MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 827 season finale

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"... If you want to be fit and good, you will have to reinvent yourself. Since you are cool, you still depend on your relatives and you are planning a new rule. It is the first day of the first month of next year for the first year of Sheng'an, and you should issue an amnesty. Before May 17th, I should be a criminal, and often pardon those who are unavoidable, and do the best to pardon. The widow's wife, Ning, respects Zhang and Zhai, and she looks like a prudent figure. She is known by her name. Zun Ciyun, ordered the book treasure, made the queen. That's why ... "

Liu Wen'an's voice echoed in the Taiji Hall, with a little sombre, and the Manchu Wenwu knelt down.

"Her Majesty's Wanfu, Queen Queen's Mother Millennial." A uniform voice was asked, and Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang each sat on the Dragon and Phoenix chairs with their backs straight.

"Let's be flat." Luo Qingyan's face was still the same indifference as usual. Yun Chang turned his eyes to Luo Qingyan, and laughed at Luo Qingyan before the ministers got up.

Today's days are calm, but this calmness was also acquired by Yun Chang and Luo Qingyan for several years, and it must be only short-lived.

Now that they are the empress of Xia Kingdom, they have to go hand in hand along this road. You may encounter all kinds of obstacles, but it doesn't matter. No matter how big the obstacles are, they can be cleared one by one. The days to come are still long.

On the third day after the ascension ceremony, Ning Emperor set off to return to Ning Kingdom. On that day, the weather was a bit cold. Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang took Baoer to the town to send him away. In the morning, it was quite familiar with Baoer. After seeing Baoer, he rushed over.

"Sister, sister, let me hug the business. I do n’t know how long it will take to see Baoer after I leave. Will you see him next time, will he be Gao Gao Gao Gao, but at that time I Lao Gao Lao Gao. "Chen Xi hugged Yun Chang's legs, and his words were full of loss.

Yun Chang laughed when he heard the words: "You still can't hold Baoer, I will put him down, and you should treat him individually."

Chen Xi looked like a little adult, sighed, and nodded.

Yun Sang put Baoer on the ground, Chen Xi took Baoer's hand, the corners of her mouth were full of worries, and even her voice was full of sorrow: "My nephew, oh hello, you remember to miss me, if you father After your mother hit you, you will come to Ningguo, and you betray me and cover you. "

When everyone listened, they all laughed. Yun Chang reached out and rubbed Chen Xi's head: "Who taught you these words?"

Chen Xi was completely unheard of, and only kept telling him: "If you have a daughter-in-law in the future, in addition to your father and mother-in-law, you have to show it to your sister-in-law. If you can't come, write a letter Here, I'll come here in person. Hey, forget it, you can draw a small statue. "

Xiao Shujin stared at the two little men with smiles at the corners of his mouth, raised his eyes and looked at Yun Chang: "Early morning, the morning sun was playing with Wang Shangshu's son, it seems that Wang Jinhuan is the one? There is a little boy in Guo Gongfu who is also a funny person, but he can play with Chen Xi. "

When Yun Sang heard Xiao Shujin say this, she knew that she was definitely Yan Yilan's son. She had trouble marrying her daughter-in-law all day and all day. When she went to the state government house while pregnant, she always talked. If she had a daughter, she would have to marry him.

Yun Chang shook her head with a smile, the boy was too skinny. But Chen Xi has always grown up in the palace, I am afraid that there are very few playmates, it is also good to be able to play with Yaner.

Although Yun Chang saw Bao'er standing on the ground, but Chen Xi still knew the size, she always held Bao'er's hand. Looking at the surroundings and paintings, they stared at Xiao Shujinfu and said, "I don't know when the next time I will see my mother-in-law, my daughter can't bear Huan's knees, and she also hopes that she will forgive her. "

Xiao Shujin lowered his head and smiled slightly: "Hello, you are the most filial piety to your mother-in-law."

"Mother-in-law must also be good." Yun Chang's voice gradually faded, and she felt uncomfortable in her heart, and her nose was a little bit sour, so she turned away and walked in front of Xiao Shujin's carriage: "Now the weather is getting worse Cold, the mother-in-law and father-in-law are on a long journey. Are the braziers in the car ready? "

The waitress on the side responded quickly: "They are all ready, and the quilts have four beds."

