MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 1004 Confrontation

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"Well, I know, thank you this time!"

"Uncle, you are polite, isn't this supposed to be." Wang Yaodao.

"These things are known in a small area."

"I have a few in my heart."

"That's good." Su Xianghua smiled, then two people went out of the room, came to the restaurant together, the family was eating together, talking and laughing.

After eating, Wang Yao accompanied Su Xiaoxue to class, and she still had classes in the afternoon.

"My dad talks to you, so mysterious, Guo Zhenghe's thing?"


Wang Yao also said some details with Su Xiaoxue, even more detailed than what Su Xianghua said.

"The heart is too heavy, and the conduct is not correct. Does he still kill the lord?"

"I am afraid more than once." Wang Yaodao.

"This kind of person must be punished as it should be." Su Xiaoxue.


Wang Yao spent two days in the capital, and then hurriedly rushed back to Lianshan County, because the province suddenly came to the inspection team, checked their Nanshan medicine, and raised many questions, asking for rectification within a time limit, responsible for being ordered Discontinued. Once this is stopped, the loss can be gone.

After receiving this news, Wang Yao first thought of Guo Zhenghe, but at the same time he also let Zheng Weijun go back to investigate to see if there was a problem on his side, the former opponent made the blind.

After returning to Lianshan County, the two of them met in the first time.

"They came very suddenly. I didn't receive any notice beforehand. First, the environmental protection department, then the security department, all put forward a number of rectification opinions." Zheng Weijun said, "very harsh."

“Do we have problems with our company?”

"I should not guarantee that our pharmaceutical factory is 100% problem-free, because there is no 100% thing in time, but I am not the first day of medical treatment. We can say that our environmental protection and safety aspects, whether it is hardware equipment or software. The information is absolutely top-notch in the industry and top-notch."

"What do they say?"

"The deadline is one month to rectify, and they will come again when they arrive."

"I look at the rectification." Wang Yao.

“No noise?”

"They tested on the off-road road. It’s over eighty-nine in a car."

"It's a bit harsh."

"This is a rectification of safety, and it is more stringent. I have already invited relevant third-party qualification companies from China to help us review." Zheng Weijun said.

"This is probably related to me." Wang Yaodao.

"And you, why?"

"Private grudges, wait and see." Wang Yaodao.

A silent confrontation is unfolding.

It’s night,

"Is the matter in Mr. Jingcheng finished?"

When I saw Wang Yao coming back, Zhong Liuchuan and all three of them came to the medical hall.

"There is something to do, there is something here, all are back."

"I heard that it was the Guo Gongzi doing it?"

"It is him in all likelihood." Wang Yaodao.

“What do you want us to do?”

"Nothing to do, wait a moment, be sure." Wang Yaodao.

"it is good."

Among the capitals thousands of miles away, the Su family.

"Madam, he is at Nanshan Pharmaceutical for Wang Yao."

"Well, it's too obvious, is there a problem with the company?"

"There is no problem, and the medicine they produced is very good, the reputation is great, and the price is not particularly expensive." Chu Liandao.

"Well, I know." Song Ruiping said.

"Do not tell Xiaoxue about this matter."

"Yes, ma'am."

Among the villas in the capital,

Cough and cough, Guo Zheng and coughing constantly, his face is not very good looking, next to him is a middle-aged man, is being diagnosed for him.

"What happened to me, Dr. Xu?"

"The specific situation is not easy to say, I suggest that you go to the hospital tomorrow to do a full body check so that you can better judge your physical condition."

"Okay, have you worked."

"You are welcome, Guo Gongzi."

The doctor was sent out by the butler.

Guo Zhenghe got up and looked out at the floor-to-ceiling window. Today, he felt the strangeness of his body, very tired, and his mind was a little rushing, feeling something in it.

"There must be a problem with the blood of Miao Xihe." He secretly said.

I was worried about this problem, but I didn’t expect it to come so fast.

"How to solve it?" He ordered a cigarette.

He knows that the best way is to go to Wang Yao, but in this case, the two of them are already enemies, standing on the opposite side, without any possibility of reconciliation.

"Wait for tomorrow's check?"

The next day, Guo Zhenghe felt that his body was even worse. The result of his visit to the hospital was very bad.

"Guo Gongzi, we found that many of your organs have signs of exhaustion, especially the kidneys. The situation is very serious. It is recommended that you be hospitalized immediately for treatment."

“Hospital treatment?” Guo Zhenghe was silent for a long time after listening. “How much cure is there?”

"This one……"

"Xu Dafu, just tell me the truth."

"There is a certain chance to heal."

"I know, I am very busy recently, let's talk about it later." Guo Zhenghe said.

"Then you have to hurry up, and according to your current situation, it may get worse."

"I know." Guo Zhenghe got up and went out, hehe.

"The son."

"Go to the Thousand Medicine Valley."

"Don, this time, it’s too dangerous?"

"I have to go, I can't wait." Guo Zhenghe thought about it.

"it is good."

An airplane took off from Beijing and flew directly to Weinan.

The "Thousand Medicine Valley" in the early morning is very quiet, and this standing for hundreds of years is standing in the waves.

"The patriarch has no news yet?"


"It's almost two weeks, and it won't work in this way!"

"Yeah, Qingfeng, where is the patriarch going?" asked a 70-year-old man.

"Uncle, I really don't know, he just said to go north."

Several elders in the stockade are in a meeting. As the saying goes, "The snake has no head and no go." They need a leader in this stockade, especially in the current situation. Every day, many outsiders come to the stockade. Old people don't like these outsiders, but the young people in the stockade like it. They are young after all, and they are actually very curious about the outside world. How to solve this problem in the end, this needs to be fixed.

"Hey, this is not going to go out for many years. It’s been a long time to go out."

Their meeting was interrupted by one person.

"Outside people, do you want to see things here?"


"What person?"

"A person named Guo."


In the few old people sitting, look at me, I look at you, very confused, obviously, they do not know this so-called surname Guo.

"not see."

"He said that he knew the news of the patriarch."


In the end, an old man in the stockade saw the young man named Guo.

"Hello there."

"Hello, what does the father call?"

"Miao Zhaoxing."

"Well, my name is Guo Zhenghe, and it was originally the secretary of the county." Guo Zhenghe said that the old man had a slight glimpse. He knew what was going on outside.

"Hello, why is Secretary Guo coming to this place?"

"Now is not a secretary, and your blessing has already left." Guo Zhenghe smiled and then coughed up.

"Miao Xihe is dead."

He speaks amazingly.

The old man opposite him is obviously scared, and where is the whole person?

"How, don't you believe?" Guo Zhenghe took out a picture and was still in front of the old man, which was the misery of Miao Xihe before his death.

"I can't think of it, it will end up like this!" The old man said.

"Let's gossip less, I was poisoned, and I came to Qiangu Valley for help. I don't know if the old man can give it a look." Guo Zhenghe said that he is not afraid of locusts now, but the drug in the blood is a double-edged sword. Protecting him and hurting him.

"Let me see."

The old man gave him a careful examination, and the surprise on his face became more and more popular.

"How did you get this disease?"

"I drank the blood of Miao Xihe."

what? ! The old man was scared, stood up and stepped back three steps, and Guo Zhenghe’s eyes seemed to be a ghost.

"You, how dare you, he has medicine in his blood, and he is poisonous!" said the old man.

"Look like you, you know?"

"He used medicine to sculpt, medicine into the internal organs, even the marrow, but he is gradual, can maintain a relatively peaceful state."

Read The Duke's Passion