MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 766 Geography

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"Dig a lake?" Pei Lan's eyes were full of unbelievable color, and he repeated it again, as if he wanted to confirm to Yun Chang.

Yun Chang nodded: "Yes, it is just digging a lake, and I don't know if there are lotuses or lotuses in Lingxi City. If so, after digging the lake, transplanting it, you can just appreciate the lotus."

When Yun Chang finished speaking, he entered the room, leaving Peilan alone in the hall with fog all over him. I wondered what Yun Chang intended.

It's already Haishi, but Bao'er hasn't slept yet. Sitting on the couch where Yun Chang was sleeping, playing the rattle, he turned his head back quickly when he heard the footsteps. When he saw Yun Chang, his eyes seemed to suddenly light up, and he clapped his hands and opened his hands towards Yun Chang.

Yun Chang quickly stepped forward and hugged Bao'er, and said with a smile: "I heard that Bao'er is very good today and didn't cry. My mother is really happy. Our Baoer is very sensible."

Baoer smiled, "hey", with a bit of slyness in his eyes.

Pelan's voice came from behind him: "Mother-in-law, do you want slaves to prepare dinner?" Pelan seemed to have awakened from the shock and entered the room and asked softly.

After listening to Peilan's question, Yun Sang realized that she had eaten only one loaf today, but she hadn't eaten anything from noon to now, and suddenly she felt a little hungry. She nodded and responded, . "

Perran responded, then retreated.

Yun Sang held Baoer, put the letter under the pillow, and pressed it with a jade pillow, thinking in her heart that Xia Houjing went to Jincheng without doubt going to the throne. Luo Qingyan and himself were not in the palace, indeed. It's a good opportunity.

Only this matter, Yu Yunshang and Luo Qingqing said, but it was an excellent opportunity. In order to guard against Yun Sang's people, Xia Hou Jing will sneak into Jincheng silently. In this way, it will be impossible to bring the soldiers stationed in Liucang City into Jincheng together. The fewer people around Xia Houjing, the easier it would be for them to succeed. Just counting the days, Ning Qian seems to be about to come.

Yun Chang frowned slightly, with a rather shallow temper, if Yun Chang put the matter into her hands, she would surely do it regardless. but……

Yun Chang was silent for a moment, then put Bao'er on the couch, and called the painting to come and guard, and then went to the desk, unrolled the paper, polished the ink, and wrote a letter to Qian Yin.

When Pei Lan came in with the food, Yun Chang had already written the letter, sealed it with an envelope, and Fang handed it to Pei Lan: "Send someone to send the letter back to Jincheng, to Yiren Pavilion in shallow water. In the hands of Qian Yin. "

Perlan answered and went out.

Yun Sang sat down, looking at the food on the table, turned and looked at her Baoer, who had been staring at her on the bed, before she asked the painting: "What did Baoer eat before?"

"The porridge that the little prince ate, boiled some minced meat and vegetables, and went in." The painting smiled: "Slave listened to the grandmother, usually children would be extremely uncomfortable when weaned, but she looked at the little prince but seemed to prefer There is something to eat now. "

Yun Chang heard the words, and her eyes fell on Bao'er, and she smiled and said, "Maybe the cook did a good job, and He Baoer's appetite."

Yun Chang had dinner and washed up, and she took Baoer to sleep.

In the early morning of the second day, Yun Chang still got up very early. Although it was decided to use the formation method to defeat the enemy, but the essence of the formation method, apart from the change and cooperation of the array soldiers, if you can find a favorable position, it will definitely do more with less.

The mountain west of Lingxi City is called Phoenix Mountain. Legend has it that the wings of the Phoenix can be seen at sunrise. However, although the legend is extremely beautiful, it is no small test to want to climb Phoenix Mountain.

Compared with yesterday's Langya Mountain, Fenghuang Mountain is relatively steep and the mountain road is difficult. As soon as Yun Chang reaches the foot of the mountain, he knows that today the horse must not be able to go up, so all the dark guards are down. Horse, sent two people to watch the horse down the mountain, and the rest went up the mountain with her.

The fog was lingering above the middle of the mountain, and Yun Chang's hair had been beaten half wet. Yun Chang stopped and took the map out of his sleeve to take a look. There were only three garrison points on Phoenix Mountain, and all of them were in relatively gentle mountains, presumably because the terrain was too steep.

The more you walk up, the fewer birds cry in the forest, and Yun Chang has seen more than once or twice the footprints of some beasts on the muddy ground.

"Master, if we go up again, I'm afraid it will be a bit dangerous, and now it's not too early. If we go up again, today I'm afraid I can only rest in the mountains." The leader of the dark guard opened his mouth, with a bit of persuasion in his words.

Yun Chang looked at the map. At present, their place is still a certain distance from the top of the mountain, and the savvy people like Cangjue Qingsu are afraid that they will not let the army go to this Phoenix mountain. Once they have reached the Phoenix mountain, I'm afraid that Xia Jun's attack will not cause their soldiers to be greatly reduced.

