MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 784 Return to own use

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The next day Liu Yinfeng set off for Yangliu Town, but Yun Chang still had some concerns in his heart. After all, Liu Yinfeng was Xia Houjing's brother. Cao Wenxi worked so hard to protect this child, and Liu Yinfeng had personally taught him for a while before, and the bloodline feeling would certainly be missed.

"What are you thinking?" Luo Qingyan closed the folding fan in his hand and tapped Yun Chang's head lightly. "Look at you absent-mindedly, it's your turn."

Yun Sang smiled and looked at the situation on the chessboard. Her chess pieces had been pushed into the dead by Luo Qingyan, and there was almost nowhere to survive. Yun Shuang frowned, and dropped the child at will, before responding softly: "I was thinking about Liu Yinfeng going to Yangliu Town, I don't know what the situation will be. If it does n’t stop, I will lose." The weather was very hot. It disturbed Yun Chang a little upset.

As Yun Chang said, she stood up and sat down on the soft couch.

Luo Qingyan put the **** in his hand in the chess basket, sat down next to Yun Chang, fanned for Yun Chang, and whispered softly: "No matter what the outcome, today's situation is good for us. of."

"Beneficial?" Yun Chang was confused by Luo Qingyan's words. Why didn't she see it?

Luo Qingyan bowed his head lightly and smiled, "Now Xia Huanyu rushed to Yangliu Town with Xia Houjing, but it is also an opportunity. Although the person who is not the subject in Liucang City will not become a piece of scattered sand, but after all he lacks the backbone. And now that the external problems have been resolved, it is high time to calm down the Liucang chaos. "

When Yun Chang heard the words, his eyes suddenly lighted up: "Your Majesty's words are extremely true, but Xia Huanyu's stumbling just happened to trap Xia Houjing."

"I have ordered the dark guard in Liucang City to co-operate with Zheng Qiming, and also passed on the letter to Sun Bingzhi with an eagle, ordering him to attack the city immediately, and cooperate with Zheng Qiming inside and outside. Be sure to win Liu Cangcheng with lightning. Let Xia Houjing have no chance of turning over again. "Luo Qing said indifferently, but looked like an eagle who saw the prey.

When Yun Chang heard Luo Qingyan say this, she felt suddenly open in front of her eyes. She reached up and raised the tea cup on the table. She lifted her head towards Luo Qingyan, and her smile was brighter. "Chen Ye is still short-sighted, listen With Xia Huanyu taking Xia Houjing to Yangliu Town, he was worried that after Xia Houjing knew his life, he used his life to write an article, which was not good for His Majesty. But his eyes were not as high as his eyes, and everything was under control. I admire him and respect your next cup. "

Luo Qingyan raised his eyebrows, reached for the tea cup in Yun Shang's hands, and said with a smile: "It's probably too insincere to replace tea with wine? Huh?"

The last "hmm" with a long epilogue was extremely playful.

Yun Chang himself heard his ridicule, glaring at Luo lightly, and his face was a little red: "Your Majesty, please make fun of the minister, and the minister will definitely not be fooled again. It will be done once or twice. But three. "

Luo Qingyan said with a smile, eyes full of calculations.

Most of the things in the chapel are now settled. No matter how much, Yun Shang can't worry about it. While Liu Yinfeng hasn't heard back yet, Liu Cangcheng's case may not be completely resolved for a while, and Yun Chang has also recovered his mind. Returning attention to the harem.

The first thing is of course Qi Ruihai.

"Beauty, beauty." The parrot in the temple cried endlessly from the morning. Yun Chang reached out and took the rice in Qianshou's hand, and plucked some into the bird cage.

The parrot ate some rice and whipped up in the cage for a while, then stood a little stunned in the cage and stopped talking.

Yun Sang handed the bamboo tube containing Gu Mi to the discretion, and said quietly: "Go to the house ward and say to Qi Ruihai, and say that the parrot in this palace suddenly has no spirit, and Thai half is not in the palace. The reason for the parrots. Ask him if someone in the palace is good at raising parrots and bring them to the palace to show them. "

Shallow response quickly, took the bamboo tube and retreated, went to the small kitchen, threw the bamboo tube into the burning stove, and then instructed the person to send a message to the housekeeper.

Qi Ruihai was extremely quick. Before the evening, he brought someone to the door.

Yun Sang looked at the man Qi Ruihai brought to her, and she looked like she was in her thirties. She was a little bit fat, and she looked quite honest. Yun Chang drew his gaze lightly and said with a smile: "Since President Qi said that you are good at caring for parrots, this palace believes in you. Take your time and bring them out."

