MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 825 Finale countdown

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Yun Chang lowered her eyes, and there was a flash of tears in her eyes, and she wiped the tears in the corners of her eyes and laughed, but her voice trembled, "It's ugly, but it makes you like this. It's really hard for you, a rough man who is used to swords to make such a delicate thing. "

Luo Qing's face was a little red, half a moment, and then he whispered: "These two concentric knots, one of us, I can still wait for your sachet to embroider, and I will put this at that time."

Yun Chang remembered the embroidered braces that she hadn't known where she had been thrown. She stuck out her tongue and smiled, "Okay, your majesty can be finished soon. You can make suggestions for your majesty. If you fight on the battlefield, and you do n’t care about medicine, you ca n’t believe that you can be stumped by a sachet? ”

"But then, do you have to regret it?" Luo Qingyan smiled, stretched out his hand and pinched Yun Chang's nose, and hugged Yun Chang.

This winter has come a little earlier than in previous years. After Yun Chang's birthday, it gets colder day by day.

After the birth of Baoer, Yun Chang began to be afraid of getting cold, and a fire was set in the house early. Yun Sang was sitting on a soft couch with a blanket around the fire, but he was a little worried: "This winter is a little bit colder, I'm afraid the people will also be affected a lot."

Hearing carefully, he said quietly, "I haven't heard of any disaster-stricken people handing in somewhere. Qin Tianjian said that there will be a sunny day after a few days, and then the weather will become almost the same as in previous years. . "

Yun Chang nodded his head: "I hope Qin Tianjian is right."

As he said this, he heard another cry from outside. Yun Chang blinked, looking at the shallow thoughts: "Go and see, but is Baoer bullying shallow daughter again?"

He nodded his head slightly, walked out quickly, and hugged the little girl back after a while: "The little prince does not always like to play tricks like this? He just suddenly got into the big ears A roar made them cry. "

The shallow children haven't even gotten their first names, so everyone has the habit of yelling.

Yun Chang also cried and laughed a little: "Yeah, the child was spoiled. Then bring in the lessons and learn the lessons. The girls are pets? How can they be bullied?"

After listening to the words, she laughed: "The mother-in-law seems to treat Yaya as her daughter-in-law."

"What's wrong?" Yun Sang blinked and smiled: "The light child was in the palace, and I felt that the girl was really quieter than the boy. Look at Yaya, how can there be treasure? That kind of noise? "

"The little prince is so small, the maiden began to worry about these things." Everyone laughed.

The language of Qin Tianjian was fulfilled this time. It was really cold for a few days, and then the sun came out for a few days. The weather gradually warmed up, and Yun Chang took Yaya to take a walk in the Royal Garden.

After walking for a while, Yun Chang felt a bit tired, walked to the pavilion to rest, but saw Qian Yin followed Pelan, and came over to this side, Yun Chang raised her corner of her mouth, and saw Qian Yin approached, With a smile: "I haven't seen you for a while, but I didn't ask you well. How is Xiaoji's business now? After all, it's my own business. I have to care about earning money?"

Shallow sounded, and then said softly: "It is very good, the guest is like a cloud, and the mother-in-law is sitting in the palace and counting the silver."

Yun Chang laughed after hearing the words: "Then I will rest assured."

Qian Yin looked at the child in Yun Chang's arms and blinked, "This looks like the daughter of Boss?"

Yun Sang nodded: "Isn't it her? She followed Wang Jinhuan back to Ningguo. The child is too young to take it with her, and she will put it in the palace for a while." Yun Sang said, her eyes fell on Qian Yin On the body, "Speaking of which, your marriage is much earlier than Ning, and your stomach hasn't moved yet?"

When Qian Yin heard the words, her complexion became red, hesitated for a long time, and then she nodded shyly and said, "Yes."

Now it was Yunchang's turn to stop: "Has it? Really? How long?"

Qian Yin nodded with a smile and said, "It's just two months, and I haven't shown much."

Yun Chang's face was full of joy, and she laughed: "Excellent, great, that's all right, I'm relieved to see that you have a good home for both of you. Zhao Yingjie will return in a few days Jincheng is near, and his relationship with Qin Yi is almost over. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was a little surprised: "Sister Qin Yi and General Zhao?"

