MTL - Elf: Begin To Develop a Goddess Beast, Choose a Day To Get Married-Chapter 272

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"Are you taking yourself too seriously?"

to this.

Su Han was silent, without any explanation.

But this made Chen Long see it later.

Instead, he intensified.

"Why don't you talk!? Can't make it up?"

See this situation.

Zhan Long was afraid that under Chen Long's continuous questioning, Su Han would have to reveal Xia Guo's secret.

So I had to testify for Su Han.

"That's not Su Han making up."

"There is indeed that Pokémon called Dream."

"However, it's about Xia Guo's secrets!"

"Also please avoid the kings!"

"We're going to talk about it alone next!"


Zhan Long took Su Han and turned around and left.

Leaving the Eight Heavenly Kings alone, there is a mess in the wind...

Especially the insect king Chen Long...

While messy, I felt a pain in my face...

after all...

He was so arrogant just now, but he was slapped in the face by the president of the Supreme Alliance of the Xia Kingdom personally...

It's a little too painful!


In this embarrassing situation 0...

Chen Long looked at the backs of the two leaving, trying to find resonance from the other heavenly kings, and held his respect.


"This is the end?"

"Su Han disappeared for three days for no reason! There is no need to conduct special interrogation and investigation on him?"

"Also! Why does Su Han know Xia Guo's secret! We, the Eight Heavenly Kings, don't know it?"

"Do you think this is reasonable?!"


After the voice fell.

Ice King Han Qiushui replied coldly.

"The president of the Supreme Alliance of the Xia Kingdom has a personal conversation with him, isn't this a special trial?"

"As for the secret, it must be a task that President Long Zhan entrusted to him privately!"

"So, the disappearance of others is to perform official duties!"

"How about you, save your energy!"


The Fire Element Heavenly King Xiao Yan also agreed.

"I wanted to see Su Han's jokes."

"In the end, I saw that you were making a fool of yourself here as a clown."

"It's so boring!"


The other heavenly kings also turned around and left in the direction of Su Han and Long Zhan.


Then Chen Long was completely left alone.

Pain in left face, pain in right face...

As for Xia Wufeng on the side, looking at him like this.

I wanted to laugh, but because I was professional, I didn't laugh.


He just reached out and patted his shoulder and left a sentence.

"Do it yourself!"

Then walked away.

And the other side.

Inside the office of the President of the Supreme Alliance of the Xia Kingdom.

After Long Zhan brought Su 3.8 Han in, he immediately asked.

"How did you suddenly discover the dream trail one night?"

"Through the secrets, the trail point where Team Rocket appeared."

Su Han was calm, and answered with sincerity.

"That night, after I collected all the tracking points of the Rockets, I suddenly found that these points come together regularly!"

"And...that night...was one of those regular spots!"

"I just thought...if this law is the law of dreams, then would I be able to see dreams that night!"

"So, I didn't think much about it and left by myself!"

Hear this.

From Su Han's sincere tone.

In addition to the dragon battle, Rotom, according to Su Han, put together all the tracking points of the Rockets, there are really many overlapping points!

Long Zhan completely believed Su Han...

326. Su Han has recorded the dreamy appearance

Then asked impatiently.

"Then have you found any useful information in the past three days?"

heard here.

Glancing at Long Zhan's serious face again.

Su Han couldn't help laughing in his heart...

Look at him like this!

Eighty percent...

Do not!

10 out of 10 believed my words!

cough cough...

Isn't that what the dignified President of the Supreme Alliance of the Xia Kingdom is like...

In just a few words, I was stunned!

That being so...

I'm so sorry for cheating you outright!

Let me tell you a little news about the dream!


For you, the so-called rare and precious secrets!

But for me, it's just common, ordinary basic information about elves.

thought here.

Su Han suddenly straightened his mentality.

And put on a very serious expression after this.

Then he spoke to Long Zhan again.

"For the Rockets, there's nothing new in progress."

"But for Fantasy, I did get a lot of extra information about this Pokémon!"

Hear this.

Long Zhan's expression became more solemn!

He even waved his hand deliberately.

"You wait a minute and then talk!"


"be ready!"

"Be sure to carefully record what he said next!"

"Did you hear that?"


Rotom said in response.

Dictation mode is turned on immediately.

And the pestle with all the nerves was there, quietly waiting for Su Han to speak.

to this.

After Su Han saw this.

Can't help but think it's hilarious!

It's just that Long Zhan was fooled by himself!

Now have to get a Rotom round and round!


Killing me!

But in this case, I can't laugh...

How to do!

If you hold it any longer, you feel like you're going to have internal injuries!


Let's hurry up and say two pieces of information about dreams, send them away, and leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible!

thought here.

Su Han also opened his mouth in the next second and revealed some dream information that was not known in this world.

Read The Duke's Passion