MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 457 The prestige of beasts

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Chapter 457 The Power of the Divine Beast

"These two breaths are..."

The bald young man in Tiancheng's expression was shocked, and the sudden sense of oppression made him unexpected.

Immediately afterwards, two figures appeared in everyone's field of vision.


One of the huge red figures landed heavily, the ground cracked instantly, and the soil flew.

The other figure fell down gracefully, with red gold wings trembling gently, while gently stroking the fire bird on its shoulders, the fire bird continuously sprayed out red gold flames.

The flames flowed down her neck and merged into her body.

"Jurassic Giant Beast and Dapeng Phoenix!"

Everyone recognized the identity of the person immediately, and many people couldn't believe it.

"Why, I can understand that the Jurassic giant beast is here, but why does the Dapeng Phoenix appear here?!"

"Aren't the four master beasts competing with each other because of the secret possession of the beasts? Besides, they are not close to each other in the first place, so why do they seem to have quietly cooperated?"

"Wait, could it be said that the breath of the treasure was released or simulated by them on purpose? The purpose is to catch us all?"

"Impossible, this is tantamount to directly declaring war with the human world, how do they have the courage?"

For a moment, everyone was a little surprised.

But at this time, the Giant God Beast's gaze was directly locked on the golden Buddha, and it felt the awakening combat skills that the other party had exploded just now.

Very powerful!

This monster, among the monsters controlled by this group of duelists from the human world, may be the most powerful one!

Thinking of this, almost without thinking, he slammed his claws out in vain.

The blasted claws, like some kind of substantial energy, also contained a heavy force, and pressed hard against the golden Buddha.

The golden Buddha's eyes were wide open, and he clapped his palms continuously.

A series of sonic booms sounded, and a large golden palm appeared.

The ones that appear at this moment, no matter in terms of momentum, power or size, are far inferior to the one-handed palm that erupted before.

But the large number seems to be deterrent.

However, the moment it collided with the giant claws released by the giant mythical beast, it was like porcelain colliding with a steel plate, shattering all at once.

Not even a momentary blocking effect could be produced!


The bald young man looked at this scene in astonishment, but no matter how he felt, the giant claws went forward, smashing all the golden palm shadows, and falling on the golden Buddha.


There was a fine cracking sound, and under the force of this claw, the Buddha was like cracked glass, with many cracks all over its body.

Even with breath, he was almost shaken.

This means that this claw alone has injured at least half of the Buddha's life, which is close to a serious injury!

Even if the Giant God Beast is the Dominant God Beast, this kind of combat power is outrageous!


On the side, the thick-browed youth suddenly reminded loudly, "Beware of the Dapeng Phoenix!"

While speaking, the fire bird on Dapeng Phoenix's shoulder suddenly flew out, and the moment it flew out, its body expanded a hundred times in vain!

Like a fire phoenix born from a bath of fire, a large red golden flame was released from its mouth while neighing.

The flames covered it, and the surrounding air immediately became dull and even distorted.

A bronze-skinned, deep-complexioned, thick-browed fighter, striding in a horse stance, and as his right hand turned its claws into fists, cyclones condensed continuously.

In the end, accompanied by a backhand punch, an astonishing force was blasted out. This force tried to overturn the attacking flames.

But under the ravages of the flames, this aura quickly wilted.

The time gained, fortunately, the Buddha reacted in time, and withdrew from the area covered by the flames in a flash.

The thick-browed young man's face was extremely ugly, "The awakening development technique released by my fighting master can only block it for a moment. These two master beasts are too strong!"

With their eyesight, they can naturally see that the offensive launched by the two divine beasts just now is nothing more than their awakening development skills.

They are all awakening development techniques, but their power is still vastly different!

His fighting master has also grown into an ace level.

The awakening development technique that exploded is powerful enough to instantly kill ordinary red star monsters.

But the other party's development skills are more than three times his!

How do young people with thick eyebrows accept this?

You dominate the beasts from strong to strong, but in the final analysis, Divine Beast Island is just a secret realm of general danger level, and after completing the evolution, it should only be worthy of high danger level.

Under these conditions, the ruler of the secret realm, let alone galloping on Venus, would be second-rate and stronger in Venus if he was exhausted!

Is the combat power of a Venus monster of this level so terrifying?

Of course, for them, the chances of contacting Venus monsters in the past were actually very few. To divide the strength of monsters at this level, it is more based on feeling and imagination.

They don't know exactly how strong the two dominant beasts are, but compared to any Venus monsters they have encountered before, they are overwhelmingly superior in strength!




The appearance of the two dominant beasts seemed to make the dinosaurs on the scene excited. The counterattack that the duelists had planned with the concerted efforts of the duelists was suddenly suppressed again!