Yun Chang bowed his head: "Zhao Yingjie is mature and stable. I was harmed by my unreliable sister before. It is a good person and will definitely be good to Qin Yi."

"This is really a happy event. The queen's maiden is about to hold a closing ceremony. Qian Yin is pregnant. Sister Qin Yi is about to get married. Sanxi is at the door."

The crowd laughed for a while, and Qian Yin thought of the purpose of his trip, Fang converged and said: "Madam, there is something wrong for a slave to enter the palace today."

Seeing Qian Yin's expression, Yun Chang groaned for a moment before she said, "What happened?"

Qian Yin replied softly: "In fact, it is not a big deal, Hua Yutong. When she first entered the palace, she should have mentioned it with her mother-in-law. She had been entangled with slaves for some time and wanted to bring slaves. She entered the palace to see the maiden. After the superficial boss went out of the palace, she said that she did not need to meet, and the slaves ignored her. Later she did not come, but two female corpses were found in the river outside the city the day before. I was concerned, but then I heard the people below say that the woman and the man who came to me about me look alike. I went to see it and found that it was Hua Yutong. "

Yun Chang heard the words, and the smile of Fang Cai was still stiff, and the smile gradually faded: "Hua Yutong? She is dead?"

Qian Yin nodded gently: "Slave went to see it in person, it should be her. Jincheng Fu Yin and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs both looked at it, and they cast it by themselves."

Yun Chang was silent, and her heart was rolling, she couldn't tell what it was like. Her mood towards Hua Yutong was a bit complicated.

In the beginning, she was very appreciative. Hua Yutong's temperament went straight, but she really liked her. However, because Hua Yutong was selected in the beginning of Washington, he was destined to be a pawn, and Yun Sang had some sympathy for her. When she was troubled, she intended to pull her. But she didn't want her to betray suddenly, but it made Yun Chang sad for a while. The confrontation on the Taiji Hall made Yun Shang completely break with her.

It was only later that I heard that she was not doing well in Liucang City, but she felt a little sympathy in her heart, but she felt more that she wanted everything, even if she saw her in the street that day. I still felt so careless about the rattle with less than one or two silvers. But when she heard the news of her death suddenly, she felt a little regret in her heart.

Is it true that if she saw her at Hua Yutong when she met Qian Yin, she wouldn't look like this now?

The people around me have been waiting for Yun Sang for a while, and she is also familiar with Yun Sang. When she sees this, she knows that Yun Sang is blaming herself. As soon as she thinks about it, Fang persuades: "Everyone has Everyone's life, the mother gave Hua Yutong a chance. "

Yun Chang lowered her head and smiled bitterly, sighing longly: "It's all over now, no matter how regretful it is, it's useless. You send someone to the private cell at Princess Tai'an and tell the news to Xia Houjing Oh, by the way, Asagiagi, you have seen the wife and concubine beside Xia Houjing. You will follow along to see who the pregnant woman who died with Hua Yutong is together with Xia Houjing. Xia Houjing Although rebellious and rebellious, after all, he is a member of the royal family. Even if he is guilty, he should not be implicated. Hua Yutong and the woman, according to the princess' etiquette, are buried.

Asagiagi whispered, and went out with the shallow tone.

Yun Chang suddenly lost her interest, stood up holding Yaya, and walked towards Weiyang Palace.

Qian Yin is right. Each person has her own life. She is not a kind person. Even if she is given another chance to choose, I am afraid she will do the same with Hua Yutong.

In the evening, Qian Liufang returned from outside the palace, and met with Yun Sang, and then reported on her: "Mother-in-law, as told by the mother-in-law, said this to Xia Hou-jing."

Luo Qingyan heard the words, and looked strangely to Yun Chang: "What's the matter?"

"Hua Yutong's body was found in the river outside the city the day before yesterday." Yun Chang responded softly and raised her eyes and asked Asagiri: "How did Xia Houjing react?"

