MTL - Elf: Begin To Develop a Goddess Beast, Choose a Day To Get Married-Chapter 226

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Moreover, with the speed of Tiannu Beast, she can completely dodge Feiko Lang's attack. The reason why she didn't dodge is actually intentional.

The corners of Su Han's mouth rose slightly, and suddenly ordered:

"Good chance, the goddess beast, use the way of the human to treat the human body, use the cat kick!"


The goddess beast smiled coldly, and then, taking advantage of Feijian Lang's approach, he lifted his flawless and white long legs, and kicked Feijia Lang fiercely.


Flying Leg Lang took a solid kick and flew out again.

However, unlike the previous slaps that didn't hurt or itch, the cat kick this time caused Fei Kuang's blood to drop violently.

"Maomao Kick, what kind of skill is this? The fame is so cute, but the power is so fierce!"

Wang Tie, the Eight Heavenly Kings, was shocked.

However, he and his trained Flying Leg Lang are not vegetarians either. Soon, Flying Leg Lang turned over a 360-degree angle in the air and landed steadily.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Tie collided with each other with his fists, and gave Fei Kuang Lang a vague order.

Flying Legion received the vague command, understood it immediately, and responded quickly.


Flying Leg Lang shouted angrily, his legs like springs contracted suddenly, and then, like a rocket launcher, he shot out.

Extremely fast!

"What a fast speed! But it's useless, Heavenly Beast, fly up and avoid Fei Leglang's attack."

Su Han calmly said to the goddess beast.

The fighting system is not only restrained by the super energy system, but also eaten by the flying system.

So when he flew up, Fei Kuang Lang had nothing to do with the beast.

Hearing the words, the Heavenly Beast immediately opened its eight wings as white as snow, flying like a holy and flawless angel.


Everyone was in an uproar again, not because of how fast Fei Kuang Lang was and how fierce the attack was, but because of the beauty of the goddess beast.

Sure enough, after the heavenly beast flew up, Fei Kuang Lang's attack was in vain.

"Did you rely on the advantages of the goddess beast to avoid Fei Kuang Lang's attack? Su Han is too powerful 々"! "

Yasina below couldn't help shouting. She now looks like a little fan girl of Su Han.

Although Yang Jie felt that she would be fine with her, she still admired Su Han's strategy.

"The goddess beasts fly high in the sky, and the usual attacks of flying legs can't be attacked. Now, what will the fighting king do?"

"What will he do?"

Everyone was curious.

"Amazing! But if you think that if you fly to the sky, my flying legs will not be able to hit you, then you are wrong!"

"Flying Leg Lang, use Bounce!"


Flying Leg Lang received the order, and his spring-like feet contracted again, and then jumped up suddenly.

It is worth mentioning that bouncing is a flying attribute skill, not a fighting skill. Therefore, the power of attacking a super-powered celestial beast will not be halved.

Relying on his super jumping ability, Flying Leg Lang jumped to the same height as the Heavenly Girl Beast, and then kicked the Heavenly Girl Beast with a whip.

There seems to be something at the foot ring of Fei Kuang Lang, radiating light under the sunlight.

The goddess noticed it, but ignored it.

She just let out a sneer.

Then, it was a mental shock that was already ready to go, and blasted towards Fei Kuang Lang.


The spiritual power of the purple twisted space spread out and slammed into Fei Kuang Lang.

Flying Leg Lang was directly beaten down.

That foot was just one centimeter away, and it failed to touch the Heavenly Girl Beast.


After Fei Kui Lang landed, he smashed a shallow pit on the ground, and his HP dropped a lot.

"Flying Leg Lang, use Throwing!"

Wang Tie knew that the situation was unfavorable for them and could not continue, so he ordered Feiji Lang to throw.

I saw Flying Leg Lang bounced up and took off the iron blocks on the anklets of his feet.


Seeing this, the Heavenly Beast couldn't help but let out a surprised sound.

It turned out that the object that was shining under the sunlight just now turned out to be an iron block.

In this way, this flying leg Lang has been fighting with the goddess beast with iron blocks!

When everyone realized this, they couldn't help but be amazed.

It seems that the battle between Tiannu Beast and Flying Leg Lang is unpredictable!

After Fei Kuang took off the iron blocks weighing at least fifty or sixty kilograms, he used all his strength and threw them ruthlessly towards the heavenly beast in the air.

The iron block shot towards the female beast like a cannonball, and throwing was an evil skill. Su Han did not dare to be careless, and let the female beast move at a high speed to avoid it.

