MTL - Elf: Begin To Develop a Goddess Beast, Choose a Day To Get Married-Chapter 237

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Gender: ♂

Attributes: Evil, Fire.

Features: Tension, get up early or start a fire (the fire can make the opponent burn, and the tension can make oneself enter the state early, and it is easy to hit the key!)

Racial value.....

individual value.....

Skills Possess: Jet Fire, Deception, Flame Fang, Purgatory, Lightning Fang

Potential quality: the same level as Yu Sanjia

Su Han has a clear introduction to the Pokémon of Team Rocket Hanzo in front of him, and naturally has a strategy to deal with it!

His coping strategy is very simple, that is, the goddess beast who never fails!

Thinking of this Su Chen put his hand on his waist, took out the Poke Ball, and threw it to the ground suddenly, all in one go.

Immediately after that, a sacred white light poured down from the sky, and an eight-winged angel representing justice stepped on auspicious clouds and landed slowly, which made all the Rockets present in admiration!

"My God, it's so beautiful! This Pokémon is so beautiful!"

"It's simply amazing!"


All the Rockets members present were shocked, including Hanzo, of course. It is said that when he looked at the beast, his eyes were straight, but his mouth still showed a disdain that he couldn't eat grapes and said that the grapes were sour.

"Is this also worthy of being my Heluga's opponent?! Let me and my Heluga kill you! Heluga started to use the jet flame!"

Before Su Han could react, Helujia, who was half-hidden in front of him, swooped in front of the Heavenly Girl Beast. He opened his mouth very quickly and sprayed out a large group of hot flames at the Heavenly Girl Beast! The temperature of this flame is estimated to be thousands of degrees high, and even the members of the Rocket Team around were roasted and shouted!

But I didn't expect that when facing this flame, most of the goddesses and beasts didn't hide. They just smiled at each other with Su Han, and then bent their feet slightly.

Hanzo, who was headed at that time, was stunned, and even Heluga was stunned! The two of them have experienced so many battles. For the first time, they saw such a powerful Pokémon, and they attacked directly against the jet flame. You must know that the jet flame can damage 95% of the kill. Skill! The damage is ridiculously high!

But what they didn't expect was that the celestial beast was unscathed by the scorching fire of the jet, and it was sturdy against Heruga's nose.

All I could hear was a rumbling sound.

Heruga's sturdy and majestic body was knocked to the ground by the kick of the goddess beast.

The members of Team Rocket behind Hanzo were stunned, and Hanzo was also stunned. In their opinion, Heluga could be regarded as a Pokémon of Team Rocket's card level, but it was such a Pokémon. Unknown Pokémon kicked away, it was unbelievable for them!

253 "Heruga, stand up quickly!" Obviously, Hanzo, the team leader of Team Rocket, was also panicked by the situation in front of him, and hurriedly shouted at the fallen Heeruga, but it is worth mentioning that Heluga does have a good defense. Although he was just hit by the goddess beast, he was still able to stand up tremblingly!

However, it is obvious that he was attacked by the beast from the sky just now, and his whole vitality was seriously injured! But in the eyes of Hanzo, a belligerent fanatic, Heluga's injury is nothing at all, and the most important thing at the moment is to solve the obstacles in front of him.

"Heruga uses lightning teeth!"

"Tiannu beast use the cat kick!"

The two Pokémon understood and rushed towards each other again.

The masters will decide the outcome in an instant. Although the strength of Heluga is equal to that of the Yu Sanjia, how can it be the opponent of Tiannu beast?

The racial value of the Tiannv beast is as high as 714, which is simply a Pokemon that can match the Arceus Rift!

A black light and a white light collided violently, but it was obvious that the Heavenly Beast, which represented the white light, was crushing the black light's Black Lugar's strength, and the Heavenly Girl Beast was an understatement. What he hit was not the wall, but the Rocket members holding Lucario and Polygon beside him!


287: This guy actually has a divine beast? !

The meow kick of the goddess beast can be called as unparalleled in strength.

It is said that when her kick sent Heruga flying to kidnap Lucario and the members of Team Rocket, those people were still at a loss. When they felt a rush of cold wind rushing towards them, it was already too late. It's too late.

Because at this moment Heruga's body was slamming into them like a menacing comet, and when those Rocket members reacted, they realized that it was too late, because almost all of those Rocket members were attacked by Herruga's body. The body bounced up into the sky, and there was no time to react at all!

The battle between the Heavenly Beast and the Rockets led by Su Han can be said to be hearty, and it can even be said that the soldiers are not bloody. It is no surprise that this is indeed an absolutely crushing victory.

After this battle, Team Rocket can be said to be severely injured, and they are already at the end of the battle, because the kick of the beast just now can be said to have destroyed nearly three-quarters of their living fighting strength, and the remaining few old and weak soldiers are completely useless. Fight back, let alone pick up the baby ball to resist, almost ran without a shadow.

Seeing that the situation was over, Hanzo of Team Rocket stood in the same place. At this time, he was like a leaf Bianzhou. He didn't know where the surging tide of fate would lead his future, and he repeated these words in his heart.