Qian Ji quickly responded, entered the inner hall, and lifted the parrot out of the cage, Yun Yun motioned to raise the parrot to the person in front of him, and frowned slightly: "You show it, this parrot His Majesty gave it to this palace. They are always delicious and delicious waiters. They do n’t know what ’s going on today, and they look like they are so embarrassed. This palace is accustomed to its noise. I'm not used to hearing it. "

The housekeeper responded quickly, stepped forward and looked closely at the parrot's eyes, ears, nose and nose, and then reached out and touched the parrot's belly before turning his head and responding softly: "Mother, this parrot is afraid that it should not eat The minions looked at what they ate, mostly wine. "

"Wine?" Yun Chang blinked, then turned to look at the sip: "What did you feed the parrot this morning?"

Shallow response quickly said: "It's just rice."

Yun Sang nodded her head slightly, then raised her eyes and looked at the housekeeper: "Are you sure it is wine?"

"Yes." The housekeeper answered softly.

Yun Chang frowned and tapped on the handrail at his hand, nodded slightly, and smiled, "I know this palace, can there be a solution?"

The waiter responded quickly: "Mother-in-law might as well give someone more water to feed, and it won't be long before it's fine."

Yun Sang nodded, and responded, paused, and then instructed the shallow discretion: "Simple, you take him down, there are still some things in this palace, and I want to talk with the general manager Qi."

Qi Ruihai froze for a moment, then stood slightly with her head down. Qingshou took the inner servant away from the main hall, Yun Chang looked at Qi Ruihai with a fixed eye, and twitched his mouth, and said, "Qi father-in-law, what does this palace intend to say to you?"

Qi Ruihai shook her head quickly, but her eyes were a little flustered, but she calmed down very quickly. Yun Chang laughed: "Gonggong Qi has been in charge of the internal wardens for so many years, and it is probably not clear that he ordered the palace people to take drugs from outside the palace. What kind of accusation is it to enter the palace? "

Qi Ruihai trembled and raised his head sharply, with a little suspicion in his eyes, a little unbelievable.

Yun Chang knew what he was thinking, and smiled coldly: "The evidence in the hands of this palace is solid, and Grandpa Qi doesn't need to justify it."

Qi Ruihai was silent for a long time, her voice faintly husky: "How the queen mother wants to deal with slaves."

Yun Chang's hand gently tapped the handrail in his hand: "But this palace wants to ask, why is Qi used to ban drugs so much?"

Qi Ruihai lowered her eyes and slightly trembled her fingers. She whispered softly: "The mother-in-law grew up in the court from an early age. She is no stranger to all the means in the palace. In order to fight for a pet word, banned drugs can help them achieve some goals, and they need to get it at any cost. Although the rivers and mountains change hands now, they don't need to do so anymore, but those banned drugs have become addicted. , I can't quit. "

Yun Chang laughed, and watched Qi Ruihai's face calm, and when she told a lie she did not change her face, but she was in danger.

"Gonggong Qi also understands the guilt of smuggling banned drugs into the palace."

Qi Ruihai nodded slightly, and whispered: "Death."

"Yeah, death penalty." Yun Chang smiled and said, "But this palace also digs out the truth and tells the truth, among the directors in the harem today, the most optimistic person in this palace is Qi director. This palace is still the same sentence, if President Qi can work for this palace, this palace will pretend to be ignorant, and it will not break the path of your wealth management. Right now, there is only one palace in the harem. Qi Manager, what do you think? "

Qi Ruihai groaned for a long time without a response, Yun Chang was not in a hurry, she just waited quietly.

After a short while, Qi Ruihai knelt down sharply: "The slave Qi Ruihai, meet the queen lady."

Yun Chang heard the words, her mouth was tilted, and her eyes were a bit of a smile: "Well, Qi Gonggong really knows the current affairs. In this case, if Qi Gonggong is sincere to this palace, this palace will not treat you badly. . But the ugly word is that at the front, the most dissatisfied person in this palace is betrayal. Once betrayal, there are thousands of ways for this palace to make Qi Gong's life worse than death. People. "

Yun Sang scratched a coldness in his eyes, but Qi Ruihai was startled by the dark center, nodded slightly, and answered.

After Qi Ruihai left, she walked in from outside the door, and looked back at Qi Ruihai's back, before she whispered, "Mother-in-law, slaves don't understand."

Yun Chang took a closer look, and there were many people around her, but not many of them could be trusted. Shallow deliberations are one of them, but although deliberately dealing with others is more mature than before, it still lacks a lot. She also hopes that Shoji can grow up quickly, and she smiles and responds: "Oh? Tell me, there are What do you not understand? "

Slightly stretched his hands to compare two, "I don't understand two things. First, the mother can clearly order Qi Ruihai to come, why should she find a reason?"

