MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 810 Countermeasure

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Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang knew nothing about what happened behind them. The two hurriedly turned over the wall and returned to the palace, but the palace was quiet and abnormal. Yun Shang looked around and Fang raised his eyes. Lao Qingyan, who looked at him behind him, said: "It's not right."

Luo gently nodded, "We haven't returned to Weiyang Palace, and we shouldn't be so quiet."

The two looked at each other, Yun Chang groaned for a moment, Fang took the flute out of his sleeve, and sent a message to the dark guard. For a long time, there was no response.

"I'm afraid there is something wrong with Weiyang Palace. Let's go to Taiji Temple first." Luo Qingyan said immediately and made a decision.

Luo Qingyan took Yun Shang carefully to avoid the guards who patrolled back and forth, and then went to the Tai Chi Hall. Two internal servants stood in front of the Tai Chi Hall. They were dozing off. Yun Chang escaped a white jade vial from his sleeve and put it in Walked lightly, walked in front of the two housekeepers, smelled the white jade vial, and they slept by the wall.

Luo Qingyan pushed open the door of Taiji Temple, and the two quickly flashed into the Taiji Temple.

Because Luo Qingyan was not in the Taiji Temple, the lanterns in the Taiji Temple were still lit, but there were no palace guards on duty. Yun Sang and Luo Qingyan sat down on the steps in front of the dragon chair, and Luo Qingyan said frankly: "The private cell I arranged earlier will definitely draw the eyes of Xia Huanyu. It was supposed to be able to insist We came back, but now the palace is so quiet, I'm afraid that something has happened. I am afraid that Xia Huanyu could see through our plan in advance, and then the Wei guard at Weiyang Palace did not respond, and it should have been Xia Huanyu's life. People are in control. "

"What should we do now?" Yun Chang frowned and asked softly.

"Xia Huanyu didn't know where we went even if he found that his people were following the wrong person. We still have dark guards around us, and we are divided into three routes. All the way to the Weiyang Palace to explore the situation, the second way Outside the palace, two or three courtiers were told to enter the palace. They did not enter through the palace gate, but entered through the wall. On the third road, they went to the palace gate, and there were people who planted us in the palace gate guards. Some hands and feet colluded with the gate guards to give false evidence. "Luo Qingyan thoughtfully arranged.

Yun Chang frowned for a moment and nodded, "This way, we can prove that we are in the palace, we haven't been out of the palace, and Xia Huanyu could not think of Liu Yinfeng. Just send someone to go Weiyang Palace is afraid of something inappropriate. Now that Weiyang Palace is under the control of Xia Huanyu, let's send the dark guard to inquire. Wouldn't it be that we would have to cast a net and tell him that we have some doubts, I'm afraid it would disrupt our arrangements. There are also some hidden posts in other palaces. Things are so bad today, and they will probably know one or two. I write down the palace room and name, and let the dark guards go one by one to ask . "

"Shanger is still careful." Luo Qingyan smiled and touched Yun Shang's hair, and the two broke up.

The night was dark, but the palace tonight was doomed to be calm.

The dark guards acted separately, and the speed was not slow. The first to return to life was to go to the gate guard, saying that everything had been properly placed.

Then, they went to the palaces and temples to inquire about the dark piles.

"After Her Majesty and his maiden left the palace, the people in the private cell clashed with the Dark Guard who had arrived, arranged their hands, and fought for a while, but the person hidden in the surroundings It was not like her Majesty and her maiden who went to the private prison to investigate as they imagined. Instead, she went directly to Taihe Palace and met the Emperor. The Emperor came here in person.

Yun Chang frowned: "No wonder, too, the emperor came, then the dark guard who faked us was afraid to meet him."

"Yes. After the Emperor Tai came, I couldn't find Her Majesty and the Empress Dowager, and angrily ordered everyone to take everyone back to the Weiyang Palace. The Dark Guard's Dark Guard martial arts were extremely high, while the masters of Weiyang Palace were higher All were guarded by His Majesty and his maiden, and the dark guard in Weiyang Palace was suppressed and died, but there was no chance of reporting. Then the Emperor ordered the people to look around. The name was to find His Majesty and his maiden. It's the real purpose, but I'm afraid it's only they know. "

Luo Qingwen heard it, and smiled coldly: "Have they ever come to Taiji Temple?"

The dark guard shook his head: "Never."

"I know it." Luo Qingyan sneered before whispering softly: "He knew that we had taken our golden cicada out of the shell, and he felt that we would never be in Taiji Temple, but he was too lazy to search. He was looking for Yes, I'm afraid it's Cao Wenxi. "

Yun Chang reached out and shook Luo's soft hand, and said softly, "But this is an opportunity for us, isn't it?"

Luo gently nodded, "Yes."

