MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 763 Out of town

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Yun Sang nodded lightly and yawned, "Well, this time because I want to resolve the matter before leaving Jincheng, it is really anxious. If you are interested, you can infer that this is my problem. However, even if you know it well and there is no conclusive evidence, no one will dare to say anything trivial. "

He nodded his head carefully, his expression with a bit of seriousness: "This crime of treason against the enemy, but it will affect the people of the family, I am afraid that those people are too late to regret it."

"Do you think they are really nothing to do, after running to the early dynasty and deprecating? When they chose to stand beside Xia Houjing, they were doomed." Yun Chang said lazily.

Slightly nodding his head, walked to the side of Yun Sang and shed his clothes for Yun Sang. Yun Sang went to the soft bed and lay down, and fell asleep after a while.

When she woke up, she saw Qian Qian standing on the bed, playing with the flowers in the vase, and Yun Sang looked at the flowers in the vase, and laughed: "I'm afraid I would cut the garden as it is open. Come back here. "

With a slight smile, she said, "The slaves are okay, so they said that the vase in the house had also been vacant for some time. They went to cut some flowers, but they did n’t know what kind of flowers they liked. "

Yun Sang sat up, turned around slightly, put down the scissors in her hand, took the clothes and stood waiting on the soft side, and said, "Sister Qin Yi previously spoke, saying that Princess Wan I have checked some of the information. Due to the short time, according to some brochures in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that Princess Wan was originally a palace maid and was waiting by a deceased Princess. Later, I did not know why it was favored. He gave birth to the 19th prince, who was promoted. The time was a bit hasty, and no more detailed information was found. Sister Qin Yi said that she would check it again.

Yun Sang nodded her head slightly, but she was a little clear in her expression, and the maid was superior. If the sister Qi Ruihai said really existed, it would be Princess Wan.

But what exactly did he take the pill for the nineteenth emperor? Could it be the 19th prince? However, even if the disease of the 19th prince is Xueyan Shenyi or Ghost Doctor, I am afraid that there is no way to start. A pill is absolutely impossible to have such a magical effect.

Yun Chang narrowed his eyes. Although the nineteenth prince was young and ill, Yun Chang did not dare to take it lightly. After all, it was the emperor's younger son. Luo Qingyan, as the elder brother, was too contemptuous. But if the nineteenth prince is a normal child, Yun Chang will be worried again.

Yun Chang was secretly thinking in her heart, and then heard footsteps rang out in the outer hall, the footsteps were a little hurried, the curtains were lifted, Luo Qingyan walked in from the outside, her brows locked.

When Yun Chang saw this, she was about to speak, but Luo Qingyan had already said: "Lingxi is in a bad situation now. Now the army is assembled and the preparations for the forage are almost ready. We will leave the city tomorrow."

"What happened?" Yun Chang said quickly.

Luo Qingyan sighed sighing, his eyebrows never stretched out: "Spotted in the army, the military defense plan was stolen. Zhao Yingjie failed to find out in time, and several hidden points were all caught by Cangjue Qingsu. Our army Nearly 80,000 soldiers were lost. "

"How could something as important as the military defense plan be stolen? The detailed work can be found out?" Yun Chang was very anxious when he heard that. If the military defense plan fell into the hands of Cangjue Qingsu, it would be the entire Xia ** The team was completely exposed under the eyes of Cang Jue Qingsu. Re-arranging troops takes time, and during this period, Cangjue Qingsu has the opportunity to attack.

Luo Qingyan shook his head: "Zhao Yingjie said that the military defense plan has always been kept by him personally and has never been shown, but he does not know why it was stolen."

"In this way, the morale of the generals in Lingxi City is afraid that the morale of the generals will be even lower. It should start earlier." Yun Chang sighed. "The things we should bring are packed early in the morning and we can start at any time. Ming My son-in-law told the things in this harem one by one, and they could set off. "

Luo Qingyan nodded his head slightly and sighed slightly. His brows never stretched out. Yun Chang wanted to ask, how did some people like Shang Shu and other people deal with it? Opening.

On the second day, Yun Chang convened Qinyi, Qianshou, Tai Fei, Cao Taiji, and other principals from other places and asked them briefly. On the third morning, they came out with Luo Qingyan. It's the palace.

