MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 459 round door

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"It's menacing!"

Lin You chuckled slightly, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

It is worthy of being the ruler of the divine beast. Compared with those Venus monsters that have fought in the past, there is a world of difference in aura.

But today's super magic dragon knight is not afraid of it!

The black dragon battle gun in hand was tightened, and the figure of the super magic dragon knight suddenly became unreal.

Only a dark red phantom was left behind, and the whole person appeared in front of the giant beast.

Ding, bang!

The black dragon battle gun and the extremely tough claws of the giant beast collided directly and fiercely. At the center of the collision between the two, a turbulent air wave swept thousands of meters in all directions in an instant!

Under the high-intensity collision of energy, the air was highly distorted and became blurred.

The giant beast's pupils shrank slightly, and its mind was shocked.

How could the monster in front of him resist the attack he was brewing?

This kind of offensive, according to the human world, is the awakening development technique.

With such a ferocious move, how could a mere dark red star monster be able to fight against all courts?

Even if the giant beast is like this, all the duelists are dull at the moment.

Is this... is this really happening?

The scene in front of them had such a huge impact on them that they were still doubting its authenticity in their minds, unable to digest it for a long time.

Even the battle in the entire theater temporarily came to a standstill because of this astonishing collision.

All people and monsters are paying attention to the center of this collision.

"Yao...Yao Yinan, what's going on?"

On Tiancheng's side, Qin Han's speech was a little awkward.

With his eyesight, it could be seen that the move that the super magic dragon knight erupted just now was not an awakening combat skill, but a simple awakening development skill.

But with just one awakening development technique, it actually intercepted the giant beast's attack.

Although they are all awakening development skills, one side is a dark red star monster, and the other side is a Venus-level master beast!

"Isn't it obvious!"

Yao Yinan opened his mouth and said: "That dark red star monster, in terms of combat power, will completely destroy my holy Buddha and your fighting master..."

It was simple to say, but at the next moment, he suddenly patted his bald head and couldn't help shouting: "You horse rider, did you make a mistake? How can there be such a strong dark red star monster? It's really an eye-opener!"

Still mad, on the other end, the initial collision between the super magic dragon knight and the giant beast has come to an end, and the two retreated a little distance from each other.

The giant beast looked at Lin You fiercely, and said viciously: "Human, don't get carried away, I will soon tear you up, this monster, and you will be the one who will tear up next!"

Lin You said with a smile: "Anyone who dares to speak so harshly should be able to rain down a good quality rain of blood."

"court death!"

The giant beast's eyes became more ferocious, and it roared violently: "You idiots, what are you still watching in a daze, killing all these humans, wanting to see blood rain, I will fulfill you!"



Some of the secret realm monsters that froze before came back to their senses at this moment, roaring and roaring one after another.

"I tell you, retreat quickly, don't get in the way here!"

Yao Yinan also reacted and roared at the duelists around him.

The restrictions have been broken, now is not the time to stay here.

Although Lin You's super magic dragon knight showed extremely strong combat power, once the giant beast broke out, it was still not strong enough for him to bear.

Yao Yinan and the others knew this well.

We should take advantage of the fact that we can barely parry now, and gradually leave the battlefield.

At this moment, some duelists have already set off first.

They were about to run out of fuel, and staying here was indeed a hindrance.

Although Yao Yinan's words were a bit harsh, it was the truth.

However, just as these duelists set off, a hissing sound came from high in the sky.

It's Dapeng!

She said with a faint smile: "It's lively, why spoil the fun, you should stay!"

After the voice fell, he opened his mouth, and a red-golden flame emerged.

"Be careful!"

Noticing this scene, someone shouted loudly.

They have seen how strong Dapeng's flame is, especially in the current posture, which is about to burst into awakening and develop skills, which is even more troublesome.


Just as he was worried, some golden fragments exploded from Dapeng's body suddenly, and the flame brewing in his mouth was also interrupted by the sudden injury.

Everyone was taken aback, she was... attacked?

Even Wuji's body was shattered a little, obviously it's not an ordinary attack method!

The smile on Dapeng's face also froze, and his eyes locked on the super magic dragon knight in vain.

The super magic dragon knight looked stern and ignored it.

It was still Lin You who smiled lightly and said, "At any rate, it is also known as the 'Master of the Divine Beast'. If you want to be lively, you should know who can bring this excitement."

"It's been a long time since I've seen a human being like you committing suicide."

Dapeng's smile was not a smile, and his huge figure made it difficult for others to tell.