The door of the Taiji Hall was pushed open slightly. Li Qianmo walked in front, followed by a few men in suits, who were about to salute. Luo Qingyan waved and said, "No need to be courteous. Please come, but I want everyone to serve as a shield for the widows. If the Emperor of the Emperor comes later, you will say that we have been discussing political affairs in this Taiji Hall since the 1911. "

When several people heard each other and looked at each other, Li Qianmo arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, if the Emperor asks us what is under discussion, why is the queen's maiden here, and how should the ministers answer?"

Luo Qingyan turned his head and looked at Yun Sang. Yun Sang smiled and said, "The harem was not allowed to participate in political affairs, except for one thing. Some days ago, the rebel Xia Houjing raised his troops in Liu Cang, and now the rebellion is peaceful, but The people around Liu Cang also lost a lot due to the war and famine. His Majesty received an urgent report and only urged you to enter the palace to discuss the disaster relief. This palace was only here to come ... please come to your Majesty earlier I went back to the palace to rest and met you to discuss this matter. I felt that the people were in trouble. As her family, the harem should also reduce costs and lead by example. Then, we discussed the emergency medicine that Liu Cang might need to prepare now. some type of."

Everyone looked at each other, Fang nodded and said, "The ministers understand."

Yun Sang smiled and turned to Luo Qing and said, "The courtier first went to awaken the two palace men at the door, and then said that His Majesty was tired of the proceedings, and asked him to send some porridge to Weiyang Palace."

Luo Qingyan bowed his head lightly, and Yun Chang smiled out of Taiji Hall.

Outside the Tai Chi Hall, the two palace people slept soundly against the wall. Yun Chang raised his eyes and looked into the sky. Today is the beginning of the month. The moon has only a small tooth and is not very bright. There were two lanterns hanging outside the door of the palace, and Yun Chang felt the light of the lantern and touched it in her sleeve, but did not feel what she wanted.

Frowning slightly, Yun Chang reached out and pushed, pushing the two inner servants to the ground.

"Who? Who, who?" One person screamed and opened his eyes and looked around. The other person saw Yun Sang at a glance, hurriedly turned over, and fell to his knees: "The queen maiden, the slave sees the queen maiden."

The man who looked around heard the words, and he knelt down quickly.

Yun Chang sneered, "Did you doze on duty here?"

The two trembled and begged for mercy: "The queen and mother forgive their sins, and the minions know what is wrong."

"Know what? When you came to the palace and His Majesty one and a half hours ago, you were sleeping. Your Majesty went in and out with a few adults, and discussed government affairs in the temple for nearly an hour, and you were still sleeping. Who gave Your guts? "Yun Chang's voice rose sharply.

When they heard the words, they lay on the ground and did not even dare to speak out.

Yun Chang glanced across the two coldly, silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, the voice was a little lower, but the coldness was unabated, "Go to Weiyang Palace and instruct the kitchenette to do some supper Come here. If you ca n’t even do such trivial things, you do n’t have to be in the Taiji Temple again. The house attendant is more suitable for you. ”

After Yun Chang finished speaking, the two men scratched their heads and said yes. Yun Chang raised her eyes and looked at the crescent moon crooked in the sky, Fang turned around and slowly entered the Taiji Hall.

The voice in the Tai Chi Temple came over, and some people said, "Your Majesty, I think that if you let the Minister of the Central and South Korea take the silver and give you food, you will be afraid of it, but there will be a lot of worn clothes in every house and house. Although the clothes are worn, the material is definitely not bad. Now that the weather is getting colder, the people on Liu Cang's side are afraid to wear warm clothes, but it is better to collect those old clothes and send them to Liu Cang. Such things, It is true for the people, but it is not good for the officials who deal with it, and it does not need to be exploited at various levels, so that it cannot reach the hands of refugees. "

"Master Li's plan is very good." Luo Qingyan came with a clear voice, the two inner servants kneeling outside the hall looked at each other with a little sweat on their foreheads, eyes full of panic. Seeing Yun Chang entering the Tai Chi Temple, he stood up in a hurry, and one of the housekeepers hurried to the Weiyang Palace.

Less than half an hour, a series of footsteps were remembered outside the hall. Everyone in the hall looked at each other, but pretended not to hear anything. They were busy and discussing.

The temple door was pushed open, and Xia Huanyu stood at the door of the temple, expressionless, but his eyes seemed to be frozen with snow.

Yun Changfang put down his pen, stood up, walked behind Luo Qingyan, and saluted Xia Huanyu: "Father Emperor."

"Too great."

Luo Qingyan raised his eyes and looked at Xia Huanyu, with a smile on his face: "Father Emperor came to visit late at night. I wonder if there is anything urgent?"

Xia Huanyu's eyes glanced lightly at the people in the hall, and Fang walked to the middle of the hall: "You three in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?"

Luo Qingyan replied with a smile: "I'm negotiating with you, adults."

"Negotiating affairs?" Xia Huanyu sat down on the chair beside him, but his eyes fell on Yunshang: "While discussing the affairs of affairs, why is the queen here? The harem is not allowed to do politics. This is a rule set by the ancestors. The queen intends to break this rule? "