"Back then, when I fell to the ground, it was Boss Sakagi who single-handedly promoted me to achieve what I have now, but now I haven't even completed the simplest task of destroying the laboratory. How can I face Boss Sakagi's treatment of me? Cultivate and trust."

Thinking of Hanzo's heart, he closed his eyes and said to himself calmly.

"As of now, in order to protect the final dignity of the Rockets, I can only sacrifice my own life!"

Su Han, who was on the side, kept staring at Hanzo after the Heavenly Girl Beast had cleaned up the gang of Team Rocket saboteurs. In his view, the actions of Team Rocket and Team Galaxy were obviously not just for the sake of sabotage, there must be more So many conspiracies!

What's more worth mentioning is that Hanzo's self-talk just now seems to have attracted the attention of Su Han and Tiannv beast. In the eyes of the two of them, Hanzo is already at the end of the fight, but his words The meaning of the connotation is thought-provoking, and the conspiracy is even more chilling!

After listening to Hanzo's words, Su Han and Tiannv beast looked at each other and began to communicate.

"Heavenly beast, why do I feel that Hanzo, represented by Team Rocket, seems to be hiding some conspiracy? Could it be that their actions this time are not drunk at all? They care about other things." "Su Han looked at the goddess beast with a serious look on his face.

The goddess beast on the side also agreed with Su Han's words, and he agreed.

"The Hanzo I played against this time seems to be a little different from the previous Rockets duo. Musashi and Kojiro acted like salted fish, while Hanzo in front of me was defeated, but his eyes were still full of wolf-like ferocity. I dare to conclude that the purpose of Hanzo's trip in front of me must be a conspiracy by Team Rocket!"

The two reached an obvious consensus after talking, and turned their attention to Hanzo together. Su Han took the lead in asking questions.

"Hanzo, although you joined Team Rocket, I respect that you are a man. As long as you reveal the purpose and conspiracy of this time, I, Su Han, will never embarrass you, and I can persuade you to study the matter that destroys the institute. The person in charge of the institute is not to blame.”

Su Han's words can be said to have given Hanzo a lot of goodwill, but Hanzo lowered his head and sneered in the face of Su Han's goodwill.

"You are Su Han? The future is dreadful, do you really think that Hanzo is a life-hungry person who fears death? My life was given by Boss Sakagi. How could I, Hanzo, steal my life for the glory of Team Rocket?!"

"You mean we can't agree?" Su Han put away the kind smile on his face, and the scepter clenched by the celestial beast on the side was even stronger.

"Well, I'd rather be jade pieces than tiles!"

"Do you think Team Rocket is a jade? Right now, you may not even be as good as a tile!" Su Han smiled. He was very clear about Hanzo's strength. In his opinion, no matter how hard Hanzo resisted, his Pokémon would be all It is impossible to be the opponent of the goddess beast.

Hanzo didn't talk nonsense. At this time, his hands were trembling, and he saw a special Pokemon ball from his waist. This Pokemon ball was very unusual in Su Han's eyes.

Ordinary Pokemon **** are red and white, and Su Han has seen other alternatives, but this Pokemon ball in Hanzo's hand is unusually unfamiliar.

The Pokémon ball in his hand is dark blue, covered with light cyan stripes, and has fin-like protrusions in four directions. Its appearance can be said to be very strange.

Su Han was shocked when he saw Hanzo picking up that strange Pokémon ball in his hand, but when he thought of the blessing of the goddess beast beside him, he gave up half of his heart, but in Hanzo After throwing this strange Pokémon ball, Su Han completely regretted it.

Because as the strange baby ball slammed into the ground, a dark red light burst out from the ball that was divided into two, and the bright red made people feel even more frightened, but this one The flashing red light is just a prelude, but the monsters that appear next make people shudder!

As the red light dissipated, a huge insect was already standing in front of the goddess beast. His whole body was covered in purple and thick and strong, and behind him stood a piece of equipment similar to artillery!

"'What?! How could Team Rocket have such a monster?!" Although Su Han was well-informed, when he first saw the monster in front of him, he was completely shocked.

"What's going on? What exactly is this Pokémon?!" Tiannv beast was also taken aback by the Pokémon in front of him, (to Li Hao) hurriedly asked Su Han, and the scepter in his hand followed suit. He pointed at the monster, but the monster in front of him didn't react at all, only his eyes were closed and he seemed to be resting.

Taking advantage of his resting kung fu god, Su Han opened his electronic eyes and looked at the Pokémon.

Genie: Genesect

Level: Level 77

Gender: none

Attribute: Bug Steel

Feature: Insect Premonition (When HP is about to bottom out, the power of insects increases tenfold!)

Racial value: HP71, attack 120, defense 95, special attack 120, special defense 95, speed 99,

Individual Value: HP22, Attack 31, Defense 25, Special Attack 31, Special Defense 23, Speed ​​28

Skills: Qi He Fist, Dragon Claw, Jet Flame, Freezing Light, Lightning, Evil Wave, Insect Resistance...

Quality: Level 3 God.