Yun Sang nodded, but didn't know how to say goodbye.

Ning Di and Luo talked lightly for a while, then turned around and walked to Xiao Shujin and said, "It's not too early, let's set off, or we can rush to the inn that can be reached before dark."

Xiao Shujin nodded, raised his eyes to Chen Xi, and whispered, "Dawn, the carriage is on, we should go."

"Oh." Chen Xi bowed her head and answered dullly, and went to Yun Sang again: "Sister, let's go first. After the father and mother, I will take care of you, but you can't forget I will come back and see me. "

"We are so cute, how did my sister forget it, and when she has finished practicing her character, she will write to her." Yun Chang squatted and looked at Chen Xi, her eyes moist: "Chen Xi must remember, if there is Who bullied you and your mother-in-law, and must send a letter to tell her sister, sister to help you out, okay? "

"Okay." Chen Xi clenched his fists, determinedly. He turned without hesitation and climbed into the carriage.

Xiao Shujin and Ningdi also followed the carriage, and the carriage curtain was lifted. Xiao Shujin took a firm look at Yun Chang and waved his hand.

"Let's go." Ning Emperor's voice came, and Yun Chang turned around, and suddenly understood a little when Xiao Shujin came to send himself to Xia Kingdom.

When Ning Emperor returned to Ning State, the New Year had passed. On the first day of February, Ning Emperor and Luo Qing at the same time announced the decree of sending troops to attack Yelang Kingdom. This time, Luo Qingyan really obeyed Yun Sang's persuasion, and he did not take charge of it. He was only in charge of Zhao Yingjie and Sun Bingzhi was the vice general. The two took 500,000 soldiers and horses from Lingxi and proceeded from south to north. Yelang Kingdom.

Earlier, when Cangjue Qingsu led his troops to attack Xia Kingdom, Ning State had taken the opportunity to capture the two cities east of Yelang Kingdom, and the matter directly proceeded from the east, approaching from east to west toward Yelang Kingdom Imperial City. Xia ** team together, the siege of Yelang country.

When Cangjue Qingsu saw this, he quickly gathered all the available resources of the Yelang Kingdom, soldiers, warhorses, and grasses, and was ready to fight the Ningxia Coalition. The country of Yelang is not big, and the land is barren, so it is daring to clamor with Xia Kingdom. In addition to the ambition of Cangjue Qingsu, it is because the people of Yelang are the most brave and warriors, and the horse is the most fat. Strong.

It was only at the end of winter that the grass on the grassland of Yelang State had been withered for a winter and no new shoots had yet been sent out. It was when the horse was hungry and Luo Qingyan planned for several months. The good horses in Yelang State had already been quietly bought. After walking for a third, when Cangjue Qing was recruiting war horses, he found that there were very few war horses available.

They were proud that the advantage of the war horse was not there, and the soldiers of Yelang Kingdom were panicked for a while. Before returning to God, they lost five cities, along with the two cities previously occupied by Ning State. Nearly half of Yelang's domestic cities were attacked by Ning and Xia.

In the middle of the night, the people of the Yelang Kingdom lost their hearts. Every day when they went up and down, they were all arguing. However, Cangjue Qingsu was also a vicious and deceitful person. Mingli agreed with the Lord and the faction on the court, wrote a sincerity letter, and invited a general named Ning Guo to negotiate peace. However, while the Ning State soldiers had not taken precautions, they quietly sent in a surprise attack, and the Ning Guo army suffered a lot of damage. They pretended to retreat, and led the Ning Guo soldiers into the desert, where the Ning Guo soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

However, although this battle allowed Yelang Kingdom to achieve a great victory, it also made the soldiers of Ning State and Xia Kingdom no longer believe in Yelang State and no longer want to reconcile. With the absolute advantage of the number of soldiers, it has been invincible. Potential, gradually approaching Yelang Kingdom.

It took more than a year for the battle to start in a flash. When the good news that broke through the kingdom of Yelang Kingdom came, it was a hot summer morning. Although it was only the morning, it was very hot. The palace was filled with ice cubes. People took a fan and fanned the ice to cool the house.