Yun Sang nodded gently, took the water pouch handed over by the dark guard, took a sip of water, and never looked away from the map. From the south to the north, Fenghuang Mountain is not far from the site where the Yelang National Army is stationed, but it is cut off by a long canyon in the middle.

"Go north." Yun Shang closed the map, handed the water bag to the dark guard, and turned the direction with the dark guard.

When reaching the northernmost part of Fenghuang Mountain, Yunshang saw the scene of the sun setting. To the north of Fenghuang Mountain was a cliff, and the mountain seemed to be cut by a knife. The canyon below is the boundary between Yelang Kingdom and Xia Kingdom.

The east and west sides of the mountain were a little gentler. It wasn't early, and Yun Shang took the dark guard down the mountain. When he was about a mile away from the bottom of the mountain, Yun Shang saw a stone forest. Looking up from the mountain, the stone forest looked extremely spectacular. Many stones, four or five people tall, stood in different shapes.

When I walked closer, there were thick moss on the stones. The distance between the stones was different. When I walked in, I felt like I was walking into a maze. Yun Chang walked around for a while, but couldn't get out of those stones.

An Wei carried Yun Sang from left to right and jumped up onto the stone. Yun Sang found that the stone forest stretched for almost two or three miles, which was frightening.

"Master, there are stones everywhere, blocking the way, and there is no way for the fog to discern the direction, and it is easy to get lost. Let's go around here." An Wei whispered softly.

Bypass. Yun Chang glanced from side to side. The cliffs in the north and the dense forest in the south. To get around, you can only walk in the forest. When the road in the forest came earlier, they also passed through, it was very muddy, and there were many beasts in the forest.

Yun Chang raised his corner of the mouth and laughed, "Here, this is the best place to set up."

The dark guards did not know why Yun Chang said so. There were some doubts in his eyes. Yun Chang raised his eyes and said, "Take me to walk over this stone. I take a closer look at the location of these stones. After returning, I can draw pictures . "

An Wei answered, and took Yun Sang's light work, and jumped over from the stone forest.

After staying down the mountain and returning to Chengshoufu, Yun Chang was too late to eat. He locked himself in the study, took the ink and ink, and drew the position of each stone in the stone forest. come out.

It was already late at night after painting, and Yun Shang put away the paper, and Fang went back to sleep in the bedroom.

Waking up the next morning, the day was already bright, and Baoer was being held in his arms by the painting to feed breakfast. Yun Chang looked for a moment before opening her mouth: "What about Pelan?"

The picture hurriedly said: "Perlan is in the kitchen, and slaves come to her here."

Yun Chang shook her head and said, "Nothing, continue to feed Baoer."

Baoer, however, seemed to be full, turning a blind eye to the rice porridge fed by the painting, and looked at Yun Chang with a smile.

Yun Sang sat up, took her clothes, and wore them all. Bao'er had been cleaned up. She was sitting on the chair properly, with one hand still holding the chair's armrest.

Yun Chang looked at such a small person with a serious look, but couldn't help laughing, hugged Bao'er, and kissed his forehead with a smile: "We're really cute."

After Yun Chang and Bao'er played together for a while, Pei Lan walked in and saw that Yun Chang had already got up, and quickly walked to Yun Shang and said, "Why don't mothers call slaves when they wake up? Slave is the mother Hair. "He asked Yun Sang whether he had to go out and explore the terrain.

Yun Chang shook her head and smiled, "Just a simple bun."

Pelan responded, and helped Yun Chang to sit in front of the bronze mirror.

Baoer Lai was unwilling to let go in Yunshang's arms. Yunshang had no choice but to sit down holding Baoer, his eyes fell on the bronze mirror, and he looked at Pelan: "The letter from the day before yesterday can be presented to Your Majesty? "

Peilan nodded. "It's been reported, and the secret guard said, His Majesty said nothing."

Yun Chang bowed her head, took out Baoer's fingers in her mouth, and wiped them with Jinpa: "Are you ready to dig the lake?"

"Once selected, my mother can take a look at her breakfast. She is in the western garden. There are no people in the house. There are a few guest houses in the west and they can be demolished directly. In this way, there should be a few acres. Ground. "Perlan smiled slightly, his voice quiet.

Yun Chang murmured "um" and answered.

Pelan said again, "But now the city has almost become an empty city, and no artisan can be found. The mother wants to see the lotus in the summer, but it is a bit difficult."

Yun Chang heard the words, her mouth slightly tilted, took a very elegant wooden rafter from the makeup, and handed it to Peilan, and said quietly: "What craftsman do you want? This digging a lake does not require carving For the flowers, let our dark guards do it. We brought nearly three hundred dark guards to Lingxi, and we do n’t usually need that much. We need to send 150 people to do this. ”

Perlan heard the words and hesitated for a moment before he laughed quickly: "Still, the maiden wanted to be thorough, but the slaves never thought that they could do this, and said that they would borrow some soldiers from the camp."

"The soldiers are not bad, but the fighting is urgent. If I go to call the soldiers again, it should not be." Yun Chang said lightly. <