Those dinosaurs started to collide crazily, and that move was so fearless!

"How could it be? As far as I know, the Jurassic giant monsters are brutal by nature. Even if they use their strength to suppress the secret monsters in the forbidden area, these secret monsters can't work so hard for it!"

"Is it related to the Dapeng Phoenix? What did she do?"

"Shut up, you guys, now is the time for you to chat, if this continues, we will be killed!"

There was some commotion in the crowd, and everyone's mood sank to the bottom.

The current situation is that they not only have to face a large number of crazy dinosaurs, but also two master monsters whose strength far exceeds expectations!

To make matters worse, their retreat... seems to have been cut off!

That inexplicable barrier cannot be broken through by any of them.

Gathering everyone's strength, it may not be difficult to break through, but in the process, the impact of those dinosaurs' rush, including the offensive of the two dominant beasts, is immeasurable!

The main force right now can only be used to deal with the crisis.

That invisible barrier can only be resolved with additional strength.

But in this way, the efficiency and probability of breakthrough will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

But right now, this is the best strategy.

As for killing these monsters head-on...I'm afraid no one would be so wishful thinking.

"We're in big trouble, Baldhead, what should we do?"

The thick-browed youth glanced around at the battle situation that had reversed again, with a heavy tone.

"Don't ask me, you didn't think about me when you were taking care of yourself, but now you know how to ask me!"

With a bald head and an irritable face, he cursed loudly: "This is the end of the matter, kill, let these animals that can only scream be quiet!"

The voice fell, and the magic power was driven again.

Flip several cards in a row.


Seeing the bald-headed young man like this, the thick-browed young man ignored it, roared, and followed suit to drive the magic power.

Kill it!

The two of them were red-eyed, and they were fellow members of the Tiancheng Association, and they said anxiously: "We have to find a way to pass the information out, maybe there are people who can support."

Another master of the Tiancheng Association frowned and said, "Ordinary people's support is useless, but it is pushing others into the fire pit."

"Then send a large number of magic power signatures to convey information. With such a large number and warnings, outsiders will definitely be able to guess what. If there are ten major cities, or even the duel team from the General Assembly, it will be of great help!"

"It seems to work!"

Several people were still discussing, but in the sky, several magic signatures had already been launched one after another.

Obviously, many people have thought of this!

Seeing this, on Tiancheng's side, leaving aside the two duelists with bald heads and thick eyebrows, the other three also made moves one after another.

For a time, a large number of magic signatures appeared in the sky.

Seeing this scene, there was a playful smile on the face of the giant beast, and it turned to look at Dapeng beside him, "These duelists in the human world seem to have developed a timid heart, and they are counting on the rescue of the outside world to break the situation." , How wasteful, how stupid!"

Dapeng also laughed and said: "If all the duelists who entered my realm gather here this time, it is indeed not a situation that you and I can handle, but these people have already been scattered all over the island of the beasts, how can the distant water quench the near thirst? , who is 'Yuan Shui' is not sure yet!"

The Giant Beast understood what she meant, and laughed even more wildly, "The **** Barbaros and Kabaron are enough to make those people overwhelmed. These magic signatures are an eyesore, so there is no need to pay attention to them!"

With their abilities and individual magic power signatures, it is not difficult to solve them, but if there are too many, it will take time and effort.

With that skill, it would be better to kill a few more duelists.

"Dapeng, don't use the means of making small troubles out of shame."

It is said that it is not afraid, but the giant beast does not want to waste it like this.

It naturally understands the reason why nights are long and dreams are many.

Dapeng smiled lightly, "Since you are impatient, then I will accompany you to add fuel and fuel."


As soon as the two divine beasts finished speaking, some duelists with keen senses in the crowd shrank suddenly and roared violently.

Bang, bang, bang!

But as soon as the reminder sounded, a large number of explosions suddenly came from the venue.

Dozens of dark red star dinosaurs blew themselves up just now!

The sudden self-explosion caused many monsters who fought with it to avoid it, and were instantly buried in the violent self-destruction energy.

If it was the past, everyone would be happy to see them blow themselves up.

Anyway, even if they die together, their monsters can naturally be summoned again after they leave the dormant period.

After the monster in the secret realm blew itself up, all that was left was the stuck soul.

Although this way of ending the battle was a little rough, it was still acceptable.

But the situation is different now, the ones who dominate the number are those secret realm monsters!

The one-for-one exchange caused by self-explosion has become an extremely unfavorable exchange!

Although as a duelist, especially at the master level, there are not a few cards that can be driven at hand.

But as the trump card of core training, there are often just one or two monsters.

No matter how many, in terms of combat power, most of them are not as good as the ace.

Of course, under the premise of building a deck around trump cards, some protection methods are essential.

However, many methods have been used in previous battles, causing some people's aces to be completely ruined under this collective explosion.

