MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 461 blow out the shadows

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The voice echoed, and Jiang Lantian and the others stopped again.

Someone asked with a tangled face, "Do you really want to let it go?"

When saying this, several people looked at Jiang Lantian.

Leaving Lin You aside, Jiang Lantian was the strongest in the team formed by the Jiangcheng Association. In addition to his special status, he naturally had the most say.

As the big brother, Gai Dong is also waiting for Jiang Lantian's judgment.

"Still don't understand?"

Jiang Lantian showed a smile, and looked at Lin You's figure with great trust, "He was really sure that he said that kind of thing. From the beginning to the end, did he fulfill his words?"

After speaking, he glanced at the two dominant beasts again, put his hips on his hips and said with a smile: "I can't think of how Lin You can win, how can he do such an incredible thing, but since he said that, I choose to believe it."

Ge Dong and the others looked dull.

It sounds like I believe it intuitively. Is it really okay?

But at this moment, the frontal battle situation is really bad. The sudden outbreak of combat skills of the two Venus monsters is something that everyone did not expect.

I can only deal with the troubles ahead of me first!

"You human being who speaks rudely, you will regret it immediately!"

High in the sky, Dapeng was furious, but the aura rising from his body suddenly began to fade.

Soon, the aura returned to normal, the roc flapped its wings, and one after another red-golden whip-shaped flames appeared.

Many fire whips whizzed towards the newly born super magic dragon knight.

"Dapeng, you are..."

The eyes of the giant beast changed slightly. In the end, Dapeng still didn't choose to explode his combat skills, and restrained his breath.

"Ask knowingly."

Dapeng didn't show a good face, how could she fail to see through the thoughts of the giant beast.

Want to explode your combat skills in the Jurassic Forbidden Land?

Let's talk about this matter after the mythical animal's secret possession is born!

"Have you given up on the outbreak..."

Lin You smiled, it was as expected.

The cooperative relationship between Dapeng and the Giant God Beast is not fragile, but it is also not very strong. Such a quick explosion of combat skills is useless except to vent some emotions.

Especially if the combat technique is explosive, it will be useless if it kills the super magic dragon knight with one blow.

But if the super magic dragon knight can be revived once, it is possible to revive a second time!

If this is the case, it will be in vain to explode the combat skills!

At this time, in front of Lin You, a card was flipped over.

A special magnetic field emerged, one magical building after another rose up in vain, and the magical city of Endymion, which had not been seen for a long time, suddenly descended.

Endymion's coverage area is also extremely wide, making some duelists who are fighting in the distance can't help but look over.

Yao Yinan said loudly: "Lin You, there are so many high-level monsters here, the energy level of your field magic card is limited, and it will explode soon."

The special magnetic field of the field magic card has a limit to the energy intensity it can withstand.

Especially with such a large number of Venus monsters on the field, and some Venus monsters are even bursting out with combat skills, this magnetic field is likely to explode immediately.

At most, just hold on for a few seconds.

This is also the reason why there are many duelists present, but no field magic cards remain.


Lin You didn't care. The moment Endymion took effect, the number of magic power indicators on it had soared to more than 10.

But it began to decline at a speed visible to the naked eye, and special effects continued to erupt.

By removing the mana counter, Endymion saves one break.

What Yao Yinan said was true, Endymion was about to collapse just after it appeared, but there were too many people fighting, and the outbreak of magic cards was extremely frequent.

Mana counters drain too quickly.

And soon, a flash of red lightning filled the air, and the figure of the Holy Sorcerer King emerged from the sky.

Through the effect of Endymion, the special summon has been completed!

The Holy Sorcerer King quickly activated his magic power. Surrounded by the rich magic power, he retrieved a card from the cemetery.

It was Su Sheng, the deceased!

Dapeng's conjecture was not wrong. It was not difficult for Lin You to recover the deceased Su Sheng.

Of course, not every recycling method will work.

Like the reversal effect of the holy magician, if the level is too low, it is impossible to recover the resurrection of the dead as a third-level card.


Endymion's magnetic field continues to collapse.

On the other side, the battle skills of the two Venus monsters exploded suddenly.


At the same time as the eruption, Endymion was finally overwhelmed and exploded.

As soon as he returned, the Holy Sorcerer King quickly stepped aside.

He used to be the ace, but now in this war zone, I am afraid that he is trembling.

The dark red star monsters are all gathered together!

Of course, it is still far from here, but there are two more terrifying divine beasts here.

Just the threatening murderous aura spread over, causing the Holy Sorcerer King to ache a bit.

Fortunately, at the red star level, they are not so fragile, so they won't be unable to bear some murderous aura scattered outward.

At this moment, Endymion was collapsed, but the process of appearing and disappearing helped the super magic dragon knight dodge those incoming fire whips to a certain extent.

The figure of the super magic dragon knight flashed quickly, and when he encountered the unavoidable fire whip, he shot it with all his might.

Although it cannot be resolved, it is still possible to resist one or two, and then retreat.

Those fire whips obviously did not pose much threat to the super magic dragon knight.

"Giant beast, what are you waiting for, kill that guy!"