High-speed movement is what Su Han gave to the celestial beast with the skill learning device. It is worth mentioning that the super-powered Miaomiao cannot learn to move at high speed, but it can evolve into a celestial beast.

After all, the eight wings behind her are not decorations.

With the blessing of the increased speed of high-speed movement, the speed of the goddess beast has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Although Flying Leg Lang is flexible, and the test site is a mountainous area, it is also beneficial to him, but, the Tiannv beast moves too fast, even if it swoops down and attacks it with physical attacks, it will not be able to withstand it.

Million-ton heavy kicks, tile splits, double kicks, etc., all failed.

"'It's useless, compared to the celestial beast, your flying legs are still too slow."

Although Su Han recognized Wang Tie's Flying Leg Lang, but there was a gap in the race between the Heavenly Beast and Flying Leg Lang.

No matter how hard Fei Kuang Lang tried, it was almost impossible to defeat the Heavenly Girl Beast when his level was not too far apart.

"Do you really think so?"

Hearing this, Wang Tie showed a sinister and cunning smile.

"Flying Leg Lang, let him see your speed!"

Wang Tie gave the order.


Flying Leg Lang shouted angrily, and actually became serious.

Its speed suddenly skyrocketed, and a flame kick kicked towards the female beast.

Everyone just felt a flower in front of them, and a flame streaked across the sky.

This feeling has already kicked in the arm of the goddess beast. (Are you okay)

The Heavenly Girl Beast didn't have time to dodge, and could only use its arms to resist the flame kick.

"how is this possible?"

"When did Fei Kuang's speed increase so fast?"

Everyone couldn't understand, just now it was clear that the Heavenly Beast had an overwhelming advantage in speed.

Why did Feijilang suddenly become so fast as if he had taken medicine?

"Yang Jie, what the **** is going on, do you know?"

Yasina couldn't help asking about Yang Jie beside her.

"This...I don't know either."

Yang Jie said truthfully.

In the examination room, Wang Tie looked at Su Han proudly. He dared to make a ticket, but Su Han must not know what was going on.

But in the next second, he was slapped in the face.

"Hidden features are light, and when you lose props, you will greatly increase your speed."

Su Han seemed to know what Wang Tie was proud of and said.

273. Su Han: No, you are the one who was fooled!

"What, so you know the hidden characteristics of Fei Leglang!"

Wang Tie was surprised when he heard this.

He repeatedly suspected that Su Han was really just a high school student?

Completely different from those high school students who challenged him in the past.

His performance is better than any of the candidates today! His knowledge reserve is even more profound than those old candidates in their 50s and 60s!

"This kid may really be the only candidate to pass the Heavenly King Qualification Exam this year!"

This is Wang Tie's true thoughts at this moment.

But even so, he will not let water.

"If you want to pass the exam, then show some real skills and beat my Flying Leg Lang!"

Wang Tie said sharply.

"Right on my mind!"

Su Han responded.

And then, Tennimon and Higa Lang fought fiercely together again.

This dazzling fierce battle deeply shocked everyone present.

"Impossible, that brat's celestial beast is so powerful?"

Seeing this, Bai Haofeng couldn't help swallowing.

Basically, as long as you meet the candidates of the fighting king Wang Tie, they will basically fail the test.

Therefore, many candidates are praying that they will not be the first to encounter the fighting king Wang Tie. His overall strength is not the most powerful, but his hard power is definitely the most powerful. Not only that, he never releases water.

Bai Haofeng had the opportunity to fight Han Qiushui because the first person he met was not Wang Tie.

But this time, things are very different. 247

Su Han's celestial beast actually fought back and forth with Wang Tie's flying leg, maybe, he really hoped to defeat Wang Tie!

Taking advantage of its ability to fly again, Tiannu Beast distanced itself from Flying Legion Lang and launched a long-range attack on Flying Legion Lang from a high altitude.

"Chavaran, use the flying knee kick!"

And Wang Tie also had a countermeasure.

I saw Fei Kui Lang, after bouncing on the rockery several times, got closer to the Tiannv beast.

Although it was still about ten meters away, it was already within its attack range.

Immediately afterwards, its right foot suddenly stretched like a spring.

Following the principle of the spring, it kicked with a flying knee, like a rocket launcher, and kicked the female beast fiercely towards the sky at an extremely fast speed!

"Heavenly beast, hit back with a cat kick!"

Read The Duke's Passion