288. Interesting, the other party's elves want to rebel?

At this moment, Su Han couldn't help but glance at Hanzo and the Genosecte in front of him. The goddess beast on the side also noticed the Genosecte in front of him. His brows were also furrowed, and his originally delicate face suddenly rose. A hint of haze.

"Xiao Hanhan, this elf doesn't seem to be weak."

The words of Tiannumon finally have a face, although he does not know the Pokémon in front of him, but she seems to be able to feel the strength of this Genesect in front of her!

"Do you still care about this?"

Su Han chuckled lightly.

But Bug-type Pokémon do have the potential to create miracles.

You must know that bug-type Pokémon have always been able to create myths. If nothing else, let’s say that the shelling ninja with only a pitiful 280 racial value. Although his HP value is only 1, he can actually be immune to the skills of several races. , this feature is simply the existence of the BUG level, not to mention this Genesect!

Banzuru sneered.

"A middle school student is a middle school student. Although you have a good Pokémon, didn't you expect that what I have is Genesect, the first combat power of the worm-type?"

Hanzo's words contained a sense of pride. You must know that the Genesect he obtained was given to him by the boss of Sakagi, and Sakagi specially told him to open it only in critical moments.

As Sakagi expected, the appearance of Genesect really surprised Su Han and his Pokémon. At this moment, Hanzo's laughter gradually changed, giving people an inexplicable shuddering feeling.

Indeed, Hanzo was right. In Su Han's view, this Pokémon named Genosec is really tricky. Obviously, if Hanzo wants to fully explain the conspiracy of Team Rocket's operation, he must make a quick decision. Defeat Genesect.

Just when Su Han was struggling to think about how to deal with it, something that made him even more dreaded came. Hanzo saw that Su Han forced the scheming old fox to let go of this opportunity, and saw him wave his hand at Genosec. Special command.

"The Genosec Express uses the Wave of Evil to solve Su Han and the Heavenly Beast!"

The Wave of Evil is an extremely violent ultimate move, which can not only cause considerable damage to the opponent, but more importantly, it can even destroy the opponent's will and confuse the opponent!

The state of chaos is nothing to ordinary Pokémon, but it is almost a disaster for the goddess. The racial value of the goddess is extremely high. If you eat one of her most common skills, you will definitely finish it!

"Xiao Hanhan, what happened to them?"

"What's the matter?"

"Look at it yourself, it seems that these two are fighting?!"

"What's the infighting?!" As soon as the Heavenly Girl Beast said this, Su Han was even more puzzled by the second monk.

Where did this song come from? The Pokémon and the trainer had an infighting. I have never seen this before. Could it be that this Hanzo deducted the rations of Genesect? No, the Rockets' boss Sakagi can't possibly be such a person no matter how bad it is?

I saw that Genesect and Hanzo were facing each other in front of them, and the two eyes intertwined and sparked sharp electric sparks. The two were silent for a while, and finally Genesect opened the chat box!

"This guy Sakagi is respectful when he sees me, why do you little fish give orders to me?!"

Genosect looked down on Hanzo in front of him in his heart, and when he said these words, his demeanor was dismissive, which was a kind of innate arrogance.

Su Han was stunned when he saw (agdi) here, this elf can still speak human words?

"Just because I'm your trainer!" Hanzo's words were sonorous, and he clarified his status very firmly.

"Huh? My trainer? Do you really think it fits?"

"Boss Sakagi gave you to me, and you will naturally recognize your strength. As a Pokémon, you must understand that your mission is to obey the trainer! Guy-No-Se-K-T!"

Hanzo's words are still sonorous in words, defending his position can be described as an inch of ground, and still maintains a tough attitude.

"Okay, then I'll do it for you!"

Facing Genesect's compromise, Hanzo nodded with satisfaction, but he ignored one thing, that is, Genesect's eyes began to change when he blurted out these words, revealing a kind of feeling. Creepy murderousness!

Then it flashed past like a shooting star and smashed straight to the ground!

The impact of the ground of the research institute in Genosec was like a boulder hitting a calm lake, splashing a burst of water. The floor of the research institute gave out a violent shock, and the splashed stones spread unscrupulously all around!

Seeing this situation, the Heavenly Beast couldn't have the mood to obey Su Han's orders. I saw him fly behind Su Han in an instant, and spread his wings to wrap himself and Su Han in all directions. Although the stone was violently impacted, Su Han and the Heavenly Beast still had no luck. Being sheltered by the wings was fine, but Hanzo wasn't so lucky.

Although he raised his arms to cover his head, it was only a mortal body, how could it be compared with the wings of a goddess beast?

When he was struggling to deal with the splashing stones, Genesect was in front of him in a teleportation.

"What? You can't even handle rocks with your strength? How dare you be my trainer?!"

There was a murderous look in Genesect's eyes, and his voice was even more calm and terrifying, as if the Hanzo in front of him had already become his prey!

At this moment, Hanzo finally sensed Genesect's murderous aura, and his whole body began to become uneasy.

"Damn! What are you doing?!".

289. Give you a chance to be useless! Heavenly beast lore!

Read Legend of Swordsman
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