MTL - Elf: Begin To Develop a Goddess Beast, Choose a Day To Get Married-Chapter 251

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"I want to correct it."

"I'm not alone in challenging eight of them."

"Eight of them challenged me."

As soon as this word comes out.

Xia Wufeng slumped instantly.


The eight heavenly kings were all radiant, as if they were reborn.

at the same time.

They did not forget to follow Su Han down.

"Yes, yes."

"It was us who challenged Su Han, not Su Han who challenged us."

"Then since this matter has been settled, let's set the time for the challenge by the way!"

"It's also good to issue a notice to tell people all over the country to witness the birth of the first king of the Xia Kingdom!"


In fact, how could the Eight Heavenly Kings be as kind as they say?

What else was said to let the world witness the birth of the first king of heaven.

Su Han knew this.

The reason why they didn't play this game privately, but advertised it.

It was because of the Three Sacred Birds Incident that he had come out on top and grabbed their limelight in front of the world.

So now they want to use this game they thought they would win to save their face and dignity, and weaken a wave of Su Han's reputation.

But then again.

It's a good idea.

But, just rely on these eight wastes.

Cleaning up the mere three holy birds will die!

How can it be possible to beat me?

At that time, I'm only afraid that I won't be able to save my respect, and I will continue to be slapped in the face...

thought here.

Su Han shrugged indifferently.

Then he responded to the eight heavenly kings.

"Whatever, you can set the time, I can do it anytime."


"Then let's wait until Su Han's celestial beast wakes up!"

Xia Wufeng finally spoke before the Eight Heavenly Kings spoke.

"In this way, Su Han can also show his true strength to fight against you. It will save you troubles in the future."

But Su Han was thinking...

When the beast will recover, I have no idea in my heart.

And... against the Eight Heavenly Kings, these five scumbags...

Even without the participation of the goddess beast.

But with the blessings of Regilock, Fox Beast and Flower Fairy Beast, that's enough!

There's no need to procrastinate and waste time here.


After thinking about this.

Su Han was about to say something.

But Xia Wufeng, who was sitting next to him, suddenly kicked himself and interrupted him.


Su Han turned to look at Xia Wufeng.

I saw Xia Wufeng also looking at him with hatred.

As if to say...

The benefits I have finally won for you, don't ruin it with your mouth again, I beg you.

After knowing this.

Su Han was thinking...

Anyway, I still have things to do in Tianjing.

Then since that's the case...

Just as Xia Wufeng said, wait here until the Heavenly Beast wakes up, and then start the first Heavenly King's challenge.


Just listening to the Eight Heavenly Kings should also come down and say.

"'Well then!"

"Then let's wait until the goddess beast wakes up."


"Then...the President and Mayor Xia...if nothing else...we'll go first."

"Okay, let's go first."

After Long Zhan agreed.

The eight heavenly kings left the conference room with smug smiles again.

And right now.

Xia Wufeng looked at Long Zhan with a worried expression.

When he opened his mouth (to Wang Zhao), he said angrily.

"Mr. President..."

"In this situation..."

But Long Zhan responded with a light-hearted look similar to Su Han.

"Okay, Wufeng, I know."

"I don't have anything to do with you here for the time being. As for me, I want to talk to Su Han about something."

heard here.

Even if Xia Wufeng wanted to say something.

But in the end, he left the conference room with only one sentence "okay".


Su Han and Long Zhan were the only ones left in the huge conference room.

And hungry for this situation.

At first, Su Han thought that Long Zhanhui was the same as Xia Wufeng, and that he was left alone just to ask some questions about his challenge to the eight heavenly kings.

Can result...

As Long Zhan opened his mouth, he said the first sentence to Su Han.

Su Han suddenly realized that...

To equate Long Zhan with Xia Wufeng is to underestimate the president of the Xia Kingdom Alliance.

308. Awesome, the supreme secret of Xia Kingdom!

"Let me discuss with you what you will do for the Xia Kingdom after you become the first king."

Long Zhan finished.

Su Han frowned and pursed his lips.

Instead of answering the other party's question, he asked curiously.

"I haven't got the status of the first king. Don't you think it's too early to tell me this now?"

"do not think so."

Long Zhan responded without hesitation.

"Although I haven't seen your strength with my own eyes."

"But just based on some of your deeds and rumors, if the rumors are true, then it is definitely no problem to challenge the Eight Heavenly Kings and become the head of the Heavenly Kings."

After listening to these words, look at Long Zhan's firm eyes again.

Su Han had to admire it.

It really is that people stand tall, and the more they can overlook the truth of all beings!

The eight heavenly kings were still complacent, thinking that they had won the next battle.

But Long Zhan can see through it at a glance.

He really deserves to be the only leader of the Xia Kingdom!

When will I reach his heights?

When Su Han thought of this.

Long Zhan also saw the suspicion dissipated in Su Han's eyes.

So he spoke again.

"Then can I start a discussion with you now?"

"Yes. 267"

After Su Han recovered from his own thoughts and answered a little bit.

I saw Long Zhan who was sitting there suddenly stand up.

Then he walked straight towards the inner wall of the conference room.

see this scene.

Su Han's brows, which had just been stretched out, were wrinkled together again.


What is this old man doing so well walking to that corner?

Could it be...

Even if you are old and strong, there is an Alzheimer's day, but you forget where the exit of the room is?

Thoughts so far.

Su Han quickly opened his mouth and reminded Long Zhan.

"Mr. President, are you going out? The door is..."

The reminder is not over yet.

next second...