Yun Chang was holding a book in her hand and was watching it. She stretched out her hand involuntarily, and touched it, but didn't touch what she wanted. She raised her eyebrows with a frown, and Fang saw what she was holding in her hands. Plate: "What do you do with grapes?"

Shallow response quickly said: "Madam, this grape has been frozen, Your Majesty has ordered it, you can't eat more."

Yun Chang's eyes widened, and she slammed the book on the table with a sharp eyebrow and roared, "I just ate three, which is more?"

I didn't take Yun Shang's anger in my eyes, nodded calmly, and passed the fruit plate in my hand to the maid next to me, so that the maid took the plate down: "Your Majesty said, but nothing happened. I can eat three. "

"Luo Qingyan!" Yun Chang said fiercely, almost gritting his teeth.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law ..." There was an excited voice from Artemisia annua outside, and the sound of footsteps sounded very hurried. The curtain was raised with a "wow" and fell again.

Shallowly, he frowned and looked at Qinghao, sweating with sweat, "What happened? Huh."

Yun Chang listened to this criticism and criticized Artemisia annua, but couldn't help laughing: "This seems to be what I used to say to you."

Seeing that Yun Chang didn't seem to notice her at all, Qinghao was so anxious there that she hurried to kneel in front of Yun Chang: "Madam, there is good news, great news."

"What good news? But the cat picked up by the little maid in the yard outside gave birth to a cub?" Yun Chang had a little understanding of Artemisia annua, and joked.

Artemisia stomped her feet and hurriedly said, "It's a big victory, and Yelang Kingdom has been laid, mother-in-law."

When Yun Chang froze, he paused, and Fang sat up and stared at Qinghao, saying, "What are you talking about?"

Qinghao's eyes were full of unbelievable joy: "Mother-in-law, General Zhao, they defeated Yelang Kingdom, it was a great victory."

Yun Chang opened her mouth wide and half a moment before she laughed: "Okay, okay, okay. The victory is good, this battle has been fighting for a year and a half, and it is finally a victory."

Yun Chang rejoiced for a while, then quickly raised his eyes to call Asagi: "You go to the House of the Government and Qin Yi to say goodbye, Zhao Yingjie said that when this battle is over, we will marry Qin Yi, we can start to prepare."

Asagiagi retreated out, Yun Chang laughed and thought for a moment, and sat up suddenly from the soft couch, but suddenly felt dark before falling suddenly on the soft couch.

This one can startle everyone in the house, and suddenly the chaos in Weiyang Palace begins.

The complexion is also pale, but the expression is still quiet, and hurriedly said: "Don't be messy, don't be messy. Half snow, half sunny, you two go to the Tai Hospital to ask a doctor, Chunxiang Dongbai, you two go Your Majesty the Taiji Temple, Artemisia annua, Qingtong, you two will carry your mother to bed. "

The crowd then found the backbone of the Lord, and hurriedly followed the instructions of discretion.

When Luo Qingyan hurriedly rushed over from the chapel, the Taiyi seemed to have just finished the diagnosis, and Chengye stood aside. He was almost three years old, and he already had a little adult appearance, but it seemed to be scared too. No light, seeing Luo Qingyan coming in, he quickly ran to Luo Qingyan's feet: "Father Emperor, mother will not be in trouble, right?"

Luo Qingyan's face was also a little bad, but he still didn't forget to whisper: "Nothing, your mother will be fine."

After speaking, he walked in front of the Taiyi regardless of it, twisted his shoulder and grabbed him: "What's wrong with the queen mother? If there is a slight error in the queen woman, the widow can't spare you."

The Taiyi was also startled and responded in a hurry: "Your Majesty, the queen mother is okay, and she is happy."

As soon as this remark was made, the people in the room were silent. Luo Qing's words were bewildered for a long time, and his eyes were full of incredible color, almost ecstatic: "What did you say? What did you say? The queen mother is happy "After that, it still seemed unbelievable, staring straight at the Taiyi.

The doctor kept nodding his head: "Yes, Your Majesty, the queen lady is indeed happy. Looking at the pulse, I'm afraid it's been two months."