Dapeng stared angrily at the flexible and flickering super magic dragon knight, and couldn't help yelling.

The giant beast has a headache, should it continue to consume the power of the forbidden land?

Poof, poof!

At this moment, two strange sonic booms came one after another, and the huge roc groaned, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of golden blood.

After the protection of Wuji body disappeared, the damage caused by the super magic dragon knight began to directly affect Dapeng!

Dapeng's expression became ferocious, and he said via voice transmission: "Giant beast, why don't you do it yet? If you want to keep thinking about it, well, I'll play big with you. How about this combat skill breaking out on you? After being severely injured by me Not to mention the hidden treasures of the beasts, are you confident that you can leave the Jurassic forbidden area alive? Or is it a good choice to bury in your own forbidden area?"

This crazy woman!

The Giant God Beast cursed secretly, but quickly said: "Dapeng, don't do stupid things, don't forget, we all carry the mission of Lord Mary, do you want to go against your will by doing this?"

"I will never betray Lady Mary!"

Dapeng said something resolutely, then gritted his teeth and said, "But if you don't show more performance, I will hurt you first, and then blew myself up here, making the final contribution to Lady Mary!"

"I don't mean that."

The giant beast said in a deep voice: "Of course I will kill that guy, you just watch it."

After finishing speaking, there was a bit of gloom in his expression, and the look he looked at Lin You was even more murderous.

This **** has wasted too much energy and energy, and it will be hard to get rid of it if it doesn't die a thousand times!

"Die to me!"

The giant beast's claws waved, and at the same time as the wave, the continuous breaking sound came again.

The next moment, more than ten figures descended!

It turned out to be more than a dozen dark red star monsters!

But after these monsters appeared, someone on the other side exclaimed: "What's going on, some monsters disappeared!"

Immediately afterward, someone discovered something, pointed at Lin You, and said loudly, "Look, they all showed up over there. It's the Giant God Beast, and the Giant God Beast took them away!"

Seeing the super magic dragon knight being surrounded again, Lin You smiled and said, "Why, are there no more monsters to mobilize? If this continues, in order to keep a roc that is obviously hiding something, I sacrificed Isn't it a pity to have so many companions in the forbidden area?"

"As long as it can blow you through, what a pity!"

The gigantic beast snorted coldly, grabbed its claws, and the dozen or so monsters that landed in the air immediately exploded!

Such a large number of sieges has indeed formed an effective siege for the super magic dragon knight.

But in order to kill a dark red star monster, it is necessary to sacrifice more than a dozen dark red star monsters in a strong state. It is unheard of to do this by self-destructing!


There was a sound of breaking, and the super magic dragon knight couldn't avoid the destruction this time.

After recovering for less than five seconds, he was buried under the self-explosion again. This scene also made all the duelists excited.

I don't know whether to say this is miserable or an honor.

But the extraordinary power of the super magic dragon knight has been revealed beyond doubt.

Blowing up the super-magic dragon knight again, the giant monster was still in a bad mood, but soon, a familiar force of recovery made its already bad mood go berserk!


The gigantic beast let out a roar, bursting out with a burst of murderous aura, and swiftly rushed towards the holy Sorcerer King.

The figure of over 100 meters, coupled with such a speed, seemed to be full of impact, and the strong wind howled crazily.


Quickly appearing in front of the Holy Sorcerer King, his claws crossed and tore apart suddenly. The Holy Sorcerer King was torn apart on the spot!


There was a breaking sound, as strong as the Holy Sorcerer King, but it was vulnerable to a giant beast.

However, under the influence of the deceased Su Sheng again, the reappearing super magic dragon knight looked at the giant beast with a stern expression, and skillfully shot twice with the battle spear in hand.

Poof, poof!

The injured one is still Dapeng!


Dapeng, who vomited blood again, looked at the super magic dragon knight, apart from anger, there was also strong resentment and resentment!

What's wrong with you, you've been **** me off!

Horse-riding, this is the territory of giant monsters, you should give priority to it if you want to do it!

Dapeng was about to vomit blood with anger. If he hadn't seen that the Giant God Beast consumed a lot and paid a lot, he would have suspected that Lin You had secretly reached some kind of ulterior deal with the Giant God Beast.

Let's play together!

Dapeng was so angry that he was about to vomit blood... oh no, he was already vomiting blood, not just one mouthful.

But why not giant beasts?

It's going crazy, why is the super magic dragon knight resurrected again?

The cemetery is owned by your family, you can enter if you want, and get out if you want?

"Go on, blow up some more, and blow up your family's fortune."

Lin You said leisurely: "Looking at how hard you are working so hard, I might as well give you a friendly reminder. In fact, my super magic dragon knight is immortal. No matter how I destroy it, it won't work. I'd better stay there quietly and watch me slaughter it." How about Feng? Dapeng is dead, isn't that what you want?"

"shut up!"

The giant **** beast couldn't bear it anymore, it roared, its figure flickered, and its claws suddenly blasted out.

The super magic dragon knight didn't back down, and it was too late to back down. The claw blasted by the opponent suddenly turned into a substantial big claw, covering it at an accelerated speed.