But one thing that is certain is that Lin You caught her attention!

In this way, Dapeng and the Giant God Beast are all concerned with him, and they are in an extremely dangerous situation.

On the side, Zhu Hong said nervously, "Lin You, let me help you resist."

It was he who came here with a heart of revenge, how could he stay out of it at this time!

Jiang Lantian said excitedly: "I have had **** with the two master beasts since I first came here, it's refreshing!"

Gaidong and the others didn't speak, but they were all tense and ready for the challenge.

Several people teamed up to deal with the two master beasts. Although they were lost, it was more than enough to delay for a while.

Let those duelists who are in poor condition evacuate first, and then try to get out.

While several people were preparing for the battle, Lin You suddenly said: "Brother Gei, go to other people to help first. Those Venus monsters are still a bit tricky to deal with. Killing one or two first may not be very effective."

As soon as these words came out, Gai Dong and the others were a little speechless.

You have been targeted by those two, and you still want to deal with other Venus monsters.

This is the biggest trouble, how could it be possible for you to fight against the two master beasts alone!

Several people were thinking this way, but they heard Lin You say: "I'm in trouble."


Among the few people in Jiangcheng, some people were very embarrassed. They really wanted to leave Lin You alone and deal with those Venus monsters?

"Let's go, what are you still delaying here?"

Seeing their hesitation, Jiang Lantian said directly: "I have already said that the command of our place is now handed over to Lin You. If he said to do this, then he will do it this way. When did the Jiangcheng Association be so indecisive?" ?”

After finishing the words, he looked at Lin You and said, "Can't you die?"

"If it refers to the two master beasts, not necessarily!"

"Haha, as expected of you, you are confident enough and crazy enough!"

Jiang Lantian laughed loudly, and then looked at Gaidong and the others, "Don't you understand? It's all like this, there is nothing to worry about, let's go!"

As he said that, he ran towards the direction where several Venus monsters were.

Gaidong gritted his teeth and said with determination: "Let's go!"

At this moment, several people in Jiangcheng left, but Lin You's side suddenly seemed a little deserted.

None of the secret realm monsters approached here.

Either because of the deterrence of the two master beasts, or because of their absolute confidence in them, how can a mere human being compete with the master beasts of the beast island?

What's more, it's one against two!

Moths to a flame are not enough to describe its stupidity!

Seeing this, Yao Yinan couldn't help yelling, "What's the matter with you, let him fight against the two master beasts alone? Are you trying to kill him, idiot!"

"If you're beaten up in such a mess, stop talking nonsense."

Jiang Lantian, who came to support him, didn't show any face and said, "Don't just talk about it, use it to help."

"Who is embarrassed?!"

Yao Yinan seemed to have been poked into a nerve, and said on the spot: "Keep your eyes wide open, I'm strong!"

The voice fell, driven by magic.

A magic card was flipped over, and the next moment, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the Holy Buddha, and he pointed out suddenly.

This finger instantly triggered a huge amount of energy, which gathered crazily and turned into a golden beam of light.

A great majesty emanates from the light beam, which makes the light beam full of oppression.


The light beam instantly hit a Venus monster a little farther away.

The body of the Venus monster was pierced in an instant, and a large number of golden fragments scattered.

Its infinite body just collapsed!

Yao Yinan immediately looked at Jiang Lantian.

"It's just so-so."

Seeing Yao Yinan looking at him, he commented casually, and said: "But it's okay, with this strength, it's not likely to hold you back, I approve of you."

"What the **** are you..."

Yao Yinan wants to scold someone, when is it your turn to recognize me?

But anyway, the other party is also one of the people who broke the restriction, no matter how angry his temper is, he can hold back at this moment.

At this time, a collision sound above diverted Yao Yinan's attention again.

The super magic dragon knight drove the battle gun, and collided with the claw of the giant beast again.

But this time, a strong force quickly broke the stalemate, and the super magic dragon knight flew out backwards.

At the same time, a wave of red-gold fire roared and chased after it.

"Strong enough."

Lin You was a little surprised. The awakening development technique that the super magic dragon knight broke out just now was suppressed by the giant beast!

Although the power of the explosive development technique this time is not as good as the previous one, it was thought that the power of the awakening development technique erupted by the giant beast would also decline accordingly.

After all, the same awakening development technique often cannot be used continuously, and there are different cooldown times.

In terms of gamification, awakening combat skills is the ultimate big move, and awakening development skills are small skills.

Judging from the current situation, the small skills and comprehensive power of the giant beast are obviously stronger.