Dozens of card spirits were scattered on the ground, which was obviously an extremely attractive scene, but at this moment, it was hard to make people happy.

The biggest problem right now is not the damage caused by the self-detonation just now, but that these secret realm monsters have the means to self-detonation, and they are willing to self-destruction!

You know, not only is self-explosion not something you can do at will, but it is extremely difficult!

The higher the level of life, the more difficult it is to do this.

The reason is that one's own vitality is too strong, and if one wants to commit suicide in an instant and release a corresponding huge amount of energy, one must control one's own energy to an extremely high level.

Otherwise, when life is dying, it is easy at that time, but the energy generated by self-detonation is probably not worth mentioning.

Dozens of dark red star monsters exploded, obviously abnormal!

And are they really willing?

At the level of the dark red star, how can there be no basic wisdom, and even don't care about your own life.

If you say that you are generously doing justice from the standpoint of Chaos Demon Realm, it may be very small.

Leaving aside the fact that these secret realm monsters in the Chaos Demon Realm cannot be united in this way, just talking about the situation just now, it is obvious that they have the upper hand!

The arrival of the two master beasts directly changed everything.

With such a favorable wind, and such extreme methods to advance the battle situation, can't you get a brain twitch?

After much deliberation, some people were the first to draw a dire conclusion.

The monsters in the secret realm here... may have been completely controlled by the Jurassic giant monsters!

Including life and death!

People who think of this only feel a burst of horror.

But before it was too late to think about it, everyone's eyes were busy looking at the sky.

With a light jump, the roc has already risen into the sky.

The moment she lifted into the air, Jinmang flashed in vain.

The figure of the whole person seems to cover the sky and the sun, making it impossible to see his figure clearly, only a pair of red golden wings are trembling.

This seems to be Dapeng's real body!

An extremely powerful sense of oppression descended, and at the same time as this sense of oppression arose, red-golden flames descended directly from the sky in strips.

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Those flames swept across the battlefield in an instant. Facing the sweeping flames, some aquatic and water attribute monsters on the field all shot out one after another, trying to extinguish it.

Some rock tribes also tried to summon sand and soil, but these methods were almost useless in front of the flames.

The effect of blocking, but only for a moment, was broken by the numerous red gold flames.

Under the scorching of the red gold flame, almost all the affected monsters showed painful expressions, and the aura of some monsters even fluctuated under the burning.

Bang, bang!

The red gold flame continued to burn for a while, and some monsters were overwhelmed and destroyed.

"Damn it!"

The bald young man in Tiancheng was even more frightened and furious. The methods displayed by the two master beasts one after another were beyond his imagination.

What's worse, they wanted to concentrate on dealing with the two great beasts, but the reality didn't allow it.

Those thousands of monsters in the secret realm are no joke!

Although they destroyed a lot after some fighting, there are at least a few hundred left.

Moreover, compared to quantity, quality is the key!

If it weren't for the ten Venus monsters and the remaining monsters alone, Tiancheng and the others would have slaughtered them a long time ago!

Although the number of dark red-star secret realm monsters is extremely large, for the duelists present, any one person can deal with three to five of them.

The duelists present, even if they are from the low-level association, are genius masters worthy of the association's pride. How can their combat power be mediocre?

Those duelists from the second-rate association, with all their strength, can even block ten with one!

Not to mention the top ten city-level duelists like the bald youth!

However, right now, no matter how strong everyone is at UU Reading, what they are facing seems to be an unsolvable situation!

Many people's mood has sunk to the bottom.

Even if there are a lot of magic signatures, sooner or later they will be able to wait for help.

But is that helping hand really possible to break through such a deadlock?

They knew in their hearts that the hidden beasts had not yet conceived, and the duelists who gathered in the Jurassic forbidden area at this time were limited after all.


Lin You, who kept flying and wanted to turn into a trap to seduce him, suddenly sensed something and looked in a certain direction.

The breath over there... seems to be a magic signature?

But why is it so complicated?

At least dozens of breaths are blended together to produce such an effect.

So many magic signatures means concentrated release for many people.

With such a large number of signature marks, it is obviously not for fun.

"Seems like big trouble."

After saying these words, Lin You smiled.

Behind troubles often means opportunities.

Will it be linked to the hidden treasure of the beast?

"However... there is no aura of the sacred beast, Brother Yi and the others, it is difficult to contact them."

Lin You pondered over this matter, Jiang Lantian saw this, and immediately asked curiously: "Lin You, what new discovery do you have?"

He is used to it.

As long as Lin You is thinking, he must be aware of something.

"There are some discoveries."

Lin You said with a smile: "I don't know if it has something to do with the secret possession of the beasts, if not, maybe the two master beasts will be caught."


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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