The queen's prosecution was considered a very grand event from ancient times to the present. In the early morning, Luo Qingyan showed that he took Yun Sang to sacrifice the sky, and then the civil and military officials sent the queen to the gate of the city to bid farewell. Yun Sang and Luo Qingyan just set off together.

Cang Jue Qing Su heard Luo Qingyan's pro-contest news, and wanted to see Luo Qingyan's flustered look at his father and mother imprisoned in his opponent's hands, but he never thought of killing Xia Huanyu and Huaxi, and it was It is courteous.

One and a half months, from Jincheng to Lingxi, the army marched for nearly one and a half months, and finally arrived at Lingxi City at the end of May. When Yun Chang got out of the carriage, he saw Zhao Yingjie with his guard at the gate.

Due to the continuous war, the people of Lingxi City have almost left their homes and fled, leaving the city with the same appearance as the last time Yun Chang came. Almost all shops on both sides of the street have closed their doors. From the city gate to the city guard house, there is almost no pedestrian on the street.

Yun Chang sighed lightly and lowered the carriage curtain: "A war, no matter if you win or lose, it's the people who suffer."

This time, it was Lingxi who was accompanied by Peilan and Yun Sang. When the painting heard the words, she seemed to realize it, but she also sighed with sigh: "Slaves also lost their loved ones because of the war. Hope The war will end soon. "

At the Chengshoufu, Luo Qingyan did not stop for a moment, and went directly to the camp with Zhao Yingjie, and Yun Chang commanded the soldiers to help move the salute into the Chengshoufu.

This is the second time that Yun Chang has stayed in the city guard house of Lingxi City. Yun Chang raised her eyes and looked around. I was afraid that there were some days in the city guard house where no one took care of it. In the garden in the courtyard Also overgrown.

"I hope there won't be a third time again." Yun Chang sighed lightly. Every time she came to this Lingxi, it seemed that it was because of war.

The suitcase was moved into the yard, and Pelan and Huaer were busy organizing the house. Yun Shang hugged Baoer and wandered in the house. In the entire city guard house, Yun Chang had not even seen a subordinate, but only a housekeeper. The person took a careful look at Yun Chang, and they kept silently behind Yun Chang.

Yun Chang strolled for a little while and then said, "General Zhao can't live in this house on weekdays?"

The middle-aged man shook his head timidly and responded softly: "The generals are living in the camp. The city guard house has long been deserted. There are frequent wars. There are no people in the city. use."

Yun Chang nodded and turned around and said, "Hurry up, this palace is back in the courtyard."

Returning to the courtyard, Huaer and Peilan were making the bed. When they saw Yun Chang, they whispered softly: "After a while, the bed will be ready, and the slaves just looked at it. This courtyard seems to be a little cleaner. However, the kitchen is full of dust, and Artemisia annua is already being cleaned. "

Yun Sang nodded gently, holding Baoer and sat down on the chair. The mood of wanting to end this war soon was more intense.

Bao'er's eyes turned round and round, seeming to be looking at the room. Yun Chang put Bao'er on the chair aside, Bao'er sat steadily, turned her head to look at Yun Chang, and looked away.

Luo came back almost at the last word, Baoer was already asleep in the crib, and Yun Chang was looking at the map under the lamp.

Luo Qingyan took off his cloak, put it on a chair, walked down to Yun Sang and sat down. He picked up Yun Sang's tea on the table and murmured several sips before whispering softly: "The situation is slightly better than I expected. Although the military defense plan was stolen and 80,000 soldiers were lost, only Zhao Yingjie responded very quickly, and quickly re-arranged the troops. Based on the terrain of Lingxi City, Several small-scale short soldiers have won in succession. Previously, our army had a total of 230,000 people, lost 80,000, and there are still 150,000. "

Yun Chang heard the words and nodded gently: "About 350,000 enemies, this time, we brought 60,000 soldiers, and there are still 100,000 on the road. Before the reinforcements arrive, we can do this before Zhao Yingjie That way, all the soldiers will be scattered, not to give Cang Jue Qingsu a chance to hit it all. When the reinforcements arrive, the two armed forces will not be able to take advantage of Cang Jue Qingsu. "

"I think so too." Luo Qingyan was full of approval in his eyes, and poured himself a cup of tea, grunting a full cup: "Zhao Yingjie is a soldier training material, we only walked around the camp. The soldiers are very disciplined and have good spirits. "

Yun Chang laughed: "I found out when I went to Kangyang City before, that Kangyang City under General Zhao's jurisdiction was better than Qilang at that time, and everything was in order."

