MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 1002 Bloody madness

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The locusts are constantly biting, licking his body, dirty, muscles, and even eyes and brains. He feels that his body is hurting everywhere, severe pain, and he is crazy.

In the hospital, Miao Xihe disappeared, and the doctors and the guards of the guards were panicked.

"Where have you gone, have you escaped?"

"It's almost impossible. It's all that way to escape. How to escape. He walks is a problem." The doctor responsible for his treatment said.

"Where did he go?"

The police were also blinded and investigated the surveillance video and found that he was taken away by several unidentified people.

"Who are these people, where are you going to take him?"

Haiqu City, a remote place, in the basement.

"Say, how can this poison be solved?" Guo Zhenghe looked pale.

There was a large piece of rotten meat on his face. On his hand, a finger even showed a white bone. From time to time, I saw a wave of locusts crawling through it. It was very disgusting.

In front of him was the Miaoxi River, which was nailed to the shelf. His limbs and trunk were pinned by several steel bars that were more than a foot long, but there was no blood flowing out.

"Oh." Miao Xihe smiled weakly, and he seemed to have no pain at all.

He has been subjected to various kinds of torture, but he has not said a word.

Oh, a drop of blood dripped down and fell on the back of Guo Zhenghe’s rotten hand. He felt a hot, like a flame falling down, and then he felt that his back was not so painful.

"Your blood, can you restrain these locusts?" Guo Zhenghe looked at his own hand that made him feel sick.

"Give me his blood, be careful not to let him die!"

The strange pale gold blood was released and flowed into a bucket. Guo Zhenghe began to use his blood to wipe his body.

Really useful, he felt that the pain was swept in a very short period of time. The pain felt much worse than that. He directly hurriedly held a handful of blood from the bucket and drank it.

A few people next to it saw this look scared back a few steps.

This is really scary.

"Gongzi, how do you feel?" Xu Xinyuan stepped forward carefully.

"Blood, I have to keep more blood, he can't die!" Guo Zhenghe looked up.

Blood into the abdomen, let him vomit, but forced to press down.

This night was a crazy night.

The next day, among the mountain villages.

"Sir, yesterday, Miao Xihe disappeared from the hospital and was not known to be taken by several people." Jia Zizhi came to tell Wang Yao the first time after getting the news.

"It's the secretary of Guo. He is poisonous and eager to survive. Naturally, everything can be done." Wang Yaodao.

“Miao Xihe will say?”

"No, when I played against him, I found that he had already seen life and death. There was nothing terrible. I was not afraid of death. You said that he would make Guo Zhenghe better."

"So the secretary of Guo is dead."

"Not necessarily, I always think that Secretary Guo is not so easy to die."

Haiqu City,

"Blood, blood, I need more blood!"

One night, the change in Guo Zhenghe's body was huge. The rotten place on his body had begun to appear red meat, and it was not so painful. The strange blood of the Miaoxi River he drank also began to play a special role. Let his body no longer hurt, and make him a bit arrogant, want to beat people, even kill.

"The son, can't bleed again, otherwise he will die." Xu Xinyuan looked at the mad Guo Zhenghe whisper.

Huh, 嘶, 呼, 嘶, Guo Zhenghe took a few breaths deep, eyes filled with blood, and restored a hint of clarity.

"Then wait."

He came upstairs upstairs and covered his face with a mask. His face is just like a splash of sulfuric acid, which is very scary.

"Xu Shu, I feel that I have changed these days and become arrogant and irritable, like another person." Guo Zhenghe said.

"It is too much for the son to experience this time." Xu Xinyuan said.

"You need to cultivate for a while, it is best to rest."

"Well, yes, you need to cultivate, it won't work like this." Guo Zhenghe said.

For seven days, Guo Zhenghe kept rubbing his body with the blood of Miao Xihe, and drank a few cups a day. Then his body began to recover at an amazing speed. The ulcerated skin was reborn and the bones were renewed. In addition to the red meat, he felt that he was full of energy, and the body seemed to use inexhaustible power.

"Thank you." He came to the basement and was dying, the Miaoxi River that was hanging out.

"You will regret this."

"Repent? You can't see it either."

"Your stockade, everything you hold, I will destroy it!"

Miao Xihe closed his eyes after listening and stopped talking.

In the mountain village, in the medical hall,

Zheng Wei is very happy and very happy.

“Mr., the sales of Jiedu Dan and Qingre San are very good, and the word of mouth continues to ferment.”

"Well, the medicine is good, the medicine is no problem." Wang Yao smiled.

"Oh, I used to go to someone's door to ask for help. Now I am sitting at home waiting for customers to come to us. This feeling is very good!" Zheng Weijun said, at the beginning, in order to be able to sell the drugs produced. He didn't have a long-lost grandson, but he still ate a lot of closed doors, and now those people are eagerly posted.

They are saying this, Jia Zi came to the medical hall, see Zheng Weijun did not speak, just smiled and said hello.

"Then you talk first, I am leaving, sir."

"Slow down, don't send it."

"Hey, you stay."

"The body of Miaoxi River was found on the other side of Haiqu City. On the beach, there were countless wounds and it was apparently tortured." Jia said.

"Yes, it's a pity!" Wang Yao sighed after listening. In some ways, Miao Xihe is indeed a personal thing.

"The sea, the blood on his body was emptied.

"Blood?" Wang Yao listened to a slight glimpse.

"I think that Secretary Guo has found a way to treat mites."

"Use blood?"

"Yes, you think, Miao Xihe has so many locusts, but nothing. There must be something in his body that can restrain the locusts. He uses medicine to sculpt, and the medicine passes through the blood all over the body. The viscera is even the marrow, he is a drug himself, and his blood is so good that he can restrain those terrible locusts."

"This Guo Zhenghe really can't be killed!"

"Try to stare at him, this Guo Gongzi, the heart is too heavy."

"Okay, sir." Jia said.

Time flies very quickly, as if it was a blink of an eye, it was the day of the green peach.

Among the capitals, Yanjing University.

Su Xiaoxue took the class and went back to the dormitory.

"Little snow." A man's voice.

"Zhenghe brother?" Su Xiaoxue looked for the sound, but he saw Guo Zhenghe wearing a light suit. At this time, he had recovered to the original, and he had a unique atmosphere. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Give it to you."

"No, thank you." Su Xiaoxue did not pick up his flowers.

"I already have a sweetheart, I remember telling you more than once." Su Xiaoxue was very unhappy.

"I know, you are still not married, I still have hope."

"I don't like you, I don't like it very much." Su Xiaoxue is cold and cold.

"You still look like this."

"Don't come to me again." Su Xiaoxue coldly, after saying this, he turned and left.

"It doesn't matter, people will always change, if the person you like is dead?" Guo Zhenghe said to himself.

His words were not big, but Su Xiaoxue listened very clearly. She stopped and turned sharply.

"Guo Zhenghe, if the husband is hurt by a little bit, I will make you pay a heavy price."

Oh, Guo Zhenghe just smiled after listening.

"Guo Zhenghe has been here." When Su Xiaoxue returned home, he heard his mother say such a sentence.

"What is he doing here?"

"Speaking of some inexplicable words, he changed." Song Ruiping said.

"Well, he also went to school to find me, and the last words are hard to hear." Su Xiaoxue said.

"Oh, what are you talking about?"

Su Xiaoxue repeated what he said.

"Well, I must be farther away from him in the future. There is already some madness between words." Song Ruiping coughed a few times while he spoke.

Read The Duke's Passion