He hadn't witnessed Lin You's duel for a long time, so even if he knew that his strength had leapt, he didn't know how high he had leaped to.

Tomorrow... I can finally witness it!

the next day.

Before dawn, there was a clear commotion in the entire Jiangcheng University.

Many students who had been looking forward to the duel for a long time, which made them sleepless last night, went directly to the Nova Dueling Hall early in the morning.

That's right, the venue for this duel is the duel hall that the newcomers are most familiar with.

With Lin You's current status, he still hasn't deviated from the standard of a 'newcomer'!

In this duel, don't have a taste.

At this moment, in the new star duel hall, many freshmen who grabbed the front row were already excited.

"It's finally the end of the month, and because of this duel, I've been so out of my mind these days, I've been thinking about everything."

"Who isn't? I've long wanted to see Elder Lin You's demeanor with my own eyes."

"But in today's duel, Lin You wants to win, isn't it unrealistic? The opponent is Senior Hu, a two-star master. Although Lin You is considered to be at the top of the Glory level, the distance between such a senior , the gap should not be small, right?"

"What are you afraid of? This is obviously a duel of show nature. How can Senior Hu try his best? He must hold back his fights. It is impossible for Lin You to win, but seeing him fighting with all his strength is **** money. "

"Yeah, that's the reason. If anyone praises someone as a genius in front of me in the future, just tell him what kind of strength a twenty-year-old young man can have!"


A group of freshmen talked to each other, surrounded Lin You, and had a lot of common topics.

And such a boiling wait, with the passage of time, is still going up all the way.

Gradually, UU reading www. was approaching the agreed ten o'clock, and in the auditorium, Lin You's old acquaintances arrived quietly one after another.

Xia Mu, Xiao Yi, Qi Yuxuan, Deng Zhuo and other students of the same grade, Huang Xiao, Gu Du and others who have been promoted to the third grade have also arrived...

As for Chen Yi, the leader of the third grade, he is nowhere to be seen now.

But it's not that they are not interested in this duel, but that they have chosen to graduate early.

A third-year genius is naturally qualified to make such a choice.

The students here have a lot of acquaintances.

On the other side of the school leaders, it can be called an all-star lineup.

From Xia Yan and Zheng Xian, down to the young mentors, they were all present.

There is no doubt that this upcoming duel is highly anticipated by the current Jiangcheng colleges and universities!