At this moment, looking at the engulfing flames, the super magic dragon knight flying upside down, and the black dragon battle spear in hand, pale golden particles emerged, and suddenly shot out.


With a single shot wrapped in supernatural power, the chasing red golden flames were disintegrated on the spot in one fell swoop!


A strange sonic boom sounded, and the super-magic dragon knight stopped, and tapped his gun.


Dapeng, who was still amazed by the superpower that emerged just now, exploded again, and golden fragments splashed out.

"Is this his special ability?"

Dapeng's face darkened, the two forced damages just now were actually harmless to her.

But just being able to hurt her continuously made Dapeng a little unacceptable.

A dark red star monster at the level of life injured itself under the premise of non-combat skill explosion?

"Giant beast, kill him!"

Anger welled up in his eyes, and Dapeng made a sharp sound.

The Giant God Beast looked at Dapeng in surprise. Her Wuji body really had some shattering. Can that monster hurt Dapeng?

"Don't be impatient."

Lin You looked at Dapeng and said with a smile: "This is just the beginning, it's too early to cry out for pain, let me show you an interesting thing."

At this moment, magic drives.

A strong magic breath emerged, and a magic card was flipped.

A door leaf appeared out of thin air, and a number—1 was engraved on the door leaf.

The next moment, a strange purple vortex appeared on the door, and the vortex slowly rotated.

With the rotation of the vortex, the 1 on the door returns to zero in vain.

At the moment of returning to zero, the super magic dragon knight moved quickly, and the black dragon battle gun was fired continuously.

Poof, poof!

Two familiar and strange sonic booms spread, and Dapeng, who was furious and preparing to attack, exploded continuously, and more golden fragments scattered.


The Giant God Beast was a little dazed, why was the effect still erupting and acting on Dapeng?

But at this moment, the super magic dragon knight's figure flashed, and he was already rushing to the sky.

Facing the Dapeng, who is far bigger than himself, it seems to be hitting a stone with an egg, but when the black dragon gun in his hand emerges with strong supernatural power, the situation is different!

It seems to be able to slay dragons and phoenixes, and even everything!


The black dragon's spear hit Dapeng's body, and under the burst of super-source power, that huge body couldn't help trembling.

While trembling, more golden fragments scattered.

A shot exploded, and the super-magic dragon knight moved sideways. With the little guy's warning and auxiliary battle, he promptly moved away from the flames that erupted on Dapeng's body.

After waiting for a while, the battle gun in hand was tapped again and again.

Poof, poof!

There were two strange sonic explosions again, and Dapeng's body exploded again!

The explosion, and the fierce battle below, seemed to be quiet for a moment.

Everyone seemed to see a ghost, and their brains went down.

What's going on, why does it feel like Lin You is one against two, but it's the one that has the upper hand!

And... the energy he erupted just now, if you read it correctly, is the power of the super source, right? !

Besides the super source power, what continuously threatens Dapeng Wuji's body is forced destruction?

But is it possible for the forced destruction of the dark red star to have such power?

More importantly, it clearly has such power and can also erupt so frequently, is this... really scientific?

"Six bursts of special effects + 100 points of super-source power, can't these really threaten her infinite body..."

Lin You looked at the Dapeng high in the sky. Judging from Dapeng's state, her Wuji body had already been shaken. UU reading

But this wavering has only just begun.

This vitality is indeed somewhat incredible.

You know, if it was the previous Harirand who had to bear it, not to mention the Wuji body, the whole person would be doomed!

The same Venus monster, the gap is also huge.

Especially when it comes to 'source', there are two concepts.

Lin You actually knew a little bit about this, although even if the Divine Beast Island was upgraded, it would not really give birth to such monsters.

But judging from the terrifying vitality of Dapeng, there are some signs.

Of course, this is the Great Peng Phoenix, just by hearing the name, its vitality should not be underestimated.

"However, the effect of the 'Round Gate' is really powerful."

Lin You glanced at the door in front of him, the origin of this door is not simple.

It was almost a card that he bought with all his belongings.

The existence of the 9-star spirit pattern is engraved!

He bought this card long before the match against Hu Xinyang, and was planning to make it appear in the battle against Hu Xinyang.

It turned out that I had greatly miscalculated the strength of Tutor Hu, which resulted in me not being able to use it.

Now, it comes in handy.

【The Gate of Round】

Type: Permanent Magic Card

Effect: Select a monster with a turn-based effect on the side of the field to activate its effect immediately, and after this activation, reduce the cooldown time of the turn to 5 seconds permanently.

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