Luo lightly heard the words, but couldn't help laughing, "Haha ... the queen is happy."

With a smile, there seemed to be some tears in his eyes.

The palace man in the house returned to God, and hurriedly kneeled down to congratulate him: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to the Queen Mother."

"Reward." Luo Qingyan smiled.

Chengye was also a little curious. He stepped forward and pulled the Taiyi who was rescued from Luo Qingyan's hands, "Is my mother-in-law going to give me a sibling?"

The Tai Yi quickly responded, "His Royal Highness Qi, yes."

Chengye was also happy: "I want to have a brother and sister, too."

Yun Chang woke up in this matter, seeing everyone's look, his eyes were full of doubts: "What's wrong? Why are you all? Have I slept a little too much lately, and everyone's body is tired."

Everyone looked at each other, laughed unconsciously, and saluted: "Congratulations to the queen mother, the mother is happy."

Since Yun Chang had injured her body during the previous birth, although she has been conditioning with a ghost doctor's formula, she has no hope, and she does not think in that respect: "The great victory is naturally a happy event. Right Now, Your Majesty, why are you back? "

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing, pulling Chengye back.

There were only two people in the temple, Yunshang and Luo Qingyan. Yunshang still hadn't returned. He looked at Luo Qingyan dumbly, Luo Qingyan blinked, and his eyebrows were full of joy: "Shang Baby, you are pregnant, we are going to be brothers in the business. "

Yun Chang stared at Luo Qingyan for a long time without even blinking her eyes. After a long time, she raised her finger and pointed at herself: "I? Pregnant?"

Luo gently nodded, "Yes, are you pregnant?"

Yun Chang grew up with a mouth that seemed unacceptable. After a long while, she mumbled to herself and said, "Yes, I still want to eat sour recently. This is a clear sign of pregnancy, but I have nothing at all. Look out, you can't even think about it. "

In that matter, Luo Qingyan accompanied Yunshang along the way, knowing that he was convinced, he sat next to the bed, took Yunshang into his arms, and whispered, "God still cares for us."

Yun Chang nodded, but suddenly burst into tears.

Luo gently panicked, and wiped tears and comforted, totally at a loss.

Yun Chang cried for a while, then stopped. It seemed a little embarrassed. He took a nap, sobbed and instructed Luo Qingyan: "I am thirsty."

Luo Qingyan hurriedly took the tea cup, but when he saw the tea in the tea cup, he poured the tea quickly, poured a glass of white water and passed it to Yun Shang, and Yun Shang drank the water and returned the cup to Luo Qingyan. Luo Qingyan He quickly picked it up and looked at Yun Chang.

Yun Chang lowered her head: "I'm sleepy."

Luo Qingyan hurriedly laid Yun Chang on his back again, covered the quilt, and slapped the quilt: "Sleep, I'll guard you."

Yun Sang turned over, turned her back to Luo Qingyan, tears remained, and she was so tired that she fell asleep.

When he woke up, it seemed to be the afternoon. The sun outside was bright and cicadas were heard from time to time. Yun Chang raised his eyes and looked at Luo Qingyan, who was lying beside him, grinned. Yun Chang suddenly remembered that after being poisoned by a glass of poisonous wine from the queen in her previous life, she woke up in the sound of such cicadas. When she woke up, she suddenly returned to the look of eight years old.

Now, on another summer day, when she wakes up, the man she loves is asleep beside her. The son who has been able to walk, recite poetry, and write can play outside. There are unborn children in his belly. Everything seems warm and serene, and slowly it is a taste of happiness.

In the second year of Sheng'an, the Xia Guoning National Army captured the capital of the Yelang Kingdom, and the Yelang Kingdom disappeared into the world. In the same year, Ning Yunsang, the queen of Xia Kingdom, became pregnant. On the spring of the following year, she gave birth to dragons and phoenixes, named Chengxian and Chengyi.

Emperor Luo of Xia Kingdom spoke lightly and steadfastly, and finally gave Xia Guo people a prosperous world. However, Luo Qingyan did not accept the princess throughout his life. In the harem, there was only the queen who thought it was beautiful. <

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