MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 8 Banknotes are dancing

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After returning home at noon, Wang Yao did not eat lunch, went straight to the mountain, began to get busy, and when he was hungry, he dared to pick up the bread that he had prepared.

In the afternoon, Wang Mingbao also went to the mountain to help, the two brothers lived for a long time, until the dark, and finally loaded the top ten bags of dates.

"Call, you can be exhausted, I can't see it, your body is so good!" Wang Mingbao activist arms straight and gasping.

"I often work and exercise here." Wang Yaodao, in fact, he is now physically good, on the one hand, he often works on the mountains, but most of his credit is due to the magical ancient spring water.

"Give, this jujube brought back to the uncle and eat." Wang Yao handed a bag of red dates.

"I am not welcome, everyone in the family likes to eat this date, tomorrow is that point?" Wang Mingbao took over the date.


After locking the door, the two brothers went down the mountain and went home.

"Mom, I am back!"

"Is the dates sold out?"

"Sold out, give, this is the money sold today!" Wang Yao handed a handful of money to his mother.

"So much!" Zhang Xiuying stunned. "Do you accept it yourself, and save it in the bank?"

"Do you accept it?"

"No, you hold, don't mess around!"

Seeing the mother insisted, Wang Yao had to collect the money.

After eating, I slept early, and the busyness of the day was exhausting him.

The next day, in the early morning, he got up early in the morning, the ancient spring water poured the medicine field and the nearby trees, and then Wang Mingbao moved several bags of dates to the mountain, drove into the city, and came to the place where the stalls were held a few days ago. There have been vehicles waiting there, and today there are more people than yesterday. There are seven or eight cars on the roadside, and many people are waiting at the booth.

"I counted it!" next to a woman who buys food.

"Yeah, the fruit that has been sold for so many years, this is the first time I saw it, such a expensive thing, there are people waiting in line to buy it!" Next to a man sighed, looking at the fruits on his booth, watching is also glamorous Bright, but there are such people on the roadside, so everyone is coming up, even if it is asking the price!

"I am going, so many people, some crazy!" Rao was prepared, and the two were shocked by this situation.

"Little brother, you are coming, I have waited for more than an hour!" As soon as I saw Wang Yao coming down from the car, someone immediately went forward.

"That is, in order to buy the date, I have to take time off!"

"Sorry, the family is below, the distance is far, and I have to wait for a while. Let's line up the team, one by one." Wang Yao smiled.

"Well, listen to you!"

Queuing to buy dates, this is in the history of Lianshan County, I am afraid that it is still the first time.

More than an hour, more than a thousand kilograms of jujube, nothing left.

"Boss, are you coming tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is not coming, they are all sold out!" Wang Yao said with a smile, in fact, he still left half a catty at home, but those are prepared to eat.

"Ah, this is sold out!" Someone disappointed after listening.

"Yeah, this is more!?"

"Sorry, I planted this."

"So delicious, the boss, you should be a variety of points!"


"Sorry, sorry!" Wang Yao repeatedly apologized.


Huh, Wang Yao, who got on the bus, sighed.

"Hey, brother, I really served you, a few jujube trees, more than 30,000 yuan, if you are full of Nanshan, then it is still?!" Wang Mingbao said with emotion.

"Can't grow that much!"

Wang Yaodao, why is this jujube so good, but he knows it well, it is entirely because of the ancient spring water, but now the two acres of medicine fields plus more than a dozen trees nearby have been somewhat stretched. If it is really full of Nanshan, it is definitely not enough. Irrigated, and he gets a "pharmacist system", the focus is on growing herbs, not these cash crops, which is at best a head start.

But then again, Wang Yao is still very cool now. In less than a week, he started with more than 30,000 yuan, which was absolutely unthinkable in the past.

Next, that Huang Jing should be cooked too soon, right, and chestnut!

Going back to the village, going up the mountain, looking at the lush Huang Jing and the chestnut hanged with branches, Wang Yao seems to have seen a lot of big banknotes waving to himself.

With the jujube playing, this Huang Jing and Li Peng are absolutely inferior!

Wang Wangwang, "Sanxian" cheerfully sang in front of Wang Yao, and actually had a Mazar in his mouth. Since drinking the ancient spring water, this earth dog is getting smarter and even able to understand what Wang Yao said. And understand his intentions.

Near the evening, Wang Yao returned to his home and dinner was on the table.

"Xiao Yao, just now, Li Shu came, and asked Nanshan about it. Some people in the village want Baoshan. I should go down for you. Tomorrow, you go to the village committee and change the contract. You Li Shu said, The rest of the money is back!" Zhang Xiuying said.

"Yeah!" Wang Yao responded, and his mind really turned up.

He got a magical system, and the wonderful life has just begun. Nanshan definitely can't give up. He is preparing to extend the contract. I didn't expect that the branch secretary of the village actually went to the door.

"There are still other people who are paying attention to Nanshan. It seems that they have to take time to act, and later will change!"

In the early morning, the sky was just bright, and Wang Yao was already busy on the mountain. When he was almost busy, it was already more than eight in the morning.

Wang Wangwang, "San Xian" called.

Far away, I can see a person going up the mountain.

"I know you are here." Wang Mingbao came to the front.

"Don't you tell me, don't make a date today!"

"There is something he told you."

"That's in the house!"

Entering the house, Wang Yao poured him a glass of water, ancient spring water.

“Some people in the village want to contract Nanshan.”

"I know that Li Shu went to my house yesterday."

"Do you agree?" Wang Mingbao took the water and drank.

"I didn't see anyone else, my mom should have gone, but I don't agree, go find him today."

"Someone heard that you sold the date and made a fortune, so the idea of ​​playing this mountain." Wang Mingbao put down the water cup.

"What?!" Wang Yao was shocked. "This news is so fast, no wonder! Who knows who?"

"Not sure, but Li Chuanrong of the village head to go to his home in the past few days is more diligent!"

"Got it, thank you."

"And what kind of politeness to me, hey, what is this water, so good?!" Wang Mingbao suddenly found that the water in his mouth was unusual and very sweet.

"The morning dew on the tree."

"Really? This cup of water has a lot of dew, you are too extravagant!" Wang Mingbao sighed after listening.

Read The Duke's Passion