MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 840 Fanwaiyi: Night Attack

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Most of the soldiers in the city of Kana were hiding in the city, waiting for the Xia army to attack, and they could trap the Xia army in the city of Kana by knowing the terrain and laying down ambush in advance.

However, if it is dark, Xia Jun will spread quickly after entering the city, and the damage may be much smaller.

It was getting dark, Sun Bingzhi and the three lieutenants each brought a team of men and horses into the city. Liu Yinfeng put on his big **** and stood outside the tent and looked at the direction of Kana City. Several generals only took 20,000 people, and there were more than 20,000 people left in the camp waiting for Liu Yinfeng to dispatch at any time. Before that, he had made an appointment with several generals, using fireworks as a letter, and relaying the situation in the city in time, so that Liu Yinfeng could quickly line up.

The night outside Kana was a bit cold, and Liu Yinfeng gathered the big **** on his body and raised his eyes to look at the stars scattered in the night sky.

A firework suddenly lit up in the city of Kana in the distance, and Shanglu saw that, and quickly said: "The son, is the signal of Lieutenant General Lin, and did not meet the enemy."

Soon another red firework lighted up: "General Sun did not meet the enemy."

But the other two teams did not respond for a long time. Liu Yinfeng frowned, and a moment of anxiety rose in his heart. After a while, the other two fireworks lit up at the same time: "Master, Vice Admiral Yang and Vice General Sun Met ambush. "

Liu Yinfeng nodded his head slightly, and his heart was at the bottom: "Vice General Lin and General Sun are on the middle road, and Vice Admiral Yang walks to the west, and Vice Admiral Sun walks to the east. Signals are given, and the middle road supports to both sides."

The Changshan behind him responded, took two fireworks and ignited them, and the sound of the fireworks “snapped” rose into the sky and opened at first.

The wind was getting stronger, and there were sand dunes around the city of Kana. The dust came along with the wind, Liu Yinfeng frowned, only felt that the sand hit the face slightly.

Changshan quickly walked to the windward side and was blocked by Liu Yinfeng: "My son, the two teams of soldiers on the middle road also need some time to support the sides. The wind is strong outside and the son's body is tight. It is better to go back to the camp to rest and wait for the signal from the city. At that time, his subordinates prosecuted the son. The son must take care of himself. Today, there is only one son in the camp. If the son commits cold poison at this time, the subordinates really don't know what to do. "

Liu Yinfeng turned around and looked at Changshan. After a moment of groaning, he gently bowed his head and responded, returning to the camp.

As soon as I entered the camp, I heard the wind screaming outside, and it seemed to be a little bigger.

Liu Yinfeng didn't dare to take a rest. He took a book and watched it beside the fire. There was no signal from the city for a long time, and Liu Yinfeng's anxiety deepened a little.

Raising my hand and rubbing my temples, I poured myself a cup of tea. When I was about to drink tea, I faintly heard some unusual movements around me.

Changshan and Shanglu had already entered the camp with felt, and their faces were full of anxiety: "Master, bad, Yelang Army came to attack the camp by night."

The tea cup in Liu Yinfeng's hand was a little meal, and the tea swayed out of the cup and landed on Liu Yinfeng's big cock.

"Night raid on the camp? Shouldn't Kana's soldiers be ambush in the city? Why? ..." He paused halfway, and Liu Yinfeng suddenly realized that this might be the real empty city plan.

The defenders of Cana City must be very familiar with the terrain, and they may be able to see in advance that there may be wind and sand at night. They expected that coming out this day during the day would make Xia Jun suspicious and would not dare to enter the city during the day, but only at night. At night, they set up some ambushes with very few troops in the city, making themselves think that the Yelang Army was ambushing in the city. In fact, they had already bypassed the city of Kana, and they pierced through the desert on the side, preparing to come to attack Xia Jun's camp at night, and they could break Xia Jun's back road.

Liu Yinfeng's complexion was a little pale, and only a moment later he said, "Fire a signal firework and order them to withdraw and rescue them. Quickly! Gather all the soldiers left in the camp and prepare to meet the enemy. Most of the army's supplies are in the camp Camps must not be lost. "

Changshan and Shanglu quickly responded, and quickly stepped out of the camp.

If it is true that Liu Yinfeng expected, the number of enemy forces will certainly not be less than 50,000. However, only 20,000 are left behind in the camp, and they are already at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Moreover, the terrain outside the city of Kana is more familiar to the soldiers of the Yelang Kingdom, and now there is wind and sand, which is even more unfavorable to Xia Guo soldiers.

Liu Yinfeng took Dasao, took the two flags placed on the desk for commanding the formation, and hurried out of the camp.

The horn has sounded. Outside the tent, Changshan is setting off a signal firework.

Liu Yinfeng looked at the soldiers running around, facing Changshan Road: "How far is the enemy to know?"

Chang Shan's face was a little heavy: "It's not far away. Because of the loud wind, we didn't find the enemy approaching at all, and when it was discovered, it was too late."

Liu Yinfeng nodded, looked around, and his face was a little anxious: "Where is the highest place in the camp? Take me up."