Yun Chang said, but there was also an unshakable worry in his eyes: "Although we haven't advertised all the way, we haven't concealed our whereabouts. I'm afraid that soon, Cangjue Qingsu will receive the news that we have reached Lingxi. I'm afraid he won't wait for us to recuperate. What's the news, father and mother? "

Luo gently nodded: "Let's elaborate in Yelang ** said that they were all fine, but they were in Yelang Army one day, and they always seemed to have a sword hanging over us. Thirty years in office, not to mention the creation of a prosperous dynasty, but at least Guotai and Min'an. The people and the generals are very supportive. He can't be troubled. At least, he can't be troubled in Yelang. I must think. , Rescue them first. "

Naturally, Yun Chang understands this, but just wanting to be rescued, how can it be easier said than done.

Luo Qingyan took a map and looked at it. Yun Shang saw a lot of red dots on the map, and then he turned his head over: "These red dots are where we are defending?"

Luo Qingyan bowed his head lightly, and Yun Chang looked at it for a moment, then wrote down the points above, and then raised his head and asked, "Is there any news about the soldiers in Yelang that night?"

"Yes, why not?" Luo Qingyan said, but the smile on his face was a bit bitter: "Cangjue Qingsu can be fine, now the whole army is here. He now has more than 300,000 troops, Knowing that we do not dare to attack aggressively, if we disperse our forces, it will give us opportunities. "

Yun Chang's eyes fell on the point Luo Qingyan said, which was a mountain called Agra.

"All the troops of Yelang Kingdom are on this mountain?"

Luo Qingyan nodded softly: "This mountain looks nothing, but it is facing the side of Lingxi City, but it is extremely steep and easy to defend."

Yun Chang frowned: "It's true that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but they can't just defend it. If they want to attack, they have to go down the mountain. After they go down, if they lose their troops, they have to withdraw their troops. Not good. Isn't that blocking your own retreat? "

Luo Qingyan heard the words, frowned slightly, and remained silent for a long time before he said, "Maybe it is because Cang Jue Qing Su feels his strength is strong, and there will be no need to retreat, but what his wife said was extremely This is an opportunity. "

After Luo said lightly, he put away the map: "It's too late today. You haven't slept well on the road during this time. Take a break early."

Luo Qingyan said, after putting the map in place, he began to undress: "At the beginning of Minger, I will live in the barracks. Several generals live in barracks, live in barracks, discuss things. It's more convenient. "

Yun Chang froze slightly, nodded, and sighed: "The terrain of this Lingxi is too flat, and there are mountains on both sides, which is not a favorable terrain. I'll go around in the future, Many places on this map are not perfect, and you can't see anything without walking around. "

Luo Qingyan turned to look at Yun Chang, knowing that Yun Chang's idea had been decided, and he couldn't persuade him, he smiled and said, "It's hard work, but the lady must take care."

Yun Chang responded, went to the couch and lay down, and Luo Qingyan blew out the lamp in the room.

Before the next day, Yun Chang heard a voice from outside: "Report! Your Majesty, there is an urgent military situation."

Yun Shang rolled over, Luo Qingyan quickly lifted the quilt and got out of the door. Yun Chang heard the voice from outside: "Your Majesty, the Emperor Yelang brought troops to call out."

Luo Qingyan seemed to be afraid of harassing Yun Chang and deliberately lowered his voice. Yun Shang did not listen to what Luo Qingyan said. After a short while, he heard Luo Qingyan approached the house and did not hold the lamp. He seemed to be wearing clothes.

Yun Chang raised her head and looked at the vague figure, "Your servant is awake, your Majesty light the lamp."

"I'm already dressed, you can sleep for a little longer." Luo whispered softly, took the sabre hanging on the bed post and went out of the room.

Yun Chang tossed and turned to the ground, worried about the war outside, and couldn't fall asleep, so she just called the painting to get up and hold the lamp, and got up in a robe. Bao'er also woke up, Yun Chang asked Huaer to make a bowl of corn paste to feed Baoer, and Yun Shang gave Baoer to the painting, and stood up and instructed Pelan: "Go and get Come in a suit of men's clothes, prepare a few horses, and ask dozens of dark guards to go out with me, and I will explore the surrounding terrain in person. "<

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