Asagiagi's complexion was a bit strange, and she groaned for a moment before she said, "It was a bit unexpected to slaves. Previously, in Liu Cang, slaves always felt that Xia Houjing didn't like Hua Yutong at all, just because he wanted to use Yu Tong's father was able to cope with it. However, the former slaver went to tell Xia Houjing that when Hua Yutong cast himself in the river, Xia Houjing's reaction frightened the slave. After he first heard it, there was nothing. In response, the slave thought he didn't care and was about to leave, but heard him tell me to say it again. "

"Slave again said that Xia Houjing was silent for a while, but suddenly burst into tears. But she was so frightened that she really cried. After the slave came out, she asked the guard's guard for a special trip. The guard said that Xia Houjing had never cried since he was put in the prison, and he walked around in prison all day long. It is the first time they have seen each other today. "

Yun Sang nodded and remained silent for a long while, then said, "This wailing cry, but it came a little late. If it was earlier, maybe Hua Yutong would be happy after hearing it. Xia Houjing was not to Hua Yutong. It must be ruthless, just because of Hua Yutong's identity, he felt that he really didn't care. But the habit was sometimes terrible, and he was used to her. "

Just a poor man. Yun Chang sighed secretly in her heart, with a bit of indescribable sorrow.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty." The guard's voice suddenly came outside, with a little eagerness.

Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang looked up at the past, and saw the guard hurried in, arching the archway: "Your Majesty, Xia Houjing bit his tongue and killed himself ..."

Luo Qingyan heard the words, and his face was full of surprise: "What? What happened to the people?"

While talking, he reached for his cloak and went outside.

"The guards found it early and called the doctor, but just looking at it, their subordinates felt that there was not much hope." The guard responded softly.

Luo Qingyan frowned and turned to look at Liu Wen'an, who stood beside him, "Go to Tai Hospital to summon a Tai Yi, and rush to Tai'an Princess House."

Liu Wen'an responded quickly, and Luo Qingyan had gone away with the guard.

Luo Qingyan left Weiyang Palace, and Yun Sang had not returned yet. He still had an unbelievable color in his eyes: "Xiahou Jing, will he commit suicide? Why?"

Qian Liu went to report the death of Hua Yutong to Xia Houjing. After seeing his abnormal appearance, there was some speculation in his heart: "I'm afraid the slaves are probably because Hua Yutong has gone. And now For Xia Houjing, the emperor had no hope, and his life experience was different from what he had imagined. If he lived this way, he might as well die clean. The death of Hua Yutong is probably the last straw that crushed him. "

Yun Chang heard the words, her lips trembled slightly, and opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say at this moment, but she just sighed.

Since reaching Xia Guolai, they have fought with Liu's family, with queens, and with Shu Shufei. There are too many enemies. But Xia Houjing was the one that bothered them the most. Now when he hears the news that he may be so gone, his heart is a bit complicated.

In fact, Xia Houjing just made a **** by mistake. It is sad to be treated as a **** by his mother-in-law and as a **** by Xia Huanyu.

Luo Qingyan did not return until the middle of the night, and Yun Chang was also in the palace until that time. Luo Qingyan came back and saw that Yun Chang hadn't rested yet, she understood what she was waiting for, opened her mouth, and finally shook her head pale: "I couldn't save it."

Yun Chang heard the words, and then hesitated.

The two were relatively silent for a long while, and Yun Chang sighed quietly: "Your Majesty must not think too much, it is not too early, His Majesty Minger has to go to the early dynasty, wash first and rest early."

Luo lightly nodded, walked to the soft collapse, and sat down suddenly, his face was not very good, and his eyes were full of fatigue.

Yun Chang asked for hot water, and twisted the parcel and handed it to Luo Qingyan. Luo Qingyan took it over and wiped his hands before sighing softly. "I went At that time, he was still angry. He even laughed when he saw me, just because he bit his tongue and couldn't speak anymore, but I looked at his eyes, but it seemed as if he wanted to say a lot.

Yun Sang took it, put it back in the basin, reached out and held Luo Qingyan's hand, and whispered comfortably: "Perhaps for Xia Hou Jing today, this is already the best ending. It's better to live in despair than to be relieved soon. "<

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