Flipping the Black Dragon Spear in his hand, he shot out suddenly, mixed with a little supernatural power, which was also the last supernatural power in his body.

It's a pity to talk about this point, the energy of super source power is too involuntary, after recovery, let alone recovering to the peak, there is no sign of recovery at all!

The amount of energy is constant during this period.


There was a violent collision sound, and with the help of the last bit of supernatural power and the power of a shot from the development technique, the battle gun directly shook the claw.

After wrestling with each other for a while, they burst open!

Hoo, hoo!

As soon as it exploded, red golden flames swept over again.

At this moment, Lin You didn't hesitate, and set off a trap card in front of him.

A strange cylindrical object appeared, quickly absorbing a little bit of flame energy.

It is the magic tube!

The 7-star spirit pattern is engraved, and it can also play a 30% effect against Venus monsters.

The other party's awakening development technique was absorbed by 30% of its power.

Not only that, but some red-gold burning marks appeared on Dapeng's body.

This is burning yourself!

The anti-injury effect of the magic tube exploded!

But the remaining flames still followed the black dragon gun and climbed onto the arm of the super magic dragon knight.

The black gold arm armor on the arm part showed a twist.

"It's still great."

Looking at the flames, Lin You said with emotion in his heart, the combat power of these two master beasts is indeed far superior to ordinary Venus monsters.

The offensive of awakening development technology is almost uninterrupted.

And in terms of power, they are extremely powerful.

Although the super magic dragon knight also has five awakening development skills, there is a relatively obvious cooling period after each application.

Leaving aside the most powerful move, the remaining few moves, in terms of combat power, compared with the two dominant beasts, the gap is still obvious.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to rely on the last super source power for another confrontation with the giant beast just now.


The little guy passed on the perceived information, and the super magic dragon knight quickly dodged to get away from the flying claw of the giant beast.

Just dodging to get out of the way, the distance was instantly opened, and two shots were fired.

Puff, puff, bang!

A blood hole suddenly exploded on Dapeng's body, and golden blood flowed out.

Her eyes also completely changed.

Especially thinking about the "immortality" that Lin You said just now, she doesn't think that the super magic dragon knight can really be resurrected forever, but it can be resurrected four or five times or more, maybe it's really no problem!

Although the super-magic dragon knights are fragile, their speed is extremely fast, and their perception is heaven-defying. Even their offensives are often difficult to pose a big threat.

According to this situation, I might really die!

At this moment, Dapeng felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

She was really shaken!

At this time, if she doesn't release her combat skills, perhaps what awaits her will be doomed!

But releasing combat skills...

The threat of death and the temptation of the hidden beast kept flashing in his mind, and he felt that if he continued to think about it, the super magic dragon knight would explode again, and Dapeng couldn't stand it anymore.

The hysterical voice transmission said: "Giant beast, let's unleash our combat skills together, eliminate this human being, and wipe out everyone in one fell swoop. After the sacred beast is conceived, how about I promise to give up 60%?"

"Dapeng, calm down."

The Giant God Beast was a little speechless, but also a little anxious. Is this Dapeng's brain really burnt out? If he wants to explode his combat skills here, he will bring himself with him!

In this way, wouldn't the initiative be entirely in the hands of Kabalon and Barbaros in the subsequent competition for the hidden treasures of the beasts?

There is not only one place for the secret hideout of divine beasts!

Besides, this is his own forbidden area, 64 points is the most basic thing.

Not to mention that now you Dapeng is an injured body, not to mention that the body of Wuji is gone, and the breath of life may not be far from being shaken, how can you still negotiate with yourself like this?

Now that human being is targeting you!

Thinking about it, these words, the giant **** beast still dare not say it directly, it is also afraid, and if Dapeng is in a hurry, if he really dies with himself, then it will be troublesome.

Although I am not afraid of the current Dapeng, but to fight, I still have to use combat skills, and I still lose money!

The situation that the Giant God Beast most wanted to see was that if Lin You killed Dapeng, he would also lose his combat power, and then he would reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

That kind of explosive ability is obviously impossible to continue forever.

Even Lin You, who seems to be calm and calm, may be reaching his limit now.

This special ability can explode, but it must be supported by magic power!

And a lot of magic!

On this point, the Giant God Beast couldn't be more clear.

Even if Lin You is a high-level duelist, UU Read Book, but after erupting for so long, the magic power should be exhausted, right?

Including some methods to restore magic power, at most it would kill Dapeng, and it would have to be squeezed dry.

But at this moment, Dapeng obviously couldn't calm down anymore, and was on the verge of collapse.

not good!

At this time, when he noticed the battle gun raised by the super magic dragon knight again, Dapeng's heart tightened, and he was blown out of the shadows!

The expected forced destruction did not appear.

I couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and looked around with subconscious doubts.

But a sound transmission suddenly sounded in my ear, "Dapeng, you should understand now, the giant **** beast has been unwilling to move for a long time, obviously trying to kill you and swallow the secret treasure alone. If I guess correctly, this place is about to die." Is the pregnant beast hidden away?"

Dapeng looked at Lin You slowly, and she recognized that the voice was from Lin You.

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