Yun Chang heard the words, looked at the parrot in the bird cage, and whispered softly: "Qi Ruihai is a savvy person. If I understand that he will meet him at Weiyang Palace without any reason, he will surely understand that I have plans. , He would want all kinds of ways to deal with it in advance. What Momiya wanted was to kill him by surprise and make him too late. "

Taking a brief look at it, Yun Sang smiled and took a brief look, and blinked, "Let this palace guess, the second thing you don't understand is definitely not understanding why I wouldn't say how to congratulate Tai Fei and The nineteenth prince? "

I deliberately nodded several heads, "The princess is the sister of Qi Ruihai, and Qi Ruihai steals the banned drugs into the palace for the nineteenth prince. These two seem to the slaves to threaten Qi Ruihai's submission. Good reason, but the mother never said a word. "

Yun Sang nodded: "Yes, you are right. Judging from what we know today, Princess Wan and the nineteenth Prince are probably Qi Ruihai's most concerned person in the palace, but I only chose the lightest steal Prohibited drugs go to the palace to talk about things. "

Yun Sang nodded, and asked, "Then I ask you, do you think, Qi Ruihai has been in the palace for so many years, what is the power in your hand?"

"It must be quite a lot." Shallowly thinking without thinking.

Yun Chang bowed his head: "By the way, Qi Ruihai looked calm and self-sustaining, but it was only because the palace touched his bottom line. He searched for his sister for so many years, and did so much for Princess Wan, you can see that Wan The toffee and the nineteenth prince are the ones Qi Ruihai cares most in the palace. If I threaten the toffee and the nineteenth prince, I will inevitably use too much force to make Qi ruihai feel, and the lives of the two will be dragged in In my hands, if he is desperate for this, with the help of the contacts he has accumulated in the palace, he intends to put me to death, although it may not be possible, but such a method of breaking the net is not beneficial to me, but it is lost. An available person will also put himself in danger. "

"Princess Wan wants the nineteenth prince to stay away from the dispute, and the pill is the key. If Qi Ruihai can't get the pill, everything done before is wasted. I deliberately proposed a ban on drugs, and Qi Ruihai would worry that I would cut him off. The source of the banned drug. Then, in the conditions I threw out, I mentioned intentionally that if he was willing to work for me, I would not prevent him from taking pills from outside the palace, which is a great inducement for him. "

Listening carefully to Yun Chang's careful explanation of all the reasons, only a glimpse of it flashed in her eyes, and she nodded again and again: "Mother-in-law."

Yun Chang glared and smirked, but laughed: "Qi Ruihai now has to work for the palace no matter whether he wants it or not. In this way, many things are much easier to handle. Clean up the harem, You can start with the palace people in each palace. "

After a brief consideration, he quickly responded: "Slave understands."

The master and servant were talking, and a voice came from outside: "Madam, Cao Taimao, my lady, begging to see you."

Yun Sang nodded, walked to the door, opened the curtain, and said with a smile: "Mother Tai, mother of Queen, please."

With a gentle smile on his face, Cao Taiyi came in from the outside, and Tong Yunshang asked Ann.

"Cao Taizhen doesn't need so much courtesy." Yun Sang asked Qian Shou to move the stool to let Cao Shanxiu sit down before raising her eyes to Cao Shanxiu and saying, "Cao Taizhen looks good looking."

Cao Shanxiu smiled and laughed: "Thank you for your mother-in-law's teaching. In the most recent period, on the 15th, I followed the girl in the hall to learn the girl's red ~ ~. Many, I am relieved. "

"The fifteenth princess is not a bad and uneducable person, and she is also a good-natured person. She has been guided to be an excellent daughter. By the way, the palace said that the fifteenth princess chose a horse. The matter of the stream has also been delayed. I have ordered a list of people of middle age who are of middle age, with portraits and birthdays. Later, I will let you organize it carefully and send it to your palace. "Yun Chang smiled tunnel.

Cao Shanxiu heard that she was very happy on the face, and quickly laughed and said, "Thank you, Queen Queen."

Thanks to En, Cao Shanxiu looked up at Yun Chang and groaned for a moment before she said, "There is one thing, I do n’t know if I am thinking about it, but I am also afraid that if I do n’t report to my mother, bad things will happen. "

Seeing her look, Yun Chang raised her eyebrows and said, "I didn't think you were such a cower before? What is the matter? Tell this palace."

Cao Shanxou nodded his head and said softly: "The mother-in-law was not in the palace a few days ago, and the uncle was in charge of the harem affairs with the concubine, but the concubine accidentally found out that the concubine used the queen-woman When the girl took her mother ’s private seal in her hand, she quietly stamped several seals on several pieces of white paper. The uncle did not know what her use was like, but after all, the mother ’s private seal also involved a lot. It may be wrong. "

"Oh? Is this still happening?" Yun Sang raised her eyebrows and turned to look at it. The confusion on her face didn't seem to pretend. It can be seen that she really didn't know about it. And Yun Sang ordered that Tai Fei and Cao Taiji use her private seal when they must be together with Tai Fei, Cao Taiji, Qin Yi and Qian Ji. Martial arts skills are not low, if Tai Fei is able to conceal the sky in front of Qian Zhe and Qin Yi, how can Cao Shanxiu find out?

Yun Chang thought secretly in her heart, but her face was not revealing.

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