Changshan thought for a while, and said, "I'm afraid there is only the top of the handsome tent."

"Then go to the top of the tent." Liu Yinfeng responded softly. "Take me up."

Although Changshan didn't know what Liu Yinfeng wanted to do, he quickly agreed. One of Liu Yinfeng's body stood up and jumped to the top of the handsome camp tent not far away. Standing firm, his eyes were a bit blown by the sand.

"Go find me a few more flags," Liu Yinfeng commanded. "Bring the lamp in the camp again."

Changshan heard the words, and then quickly got down from the top of the tent, searched for some flags, and took it to Liu Yinfeng. Liu Yinfeng bit his lip, and from a distance saw a dark shadow approaching the camp, getting closer.

Liu Yinfeng poured the tung oil from the oil lamp, and carefully fell on the flag: "Ignite, light the flag."

Changshan hurriedly took out the fire, lit the flag a little, and there was tung oil on the flag, and it was burnt up. The flag is not small, Liu Yinfeng holds the flag, waving the flag with some difficulty.

Changshan suddenly understood Liu Yinfeng's intentions when he came over. He was startled and hurried: "The son is going to set up a battle? But if the son is in this position, if it is found by the enemy, it will be a live target.

Liu Yinfeng did not change his face, and whispered: "Send a letter to Shanglu and order him to direct the soldiers to look here."

Changshan glanced at Liu Yinfeng, gritted his teeth, quickly raised his hand and blew a long whistle. Not long after, Liu Yinfeng found that the soldiers in the camp were lining up in accordance with the method of command under his command, but the flag was about to burn out. When Changshan saw this, he quickly took a flag, lit it, and gave it to Liu Yinfeng.

Amber also hurried over and stayed beside Liu Yinfeng. The campaign was mainly for defense, and Liu Yinfeng commanded a round array. Outside the circle array is a Voldemort array.

Liu Yinfeng saw that the enemy had arrived outside the camp. Before Voldemort, when the banner was waved, the soldier under the ambush caught the hook in his hand and caught the horse leg of the cavalry in front of the enemy. Someone turned over, and the soldiers behind were also affected, and the formation was suddenly disrupted.

After disrupting the enemy's formation, Liu Yinfeng raised his flag back again, and the soldiers in Voldemort quickly retreated and hid in a round array. The soldiers in the outermost circle were shield soldiers, so they started to circle.

The enemy readjusted its formation and leaned towards the surrounding shield soldiers. The flag of Liu Yinfeng waved again, and the shield soldiers stopped turning, and from the middle of the shield, they suddenly stabbed a spear to let the enemy The army was a bit surprised and took a two-step back.

The archers on the back stepped on the infantry's shoulders and stood up, shooting arrows at the enemy.

One after another, the enemy was caught off guard by a few accidents, and the squares were disordered for a while, but Xia Jun took a chance to kill a lot.

The Yelang Army retreated a distance, and Liu Yinfeng's banner was recaptured, the bow soldiers and infantrymen retreated, and the shield soldiers began to turn again.

The generals led by Yelang Army seemed to see where Liu Yinfeng was, and there was no movement for a while. Shanglu in the team noticed something wrong, and a long whistle passed the letter to Changshan.

When Changshan received it, his heart was anxious, and he picked up a flag and raised it, and jumped to the top of another tent: "Amber, take the flag of the boy, how the boy will raise the flag. Call me. "

When Amber heard the words, he ignored Liu Yinfeng and said "No", and quickly grabbed Liu Yinfeng's banner and threw it to the ground. Liu Yinfeng frowned, but heard Shanglu's warning signal again.

Amber quickly pulled Liu Yinfeng and jumped down to the top of the coach's camp, hiding under the camp where Shanglu was standing, and for a while, only heard the sound of breaking air, and then stood on the top of the handsome camp's tent. Suddenly he was full of arrows.

Changshan said above, "My son, the enemy has launched an attack again. This time, the cavalry came first."

Liu Yinfeng hurriedly exclaimed: "The flag is to the left."

Changshan quickly did as instructed, and saw that the soldiers who had originally settled in the ground were throwing out the machete from the gap that the shield soldiers had suddenly vacated. After catching the horse's legs, they yanked again.

There was a hissing sound.

"My son, the enemy cavalry has not yet withdrawn, and the infantry has come forward." Changshan's voice was faster, his voice full of anxiety.

Liu Yinfeng's heart was very nervous, and he quickly said to Amber: "Hurry up, let me go to the top of the camp, I can't see what is going on outside."

Amber glanced at Liu Yinfeng, and embraced Liu Yinfeng and leapt to a tent adjacent to Changshan. Just when he jumped up, the sound of breaking air came again, and the dense rain of arrows struck over.

When Changshan saw this, he threw the flag in his hands, jumped to Liu Yinfeng's tent, and pulled out his sword to block the incoming arrow.

But still heard that Liu Yinfeng, who was guarded by the two men, took a breath and shivered suddenly.

Amber's voice also trembled a bit: "boy!"

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